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                                       Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 7/23/2006 08:09 PM
          NE 2006 LCM 12 & Under Championships, Sanction #: NE-06-62           
                   July 20-23, 2006 - Blodgett Pool, Harvard                   
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Freestyle Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 30.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.23    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 29.12    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Harper, Jessica L         10 NAS                              33.33        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 33.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.23    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 29.12    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                          31.96Z        20  
  2 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                              32.23Z        17  
  3 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                             32.39Z        16  
  4 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                              32.71Z        15  
  5 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                           33.17Z        14  
  6 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                              33.22Z        13  
  7 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                             33.42Z        12  
  8 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                           33.77Z        11  
  9 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                              33.78Z         9  
 10 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   33.92          7  
 11 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                              34.08          6  
 12 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                              34.20          5  
 13 Andrews, Ivana M    10 SEA OTTERS                       34.37          4  
 14 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                             34.40          3  
 15 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                              34.42          2  
 16 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                             34.46          1  
 17 Novis, Hailey S     10 RAMS                             34.67        
 18 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                             34.82        
 19 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                           34.86        
 20 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                               35.10        
 21 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                           35.18        
 22 Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                              35.33        
 23 Chamberlain, Marie  10 UNATTACHED NE                    35.38        
 24 Marrkand, Jen P     10 PSC                              35.44        
 25 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                             35.48        
 26 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                          35.55        
 26 Martin, Courteney   10 PSC                              35.55        
 28 Barry, Margaret A    9 KING                             35.63        
 29 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                              35.73        
 30 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                             35.81        
 31 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                    35.91        
 32 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                         35.95        
 33 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                         36.00        
 34 DiPietro, Jenny L   10 PST                              36.01        
 35 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                              36.12        
 36 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                              36.13        
 37 Adams, Carly J       9 SAC                              36.50        
 38 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                              36.52        
 39 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                               36.54        
 39 Castaldo, Christin  10 YNS                              36.54        
 41 Travers, Kaitlin A  10 NAS                              36.67        
 42 Waters, Serena M    10 PST                              36.70        
 43 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                              36.73        
 44 Weinstock, Tori R   10 PSC                              36.79        
 44 Daly, Erin B        10 H2O                              36.79        
 46 Mullaney, Devin A   10 SQUIDS                           36.99        
 46 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                             36.99        
 48 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                           37.12        
 49 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                              37.36        
 50 Walsh, Hope M       10 WYST                             37.69        
 51 McMorrow, McKenna   10 AAC                              38.04        
 52 Kim, Soojin I        9 H2O                              40.32        
 -- McCarthy, Lian J     9 BGSC                                NS        
Girls 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:05.26    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:04.71    8/1/1995 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                       
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                            1:09.32Z        20  
                  33.75     1:09.32 (35.57)                                        
  2 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                        1:09.54Z        17  
                  33.17     1:09.54 (36.37)                                        
  3 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                            1:11.00Z        16  
                  33.94     1:11.00 (37.06)                                        
  4 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                           1:11.67Z        15  
                  33.72     1:11.67 (37.95)                                        
  5 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                         1:12.22Z        14  
                  34.67     1:12.22 (37.55)                                        
  6 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                         1:12.32Z        13  
                  34.51     1:12.32 (37.81)                                        
  7 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                            1:13.07Z        12  
                  35.04     1:13.07 (38.03)                                        
  8 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                            1:14.09Z        11  
                  35.53     1:14.09 (38.56)                                        
  9 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                            1:14.37Z         9  
                  34.84     1:14.37 (39.53)                                        
 10 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                           1:14.96Z         7  
                  36.88     1:14.96 (38.08)                                        
 11 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:15.31          6  
                  35.99     1:15.31 (39.32)                                        
 12 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                           1:15.42          5  
                  35.41     1:15.42 (40.01)                                        
 13 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                         1:16.32          4  
                  36.60     1:16.32 (39.72)                                        
 14 Novis, Hailey S     10 RAMS                           1:16.95          3  
                  36.71     1:16.95 (40.24)                                        
 15 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                            1:17.58          2  
                  36.68     1:17.58 (40.90)                                        
 16 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                           1:17.90          1  
                  37.13     1:17.90 (40.77)                                        
 17 Martin, Courteney   10 PSC                            1:17.96        
                  37.38     1:17.96 (40.58)                                        
 18 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                            1:18.69        
                  38.64     1:18.69 (40.05)                                        
 19 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:18.73        
                  37.14     1:18.73 (41.59)                                        
 20 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            1:18.80        
                  36.99     1:18.80 (41.81)                                        
 21 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                            1:18.82        
                  36.88     1:18.82 (41.94)                                        
 22 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                            1:18.89        
                  37.94     1:18.89 (40.95)                                        
 23 Andrews, Ivana M    10 SEA OTTERS                     1:19.00        
                  38.19     1:19.00 (40.81)                                        
 24 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         1:19.02        
                  38.25     1:19.02 (40.77)                                        
 25 Stewart, Madeleine  10 BLUE                           1:19.08        
                  37.60     1:19.08 (41.48)                                        
 26 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                       1:19.18        
                  37.19     1:19.18 (41.99)                                        
 27 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                             1:19.24        
                  37.46     1:19.24 (41.78)                                        
 28 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                           1:19.31        
                  38.02     1:19.31 (41.29)                                        
 29 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       1:19.42        
                  38.28     1:19.42 (41.14)                                        
 30 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                           1:19.73        
                  37.55     1:19.73 (42.18)                                        
 30 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                        1:19.73        
                  37.76     1:19.73 (41.97)                                        
 32 Castaldo, Christin  10 YNS                            1:19.74        
                  37.96     1:19.74 (41.78)                                        
 33 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                            1:19.89        
                  40.17     1:19.89 (39.72)                                        
 34 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                           1:19.94        
                  38.67     1:19.94 (41.27)                                        
 35 Daly, Erin B        10 H2O                            1:20.00        
                  38.43     1:20.00 (41.57)                                        
 36 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                           1:20.27        
                  36.97     1:20.27 (43.30)                                        
 37 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            1:20.55        
                  39.36     1:20.55 (41.19)                                        
 38 Pribis, Alaina M     9 MST RAPIDS                     1:20.65        
                  39.63     1:20.65 (41.02)                                        
