Harvard University - Site License                      3/20/2018 - 1:41 PM
       2018 New England LMSC SCY Championships, Sanction #: 028-S001       
               March 10 and 16-18, 2018 - Harvard University               
 Event 21  Women 18+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:35.66  4/30/2016 CLUB TRIBE ALUM
                          G MIZERAK, S SHANER, C HURTUBISE, K GRIER
      NE-LMSC: N 1:41.98  2005      NEM
                          J Hirsty, S Mooney, L Geisler, E Reisenweber
    Club                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Charles River-NE  'D'               2:12.00    2:01.23   34  
     1) Salcedo, Mary W29             2) Uchida, Haruka W22           
     3) Su, Cindy W23                 4) Sullivan, Liz W28            
                 35.16      1:03.14 (27.98)
        1:34.40 (31.26)     2:01.23 (26.83)
  2 Nutmeg Masters-NE  'A'              2:10.00    2:09.41   30  
     1) Dombrowski, Sarah W29         2) Hoyt, Laurie W55             
     3) Charron, Margee W52           4) Charron, Jessica W22         
                 30.37      1:08.00 (37.63)
        1:40.96 (32.96)     2:09.41 (28.45)
 Event 21  Women 25+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:35.01  4/25/2015 THE OLYMPIC CLU
                          O'DONNELL-MCCARTH, K KASTES, M GILL, K RAATZ
      NE-LMSC: N 1:42.24  2013      NEM
                          T McCurdy, L Au, S Mehringer, J Stokes
    Club                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Maine Masters-NE  'A'               1:40.00    1:42.35   34  
     1) Beers, Jessica W37            2) Harrington, Brittany W34     
     3) Alcaide, Jessie W33           4) Alcaide, Katrine W36         
                 25.67        54.23 (28.56)
        1:18.22 (23.99)     1:42.35 (24.13)
  2 Bearcat Masters-MR  'A'             1:43.00    1:46.92   30  
     1) McCartney, Theresa W25        2) Zaklicki, Honorata W27       
     3) Hall, Lindsay W28             4) Willeboordse, Fall W52       
                 27.11        54.49 (27.38)
        1:21.12 (26.63)     1:46.92 (25.80)
  3 Charles River-NE  'A'               1:53.00    1:52.24   28  
     1) Downing, Jennifer W39         2) Fletcher, Alyson W32         
     3) Howell, Ginger W32            4) Aubin, Alana W27             
                 27.96        56.90 (28.94)
        1:25.60 (28.70)     1:52.24 (26.64)
  4 South County Y-NE  'A'              2:04.99    1:59.49   26  
     1) KielyKilpatrick, Carolyn W53  2) Garr, Jeanne W63             
     3) Haas, Meredith W34            4) Wilkes-White, Kristin W46    
                 30.38      1:00.68 (30.30)
        1:29.20 (28.52)     1:59.49 (30.29)
  5 Charles River-NE  'E'               2:01.00    2:04.68   24  
     1) Ness, Kathryn W41             2) Barker, Joanne W53           
     3) Hudak, Joan W28               4) McNamara, Stephanie W29      
                 29.08      1:05.36 (36.28)
        1:32.18 (26.82)     2:04.68 (32.50)
  6 Connecticut-CT  'A'                 2:10.35    2:08.18   22  
     1) Zelek, Michelle W34           2) Duguay, Melissa W30          
     3) Guglielmo, Nicole W34         4) Matarese, Christine W42      
                 29.24      1:05.30 (36.06)
        1:36.65 (31.35)     2:08.18 (31.53)
  7 Great Bay-NE  'A'                   2:00.00    2:11.30   20  
     1) Salinger, Melissa W39         2) Connors, Kasia W34           
     3) Downey, Sarah W49             4) McGrail, Crystie W33         
                 34.46      1:08.02 (33.56)
        1:42.91 (34.89)     2:11.30 (28.39)
  8 Marthas Vineyard-NE  'A'            2:36.00    2:30.75   18  
     1) Pearson, Sharon W73           2) Craven, Leslie W58           
     3) Passafiume, Jennifer W32      4) Goodale, Rainy W48           
                                1:25.94 ( )
        2:00.33 (34.39)     2:30.75 (30.42)
 Event 21  Women 45+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:40.44  4/30/2011 COLORADO MASTER
                          K GARNIER, C SAPPEY, A SCOTT-KUBE, S VON DER LIPPE
      NE-LMSC: N 1:43.32  2002      NEM
                          J Feldmann, J Luker, G Wettach, J Hirsty
    Club                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Swim RI-NE  'A'                     1:54.96    1:54.10   34  
     1) Cotsonas, Stephanie W47       2) Carter, Stefanie W45         
     3) Neuendorf, Donna W49          4) Simmons, Lynne W48           
                 29.45        58.83 (29.38)
        1:26.21 (27.38)     1:54.10 (27.89)
  2 Charles River-NE  'B'               2:08.00    2:06.90   30  
     1) Gulley, Wendy W52             2) Uchida, Mitsuko W47          
     3) Rapp, Jessica W48             4) Pearl, Carol W52             
                 30.66      1:04.90 (34.24)
        1:39.51 (34.61)     2:06.90 (27.39)
