Harvard University - Site License                    3/12/2006 - 18:16PM
           2006 Speedo Champions Series, Sanction #: NE-06-13            
                  March 9-12, 2006 - Harvard University                  
 Event 30  Men 1650 Yard Freestyle
         POOL:   14:54.07  1980      Brian Goodell (UCLA)
         MEET:   15:16.85  3/10/2001 Brendan Neligan (LIAC-MR)
 NE 15-18 REC:   15:01.31  1981      D. Sims (UN)
 NE 13-14 REC:   15:49.72  1985      Alex Kostich (BGSC)
   SRNAT 19-O:   15:41.59
   SRNAT 18-U:   15:51.49
       JR NAT:   15:56.69
      US OPEN:   15:47.79
    Name                  Age Team                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Roan, Alex G           18 Cape Cod S.C.-NE 15:40.16   15:33.35   20  
                 26.56        55.08 (28.52)
        1:23.62 (28.54)     1:52.05 (28.43)
        2:20.21 (28.16)     2:48.54 (28.33)
        3:16.73 (28.19)     3:44.76 (28.03)
        4:13.02 (28.26)     4:41.12 (28.10)
        5:09.44 (28.32)     5:37.81 (28.37)
        6:06.06 (28.25)     6:34.37 (28.31)
        7:02.68 (28.31)     7:31.04 (28.36)
        7:59.38 (28.34)     8:27.81 (28.43)
        8:55.91 (28.10)     9:24.34 (28.43)
        9:52.93 (28.59)    10:21.35 (28.42)
       10:50.08 (28.73)    11:18.81 (28.73)
       11:47.49 (28.68)    12:16.37 (28.88)
       12:45.33 (28.96)    13:14.09 (28.76)
       13:43.01 (28.92)    14:11.72 (28.71)
       14:40.45 (28.73)    15:07.47 (27.02)    15:33.35 (25.88)
  2 Hansen, Tom P          16 Berkeley Aquatic 16:08.12   15:57.06   17  
                 26.49        55.43 (28.94)
        1:24.68 (29.25)     1:53.60 (28.92)
        2:22.27 (28.67)     2:51.05 (28.78)
        3:19.85 (28.80)     3:48.77 (28.92)
        4:17.57 (28.80)     4:46.48 (28.91)
        5:15.64 (29.16)     5:44.68 (29.04)
        6:13.68 (29.00)     6:42.89 (29.21)
        7:12.07 (29.18)     7:41.40 (29.33)
        8:10.73 (29.33)     8:40.16 (29.43)
        9:09.44 (29.28)     9:38.54 (29.10)
       10:07.80 (29.26)    10:37.01 (29.21)
       11:06.39 (29.38)    11:35.51 (29.12)
       12:04.99 (29.48)    12:34.34 (29.35)
       13:03.68 (29.34)    13:32.98 (29.30)
       14:02.46 (29.48)    14:31.62 (29.16)
       15:00.60 (28.98)    15:29.19 (28.59)    15:57.06 (27.87)
  3 Honore, Brian J        18 Hamilton Y AC-NJ 16:19.07   15:57.73   16  
                 26.04        54.22 (28.18)
        1:22.56 (28.34)     1:51.23 (28.67)
        2:20.04 (28.81)     2:49.04 (29.00)
        3:18.02 (28.98)     3:46.90 (28.88)
        4:15.96 (29.06)     4:44.98 (29.02)
        5:13.95 (28.97)     5:43.24 (29.29)
        6:12.39 (29.15)     6:41.40 (29.01)
        7:10.47 (29.07)     7:39.84 (29.37)
        8:09.13 (29.29)     8:38.44 (29.31)
        9:07.59 (29.15)     9:37.35 (29.76)
       10:06.76 (29.41)    10:36.14 (29.38)
       11:05.44 (29.30)    11:34.84 (29.40)
       12:04.39 (29.55)    12:33.74 (29.35)
       13:03.45 (29.71)    13:32.93 (29.48)
       14:02.44 (29.51)    14:32.02 (29.58)
       15:01.65 (29.63)    15:30.92 (29.27)    15:57.73 (26.81)
  4 Pryor, Mike P          15 Greenwood Mem.-N 16:17.75   16:04.49   15  
                 25.94        54.46 (28.52)
        1:23.44 (28.98)     1:52.34 (28.90)
        2:21.29 (28.95)     2:50.46 (29.17)
        3:19.78 (29.32)     3:49.26 (29.48)
        4:18.58 (29.32)     4:48.10 (29.52)
        5:17.55 (29.45)     5:47.24 (29.69)
        6:16.38 (29.14)     6:46.19 (29.81)
        7:15.71 (29.52)     7:45.18 (29.47)
        8:14.68 (29.50)     8:44.34 (29.66)
        9:13.64 (29.30)     9:43.11 (29.47)
       10:12.63 (29.52)    10:42.04 (29.41)
       11:11.57 (29.53)    11:40.97 (29.40)
       12:10.61 (29.64)    12:40.13 (29.52)
       13:09.67 (29.54)    13:39.25 (29.58)
       14:08.81 (29.56)    14:38.36 (29.55)
       15:07.80 (29.44)    15:36.68 (28.88)    16:04.49 (27.81)
  5 Smith, Alex Q          16 Maryland Sub. SC 16:09.29   16:04.54   14  
                 25.92        54.79 (28.87)
        1:24.13 (29.34)     1:53.28 (29.15)
        2:22.01 (28.73)     2:51.26 (29.25)
        3:20.49 (29.23)     3:49.62 (29.13)
        4:18.93 (29.31)     4:48.15 (29.22)
        5:17.44 (29.29)     5:46.80 (29.36)
        6:16.31 (29.51)     6:45.68 (29.37)
        7:14.99 (29.31)     7:44.27 (29.28)
        8:13.88 (29.61)     8:43.19 (29.31)