 39 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                            1:20.87        
                  38.87     1:20.87 (42.00)                                        
 40 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                         1:20.94        
                  39.42     1:20.94 (41.52)                                        
 41 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                       1:21.00        
                  39.66     1:21.00 (41.34)                                        
 42 DiPietro, Jenny L   10 PST                            1:21.62        
                  38.44     1:21.62 (43.18)                                        
 43 Feaster, Kendall P  10 NEWPORT                        1:21.91        
                  40.14     1:21.91 (41.77)                                        
 44 Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                            1:22.24        
                  38.00     1:22.24 (44.24)                                        
 45 Hayden, Jenna M     10 SSA                            1:23.17        
                  39.25     1:23.17 (43.92)                                        
 46 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                            1:23.27        
                  40.19     1:23.27 (43.08)                                        
 47 Walko, Isabella M   10 MAKOS                          1:23.83        
                  39.85     1:23.83 (43.98)                                        
 48 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                           1:24.07        
                  39.20     1:24.07 (44.87)                                        
 49 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                            1:24.51        
                  40.16     1:24.51 (44.35)                                        
 50 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                            1:24.53        
                  37.98     1:24.53 (46.55)                                        
 51 Walsh, Hope M       10 WYST                           1:24.55        
                  40.55     1:24.55 (44.00)                                        
 52 Kelly, Amber D      10 SSA                            1:25.40        
                  41.34     1:25.40 (44.06)                                        
 53 Kelly, Mackenzie L   9 SEA OTTERS                     1:26.00        
                  40.90     1:26.00 (45.10)                                        
 54 O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                            1:28.52        
                  42.93     1:28.52 (45.59)                                        
Girls 10 & Under 200 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:16.37    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:16.37    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                            2:29.08Z        20  
                  34.20     1:12.78 (38.58)     1:51.28 (38.50)     2:29.08 (37.80)
  2 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                         2:31.41Z        17  
                  35.77     1:13.89 (38.12)     1:52.59 (38.70)     2:31.41 (38.82)
  3 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                            2:33.61Z        16  
                  35.05     1:14.49 (39.44)     1:54.26 (39.77)     2:33.61 (39.35)
  4 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                        2:34.69Z        14.5
                  34.82     1:14.49 (39.67)     1:55.48 (40.99)     2:34.69 (39.21)
  4 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                         2:34.69Z        14.5
                  35.36     1:13.83 (38.47)     1:54.29 (40.46)     2:34.69 (40.40)
  6 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                           2:38.67Z        13  
                  34.52     1:14.05 (39.53)     1:55.66 (41.61)     2:38.67 (43.01)
  7 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                            2:41.65Z        12  
                  36.29     1:18.20 (41.91)     2:01.39 (43.19)     2:41.65 (40.26)
  8 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                            2:41.91Z        11  
                  37.51     1:19.28 (41.77)     2:00.05 (40.77)     2:41.91 (41.86)
  9 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                         2:42.63Z         9  
                  37.11     1:19.35 (42.24)     2:03.02 (43.67)     2:42.63 (39.61)
 10 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 2:43.74Z         7  
                  37.05     1:18.77 (41.72)     2:01.60 (42.83)     2:43.74 (42.14)
 11 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                           2:44.20Z         6  
                  37.23     1:19.24 (42.01)     2:03.54 (44.30)     2:44.20 (40.66)
 12 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                            2:47.29          5  
                  38.26     1:22.15 (43.89)     2:05.58 (43.43)     2:47.29 (41.71)
 13 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                           2:48.57          4  
                  39.84     1:24.00 (44.16)     2:07.90 (43.90)     2:48.57 (40.67)
 14 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       2:49.09          3  
                  38.36     1:22.60 (44.24)     2:07.65 (45.05)     2:49.09 (41.44)
 15 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            2:49.24          1.5
                  37.61     1:21.11 (43.50)     2:07.97 (46.86)     2:49.24 (41.27)
 15 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                            2:49.24          1.5
                  38.72     1:22.79 (44.07)     2:07.61 (44.82)     2:49.24 (41.63)
 17 Novis, Hailey S     10 RAMS                           2:49.28        
                  36.72     1:19.60 (42.88)     2:05.32 (45.72)     2:49.28 (43.96)
 18 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            2:49.42        
                  39.83     1:23.65 (43.82)     2:08.13 (44.48)     2:49.42 (41.29)
 19 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                            2:49.46        
                  38.96     1:24.11 (45.15)     2:08.57 (44.46)     2:49.46 (40.89)
 20 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                           2:50.38        
                  38.68     1:22.43 (43.75)     2:07.00 (44.57)     2:50.38 (43.38)
 21 Chamberlain, Marie  10 UNATTACHED NE                  2:50.64        
                  39.13     1:24.63 (45.50)     2:09.97 (45.34)     2:50.64 (40.67)
 22 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                             2:51.46        
                  39.33     1:23.44 (44.11)     2:08.85 (45.41)     2:51.46 (42.61)
 23 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                           2:51.68        
                  39.82     1:26.03 (46.21)     2:10.04 (44.01)     2:51.68 (41.64)
 24 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                            2:52.06        
                  39.69     1:24.51 (44.82)     2:08.41 (43.90)     2:52.06 (43.65)
 25 Andrews, Ivana M    10 SEA OTTERS                     2:52.87        
                  38.62                             2:09.72 ( )     2:52.87 (43.15)
 26 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                       2:53.06        
                  40.42     1:25.34 (44.92)     2:10.35 (45.01)     2:53.06 (42.71)
 27 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                            2:53.30        
                  39.33     1:23.63 (44.30)     2:10.00 (46.37)     2:53.30 (43.30)
 28 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                       2:53.35        
                  38.80     1:22.87 (44.07)     2:08.54 (45.67)     2:53.35 (44.81)
 29 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                         2:53.58        
                  40.28     1:25.39 (45.11)     2:10.97 (45.58)     2:53.58 (42.61)
 30 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                            2:54.35        
                  39.88     1:26.12 (46.24)     2:12.71 (46.59)     2:54.35 (41.64)
 31 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                            2:55.05        
                  39.02     1:24.57 (45.55)     2:11.20 (46.63)     2:55.05 (43.85)
 32 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                  2:55.53        
                  40.47     1:25.16 (44.69)     2:10.90 (45.74)     2:55.53 (44.63)
 33 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                        2:55.73        
                  39.87     1:24.79 (44.92)     2:12.00 (47.21)     2:55.73 (43.73)
 34 Pribis, Alaina M     9 MST RAPIDS                     2:55.74        
                  41.89     1:27.64 (45.75)     2:14.00 (46.36)     2:55.74 (41.74)
 35 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         2:55.93        
                  42.04     1:26.70 (44.66)     2:12.71 (46.01)     2:55.93 (43.22)
 36 Walko, Isabella M   10 MAKOS                          2:55.98        
                  40.60     1:25.54 (44.94)     2:12.05 (46.51)     2:55.98 (43.93)
 37 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                            2:56.22        
                  38.76     1:26.11 (47.35)     2:12.85 (46.74)     2:56.22 (43.37)
 38 Dillon, Molly A     10 STRYPERS                       2:56.53        
                  41.54     1:27.40 (45.86)     2:13.38 (45.98)     2:56.53 (43.15)
 39 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                           2:56.70        
                  41.86     1:27.18 (45.32)     2:16.35 (49.17)     2:56.70 (40.35)
 40 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                            2:56.73        
                  40.83     1:26.05 (45.22)     2:13.96 (47.91)     2:56.73 (42.77)
 41 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                         2:57.00        
                  41.32     1:28.41 (47.09)     2:14.65 (46.24)     2:57.00 (42.35)
 42 Walsh, Hope M       10 WYST                           2:57.27        
                  40.44     1:25.98 (45.54)     2:13.21 (47.23)     2:57.27 (44.06)
 43 Daly, Erin B        10 H2O                            2:57.84        
                  39.65     1:25.01 (45.36)     2:12.60 (47.59)     2:57.84 (45.24)
 44 Castaldo, Christin  10 YNS                            2:59.12        
                  40.77     1:25.85 (45.08)     2:13.45 (47.60)     2:59.12 (45.67)
 45 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                           2:59.20        
                  41.44     1:26.77 (45.33)     2:13.30 (46.53)     2:59.20 (45.90)
 46 Maggi, Sage M       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 3:05.88        
                  42.16     1:30.79 (48.63)     2:18.72 (47.93)     3:05.88 (47.16)
 -- Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                                 DQ        
Girls 10 & Under 400 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 5:40.89                                                        
      NE Rec: N 5:04.88    7/1/2002 Elizabeth Biesel, RAMS-NE                  
  NE Res Rec: R 4:42.40    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                         5:14.54Z        20  
                  36.35     1:15.63 (39.28)     1:55.94 (40.31)     2:35.53 (39.59)
        3:15.70 (40.17)     3:56.07 (40.37)     4:36.26 (40.19)     5:14.54 (38.28)
  2 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                            5:16.84Z        17  
                  34.87     1:15.43 (40.56)     1:56.26 (40.83)     2:37.70 (41.44)
        3:18.35 (40.65)     3:58.95 (40.60)     4:38.85 (39.90)     5:16.84 (37.99)
  3 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                         5:24.39Z        16  
                  35.87     1:15.18 (39.31)     1:55.97 (40.79)     2:36.76 (40.79)
        3:17.91 (41.15)     3:59.39 (41.48)     4:42.04 (42.65)     5:24.39 (42.35)
  4 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                            5:28.78Z        15  
                  35.72     1:16.81 (41.09)     1:59.20 (42.39)     2:40.78 (41.58)
        3:22.69 (41.91)     4:06.11 (43.42)     4:48.86 (42.75)     5:28.78 (39.92)
  5 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                            5:30.77Z        14  
                  38.85     1:21.61 (42.76)     2:04.59 (42.98)     2:47.58 (42.99)