  3 Great Bay-NE  'B'                   2:15.00    2:17.34   28  
     1) Pentheny, Gail W55            2) Gallagher, Sally W56         
     3) Garvey, Ellen W61             4) Rupp Hodge, Patty W52        
                 34.25      1:09.28 (35.03)
        1:46.28 (37.00)     2:17.34 (31.06)
 Event 21  Women 55+ 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         USMS: U 1:45.60  4/29/2017 PALM BEACH MAST
                          K PIPES, E JONES, K TREIBLE SLATON, C WENZEL
      NE-LMSC: N 1:53.32  2016      NEM
                          T Grilli, K Stokes, B Estel, K Mareb
    Club                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Granite State-NE  'A'               1:57.00    1:57.98   34  
     1) Stokes, Karin W57             2) Estel, Beth W61              
     3) Goodwin, Kim W60              4) Mareb, Karen W59             
                 30.72      1:00.21 (29.49)
        1:30.54 (30.33)     1:57.98 (27.44)
  2 Charles River-NE  'C'               2:35.00    2:13.23   30  
     1) Beckman, Sharon W59           2) Adams, Liz W57               
     3) Tillotson, Amy W57            4) Jensen, Sue W57              
                 31.74      1:05.40 (33.66)
        1:43.87 (38.47)     2:13.23 (29.36)
  3 South County Y-NE  'E'              3:13.99    3:01.52   28  
     1) McElroy, Cheryl W60           2) Engelson, Lesley W61         
     3) Piemonte, Martha W59          4) Gorman, Kathleen W62         
                 40.31      1:29.67 (49.36)
      3:01.52 (1:31.85)                    
  4 Greenwood-NE  'A'                   3:30.00    3:01.62   26  
     1) Case, Louise W70              2) Blanchard, Patty W61         
     3) Goguen, Sharleen W60          4) Renwick, Jacque W57          
                 43.10    1:50.15 (1:07.05)
        2:24.62 (34.47)     3:01.62 (37.00)
                                Combined Team Scores - Through Event 21                                
  1. Charles River Masters            2340   2. Swim Rhode Island                1190
  3. Maine Masters Swim Club           933   4. South County YMCA                 924
  5. Bearcat Masters                 835.5   6. Granite State Penguins          795.5
  7. Great Bay Masters               703.5   8. Greenwood Masters                 688
  9. Worcester Area Masters            648  10. Abc Masters - Gray Sharks         624
 11. Connecticut Masters               599  12. Nutmeg Masters                    415
 13. NE Masters Unattached             378  14. North Suburban YMCA Masters       375
 15. Martha's Vineyard Masters         293  16. Minuteman Masters Swim Club       253
 17. Weymouth Club Masters Swimming  251.5  18. Unattached New England            223
 19. Pittsfield YMCA Polar Bears       191  20. Tech Masters                      169
 21. Chelsea Piers Masters             147  22. Liquid Assets New England Swim    133
 23. Adirondack Masters                129  24. YMCA of the North Shore           115
 25. Wellesley Masters Swimming        109  25. Boston University Masters         109
 27. Wayland Community Pool Masters    103  28. Palm Beach Masters                 98
 29. Movy Masters                       83  30. Binghamton Univ Masters            60
 31. Westchester Masters                59  31. Lowell YMCA Flippers Masters       59
 33. Unattached Metro                   58  34. Brookline Recreation               57
 35. King Fins Aquatic Club             52  36. Sarasota YMCA Sharks               51
 37. Newburyport Breakers               50  38. Ohio Masters Swim Club             48
 39. Nyc Hydras                         47  40. OakSquare YMCA                     45
 41. Chelsea Piers Connecticut          44  42. Rochester Area Masters Swimmin   43.5
 43. Greater Holyoke YMCA Masters       43  43. Andover North Andover YMCA         43
 45. Monument Masters                   41  46. Long Island City YMCA Masters      38
 47. Walnut Creek Masters               35  47. Kingsbury Club Masters             35
 49. Western Mass Waterhorses           33  50. Keene Swim Masters                 30
 50. SweetWater Swim Studio             30  52. Technique and Training             29
 53. Unattached Delaware Valley         27  53. Post Swimming                      27
 53. Flaherty Masters                   27  56. Ridgefield Aquatic Club          26.5
 57. Burlington Area Sink Swim          26  57. Umb Masters                        26
 59. New York Athletic Club             17  59. Santa Clara Swim Club Masters      17
 59. Gbr: City of Cambridge             17  62. Team New York Aquatics             15
 62. Asphalt Green Masters              15  64. Simon's Rock Pace Makers           13
 64. Unattached Niagara                 13  66. Unattached New Jersey              11
 67. University Club of Boston           9  68. Stowe Masters                       8