        9:12.26 (29.07)     9:41.81 (29.55)
       10:11.42 (29.61)    10:40.96 (29.54)
       11:10.69 (29.73)    11:40.48 (29.79)
       12:10.49 (30.01)    12:40.24 (29.75)
       13:09.72 (29.48)    13:39.54 (29.82)
       14:09.10 (29.56)    14:38.42 (29.32)
       15:07.92 (29.50)    15:37.04 (29.12)    16:04.54 (27.50)
  6 Harley, PJ J           16 Berkeley Aquatic 16:44.78L  16:09.32   13  
                 27.49        56.87 (29.38)
        1:25.62 (28.75)     1:54.60 (28.98)
        2:23.63 (29.03)     2:52.50 (28.87)
        3:21.69 (29.19)     3:50.75 (29.06)
        4:20.00 (29.25)     4:49.58 (29.58)
        5:18.91 (29.33)     5:47.89 (28.98)
        6:17.34 (29.45)     6:46.69 (29.35)
        7:15.97 (29.28)     7:45.52 (29.55)
        8:15.04 (29.52)     8:44.70 (29.66)
        9:14.29 (29.59)     9:44.10 (29.81)
       10:14.13 (30.03)    10:43.54 (29.41)
       11:13.14 (29.60)    11:42.88 (29.74)
       12:13.27 (30.39)    12:43.06 (29.79)
       13:13.12 (30.06)    13:42.99 (29.87)
       14:12.76 (29.77)    14:42.83 (30.07)
       15:12.16 (29.33)    15:41.31 (29.15)    16:09.32 (28.01)
  7 Coombs, Ryan           18 Newburgh Sharks- 16:14.45   16:09.52   12  
                 26.08        54.68 (28.60)
        1:24.20 (29.52)     1:53.63 (29.43)
        2:22.75 (29.12)     2:52.02 (29.27)
        3:21.44 (29.42)     3:50.84 (29.40)
        4:20.14 (29.30)     4:49.46 (29.32)
        5:18.88 (29.42)     5:48.50 (29.62)
        6:18.24 (29.74)     6:47.91 (29.67)
        7:17.89 (29.98)     7:47.66 (29.77)
        8:17.31 (29.65)     8:47.09 (29.78)
        9:17.04 (29.95)     9:46.74 (29.70)
       10:16.46 (29.72)    10:46.36 (29.90)
       11:15.96 (29.60)    11:45.77 (29.81)
       12:15.30 (29.53)    12:44.84 (29.54)
       13:14.36 (29.52)    13:43.93 (29.57)
       14:13.38 (29.45)    14:42.81 (29.43)
       15:12.18 (29.37)    15:41.26 (29.08)    16:09.52 (28.26)
  8 Petersen, Sam L        14 Berkeley Aquatic 16:52.92L  16:10.45   11  
                 26.97        56.09 (29.12)
        1:25.56 (29.47)     1:54.77 (29.21)
        2:24.51 (29.74)     2:54.17 (29.66)
        3:24.00 (29.83)     3:54.08 (30.08)
        4:24.18 (30.10)     4:53.97 (29.79)
        5:23.35 (29.38)     5:52.71 (29.36)
        6:22.67 (29.96)     6:52.92 (30.25)
        7:22.17 (29.25)     7:51.59 (29.42)
        8:21.17 (29.58)     8:51.04 (29.87)
        9:20.09 (29.05)     9:49.62 (29.53)
       10:19.56 (29.94)    10:49.36 (29.80)
       11:18.50 (29.14)    11:48.20 (29.70)
       12:17.49 (29.29)    12:47.28 (29.79)
       13:16.57 (29.29)    13:46.01 (29.44)
       14:15.46 (29.45)    14:45.02 (29.56)
       15:14.17 (29.15)    15:43.19 (29.02)    16:10.45 (27.26)
  9 Biggs, Patrick M       16 Bernal's Gator-N 16:21.25   16:10.89    9  
                 26.69        55.52 (28.83)
        1:24.52 (29.00)     1:53.70 (29.18)
        2:23.31 (29.61)     2:53.10 (29.79)
        3:22.75 (29.65)     3:51.95 (29.20)
        4:21.17 (29.22)     4:50.64 (29.47)
        5:19.71 (29.07)     5:48.91 (29.20)
        6:17.96 (29.05)     6:46.84 (28.88)
        7:16.14 (29.30)     7:45.82 (29.68)
        8:15.44 (29.62)     8:45.20 (29.76)
        9:15.12 (29.92)     9:45.50 (30.38)
       10:15.84 (30.34)    10:46.36 (30.52)
       11:16.26 (29.90)    11:46.01 (29.75)
       12:15.82 (29.81)    12:45.77 (29.95)
       13:15.73 (29.96)    13:45.77 (30.04)
       14:15.47 (29.70)    14:44.32 (28.85)
       15:13.32 (29.00)    15:42.81 (29.49)    16:10.89 (28.08)
 10 Windler, Andrew J      15 Team Suffolk-MR  16:19.32   16:12.18    7  
                 25.33        52.72 (27.39)
        1:21.51 (28.79)     1:50.81 (29.30)
        2:20.22 (29.41)     2:49.88 (29.66)
        3:19.28 (29.40)     3:48.74 (29.46)
        4:18.25 (29.51)     4:47.95 (29.70)
        5:17.50 (29.55)     5:47.34 (29.84)
        6:17.07 (29.73)     6:46.93 (29.86)
        7:16.69 (29.76)     7:46.59 (29.90)
        8:16.35 (29.76)     8:46.39 (30.04)
        9:16.24 (29.85)     9:45.93 (29.69)
       10:15.83 (29.90)    10:45.55 (29.72)
       11:15.50 (29.95)    11:45.28 (29.78)
       12:15.08 (29.80)    12:44.94 (29.86)
       13:14.71 (29.77)    13:44.60 (29.89)
       14:14.81 (30.21)    14:44.75 (29.94)
       15:14.40 (29.65)    15:43.92 (29.52)    16:12.18 (28.26)
 11 Courtemanche, Cole J   17 Greenwood Mem.-N 16:20.43   16:16.16    6  