        3:28.28 (40.70)     4:10.57 (42.29)     4:52.40 (41.83)     5:30.77 (38.37)
  6 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                            5:41.52         13  
                  37.45     1:19.54 (42.09)     2:03.10 (43.56)     2:47.10 (44.00)
        3:31.61 (44.51)     4:15.94 (44.33)     5:00.90 (44.96)     5:41.52 (40.62)
  7 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 5:45.43         12  
                  39.29     1:22.10 (42.81)     2:06.13 (44.03)     2:50.70 (44.57)
        3:34.23 (43.53)     4:18.59 (44.36)     5:02.91 (44.32)     5:45.43 (42.52)
  8 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                           5:47.51         11  
                  39.11     1:23.01 (43.90)     2:07.68 (44.67)     2:52.46 (44.78)
        3:36.69 (44.23)     4:21.01 (44.32)     5:04.95 (43.94)     5:47.51 (42.56)
  9 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                       5:48.38          9  
                  40.15     1:24.29 (44.14)     2:09.35 (45.06)     2:54.52 (45.17)
        3:39.11 (44.59)     4:23.14 (44.03)     5:06.67 (43.53)     5:48.38 (41.71)
 10 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            5:48.44          7  
                  40.70     1:25.34 (44.64)     2:10.37 (45.03)     2:55.12 (44.75)
        3:39.34 (44.22)     4:23.18 (43.84)     5:06.59 (43.41)     5:48.44 (41.85)
 11 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                         5:49.54          6  
                  38.54     1:22.60 (44.06)     2:08.85 (46.25)     2:54.32 (45.47)
        3:39.06 (44.74)     4:24.06 (45.00)     5:08.41 (44.35)     5:49.54 (41.13)
 12 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                            5:49.82          5  
                  40.38     1:23.90 (43.52)     2:09.59 (45.69)     2:54.63 (45.04)
        3:40.91 (46.28)     4:25.68 (44.77)     5:09.33 (43.65)     5:49.82 (40.49)
 13 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         5:51.91          4  
                  41.69     1:27.14 (45.45)     2:10.39 (43.25)     2:55.20 (44.81)
        3:39.19 (43.99)     4:24.49 (45.30)     5:09.35 (44.86)     5:51.91 (42.56)
 14 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                           5:52.03          3  
                  37.51     1:22.03 (44.52)     2:07.21 (45.18)     2:52.59 (45.38)
        3:38.89 (46.30)     4:24.67 (45.78)     5:09.14 (44.47)     5:52.03 (42.89)
 15 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            5:53.24          2  
                  38.04     1:21.82 (43.78)     2:07.54 (45.72)     2:53.41 (45.87)
        3:39.80 (46.39)     4:26.06 (46.26)     5:10.49 (44.43)     5:53.24 (42.75)
 16 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       5:54.98          1  
                  39.71     1:24.38 (44.67)     2:10.44 (46.06)     2:56.44 (46.00)
        3:43.23 (46.79)     4:28.87 (45.64)     5:13.69 (44.82)     5:54.98 (41.29)
 17 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                         5:55.06        
                  39.84     1:24.64 (44.80)     2:10.63 (45.99)     2:56.79 (46.16)
        3:43.07 (46.28)     4:28.83 (45.76)     5:13.66 (44.83)     5:55.06 (41.40)
 18 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                             5:56.09        
                  39.43     1:24.86 (45.43)     2:10.47 (45.61)     2:56.46 (45.99)
        3:41.41 (44.95)     4:26.98 (45.57)     5:12.74 (45.76)     5:56.09 (43.35)
 19 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                            5:58.88        
                  40.85     1:27.22 (46.37)     2:13.87 (46.65)     2:59.10 (45.23)
        3:44.69 (45.59)     4:30.63 (45.94)     5:14.89 (44.26)     5:58.88 (43.99)
 20 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                           5:59.82        
                  40.18     1:25.68 (45.50)     2:12.01 (46.33)     2:58.44 (46.43)
        3:45.07 (46.63)     4:31.04 (45.97)     5:16.56 (45.52)     5:59.82 (43.26)
 21 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                            6:01.00        
                  41.12     1:29.14 (48.02)     2:15.71 (46.57)     3:01.45 (45.74)
        3:47.38 (45.93)     4:34.04 (46.66)     5:20.01 (45.97)     6:01.00 (40.99)
 22 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                            6:02.58        
                  39.42     1:24.01 (44.59)     2:10.60 (46.59)     2:57.12 (46.52)
        3:44.09 (46.97)     4:30.53 (46.44)     5:17.80 (47.27)     6:02.58 (44.78)
 23 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                       6:02.63        
                  39.33     1:24.98 (45.65)     2:11.10 (46.12)     2:57.10 (46.00)
        3:43.92 (46.82)     4:30.68 (46.76)     5:18.12 (47.44)     6:02.63 (44.51)
 24 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                        6:07.13        
                  40.68     1:28.18 (47.50)     2:15.42 (47.24)     3:02.93 (47.51)
        3:50.40 (47.47)     4:37.30 (46.90)     5:23.34 (46.04)     6:07.13 (43.79)
 25 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                           6:09.17        
                  39.77     1:28.07 (48.30)     2:15.96 (47.89)     3:04.73 (48.77)
        3:51.80 (47.07)     4:39.77 (47.97)     5:24.60 (44.83)     6:09.17 (44.57)
 26 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                            6:12.90        
                  40.07     1:26.44 (46.37)     2:15.42 (48.98)     3:03.32 (47.90)
        3:52.41 (49.09)     4:41.50 (49.09)     5:29.15 (47.65)     6:12.90 (43.75)
 27 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                            6:13.03        
                  40.06     1:24.63 (44.57)     2:11.49 (46.86)     2:58.77 (47.28)
        3:48.21 (49.44)     4:37.37 (49.16)     5:27.56 (50.19)     6:13.03 (45.47)
 28 Almandoz, Eugenia    9 SAC                            6:15.57        
                  40.56     1:28.07 (47.51)     2:15.81 (47.74)     3:02.93 (47.12)
        3:51.04 (48.11)     4:40.44 (49.40)     5:29.96 (49.52)     6:15.57 (45.61)
 29 Maggi, Sage M       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 6:16.38        
                  41.90     1:30.55 (48.65)     2:18.57 (48.02)     3:07.45 (48.88)
        3:55.49 (48.04)     4:45.62 (50.13)     5:33.39 (47.77)     6:16.38 (42.99)
 30 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                           6:16.94        
                  41.37     1:30.70 (49.33)     2:20.55 (49.85)     3:09.30 (48.75)
        3:56.93 (47.63)     4:43.99 (47.06)     5:32.24 (48.25)     6:16.94 (44.70)
 31 Kelly, Amber D      10 SSA                            6:20.40        
                  42.43     1:30.65 (48.22)     2:18.66 (48.01)     3:08.23 (49.57)
        3:56.83 (48.60)     4:46.67 (49.84)     5:36.42 (49.75)     6:20.40 (43.98)
 32 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                         6:20.76        
                  41.81     1:31.14 (49.33)     2:19.32 (48.18)     3:08.32 (49.00)
        3:56.90 (48.58)     4:47.02 (50.12)     5:35.34 (48.32)     6:20.76 (45.42)
 33 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                             6:23.01        
                  42.72     1:29.77 (47.05)     2:18.40 (48.63)     3:07.46 (49.06)
        3:56.94 (49.48)     4:45.56 (48.62)     5:34.68 (49.12)     6:23.01 (48.33)
 34 O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                            6:27.37        
                  43.87     1:33.77 (49.90)     2:24.24 (50.47)     3:14.57 (50.33)
        4:05.08 (50.51)     4:53.88 (48.80)     5:42.82 (48.94)     6:27.37 (44.55)
 35 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                            6:29.44        
                  41.57     1:31.24 (49.67)     2:22.33 (51.09)     3:12.56 (50.23)
        4:04.33 (51.77)     4:54.22 (49.89)     5:44.67 (50.45)     6:29.44 (44.77)
 36 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                            6:29.71        
                  41.36     1:30.43 (49.07)     2:21.81 (51.38)     3:12.32 (50.51)
        4:02.96 (50.64)     4:51.91 (48.95)     5:42.79 (50.88)     6:29.71 (46.92)
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 40.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 34.15    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 34.15    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                     
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                             37.35Z        20  
  2 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                              37.66Z        17  
  3 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                              38.40Z        16  
  4 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                              39.11Z        15  
  5 Chamberlain, Marie  10 UNATTACHED NE                    39.48Z        14  
  6 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                           39.75Z        13  
  7 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                             40.12Z        12  
  8 Andrews, Ivana M    10 SEA OTTERS                       40.40         11  
  9 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                             40.85          8  
  9 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                              40.85          8  
 11 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   41.07          6  
 12 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                         41.09          5  
 13 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                             41.40          4  
 14 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                               41.76          3  
 15 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                          42.08          2  
 16 Cobb, Mary C        10 SSA                              42.22          1  
 17 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                              42.24        
 18 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                          42.64        
 19 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                         42.72        
 20 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                              42.75        
 21 Waters, Serena M    10 PST                              42.85        
 22 Lewis, Erin M       10 WYST                             42.92        
 23 Novis, Hailey S     10 RAMS                             42.94        
 24 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                              42.99        
 25 Savage, Maggie T     9 YNS                              43.04        
 26 O'Brien, Jennifer    9 AAC                              43.05        
 27 Feaster, Kendall P  10 NEWPORT                          43.17        
 28 Dillon, Molly A     10 STRYPERS                         43.51        
 29 Go, Leanne           9 MD                               43.62        
 30 Walsh, Hope M       10 WYST                             43.76        
 31 Mullaney, Devin A   10 SQUIDS                           43.80        
 32 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                         43.90        
 33 Ubele, Sarah E       9 MAGNUS                           43.92        
 34 Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                              44.00        
 35 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                              44.06        
 36 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                           44.07        
 37 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                              44.10        
 38 Parsons, Kylee E    10 SAC                              44.14        
 39 Cong, Bestine S      9 YNS                              44.24        
 40 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                             44.26        
 41 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                               44.39        
 42 Burgess, Kayla N    10 KING                             44.40        
 43 Currier, Sam L       9 ATST                             44.52        
 44 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                              44.58        
 45 Windoloski, Kriste  10 NAS                              44.62        
 46 Weinstock, Tori R   10 PSC                              45.08        
 47 Pierce, Molly K      9 MD                               45.20        
