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                                            HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 3/26/2017
         2017 New England LMSC SCY Championships, Sanction #: 027-S002         
                 March 11 and 17-19, 2017 - Harvard University                 
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 39                        
                       Combined Team Scores - Unattached                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Unattached New England             UC02-NE         674.5
                2 NE Masters Unattached              NEM-NE          480  
                3 Unattached New Jersey              UC07-NJ          66  
                4 Unattached Southeastern            UC15-SE          60  
                5 Unattached Connecticut             UC05-CT          32  
                6 Unattached Metro                   UC06-MR          15  
                6 Unattached Niagara                 UC04-NI          15  
                       Combined Team Scores - Large Team                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Charles River Masters              CRM-NE         4618.5
                2 Swim Rhode Island                  SWMR-NE        2766  
                3 Maine Masters Swim Club            MESC-NE        2390.5
                4 Bearcat Masters                    BCTM-MR        1927.5
                5 South County YMCA                  SCY-NE         1695  
                6 Great Bay Masters                  GBM-NE         1673  
                7 Connecticut Masters                CONN-CT        1156  
                8 Minuteman Masters Swim Club        MAMA-NE         998  
                      Combined Team Scores - Medium Team                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Granite State Penguins             GSP-NE         1699  
                2 Greenwood Masters                  GWDM-NE        1693  
                3 Worcester Area Masters             WAM-NE         1351  
                4 Nutmeg Masters                     NMEG-NE         960  
                5 ABC Masters - Gray Sharks          ABC-NE          863  
                6 North Suburban YMCA Masters        NSY-NE          722  
                7 Binghamton Univ Masters            BUMS-NI         695  
                8 YMCA of the North Shore            YNS-NE          456  
                9 Boston University Masters          BUMS-NE         421  
               10 Simon's Rock Pace Makers           SRPM-NE         365.5
               11 Red Tide                           REDT-MR         291  
               12 Tech Masters                       MIT-NE          184  
                       Combined Team Scores - Small Team                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Weymouth Club Masters Swimming     WCMS-NE         563  
                2 Martha's Vineyard Masters          MVM-NE          512  
                3 Liquid Assets New England Swim     LANE-NE         304  
                4 Simmons Masters                    SIMM-NE         276  
                5 Pittsfield YMCA Polar Bears        PITY-NE         259  
                6 Andover North Andover YMCA         ANA-NE          200  
                7 Westchester Masters                WM-MR           173.5
                8 Asphalt Green Masters              AGUA-MR         171  
                9 MOVY Masters                       MOVY-MV         135  
               10 Adirondack Masters                 ADMS-AD         126  
               11 Western Mass Waterhorses           WMW-NE          105.5
               12 New York Athletic Club             NYAC-MR          88  
               13 University Club of Boston          UCLB-NE          70  
               14 Suburban Sharks                    SUB-NE           31  
                         Combined Team Scores - Squad                          
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Novaquatics Masters                NOVA-SP         138  
                2 Technique and Training             TNT-NE          122  
                3 King Fins Aquatic Club             KFAC-NE         117  
                4 St Pete Masters Inc                SPM-FL          103  
                5 Trillium Y Masters Ontario         TYMS            102  
                5 Keene Swim Masters                 KEEN-NE         102  
                7 DDP Swim                           DDP-VA           98  
                8 Sarasota YMCA Sharks               SYSM-FL          91  
                9 Colonials 1776                     1776-DV          83  
                9 Garden State Masters               GSM-NJ           83  
               11 UV Rays                            UVRA-NE          81  
               12 SweetWater Swim Studio             SWS-NE           77  
               13 UMass Aquatic Masters              UMAS-NE          70.5
               14 Newburyport Breakers               NBPB-NE          67  
               14 Chelsea Piers Masters              CHEL-MR          67  
               16 Post Swimming                      POST-MR          61  
               17 Cape Cod Masters                   CCM-NE           59  
               18 Pinehills Masters                  PHM-NE           52  
               19 NYC Hydras                         NYCH-MR          39  
               20 Auburn Master Swimmers             AMS-SE           38  
               21 Colorado Masters Swimming          CMS-CO           36  
               22 Palm Beach Masters                 PBM-FG           34  
               23 Fountaingrove Masters              FMS-PC           27  
               24 Flaherty Masters                   FLA-NE           18  
               25 Adirondack Aquatic Club Master     AAC-NE           14  
               25 Team New York Aquatics             TNYA-MR          14  
               27 Wellesley Masters Swimming         WELL-NE          13  
               27 Life Time Swim New England         LTNE-NE          13  
               29 Lowell YMCA Flippers Masters       LYMT-NE          10  
               29 JCC Newton Masters                 JCCN-NE          10  
               31 Tribeach                           TBH-CT            4  
               32 Thoreau Club                       THOR-NE           1