                 26.56        55.46 (28.90)
        1:24.55 (29.09)     1:53.74 (29.19)
        2:23.25 (29.51)     2:52.80 (29.55)
        3:22.52 (29.72)     3:52.17 (29.65)
        4:21.76 (29.59)     4:51.14 (29.38)
        5:20.40 (29.26)     5:49.90 (29.50)
        6:19.30 (29.40)     6:48.76 (29.46)
        7:18.44 (29.68)     7:47.96 (29.52)
        8:17.53 (29.57)     8:47.16 (29.63)
        9:16.94 (29.78)     9:46.78 (29.84)
       10:16.86 (30.08)    10:46.06 (29.20)
       11:15.34 (29.28)    11:44.83 (29.49)
       12:14.64 (29.81)    12:44.64 (30.00)
       13:14.80 (30.16)    13:45.32 (30.52)
       14:15.32 (30.00)    14:45.72 (30.40)
       15:16.07 (30.35)    15:46.50 (30.43)    16:16.16 (29.66)
 12 Ankosko, Darren R      18 Scarlet AC-NJ    15:37.74   16:16.69    5  
                 26.40        55.01 (28.61)
        1:23.79 (28.78)     1:52.55 (28.76)
        2:20.84 (28.29)     2:49.15 (28.31)
        3:17.62 (28.47)     3:46.64 (29.02)
        4:15.98 (29.34)     4:45.58 (29.60)
        5:15.38 (29.80)     5:44.96 (29.58)
        6:14.60 (29.64)     6:44.41 (29.81)
        7:14.29 (29.88)     7:44.25 (29.96)
        8:14.26 (30.01)     8:43.89 (29.63)
        9:14.07 (30.18)     9:44.40 (30.33)
       10:14.22 (29.82)    10:44.38 (30.16)
       11:14.48 (30.10)    11:44.39 (29.91)
       12:14.91 (30.52)    12:45.44 (30.53)
       13:15.62 (30.18)    13:46.10 (30.48)
       14:16.69 (30.59)    14:47.23 (30.54)
       15:17.43 (30.20)    15:47.86 (30.43)    16:16.69 (28.83)
 13 Coombs, Justin         18 Newburgh Sharks- 16:13.76   16:16.82    4  
                 26.15        55.16 (29.01)
        1:24.57 (29.41)     1:54.06 (29.49)
        2:23.09 (29.03)     2:52.16 (29.07)
        3:21.15 (28.99)     3:50.41 (29.26)
        4:20.21 (29.80)     4:49.86 (29.65)
        5:19.47 (29.61)     5:49.36 (29.89)
        6:18.93 (29.57)     6:49.03 (30.10)
        7:19.09 (30.06)     7:49.34 (30.25)
        8:19.25 (29.91)     8:48.97 (29.72)
        9:19.26 (30.29)     9:49.37 (30.11)
       10:19.80 (30.43)    10:49.83 (30.03)
       11:19.83 (30.00)    11:50.04 (30.21)
       12:19.83 (29.79)    12:49.65 (29.82)
       13:19.57 (29.92)    13:49.58 (30.01)
       14:19.44 (29.86)    14:49.32 (29.88)
       15:19.34 (30.02)    15:48.83 (29.49)    16:16.82 (27.99)
 14 Kalish, Alexander C    16 Schenectady SC-A 16:21.17   16:18.67    3  
                 26.54        55.62 (29.08)
        1:25.11 (29.49)     1:54.86 (29.75)
        2:24.87 (30.01)     2:54.74 (29.87)
        3:24.61 (29.87)     3:54.68 (30.07)
        4:24.03 (29.35)     4:53.00 (28.97)
        5:22.42 (29.42)     5:52.01 (29.59)
        6:21.45 (29.44)     6:51.30 (29.85)
        7:21.02 (29.72)     7:50.95 (29.93)
        8:20.70 (29.75)     8:50.76 (30.06)
        9:20.89 (30.13)     9:51.22 (30.33)
       10:20.63 (29.41)    10:50.64 (30.01)
       11:20.86 (30.22)    11:50.77 (29.91)
       12:20.76 (29.99)    12:50.53 (29.77)
       13:20.34 (29.81)    13:50.41 (30.07)
       14:20.28 (29.87)    14:50.23 (29.95)
       15:20.18 (29.95)    15:49.83 (29.65)    16:18.67 (28.84)
 15 Mullins, Wesley A      15 Peddie Aquatic-N 16:30.94   16:20.80    2  
                 26.51        55.78 (29.27)
        1:25.19 (29.41)     1:55.11 (29.92)
        2:24.93 (29.82)     2:55.06 (30.13)
        3:24.55 (29.49)     3:53.93 (29.38)
        4:23.72 (29.79)     4:53.58 (29.86)
        5:23.20 (29.62)     5:53.15 (29.95)
        6:23.07 (29.92)     6:53.23 (30.16)
        7:23.04 (29.81)     7:52.67 (29.63)
        8:22.57 (29.90)     8:52.10 (29.53)
        9:22.15 (30.05)     9:52.01 (29.86)
       10:21.76 (29.75)    10:51.66 (29.90)
       11:21.74 (30.08)    11:51.57 (29.83)
       12:21.37 (29.80)    12:51.23 (29.86)
       13:21.41 (30.18)    13:51.89 (30.48)
       14:21.85 (29.96)    14:52.25 (30.40)
       15:21.55 (29.30)    15:51.61 (30.06)    16:20.80 (29.19)
 16 Ernst, Kyle R          16 Seacoast-NE      16:32.88   16:22.93    1  
                 26.66        55.49 (28.83)
        1:24.99 (29.50)     1:54.44 (29.45)
        2:23.83 (29.39)     2:53.20 (29.37)
        3:22.63 (29.43)     3:52.28 (29.65)
        4:21.72 (29.44)     4:51.14 (29.42)
        5:20.84 (29.70)     5:50.54 (29.70)
        6:20.34 (29.80)     6:50.08 (29.74)
        7:19.94 (29.86)     7:49.81 (29.87)