 48 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                    45.38        
 49 Zelvis, Olivia M    10 KING                             45.51        
 49 Li, Jerrica H        7 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   45.51        
 51 O'Sullivan, Mary M   9 KING                             45.56        
 52 Willette, Kaelin M   9 MST RAPIDS                       45.62        
 53 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                             45.63        
 54 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                             45.67        
 55 Lajoie, Kelly M      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   45.85        
 56 Zuckerman, Justina  10 MELY                             46.42        
 57 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                           46.57        
 -- Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                                 NS        
 -- McMorrow, McKenna   10 AAC                                 NS        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Backstroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 35.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 34.15    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 34.15    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Clark, Hadley G           10 STRYPERS                         41.74        
Girls 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:09.96    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:09.96    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                           1:21.06Z        20  
                  39.01     1:21.06 (42.05)                                        
  2 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                            1:22.17Z        17  
                  39.87     1:22.17 (42.30)                                        
  3 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                            1:24.02Z        16  
                  40.69     1:24.02 (43.33)                                        
  4 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                       1:25.98Z        15  
                  42.01     1:25.98 (43.97)                                        
  5 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                            1:26.50Z        14  
                  42.61     1:26.50 (43.89)                                        
  6 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                           1:26.81Z        13  
                  41.83     1:26.81 (44.98)                                        
  7 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:27.24         12  
                  43.25     1:27.24 (43.99)                                        
  8 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                            1:27.87         11  
                  42.29     1:27.87 (45.58)                                        
  9 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       1:28.35          9  
                  43.59     1:28.35 (44.76)                                        
 10 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                            1:28.46          7  
                  43.89     1:28.46 (44.57)                                        
 11 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                        1:28.69          6  
                  43.78     1:28.69 (44.91)                                        
 12 Marrkand, Jen P     10 PSC                            1:28.99          5  
                  45.22     1:28.99 (43.77)                                        
 13 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                           1:29.87          4  
                  44.93     1:29.87 (44.94)                                        
 14 Chamberlain, Marie  10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:30.93          3  
                  43.76     1:30.93 (47.17)                                        
 15 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                            1:31.72          2  
                  46.44     1:31.72 (45.28)                                        
 16 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                           1:31.94          1  
                  44.57     1:31.94 (47.37)                                        
 17 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                       1:31.99        
                  43.81     1:31.99 (48.18)                                        
 18 McMorrow, McKenna   10 AAC                            1:32.02        
                  45.75     1:32.02 (46.27)                                        
 19 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                         1:32.30        
                  46.03     1:32.30 (46.27)                                        
 20 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            1:32.51        
                  45.76     1:32.51 (46.75)                                        
 21 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                           1:32.58        
                  43.98     1:32.58 (48.60)                                        
 22 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                             1:32.82        
                  45.28     1:32.82 (47.54)                                        
 23 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                            1:32.88        
                  46.23     1:32.88 (46.65)                                        
 24 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         1:33.01        
                  45.63     1:33.01 (47.38)                                        
 25 Novis, Hailey S     10 RAMS                           1:33.44        
                  45.57     1:33.44 (47.87)                                        
 26 Waters, Serena M    10 PST                            1:33.50        
                  45.14     1:33.50 (48.36)                                        
 27 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                            1:33.82        
 28 Parsons, Kylee E    10 SAC                            1:34.10        
                  45.19     1:34.10 (48.91)                                        
 29 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                             1:34.11        
                  45.58     1:34.11 (48.53)                                        
 30 Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                            1:34.35        
                  45.82     1:34.35 (48.53)                                        
 31 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                            1:34.38        
                  45.98     1:34.38 (48.40)                                        
 32 Walsh, Hope M       10 WYST                           1:34.55        
                  45.29     1:34.55 (49.26)                                        
 33 Lamb, Kasey R       10 H2O                            1:34.59        
                  47.17     1:34.59 (47.42)                                        
 34 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                            1:34.71        
                  45.72     1:34.71 (48.99)                                        
 35 Lewis, Erin M       10 WYST                           1:34.84        
                  46.71     1:34.84 (48.13)                                        
 36 O'Brien, Jennifer    9 AAC                            1:34.87        
                  46.24     1:34.87 (48.63)                                        
 37 Windoloski, Kriste  10 NAS                            1:34.89        
                  45.35     1:34.89 (49.54)                                        
 38 Mullaney, Devin A   10 SQUIDS                         1:35.23        
                  47.37     1:35.23 (47.86)                                        
 39 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:35.40        
                  46.92     1:35.40 (48.48)                                        
 40 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                         1:35.52        
                  46.99     1:35.52 (48.53)                                        
 41 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            1:35.56        
                  47.25     1:35.56 (48.31)                                        
 42 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                           1:35.67        
                  46.16     1:35.67 (49.51)                                        
 43 Westover, Maeve E   10 SQUIDS                         1:35.90        
                  46.27     1:35.90 (49.63)                                        
 44 Dillon, Molly A     10 STRYPERS                       1:36.06        
                  48.75     1:36.06 (47.31)                                        
 45 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                            1:36.09        
                  46.36     1:36.09 (49.73)                                        
 46 Donovan, Jenny R    10 PSC                            1:37.03        
                  46.52     1:37.03 (50.51)                                        
 47 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                            1:37.06        
                  47.39     1:37.06 (49.67)                                        
 48 Burgess, Kayla N    10 KING                           1:37.88        
                  47.91     1:37.88 (49.97)                                        
 49 O'Sullivan, Mary M   9 KING                           1:37.92        
                  46.19     1:37.92 (51.73)                                        
 50 Li, Jerrica H        7 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:38.51        
                  46.89     1:38.51 (51.62)                                        
 51 Cobb, Mary C        10 SSA                            1:39.63        
                  47.68     1:39.63 (51.95)                                        
 -- Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                             DQ        
 -- O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                                 DQ        
 -- Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                              DQ        
 -- Murphy, Cailin E     8 BLUEFISH                            DQ        
Girls 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Backstroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:09.96    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:09.96    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Lajoie, Juliette R        10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:27.29        
                  42.97     1:27.29 (44.32)                                        
Girls 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Backstroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:09.96    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:09.96    7/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  1 Ross, Mikaela E           10 MAGNUS                         1:27.53        
                  41.85     1:27.53 (45.68)                                        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Breaststroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 39.46    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 38.36    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  1 Alois, Jaclyn             10 MAGNUS                           40.37        
  2 Harper, Jessica L         10 NAS                              46.69        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Breaststroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 39.46    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 38.36    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  1 Harper, Jessica L         10 NAS                              45.78        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 45.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 39.46    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 38.36    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                           39.65Z        20  
  2 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                              40.18Z        17  
  3 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                          40.74Z        16  