        8:19.73 (29.92)     8:49.54 (29.81)
        9:19.56 (30.02)     9:49.64 (30.08)
       10:19.59 (29.95)    10:50.00 (30.41)
       11:20.51 (30.51)    11:50.64 (30.13)
       12:21.09 (30.45)    12:51.33 (30.24)
       13:21.61 (30.28)    13:52.24 (30.63)
       14:22.82 (30.58)    14:53.37 (30.55)
       15:24.16 (30.79)    15:54.22 (30.06)    16:22.93 (28.71)
 17 Jones, Jonathan F      16 Sea Dragons SC-N 16:51.08L  16:25.13  
                 26.24        55.34 (29.10)
        1:24.81 (29.47)     1:54.30 (29.49)
        2:23.75 (29.45)     2:53.70 (29.95)
        3:23.66 (29.96)     3:53.76 (30.10)
        4:23.96 (30.20)     4:54.19 (30.23)
        5:24.30 (30.11)     5:54.75 (30.45)
        6:24.94 (30.19)     6:55.17 (30.23)
        7:25.46 (30.29)     7:55.49 (30.03)
        8:25.71 (30.22)     8:55.56 (29.85)
        9:25.72 (30.16)     9:55.74 (30.02)
       10:25.72 (29.98)    10:55.68 (29.96)
       11:25.80 (30.12)    11:55.88 (30.08)
       12:26.12 (30.24)    12:56.09 (29.97)
       13:26.37 (30.28)    13:56.89 (30.52)
       14:26.92 (30.03)    14:57.03 (30.11)
       15:27.20 (30.17)    15:56.66 (29.46)    16:25.13 (28.47)
 18 Speroni, Samuel J      17 Cape Cod S.C.-NE 16:24.70   16:26.17  
                 27.44        56.59 (29.15)
        1:25.60 (29.01)     1:54.79 (29.19)
        2:24.36 (29.57)     2:53.73 (29.37)
        3:23.17 (29.44)     3:52.73 (29.56)
        4:22.05 (29.32)     4:51.45 (29.40)
        5:21.28 (29.83)     5:51.15 (29.87)
        6:21.15 (30.00)     6:50.95 (29.80)
        7:21.19 (30.24)     7:51.47 (30.28)
        8:21.74 (30.27)     8:51.79 (30.05)
        9:21.82 (30.03)     9:52.30 (30.48)
       10:22.62 (30.32)    10:52.96 (30.34)
       11:23.50 (30.54)    11:54.04 (30.54)
       12:24.63 (30.59)    12:54.83 (30.20)
       13:25.48 (30.65)    13:55.97 (30.49)
       14:26.82 (30.85)    14:57.13 (30.31)
       15:27.49 (30.36)    15:57.27 (29.78)    16:26.17 (28.90)
 19 Derlath, Jonathan H    14 Long Island AC-M 16:38.50   16:26.40  
                 26.74        55.93 (29.19)
        1:25.60 (29.67)     1:55.01 (29.41)
        2:24.69 (29.68)     2:54.62 (29.93)
        3:24.49 (29.87)     3:54.26 (29.77)
        4:24.14 (29.88)     4:54.18 (30.04)
        5:24.17 (29.99)     5:54.20 (30.03)
        6:24.21 (30.01)     6:54.37 (30.16)
        7:24.46 (30.09)     7:54.58 (30.12)
        8:24.49 (29.91)     8:54.37 (29.88)
        9:24.34 (29.97)     9:54.61 (30.27)
       10:24.77 (30.16)    10:54.94 (30.17)
       11:25.29 (30.35)    11:55.44 (30.15)
       12:25.63 (30.19)    12:56.36 (30.73)
       13:26.85 (30.49)    13:57.35 (30.50)
       14:28.04 (30.69)    14:58.38 (30.34)
       15:28.79 (30.41)    15:58.60 (29.81)    16:26.40 (27.80)
 20 Haley, Bill J          17 Berkeley Aquatic 17:12.69L  16:28.50  
                 26.82        56.03 (29.21)
        1:25.82 (29.79)     1:55.91 (30.09)
        2:25.55 (29.64)     2:55.59 (30.04)
        3:25.66 (30.07)     3:55.41 (29.75)
        4:25.17 (29.76)     4:54.99 (29.82)
        5:24.91 (29.92)     5:54.93 (30.02)
        6:25.13 (30.20)     6:55.16 (30.03)
        7:25.18 (30.02)     7:55.27 (30.09)
        8:25.25 (29.98)     8:55.27 (30.02)
        9:25.36 (30.09)     9:55.61 (30.25)
       10:25.39 (29.78)    10:55.49 (30.10)
       11:25.46 (29.97)    11:55.60 (30.14)
       12:25.87 (30.27)    12:55.82 (29.95)
       13:26.56 (30.74)    13:56.93 (30.37)
       14:27.15 (30.22)    14:57.45 (30.30)
       15:28.38 (30.93)    15:58.46 (30.08)    16:28.50 (30.04)
 21 D'Innocenzo, Nick J    15 Ana Hurricanes-N 16:33.60   16:30.64  
                 26.48        55.41 (28.93)
        1:25.15 (29.74)     1:54.67 (29.52)
        2:24.18 (29.51)     2:53.97 (29.79)
        3:23.33 (29.36)     3:53.17 (29.84)
        4:23.00 (29.83)     4:52.56 (29.56)
        5:22.58 (30.02)     5:52.43 (29.85)
        6:22.70 (30.27)     6:53.66 (30.96)
        7:23.85 (30.19)     7:54.24 (30.39)
        8:24.56 (30.32)     8:55.00 (30.44)
        9:25.66 (30.66)     9:56.27 (30.61)
       10:26.39 (30.12)    10:57.81 (31.42)
       11:28.29 (30.48)    11:58.81 (30.52)
       12:29.09 (30.28)    12:59.55 (30.46)
       13:30.03 (30.48)    14:00.75 (30.72)
       14:31.56 (30.81)    15:01.52 (29.96)
       15:31.95 (30.43)    16:01.86 (29.91)    16:30.64 (28.78)
 22 Swensen, Dan C         17 Long Island AC-M 16:36.11   16:33.49  
                 26.50        55.66 (29.16)
        1:25.45 (29.79)     1:55.16 (29.71)
        2:25.03 (29.87)     2:55.16 (30.13)
        3:25.27 (30.11)     3:55.56 (30.29)
        4:26.09 (30.53)     4:56.43 (30.34)
        5:26.81 (30.38)     5:57.40 (30.59)
        6:27.73 (30.33)     6:58.17 (30.44)
        7:28.68 (30.51)     7:59.18 (30.50)
        8:29.79 (30.61)     9:00.22 (30.43)
        9:30.89 (30.67)    10:01.30 (30.41)
       10:31.63 (30.33)    11:02.10 (30.47)
       11:32.24 (30.14)    12:02.44 (30.20)
       12:32.96 (30.52)    13:03.02 (30.06)
       13:33.43 (30.41)    14:03.67 (30.24)
       14:33.90 (30.23)    15:04.07 (30.17)
       15:34.27 (30.20)    16:04.21 (29.94)    16:33.49 (29.28)
 23 Brooks, Justin M       18 Shawmut Aquatic- 16:33.23   16:34.60  
                 27.03        56.03 (29.00)
        1:25.64 (29.61)     1:55.44 (29.80)
        2:25.62 (30.18)     2:55.53 (29.91)
        3:26.00 (30.47)     3:56.04 (30.04)
        4:25.88 (29.84)     4:55.98 (30.10)
        5:25.87 (29.89)     5:56.05 (30.18)
        6:26.46 (30.41)     6:56.72 (30.26)
        7:27.58 (30.86)     7:57.76 (30.18)
        8:28.10 (30.34)     8:58.44 (30.34)
     10:22.39 (1:23.95)    10:46.11 (23.72)
       11:30.28 (44.17)    12:00.73 (30.45)
       12:31.25 (30.52)                    
                               13:02.04 ( )
       13:32.57 (30.53)    14:02.96 (30.39)
       14:33.49 (30.53)    15:04.03 (30.54)
       15:34.77 (30.74)    16:05.06 (30.29)    16:34.60 (29.54)
 24 Amato, Nick F          16 Long Island AC-M 16:46.98   16:35.33  
                 27.35        57.35 (30.00)
        1:27.57 (30.22)     1:57.67 (30.10)
        2:27.60 (29.93)     2:57.37 (29.77)
        3:27.11 (29.74)     3:56.87 (29.76)
        4:26.61 (29.74)     4:56.37 (29.76)
        5:26.09 (29.72)     5:55.71 (29.62)
        6:25.78 (30.07)     6:55.86 (30.08)
        7:26.02 (30.16)     7:56.41 (30.39)
        8:26.66 (30.25)     8:56.84 (30.18)
        9:27.20 (30.36)     9:57.86 (30.66)
       10:28.45 (30.59)    10:59.06 (30.61)
       11:29.85 (30.79)    12:00.07 (30.22)
       12:30.27 (30.20)    13:01.28 (31.01)
       13:31.89 (30.61)    14:02.91 (31.02)
       14:33.26 (30.35)    15:04.38 (31.12)
       15:35.46 (31.08)    16:05.56 (30.10)    16:35.33 (29.77)
 25 Mannion, Jamie P       17 Y of North Shore 16:19.00   16:36.32  
                 26.87        55.85 (28.98)
        1:25.32 (29.47)     1:55.11 (29.79)
        2:25.43 (30.32)     2:55.11 (29.68)
        3:24.94 (29.83)     3:54.63 (29.69)
        4:24.49 (29.86)     4:54.25 (29.76)
        5:24.09 (29.84)     5:53.82 (29.73)
        6:23.74 (29.92)     6:54.03 (30.29)
        7:24.12 (30.09)     7:54.66 (30.54)
        8:24.99 (30.33)     8:55.51 (30.52)
        9:25.62 (30.11)     9:55.98 (30.36)
       10:26.51 (30.53)    10:57.14 (30.63)
       11:27.90 (30.76)    11:58.91 (31.01)
       12:29.82 (30.91)    13:00.90 (31.08)
       13:31.98 (31.08)    14:02.92 (30.94)
       14:33.63 (30.71)    15:04.64 (31.01)
       15:35.49 (30.85)    16:06.25 (30.76)    16:36.32 (30.07)
 26 Reid, Andrew A         16 Y of North Shore 16:41.29   16:37.51  
                 27.66        57.93 (30.27)
        1:28.39 (30.46)     1:58.09 (29.70)
        2:27.30 (29.21)     2:56.63 (29.33)
        3:25.84 (29.21)     3:55.23 (29.39)
        4:24.63 (29.40)     4:54.33 (29.70)
        5:24.29 (29.96)     5:54.40 (30.11)
        6:24.61 (30.21)     6:54.65 (30.04)
        7:24.91 (30.26)     7:55.35 (30.44)
        8:25.77 (30.42)     8:56.36 (30.59)
        9:26.48 (30.12)     9:57.05 (30.57)
       10:27.43 (30.38)    10:58.23 (30.80)
       11:28.79 (30.56)    11:59.71 (30.92)
       12:30.40 (30.69)    13:01.36 (30.96)
       13:32.45 (31.09)    14:03.64 (31.19)
       14:35.00 (31.36)    15:06.06 (31.06)
       15:36.87 (30.81)    16:07.83 (30.96)    16:37.51 (29.68)
 27 Sbordon, Joey J        16 Bluefish Swim-NE 16:38.56   16:38.38  
                 27.50        57.16 (29.66)
        1:27.58 (30.42)     1:58.23 (30.65)
        2:28.17 (29.94)     2:58.49 (30.32)
        3:28.74 (30.25)     3:58.99 (30.25)
        4:29.48 (30.49)     4:59.70 (30.22)
        5:29.46 (29.76)     5:59.64 (30.18)
        6:29.75 (30.11)     6:59.98 (30.23)