  4 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                              42.58Z        15  
  5 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                             43.45Z        14  
  6 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                              43.86Z        13  
  7 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                           43.97Z        12  
  8 Hurley, Christa L   10 VIKINGS                          44.96Z        11  
  9 Lewis, Erin M       10 WYST                             45.40Z         9  
 10 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                              45.41Z         7  
 11 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                              45.75          6  
 12 Lamb, Kasey R       10 H2O                              45.86          5  
 13 Alois, Rebecca       9 MAGNUS                           46.27          4  
 14 Adams, Carly J       9 SAC                              46.95          3  
 15 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                             47.09          2  
 16 Dillon-Davidson, S  10 ATST                             47.11          1  
 17 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                           47.19        
 18 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                             47.26        
 19 McCarthy, Rachel M  10 STRYPERS                         47.35        
 20 Almandoz, Eugenia    9 SAC                              47.37        
 21 Feaster, Kendall P  10 NEWPORT                          47.50        
 22 Entwistle, Molly O  10 ANA                              47.65        
 23 Partin, Lindsay J   10 MAKOS                            47.66        
 24 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                              47.76        
 25 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                          48.15        
 26 Alois, Veronica      8 MAGNUS                           48.73        
 27 Ayube, Brianna I    10 MELY                             48.75        
 28 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                             49.11        
 29 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                              49.13        
 30 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                              49.34        
 31 Castaldo, Christin  10 YNS                              49.50        
 32 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                              49.67        
 33 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                           49.80        
 33 Travers, Kaitlin A  10 NAS                              49.80        
 35 Morin, Jen N        10 WBD                              49.93        
 36 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                              50.36        
 37 Weinstock, Tori R   10 PSC                              50.61        
 38 Li, Jerrica H        7 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   50.88        
 39 Shea, Christine M   10 YNS                              51.01        
 40 Frackiewicz, Laura  10 YNS                              51.24        
 41 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                              51.41        
 42 Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                              51.46        
 43 Corcoran, Audrey M  10 WSSC                             52.86        
 44 O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                              53.69        
Girls 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:38.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:24.81    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:22.00    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                         1:25.37Z        20  
                  40.23     1:25.37 (45.14)                                        
  2 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                            1:31.78Z        17  
                  43.70     1:31.78 (48.08)                                        
  3 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                           1:32.08Z        16  
                  44.74     1:32.08 (47.34)                                        
  4 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                        1:32.19Z        15  
                  42.34     1:32.19 (49.85)                                        
  5 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                            1:34.71Z        14  
                  44.41     1:34.71 (50.30)                                        
  6 Alois, Rebecca       9 MAGNUS                         1:36.42Z        13  
                  45.47     1:36.42 (50.95)                                        
  7 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                            1:36.76Z        12  
                  45.89     1:36.76 (50.87)                                        
  8 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                         1:37.43Z        11  
                  47.04     1:37.43 (50.39)                                        
  9 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                            1:37.49Z         9  
                  46.99     1:37.49 (50.50)                                        
 10 Hurley, Christa L   10 VIKINGS                        1:38.28Z         7  
                  47.49     1:38.28 (50.79)                                        
 11 Lewis, Erin M       10 WYST                           1:38.60Z         6  
                  46.35     1:38.60 (52.25)                                        
 12 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                         1:39.50          5  
                  48.00     1:39.50 (51.50)                                        
 13 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                            1:39.83          4  
                  48.18     1:39.83 (51.65)                                        
 14 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                           1:39.95          3  
                  47.82     1:39.95 (52.13)                                        
 15 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                           1:40.34          2  
                  47.84     1:40.34 (52.50)                                        
 16 Lamb, Kasey R       10 H2O                            1:40.51          1  
                  49.31     1:40.51 (51.20)                                        
 17 Feaster, Kendall P  10 NEWPORT                        1:41.90        
                  51.79     1:41.90 (50.11)                                        
 18 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                            1:41.98        
                  48.01     1:41.98 (53.97)                                        
 19 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:42.92        
                  48.46     1:42.92 (54.46)                                        
 20 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                        1:43.04        
                  49.91     1:43.04 (53.13)                                        
 21 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            1:43.20        
                  49.23     1:43.20 (53.97)                                        
 22 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                           1:43.25        
                  48.78     1:43.25 (54.47)                                        
 23 Adams, Carly J       9 SAC                            1:43.35        
                  48.19     1:43.35 (55.16)                                        
 24 Ayube, Brianna I    10 MELY                           1:43.38        
                  50.01     1:43.38 (53.37)                                        
 25 Dillon-Davidson, S  10 ATST                           1:44.37        
                  50.97     1:44.37 (53.40)                                        
 26 Travers, Kaitlin A  10 NAS                            1:44.50        
                  51.29     1:44.50 (53.21)                                        
 27 Entwistle, Molly O  10 ANA                            1:44.63        
                  48.47     1:44.63 (56.16)                                        
 28 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            1:45.19        
                  49.69     1:45.19 (55.50)                                        
 29 Day, Jennifer L     10 MAGNUS                         1:45.53        
                  50.15     1:45.53 (55.38)                                        
 30 McCarthy, Rachel M  10 STRYPERS                       1:45.87        
                  50.70     1:45.87 (55.17)                                        
 31 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                         1:46.35        
                  51.02     1:46.35 (55.33)                                        
 32 Westover, Maeve E   10 SQUIDS                         1:47.14        
                  51.76     1:47.14 (55.38)                                        
 33 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                            1:47.70        
                  52.12     1:47.70 (55.58)                                        
 34 Kelly, Amber D      10 SSA                            1:47.94        
                  52.26     1:47.94 (55.68)                                        
 35 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                           1:48.43        
                  52.70     1:48.43 (55.73)                                        
 36 Coghlan, Jill L     10 KING                           1:49.46        
                  51.19     1:49.46 (58.27)                                        
 37 Castaldo, Christin  10 YNS                            1:49.96        
                  51.42     1:49.96 (58.54)                                        
 38 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       1:51.65        
                  52.41     1:51.65 (59.24)                                        
 39 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                            1:51.86        
                  52.96     1:51.86 (58.90)                                        
 40 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         1:55.25        
                  55.94     1:55.25 (59.31)                                        
 -- Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                                DQ        
 -- Morin, Jen N        10 WBD                                 NS        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Butterfly Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 30.87    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 30.04    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Pierce, Megan L           10 MD                               38.82        
Girls 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 38.19                                                          
      NE Rec: N 30.87    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 30.04    8/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                             34.59Z        20  
  2 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                              35.45Z        17  
  3 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                              36.86Z        16  
  4 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                             36.87Z        15  
  5 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                           37.30Z        14  
  6 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   37.46Z        13  
  7 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                             37.65Z        12  
  8 Weinstock, Tori R   10 PSC                              37.68Z        11  
  9 Andrews, Ivana M    10 SEA OTTERS                       37.88Z         9  
 10 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                           37.89Z         7  
 11 Martin, Courteney   10 PSC                              37.92Z         6  
 12 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                          37.93Z         5  
 13 Travers, Kaitlin A  10 NAS                              38.12Z         4  