        7:30.29 (30.31)     8:00.51 (30.22)
        8:30.76 (30.25)     9:00.99 (30.23)
        9:31.39 (30.40)    10:01.73 (30.34)
       10:32.28 (30.55)    11:02.80 (30.52)
       11:33.27 (30.47)    12:03.79 (30.52)
       12:34.16 (30.37)    13:04.79 (30.63)
       13:35.34 (30.55)    14:05.94 (30.60)
       14:36.51 (30.57)    15:07.32 (30.81)
       15:37.90 (30.58)    16:08.54 (30.64)    16:38.38 (29.84)
 28 Smith, Tim J           17 Magnus Aquatic-N 16:31.01   16:39.51  
                 26.85        55.91 (29.06)
        1:25.15 (29.24)     1:54.83 (29.68)
        2:24.59 (29.76)     2:54.27 (29.68)
        3:23.89 (29.62)     3:53.78 (29.89)
        4:23.51 (29.73)     4:53.44 (29.93)
        5:22.76 (29.32)     5:52.67 (29.91)
        6:22.71 (30.04)     6:52.92 (30.21)
        7:22.90 (29.98)     7:52.92 (30.02)
        8:23.29 (30.37)     8:53.81 (30.52)
        9:24.32 (30.51)     9:54.98 (30.66)
       10:25.86 (30.88)    10:56.80 (30.94)
       11:27.88 (31.08)    11:58.97 (31.09)
       12:29.87 (30.90)    13:00.93 (31.06)
       13:32.34 (31.41)    14:03.78 (31.44)
       14:34.72 (30.94)    15:05.91 (31.19)
       15:37.54 (31.63)    16:09.03 (31.49)    16:39.51 (30.48)
 29 Mak, AJ J              18 Berkeley Aquatic 17:21.45L  16:39.86  
                 27.69        57.78 (30.09)
        1:28.68 (30.90)     1:59.14 (30.46)
        2:29.02 (29.88)     2:59.60 (30.58)
        3:29.80 (30.20)     4:00.31 (30.51)
        4:30.91 (30.60)     5:00.99 (30.08)
        5:31.17 (30.18)     6:01.40 (30.23)
        6:31.95 (30.55)     7:02.09 (30.14)
        7:32.24 (30.15)     8:02.57 (30.33)
        8:32.74 (30.17)     9:03.12 (30.38)
        9:33.59 (30.47)    10:03.84 (30.25)
       10:34.14 (30.30)    11:04.31 (30.17)
       11:34.85 (30.54)    12:05.41 (30.56)
       12:36.01 (30.60)    13:06.41 (30.40)
       13:37.26 (30.85)    14:08.21 (30.95)
       14:39.04 (30.83)    15:10.15 (31.11)
       15:40.77 (30.62)    16:11.09 (30.32)    16:39.86 (28.77)
 30 Finnegan, Chris M      15 Long Island AC-M 17:13.38L  16:40.57  
                 27.18        57.01 (29.83)
        1:27.39 (30.38)     1:57.28 (29.89)
        2:27.60 (30.32)     2:57.81 (30.21)
        3:27.76 (29.95)     3:58.21 (30.45)
        4:28.55 (30.34)     4:58.86 (30.31)
        5:29.26 (30.40)     5:59.84 (30.58)
        6:30.44 (30.60)     7:01.35 (30.91)
        7:32.20 (30.85)     8:03.09 (30.89)
        8:33.72 (30.63)     9:04.27 (30.55)
        9:34.98 (30.71)    10:05.69 (30.71)
       10:36.55 (30.86)    11:06.98 (30.43)
       11:37.75 (30.77)    12:08.78 (31.03)
       12:39.84 (31.06)    13:10.48 (30.64)
       13:41.24 (30.76)    14:11.94 (30.70)
       14:42.42 (30.48)    15:12.63 (30.21)
       15:43.02 (30.39)    16:12.70 (29.68)    16:40.57 (27.87)
 31 Chen, Alex J           18 Maryland Sub. SC 16:24.08   16:41.16  
                 26.75        56.40 (29.65)
        1:26.02 (29.62)     1:56.12 (30.10)
        2:26.27 (30.15)     2:56.31 (30.04)
        3:26.67 (30.36)     3:56.81 (30.14)
        4:27.12 (30.31)     4:57.67 (30.55)
        5:28.32 (30.65)     5:58.57 (30.25)
        6:28.99 (30.42)     6:59.65 (30.66)
        7:30.21 (30.56)     8:00.85 (30.64)
        8:31.36 (30.51)     9:01.77 (30.41)
        9:32.47 (30.70)    10:02.99 (30.52)
       10:33.82 (30.83)    11:04.38 (30.56)
       11:34.88 (30.50)    12:05.45 (30.57)
       12:36.13 (30.68)    13:06.70 (30.57)
       13:37.38 (30.68)    14:08.08 (30.70)
       14:38.68 (30.60)    15:09.29 (30.61)
       15:39.99 (30.70)    16:11.01 (31.02)    16:41.16 (30.15)
 32 Eve, Graham W          15 Bay/Ocean Squids 16:52.58   16:41.95  
                 28.16        58.37 (30.21)
        1:28.48 (30.11)     1:58.90 (30.42)
        2:29.44 (30.54)     2:59.57 (30.13)
        3:29.51 (29.94)     3:59.59 (30.08)
        4:30.28 (30.69)     5:00.20 (29.92)
        5:29.97 (29.77)     6:00.75 (30.78)
        6:31.32 (30.57)     7:01.88 (30.56)
        7:32.13 (30.25)     8:02.66 (30.53)
        8:32.89 (30.23)     9:03.31 (30.42)
        9:34.22 (30.91)    10:04.86 (30.64)
       10:35.38 (30.52)    11:06.13 (30.75)
       11:36.34 (30.21)    12:07.27 (30.93)
       12:37.77 (30.50)    13:08.39 (30.62)
       13:38.70 (30.31)    14:09.38 (30.68)
       14:40.08 (30.70)    15:10.73 (30.65)
       15:41.00 (30.27)    16:11.74 (30.74)    16:41.95 (30.21)