 14 Eagan, Kathryn A    10 BGSC                             38.39          3  
 15 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                               38.66          2  
 16 Stewart, Madeleine  10 BLUE                             38.82          1  
 17 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                             38.88        
 18 Morris, Michaela A  10 BGSC                             39.01        
 19 Barry, Margaret A    9 KING                             39.20        
 20 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                             39.66        
 21 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                              40.28        
 22 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                           40.38        
 23 Black, Ally C       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   40.42        
 24 Pierce, Molly K      9 MD                               40.53        
 25 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                              40.69        
 26 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                              40.84        
 27 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                           40.96        
 28 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                              41.42        
 29 Zuckerman, Justina  10 MELY                             41.48        
 30 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                    41.54        
 31 Ziomek, Ali M       10 ATST                             41.59        
 32 Feaster, Kendall P  10 NEWPORT                          41.83        
 33 Maggi, Sage M       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   41.90        
 34 O'Brien, Ashlie H   10 SSA                              41.93        
 35 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                              41.98        
 35 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                               41.98        
 37 Nasson, Sydney M     9 AAC                              42.24        
 38 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                             42.47        
 38 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                              42.47        
 40 Fantakis, Ariana G  10 VIKINGS                          42.52        
 41 Cobb, Mary C        10 SSA                              42.63        
 42 McMorrow, McKenna   10 AAC                              42.76        
 43 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                              43.02        
 44 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                              43.06        
 45 Cong, Bestine S      9 YNS                              43.09        
 46 Dillon, Molly A     10 STRYPERS                         43.29        
 47 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                              43.38        
 48 An, Miranda B        9 PSC                              43.42        
 49 Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                              43.44        
 50 O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                              43.64        
 51 Chamberlain, Marie  10 UNATTACHED NE                    43.68        
 52 Lajoie, Kelly M      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   43.77        
 53 Day, Jennifer L     10 MAGNUS                           43.85        
 54 LE, Kim T            9 WAH                              44.22        
 55 Kelly, Mackenzie L   9 SEA OTTERS                       44.78        
 56 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                         45.33        
 57 Go, Leanne           9 MD                               45.58        
 58 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                              45.60        
 59 Castaldo, Christin  10 YNS                              46.38        
 -- Nutter, Jennifer L   9 YNS                                 DQ        
Girls 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 1:30.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:08.66    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:08.66    7/1/1997 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                           1:19.33Z        20  
                  37.77     1:19.33 (41.56)                                        
  2 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                         1:20.30Z        17  
                  37.76     1:20.30 (42.54)                                        
  3 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                            1:21.42Z        16  
                  37.25     1:21.42 (44.17)                                        
  4 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                         1:23.24Z        15  
                  38.91     1:23.24 (44.33)                                        
  5 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:24.12Z        14  
                  41.32     1:24.12 (42.80)                                        
  6 Andrews, Ivana M    10 SEA OTTERS                     1:25.79Z        13  
                  39.93     1:25.79 (45.86)                                        
  7 Martin, Courteney   10 PSC                            1:26.14Z        12  
                  39.50     1:26.14 (46.64)                                        
  8 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                           1:27.03Z        11  
                  40.50     1:27.03 (46.53)                                        
  9 Travers, Kaitlin A  10 NAS                            1:27.49Z         9  
                  40.66     1:27.49 (46.83)                                        
 10 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                             1:28.15Z         7  
                  40.48     1:28.15 (47.67)                                        
 11 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                           1:29.20Z         6  
                  40.96     1:29.20 (48.24)                                        
 12 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                            1:29.77Z         5  
                  41.02     1:29.77 (48.75)                                        
 13 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            1:31.75          4  
                  40.79     1:31.75 (50.96)                                        
 14 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                            1:32.35          3  
                  42.47     1:32.35 (49.88)                                        
 15 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                           1:32.37          2  
                  43.46     1:32.37 (48.91)                                        
 16 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                           1:32.74          1  
                  41.72     1:32.74 (51.02)                                        
 17 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:33.18        
                  43.43     1:33.18 (49.75)                                        
 18 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                         1:35.00        
                  45.27     1:35.00 (49.73)                                        
 19 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            1:35.32        
                  44.46     1:35.32 (50.86)                                        
 20 Maggi, Sage M       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:35.36        
                  44.50     1:35.36 (50.86)                                        
 21 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                         1:35.37        
                  43.48     1:35.37 (51.89)                                        
 22 Weinstock, Tori R   10 PSC                            1:36.12        
                  44.56     1:36.12 (51.56)                                        
 23 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                            1:36.97        
                  45.24     1:36.97 (51.73)                                        
 24 Cobb, Mary C        10 SSA                            1:37.35        
                  44.36     1:37.35 (52.99)                                        
 25 Eagan, Kathryn A    10 BGSC                           1:38.09        
                  41.07     1:38.09 (57.02)                                        
 26 An, Miranda B        9 PSC                            1:38.36        
                  47.30     1:38.36 (51.06)                                        
 27 Day, Jennifer L     10 MAGNUS                         1:38.51        
                  45.61     1:38.51 (52.90)                                        
 28 Pierce, Molly K      9 MD                             1:38.88        
                  44.71     1:38.88 (54.17)                                        
 29 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         1:39.27        
                  46.40     1:39.27 (52.87)                                        
 30 Dillon, Molly A     10 STRYPERS                       1:39.40        
                  48.04     1:39.40 (51.36)                                        
 31 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                            1:39.55        
                  43.56     1:39.55 (55.99)                                        
 32 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                       1:40.30        
                  44.61     1:40.30 (55.69)                                        
 33 Bludau, Hannah N    10 PSC                            1:40.36        
                  46.47     1:40.36 (53.89)                                        
 34 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       1:40.46        
                  46.36     1:40.46 (54.10)                                        
 35 Barry, Margaret A    9 KING                           1:41.64        
                  41.80     1:41.64 (59.84)                                        
 36 Zuckerman, Justina  10 MELY                           1:42.17        
                  46.17     1:42.17 (56.00)                                        
 37 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                            1:42.21        
                  46.88     1:42.21 (55.33)                                        
 38 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                           1:42.47        
                  46.79     1:42.47 (55.68)                                        
 39 Fantakis, Ariana G  10 VIKINGS                        1:42.60        
                  46.33     1:42.60 (56.27)                                        
 40 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                           1:42.81        
                  45.06     1:42.81 (57.75)                                        
 41 Parsons, Kylee E    10 SAC                            1:42.85        
                  46.14     1:42.85 (56.71)                                        
 42 LE, Kim T            9 WAH                            1:43.70        
                  44.78     1:43.70 (58.92)                                        
 43 Kelly, Mackenzie L   9 SEA OTTERS                     1:44.04        
                  45.94     1:44.04 (58.10)                                        
 44 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                       1:44.47        
                  47.75     1:44.47 (56.72)                                        
 45 Grasberger, Lauren   9 SAC                            1:44.80        
                  48.68     1:44.80 (56.12)                                        
 46 Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                            1:45.92        
                  48.43     1:45.92 (57.49)                                        
 47 Kelly, Amber D      10 SSA                            1:46.17        
                  49.78     1:46.17 (56.39)                                        
 48 Westover, Maeve E   10 SQUIDS                         1:46.56        
                  47.15     1:46.56 (59.41)                                        
 49 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                             1:46.64        
                  46.74     1:46.64 (59.90)                                        