 33 Butler, Andrew J       16 Eastern Express- 16:35.79   16:46.33  
                 28.17        58.05 (29.88)
        1:28.04 (29.99)     1:57.96 (29.92)
        2:28.36 (30.40)     2:58.53 (30.17)
        3:28.95 (30.42)     3:59.36 (30.41)
        4:30.00 (30.64)     5:00.47 (30.47)
        5:31.24 (30.77)     6:01.55 (30.31)
        6:32.33 (30.78)     7:02.98 (30.65)
        7:33.62 (30.64)     8:04.38 (30.76)
        8:34.75 (30.37)     9:05.61 (30.86)
        9:36.19 (30.58)    10:07.03 (30.84)
       10:37.86 (30.83)    11:08.71 (30.85)
       11:39.44 (30.73)    12:10.15 (30.71)
       12:41.16 (31.01)    13:12.10 (30.94)
       13:42.72 (30.62)    14:13.53 (30.81)
       14:44.10 (30.57)    15:15.15 (31.05)
       15:45.96 (30.81)    16:16.73 (30.77)    16:46.33 (29.60)
 34 Capparell, James E     16 Scarlet AC-NJ    17:21.15L  16:47.73  
                 26.62        55.92 (29.30)
        1:25.57 (29.65)     1:55.43 (29.86)
        2:25.22 (29.79)     2:55.00 (29.78)
        3:25.06 (30.06)     3:55.25 (30.19)
        4:25.21 (29.96)     4:55.55 (30.34)
        5:25.80 (30.25)     5:56.19 (30.39)
        6:26.70 (30.51)     6:56.90 (30.20)
        7:27.45 (30.55)     7:58.39 (30.94)
        8:29.02 (30.63)     9:00.17 (31.15)
        9:31.32 (31.15)    10:02.39 (31.07)
       10:33.41 (31.02)    11:04.69 (31.28)
       11:36.11 (31.42)    12:07.48 (31.37)
       12:38.65 (31.17)    13:10.13 (31.48)
       13:41.09 (30.96)    14:12.79 (31.70)
       14:44.20 (31.41)    15:15.34 (31.14)
       15:47.04 (31.70)    16:17.98 (30.94)    16:47.73 (29.75)
 35 Monovoukas, Mike J     15 Bernal's Gator-N 16:03.84   16:51.13  
                 26.33        55.06 (28.73)
        1:24.44 (29.38)     1:53.87 (29.43)
        2:23.24 (29.37)     2:52.99 (29.75)
        3:23.00 (30.01)     3:52.98 (29.98)
        4:23.44 (30.46)     4:54.03 (30.59)
        5:24.54 (30.51)     5:55.31 (30.77)
        6:26.06 (30.75)     6:56.90 (30.84)
        7:27.95 (31.05)     7:58.88 (30.93)
        8:29.60 (30.72)     9:00.71 (31.11)
        9:32.10 (31.39)    10:03.49 (31.39)
       10:35.08 (31.59)    11:06.67 (31.59)
       11:38.43 (31.76)    12:09.98 (31.55)
       12:41.34 (31.36)    13:12.94 (31.60)
       13:44.43 (31.49)    14:16.39 (31.96)
       14:48.11 (31.72)    15:19.69 (31.58)
       15:51.44 (31.75)    16:22.24 (30.80)    16:51.13 (28.89)
 36 Szargowicz, Tim A      17 Bay/Ocean Squids 17:14.50L  16:54.28  
                 27.38        57.44 (30.06)
        1:28.08 (30.64)     1:58.69 (30.61)
        2:29.50 (30.81)     3:00.15 (30.65)
        3:30.77 (30.62)     4:01.64 (30.87)
        4:32.58 (30.94)     5:03.67 (31.09)
        5:34.60 (30.93)     6:05.52 (30.92)
        6:36.59 (31.07)     7:07.58 (30.99)
        7:38.34 (30.76)     8:09.15 (30.81)
        8:40.01 (30.86)     9:10.90 (30.89)
        9:42.00 (31.10)    10:13.10 (31.10)
       10:44.00 (30.90)    11:14.84 (30.84)
       11:46.02 (31.18)    12:16.92 (30.90)
       12:47.56 (30.64)    13:18.42 (30.86)
       13:49.19 (30.77)    14:20.19 (31.00)
       14:51.50 (31.31)    15:22.84 (31.34)
       15:53.83 (30.99)    16:24.65 (30.82)    16:54.28 (29.63)
 37 Kaiser, Benjamin C     18 Seacoast-NE      17:20.09   16:54.59  
                 27.82        58.18 (30.36)
        1:28.39 (30.21)     1:58.91 (30.52)
        2:29.53 (30.62)     3:00.11 (30.58)
        3:30.51 (30.40)     4:00.97 (30.46)
        4:31.41 (30.44)     5:01.51 (30.10)
        5:31.94 (30.43)     6:02.62 (30.68)
        6:33.17 (30.55)     7:04.05 (30.88)
        7:34.89 (30.84)     8:05.65 (30.76)
        8:36.46 (30.81)     9:07.56 (31.10)
        9:38.52 (30.96)    10:09.57 (31.05)
       10:40.64 (31.07)    11:11.59 (30.95)
       11:42.75 (31.16)    12:13.82 (31.07)
       12:44.97 (31.15)    13:16.44 (31.47)
       13:47.62 (31.18)    14:18.72 (31.10)
       14:50.18 (31.46)    15:21.32 (31.14)
       15:52.66 (31.34)    16:23.90 (31.24)    16:54.59 (30.69)
 38 Buckley, Shayne P      13 Schenectady SC-A 17:08.63   16:57.95  
                 27.79        58.69 (30.90)
        1:29.20 (30.51)     1:59.65 (30.45)
        2:30.70 (31.05)     3:01.34 (30.64)
        3:32.32 (30.98)     4:02.99 (30.67)
        4:34.07 (31.08)     5:04.87 (30.80)
        5:35.74 (30.87)     6:06.76 (31.02)
        6:37.69 (30.93)     7:08.91 (31.22)