 50 O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                            1:46.76        
                  51.14     1:46.76 (55.62)                                        
 51 Wright, Shannon R   10 NWSC                           1:47.94        
                  47.53   1:47.94 (1:00.41)                                        
 52 Lajoie, Kelly M      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:48.58        
                  49.08     1:48.58 (59.50)                                        
 -- Murphy, Cailin E     8 BLUEFISH                            NS        
Girls 10 & Under 200 LC Meter IM
    Zone Cut: Z 3:03.59                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:31.26    8/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:31.26    8/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Griffith, Jenna E   10 GMA                            2:49.65Z        20  
                  37.40     1:20.16 (42.76)     2:10.19 (50.03)     2:49.65 (39.46)
  2 Alois, Jaclyn       10 MAGNUS                         2:54.04Z        17  
                  38.24     1:25.27 (47.03)     2:13.68 (48.41)     2:54.04 (40.36)
  3 Karosas, Tasija A   10 GMA                            2:54.57Z        16  
                  38.23     1:22.42 (44.19)     2:16.79 (54.37)     2:54.57 (37.78)
  4 Valler, Montanna S  10 MAGNUS                         2:56.46Z        15  
                  38.95     1:25.45 (46.50)     2:18.21 (52.76)     2:56.46 (38.25)
  5 Werenski, Meriza C  10 VIKINGS                        2:59.38Z        14  
                  40.73     1:28.19 (47.46)     2:18.96 (50.77)     2:59.38 (40.42)
  6 Mitchell, Katelyn   10 BGSC                           2:59.69Z        13  
                  39.52     1:23.98 (44.46)     2:18.62 (54.64)     2:59.69 (41.07)
  7 Smith, Helen M      10 BAT                            3:01.56Z        12  
                  40.12     1:26.49 (46.37)     2:20.90 (54.41)     3:01.56 (40.66)
  8 Lajoie, Juliette R  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 3:02.64Z        11  
                  40.92     1:27.49 (46.57)     2:23.75 (56.26)     3:02.64 (38.89)
  9 Tyler, Katie E      10 ATST                           3:05.75          9  
                  40.31     1:32.75 (52.44)     2:24.18 (51.43)     3:05.75 (41.57)
 10 Ross, Mikaela E     10 MAGNUS                         3:06.59          7  
                  44.67     1:33.30 (48.63)     2:26.00 (52.70)     3:06.59 (40.59)
 11 Alexander, Ryan D   10 YNS                            3:07.77          6  
                  39.11     1:28.46 (49.35)     2:26.02 (57.56)     3:07.77 (41.75)
 12 Sheridan, Caitlin   10 PSC                            3:07.79          5  
                  42.11     1:32.55 (50.44)     2:26.74 (54.19)     3:07.79 (41.05)
 13 Harper, Jessica L   10 NAS                            3:07.95          4  
                  43.00     1:32.06 (49.06)     2:27.14 (55.08)     3:07.95 (40.81)
 14 Lilly, Kayla M      10 SAC                            3:10.89          3  
                  48.19     1:36.79 (48.60)     2:30.29 (53.50)     3:10.89 (40.60)
 15 Benkert, Abigail G   9 BGSC                           3:11.06          2  
                  42.08     1:30.61 (48.53)     2:30.12 (59.51)     3:11.06 (40.94)
 16 Bush, Alyssa E      10 UNATTACHED NE                  3:11.36          1  
                  43.35     1:33.80 (50.45)     2:26.68 (52.88)     3:11.36 (44.68)
 17 Pierce, Megan L     10 MD                             3:13.15        
                  40.93     1:30.72 (49.79)   2:31.10 (1:00.38)     3:13.15 (42.05)
 18 Fleming, Kerry S     9 HRY                            3:13.55        
                  42.62     1:34.52 (51.90)     2:31.48 (56.96)     3:13.55 (42.07)
 19 Stewart, Madeleine  10 BLUE                           3:14.67        
                  41.70     1:32.87 (51.17)     2:32.10 (59.23)     3:14.67 (42.57)
 20 Avila, Julimar C     9 SQUIDS                         3:14.83        
                  44.47     1:34.32 (49.85)     2:32.60 (58.28)     3:14.83 (42.23)
 21 MacDonnell, Katie    9 BLUEFISH                       3:15.08        
                  45.06     1:34.17 (49.11)     2:30.62 (56.45)     3:15.08 (44.46)
 22 Wright, Kayleigh E  10 STRYPERS                       3:15.36        
                  44.70     1:34.48 (49.78)     2:33.68 (59.20)     3:15.36 (41.68)
 23 Myers, Madalyn C    10 AAC                            3:16.30        
                  44.13     1:37.94 (53.81)     2:33.61 (55.67)     3:16.30 (42.69)
 24 Casillo, Cathleen   10 AMW                            3:16.42        
                  44.90     1:37.66 (52.76)     2:35.37 (57.71)     3:16.42 (41.05)
 25 Haywood, Jillian L  10 VIKINGS                        3:17.37        
                  45.29     1:35.85 (50.56)     2:34.10 (58.25)     3:17.37 (43.27)
 26 Steingold, Sarah E  10 SQUIDS                         3:17.63        
                  44.56     1:36.58 (52.02)     2:34.74 (58.16)     3:17.63 (42.89)
 27 Novis, Hailey S     10 RAMS                           3:17.69        
                  47.07     1:39.89 (52.82)     2:36.99 (57.10)     3:17.69 (40.70)
 28 Tynan, Mara E       10 PSC                            3:18.31        
                  44.08     1:35.07 (50.99)   2:36.29 (1:01.22)     3:18.31 (42.02)
 29 Harrop, Delaney J   10 AAC                            3:18.54        
                  45.28     1:36.82 (51.54)     2:35.77 (58.95)     3:18.54 (42.77)
 30 Bludau, Hannah N    10 PSC                            3:18.55        
                  47.28     1:38.67 (51.39)     2:35.66 (56.99)     3:18.55 (42.89)
 31 O'Grady, Niamh S    10 MELY                           3:18.74        
                  43.97     1:35.93 (51.96)   2:37.07 (1:01.14)     3:18.74 (41.67)
 32 Perry, Alicia M     10 BGSC                           3:18.89        
                  41.24     1:35.82 (54.58)   2:36.74 (1:00.92)     3:18.89 (42.15)
 33 Dillon, Molly A     10 STRYPERS                       3:18.92        
                  47.49     1:38.65 (51.16)   2:38.68 (1:00.03)     3:18.92 (40.24)
 34 Maggi, Sage M       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 3:19.21        
                  45.44     1:38.51 (53.07)     2:36.66 (58.15)     3:19.21 (42.55)
 35 Lewis, Erin M       10 WYST                           3:19.79        
                  49.05     1:39.50 (50.45)     2:33.44 (53.94)     3:19.79 (46.35)
 36 Deveaux, Christina  10 YNS                            3:20.15        
                  46.30     1:37.32 (51.02)     2:33.93 (56.61)     3:20.15 (46.22)
 37 Clark, Hadley G     10 STRYPERS                       3:20.87        
                  49.70     1:37.51 (47.81)   2:38.82 (1:01.31)     3:20.87 (42.05)
 38 Melkonian, Kenna B  10 CCSC                           3:20.93        
                  47.81     1:42.91 (55.10)     2:37.31 (54.40)     3:20.93 (43.62)
 39 Torabi, Corinna S   10 ANA                            3:21.48        
                  48.06     1:38.83 (50.77)     2:38.52 (59.69)     3:21.48 (42.96)
 40 Robbins, Reilly C   10 CCSC                           3:21.50        
                  48.87     1:38.97 (50.10)   2:39.88 (1:00.91)     3:21.50 (41.62)
 41 Travers, Kaitlin A  10 NAS                            3:22.37        
                  44.06     1:40.92 (56.86)     2:38.02 (57.10)     3:22.37 (44.35)
 42 Conte, Lauren       10 MAGNUS                         3:22.84        
                  48.87     1:39.48 (50.61)   2:39.95 (1:00.47)     3:22.84 (42.89)
 43 Kelly, Amber D      10 SSA                            3:23.86        
                  49.09     1:44.09 (55.00)     2:42.81 (58.72)     3:23.86 (41.05)
 44 Russolillo, Jacque  10 ANA                            3:24.48        
                  42.86     1:35.96 (53.10)   2:41.17 (1:05.21)     3:24.48 (43.31)
 45 Parsons, Kylee E    10 SAC                            3:24.65        
                  45.68     1:38.20 (52.52)     2:38.14 (59.94)     3:24.65 (46.51)
 46 Lie, Alison F        9 MD                             3:26.18        
                  45.82     1:37.73 (51.91)   2:42.55 (1:04.82)     3:26.18 (43.63)
 47 Westover, Maeve E   10 SQUIDS                         3:26.37        
                  50.01     1:43.33 (53.32)     2:42.49 (59.16)     3:26.37 (43.88)
 48 Martin, Courteney   10 PSC                            3:26.73        
                  43.35     1:38.50 (55.15)   2:43.29 (1:04.79)     3:26.73 (43.44)
 49 Thompson, Brianna   10 FINS                           3:27.01        
                  46.84     1:42.21 (55.37)   2:42.86 (1:00.65)     3:27.01 (44.15)
 50 O'Connor, Kristen   10 YNS                            3:31.30        
                  50.62     1:45.42 (54.80)   2:48.13 (1:02.71)     3:31.30 (43.17)
 -- Chapman, Tessa M    10 SSA                                 DQ        
 -- Frey, Lucy C        10 ANA                                 DQ        
 -- Cobb, Mary C        10 SSA                                 DQ        
Girls 10 & Under 200 LC Meter IM Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:31.26    8/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:31.26    8/1/2003 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Sheridan, Caitlin M       10 PSC                            3:02.48        
                  41.66     1:28.81 (47.15)     2:21.68 (52.87)     3:02.48 (40.80)
Girls 10 & Under 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 2:10.67    7/1/2003 Magnus Aqutaic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, S. Bender, V. MacKay, R. Aello         
  NE Res Rec: R 2:10.67    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, S. Bender, V. MacKay, R. Aiello        
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:16.75         40  
     1) Mitchell, Katelyn R 10          2) Morris, Michaela A 10          
     3) Perry, Alicia M 10              4) Benkert, Abigail G 9           
                  33.09     1:09.15 (36.06)     1:43.28 (34.13)     2:16.75 (33.47)
  2 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             2:18.51         34  
     1) Alois, Jaclyn 10                2) Ross, Mikaela E 10             
     3) Conte, Lauren 10                4) Valler, Montanna S 10          
                  33.29     1:09.62 (36.33)     1:44.89 (35.27)     2:18.51 (33.62)
  3 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                2:22.84         32  
     1) Tynan, Mara E 10                2) Weinstock, Tori R 10           
     3) Martin, Courteney C 10          4) Sheridan, Caitlin M 10         
                  38.12     1:13.74 (35.62)     1:49.77 (36.03)     2:22.84 (33.07)
  4 GREATER HOLYOKE YMCA VIKINGS  'A'                     2:24.83         30  
     1) Haywood, Jillian L 10           2) Hurley, Christa L 10           
     3) Fantakis, Ariana G 10           4) Werenski, Meriza C 10          
                  34.90     1:16.41 (41.51)     1:53.01 (36.60)     2:24.83 (31.82)
  5 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:25.03         28  
     1) Deveaux, Christina M 10         2) Cong, Bestine S 9              
     3) Castaldo, Christina I 10        4) Alexander, Ryan D 10           
                  37.29     1:14.36 (37.07)     1:51.48 (37.12)     2:25.03 (33.55)
  6 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:26.56         26  
     1) Avila, Julimar C 9              2) Westover, Maeve E 10           
     3) Mullaney, Devin A 10            4) Steingold, Sarah E 10          
                  35.92     1:13.26 (37.34)     1:49.61 (36.35)     2:26.56 (36.95)
  7 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:27.73         24  
     1) Parsons, Kylee E 10             2) Almandoz, Eugenia 9            
     3) Adams, Carly J 9                4) Lilly, Kayla M 10              
                  38.20     1:15.02 (36.82)     1:52.12 (37.10)     2:27.73 (35.61)
  8 KINGFISH SWIMMING  'A'                                2:29.15         22  
     1) Goldberg, Jessie L 10           2) Barry, Margaret A 9            
     3) O'Sullivan, Mary M 9            4) Burgess, Kayla N 10            
                  37.52     1:14.57 (37.05)     1:52.47 (37.90)     2:29.15 (36.68)
  9 MIGHTY DUCKS  'A'                                     2:29.62         18  
     1) Pierce, Molly K 9               2) Lie, Alison F 9                
     3) Pierce, Megan L 10              4) Go, Leanne 9                   
                  38.35     1:15.10 (36.75)     1:50.74 (35.64)     2:29.62 (38.88)
 10 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:30.09         14  