        7:40.01 (31.10)     8:11.13 (31.12)
        8:42.16 (31.03)     9:13.13 (30.97)
        9:44.43 (31.30)    10:15.81 (31.38)
       10:46.93 (31.12)    11:18.27 (31.34)
       11:49.21 (30.94)    12:20.39 (31.18)
       12:51.70 (31.31)    13:22.54 (30.84)
       13:53.33 (30.79)    14:24.79 (31.46)
       14:55.61 (30.82)    15:26.38 (30.77)
       15:57.87 (31.49)    16:29.16 (31.29)    16:57.95 (28.79)
 39 Stathopoulos, Cary A   18 Badger-MR        16:44.51   16:58.81  
                 27.22        56.58 (29.36)
        1:25.92 (29.34)     1:55.46 (29.54)
        2:25.31 (29.85)     2:55.35 (30.04)
        3:25.37 (30.02)     3:55.72 (30.35)
        4:26.30 (30.58)     4:57.05 (30.75)
        5:27.78 (30.73)     5:58.86 (31.08)
        6:30.15 (31.29)     7:01.42 (31.27)
        7:32.98 (31.56)     8:04.09 (31.11)
        8:35.57 (31.48)     9:07.17 (31.60)
        9:39.05 (31.88)    10:11.05 (32.00)
       10:42.84 (31.79)    11:14.54 (31.70)
       11:46.63 (32.09)    12:18.07 (31.44)
       12:49.74 (31.67)    13:21.31 (31.57)
       13:53.15 (31.84)    14:24.61 (31.46)
       14:56.34 (31.73)    15:27.56 (31.22)
       15:58.65 (31.09)    16:29.27 (30.62)    16:58.81 (29.54)
 -- Wood, Jeff D           19 Fairport Area-NI 16:32.79         DQ  
 -- Lessard, Joe D         16 Shawmut Aquatic- 16:43.66         NS  
                 Combined Team Scores - Through Event 30                 
  1. Germantown Academy Aquatic        543   2. Peddie Aquatic Association        430
  3. Bernal's Gator Swim Club          393   4. Fairport Area Swim Team           347
  5. Berkeley Aquatic Club             330   6. Long Island Aquatic Club          315
  7. Bluefish Swim Club                290   8. Badger Swim Club                  288
  9. Bay and Ocean State Squids        259  10. Jersey Gators                     210
 11. Newburgh Sharks                   198  12. Greenwood Memorial Swim Club      195
 13. Scarlet Aquatic Club              188  14. Eastern Express                   138
 15. Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics    123  16. Cougar Aquatic Team - NJ          112
 17. Unattached New England            102  18. Central Jersey Aquatic Club        98
 19. Hamilton Y Aquatic Club            93  20. Three Village Swim Club            91
 21. New England Barracudas             81  22. Seacoast Swimming Association      73
 23. Cape Cod Swim Club                 72  24. Bgc-N. Westchester Marlins         70
 25. SoNoCo Swim Club                   61  25. Shawmut Aquatic Club               61
 27. Harvard University                 53  28. Town Of Tonawanda Titans           42
 28. Team Delaware                      42  30. Aqua Gems Swim Team                39
 31. Spirit Swimming                    37  31. Syracuse Chargers                  37
 33. Unattached Adirondack              35  33. Rams Swimming Club                 35
 35. Maryland Suburban Swim Club        33  36. Old Wesbury Aquatics             27.5
 37. New Jersey Wave                    26  38. Unattached Metropolitan            24
 39. Condors                            23  40. Monmouth Barracudas                22
 41. Schenectady Swim Club              21  42. YMCA of the Northshore Sharks      20
 43. United States Military Academy     17  43. Viking Aquatic Club                17
 45. Annapolis Swim Club                14  46. Elite Swim Club                    13
 47. Middletown Recreation Swim Tm      12  48. Wilton Y Wahoos                    11
 48. Albany Starfish Swim Club          11  48. North Shore Swim Club              11
 51. Westbrook Seals                    10  52. Portland Porpoises                  9
 52. Lancaster Aquatic Club              9  54. Team Suffolk                        7
 54. Colgate University Swim Team        7  56. New Canaan YMCA Caimans             6
 56. Sea Dragons Swimming Club           6  58. UB Amherst Swimming               5.5
 59. Washingtonville Seahawks            5  59. The Atlantic Club                   5
 59. Rockingham Area Youth Swimming      5  62. Hampshire Regional YMCA             4
 63. Delmar Dolfins Swim Team            3  63. South Shore YMCA Strypers           3
 63. Pack Swim Team Of Pittsford         3  66. Lansing Cats                        2
 66. Islip Aquatics                      2  68. Star Swimming                       1