     1) Frey, Lucy C 10                 2) Torabi, Corinna S 10           
     3) Entwistle, Molly O 10           4) Russolillo, Jacqueline T 10    
                  38.91     1:15.77 (36.86)     1:54.94 (39.17)     2:30.09 (35.15)
 11 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:31.19         12  
     1) Nasson, Sydney M 9              2) O'Brien, Jennifer J 9          
     3) Myers, Madalyn C 10             4) Harrop, Delaney J 10           
                  37.78     1:17.89 (40.11)     1:55.36 (37.47)     2:31.19 (35.83)
 12 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:31.34         10  
     1) Lajoie, Juliette R 10           2) Lajoie, Kelly M 9              
     3) Li, Jerrica H 7                 4) Maggi, Sage M 10               
                  34.48     1:14.06 (39.58)     1:53.51 (39.45)     2:31.34 (37.83)
 13 SEACOAST SWIMMING ASSOCIATION  'A'                    2:31.70          8  
     1) Chapman, Tessa M 10             2) Cobb, Mary C 10                
     3) Hayden, Jenna M 10              4) Kelly, Amber D 10              
                  36.28     1:15.69 (39.41)     1:53.26 (37.57)     2:31.70 (38.44)
 14 AMHERST TRITONS SWIM TEAM  'A'                        2:34.20          6  
     1) Tyler, Katie E 10               2) Dillon-Davidson, Sophia I 10   
     3) Ziomek, Ali M 10                4) Currier, Sam L 9               
                  33.84     1:12.79 (38.95)     1:53.49 (40.70)     2:34.20 (40.71)
 15 MELROSE YMCA SHARKS  'A'                              2:35.38          4  
     1) Zuckerman, Justina S 10         2) Day, Bailee D 8                
     3) Ayube, Brianna I 10             4) O'Grady, Niamh S 10            
                  38.73     1:19.04 (40.31)     1:58.94 (39.90)     2:35.38 (36.44)
 16 WOBURN BOYS & GIRLS CLUB  'A'                         2:38.94          2  
     1) Daly, Erin B 10                 2) Lamb, Kasey R 10               
     3) Flecchia, Nicole M 10           4) Kim, Soojin I 9                
                  37.46     1:15.95 (38.49)     1:56.46 (40.51)     2:38.94 (42.48)
 17 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'B'                             2:41.13        
     1) Ubele, Sarah E 9                2) Alois, Rebecca 9               
     3) Alois, Veronica 8               4) Day, Jennifer L 10             
                  36.93     1:17.81 (40.88)     2:02.40 (44.59)     2:41.13 (38.73)
 18 BLUEFISH SWIM CLUB  'A'                               2:47.50        
     1) MacDonnell, Katie E 9           2) Buckley, Kelly R 10            
     3) Murphy, Cailin E 8              4) Cerce, Kendra D 9              
                  39.48     1:21.87 (42.39)     1:59.52 (37.65)     2:47.50 (47.98)
 19 WACHUSETT STORM SWIM CLUB  'A'                        2:55.38        
     1) Corcoran, Yvonne R 8            2) Corcoran, Audrey M 10          
     3) Pappas, Vicki J 9               4) La Comfora, Jess M 9           
                  45.07     1:26.69 (41.62)     2:12.52 (45.83)     2:55.38 (42.86)
Girls 10 & Under 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 4:46.56    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, S. Bender, R. Aiello, K. Martin        
  NE Res Rec: R 4:46.56    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, S. Bender, R. Aiello, K. Martin        
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             4:58.39         40  
     1) Alois, Jaclyn 10                2) Ross, Mikaela E 10             
     3) Conte, Lauren 10                4) Valler, Montanna S 10          
                  34.33   1:12.25 (1:12.25)     1:48.79 (36.54)   2:28.71 (1:16.46)
        3:05.77 (37.06)   3:46.27 (1:17.56)     4:20.65 (34.38)   4:58.39 (1:12.12)
  2 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         5:01.35         34  
     1) Mitchell, Katelyn R 10          2) Morris, Michaela A 10          
     3) Perry, Alicia M 10              4) Benkert, Abigail G 9           
                  34.88   1:12.85 (1:12.85)     1:49.84 (36.99)   2:31.21 (1:18.36)
        3:06.93 (35.72)   3:46.98 (1:15.77)     4:21.21 (34.23)   5:01.35 (1:14.37)
  3 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                5:18.99         32  
     1) Tynan, Mara E 10                2) Martin, Courteney C 10         
     3) Weinstock, Tori R 10            4) Sheridan, Caitlin M 10         
                  39.07   1:22.71 (1:22.71)     2:01.24 (38.53)   2:44.48 (1:21.77)
        3:22.89 (38.41)   4:06.18 (1:21.70)     4:39.58 (33.40)   5:18.99 (1:12.81)
  4 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    5:22.69         30  
     1) Deveaux, Christina M 10         2) O'Connor, Kristen M 10         
     3) Castaldo, Christina I 10        4) Alexander, Ryan D 10           
                  37.85   1:21.08 (1:21.08)     2:01.84 (40.76)   2:44.10 (1:23.02)
        3:23.93 (39.83)   4:07.47 (1:23.37)     4:43.53 (36.06)   5:22.69 (1:15.22)
  5 GREATER HOLYOKE YMCA VIKINGS  'A'                     5:23.78         28  
     1) Haywood, Jillian L 10           2) Hurley, Christa L 10           
     3) Fantakis, Ariana G 10           4) Werenski, Meriza C 10          
                  37.88   1:19.33 (1:19.33)     2:01.90 (42.57)   2:51.25 (1:31.92)
        3:29.70 (38.45)   4:12.49 (1:21.24)     4:46.45 (33.96)   5:23.78 (1:11.29)
  6 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       5:25.88         26  
     1) Avila, Julimar C 9              2) Westover, Maeve E 10           
     3) Mullaney, Devin A 10            4) Steingold, Sarah E 10          
                  38.33   1:19.45 (1:19.45)     1:59.12 (39.67)   2:44.55 (1:25.10)
        3:22.13 (37.58)   4:05.24 (1:20.69)     4:43.18 (37.94)   5:25.88 (1:20.64)
  7 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             5:30.72         24  
     1) Lilly, Kayla M 10               2) Almandoz, Eugenia 9            
     3) Adams, Carly J 9                4) Parsons, Kylee E 10            
                  39.22   1:21.16 (1:21.16)     1:59.32 (38.16)   2:43.55 (1:22.39)
        3:21.70 (38.15)   4:05.84 (1:22.29)     4:45.56 (39.72)   5:30.72 (1:24.88)
  8 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          5:32.69         22  
     1) Nasson, Sydney M 9              2) O'Brien, Jennifer J 9          
     3) Myers, Madalyn C 10             4) Harrop, Delaney J 10           
                  38.58   1:22.36 (1:22.36)     2:01.63 (39.27)   2:50.81 (1:28.45)
        3:29.19 (38.38)   4:11.99 (1:21.18)     4:49.21 (37.22)   5:32.69 (1:20.70)
  9 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   5:36.57         18  
     1) Frey, Lucy C 10                 2) Entwistle, Molly O 10          
     3) Torabi, Corinna S 10            4) Russolillo, Jacqueline T 10    
                  40.24   1:25.69 (1:25.69)     2:07.35 (41.66)   2:53.68 (1:27.99)
        3:31.17 (37.49)   4:17.20 (1:23.52)     4:53.66 (36.46)   5:36.57 (1:19.37)
 10 MIGHTY DUCKS  'A'                                     5:38.04         14  
     1) Pierce, Molly K 9               2) Lie, Alison F 9                
     3) Pierce, Megan L 10              4) Go, Leanne 9                   
                  39.87   1:24.64 (1:24.64)     2:03.83 (39.19)   2:48.58 (1:23.94)
        3:26.83 (38.25)   4:10.40 (1:21.82)     4:50.79 (40.39)   5:38.04 (1:27.64)
 11 SEACOAST SWIMMING ASSOCIATION  'A'                    5:39.71         12  
     1) Chapman, Tessa M 10             2) Cobb, Mary C 10                
     3) Hayden, Jenna M 10              4) Kelly, Amber D 10              
                  38.67   1:22.41 (1:22.41)     2:03.24 (40.83)   2:50.20 (1:27.79)
        3:29.59 (39.39)   4:12.65 (1:22.45)     4:53.54 (40.89)   5:39.71 (1:27.06)
 12 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         5:42.67         10  
     1) Lajoie, Juliette R 10           2) Lajoie, Kelly M 9              
     3) Li, Jerrica H 7                 4) Maggi, Sage M 10               
                  36.04   1:15.33 (1:15.33)     1:57.20 (41.87)   2:48.09 (1:32.76)
        3:30.44 (42.35)   4:18.00 (1:29.91)     4:58.08 (40.08)   5:42.67 (1:24.67)
 13 KINGFISH SWIMMING  'A'                                5:44.14          8  
     1) Goldberg, Jessie L 10           2) Barry, Margaret A 9            
     3) O'Sullivan, Mary M 9            4) Burgess, Kayla N 10            
                  39.26   1:26.13 (1:26.13)     2:07.39 (41.26)   2:49.90 (1:23.77)
        3:32.65 (42.75)   4:21.63 (1:31.73)     4:59.30 (37.67)   5:44.14 (1:22.51)
 14 AMHERST TRITONS SWIM TEAM  'A'                        5:45.35          6  
     1) Dillon-Davidson, Sophia I 10    2) Ziomek, Ali M 10               
     3) Currier, Sam L 9                4) Tyler, Katie E 10              
                  41.90   1:28.71 (1:28.71)     2:10.42 (41.71)   2:55.97 (1:27.26)
        3:39.94 (43.97)   4:25.68 (1:29.71)     5:03.07 (37.39)   5:45.35 (1:19.67)
 15 WOBURN BOYS & GIRLS CLUB  'A'                         5:47.28          4  
     1) Daly, Erin B 10                 2) Lamb, Kasey R 10               
     3) Flecchia, Nicole M 10           4) Kim, Soojin I 9                
                  38.62   1:21.26 (1:21.26)     1:59.88 (38.62)   2:45.43 (1:24.17)
        3:27.71 (42.28)   4:16.63 (1:31.20)     4:58.49 (41.86)   5:47.28 (1:30.65)
 16 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'B'                             5:49.41          2  
     1) Day, Jennifer L 10              2) Alois, Rebecca 9               
     3) Alois, Veronica 8               4) Ubele, Sarah E 9               
                  39.21   1:22.22 (1:22.22)     2:03.81 (41.59)   2:49.49 (1:27.27)
        3:34.28 (44.79)   4:27.36 (1:37.87)     5:05.21 (37.85)   5:49.41 (1:22.05)
 17 WACHUSETT STORM SWIM CLUB  'A'                        6:28.99        
     1) Corcoran, Audrey M 10           2) Corcoran, Yvonne R 8           
     3) Pappas, Vicki J 9               4) La Comfora, Jess M 9           
                  42.59   1:29.31 (1:29.31)     2:15.43 (46.12)   3:08.46 (1:39.15)
        3:57.08 (48.62)   4:51.86 (1:43.40)     5:36.73 (44.87)   6:28.99 (1:37.13)
 18 BLUEFISH SWIM CLUB  'A'                               6:35.10        
     1) MacDonnell, Katie E 9           2) Buckley, Kelly R 10            
     3) McQuaid, Emily C 9              4) Cerce, Kendra D 9              
                  38.21   1:20.35 (1:20.35)     2:03.62 (43.27)   2:54.00 (1:33.65)
        3:43.59 (49.59)   4:43.99 (1:49.99)     5:34.93 (50.94)   6:35.10 (1:51.11)
 -- MELROSE YMCA SHARKS  'A'                                   DQ        
     1) Zuckerman, Justina S 10         2) Day, Bailee D 8                
     3) Ayube, Brianna I 10             4) O'Grady, Niamh S 10            
Girls 10 & Under 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay Time Trial
      NE Rec: N 4:46.56    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, S. Bender, R. Aiello, K. Martin        
  NE Res Rec: R 4:46.56    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, S. Bender, R. Aiello, K. Martin        
    Team                                                          Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                               5:04.61        
     1) Mitchell, Katelyn R 10          2) Morris, Michaela A 10          
     3) Perry, Alicia M 10              4) Benkert, Abigail G 9           
                  34.44   1:12.55 (1:12.55)     1:49.75 (37.20)   2:31.65 (1:19.10)
        3:07.65 (36.00)   3:49.36 (1:17.71)     4:24.51 (35.15)   5:04.61 (1:15.25)
Girls 10 & Under 200 LC Meter Medley Relay
      NE Rec: N 2:26.94    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, K. Kaspar, S. Bender, R. Aiello        
  NE Res Rec: R 2:26.94    7/1/2003 Magnus Aquatic Group, MAG-NE               
                         E. Beisel, K. Kaspar, S. Bender, R. Aiello        
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             2:32.57         40  
     1) Ross, Mikaela E 10              2) Alois, Jaclyn 10               
     3) Valler, Montanna S 10           4) Conte, Lauren 10               
                  40.50     1:20.81 (40.31)     1:57.08 (36.27)     2:32.57 (35.49)
  2 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:38.28         34  
     1) Mitchell, Katelyn R 10          2) Morris, Michaela A 10          
     3) Perry, Alicia M 10              4) Benkert, Abigail G 9           
                  39.04     1:30.42 (51.38)     2:04.49 (34.07)     2:38.28 (33.79)
  3 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                2:38.78         32  
     1) Marrkand, Jen P 10              2) Sheridan, Caitlin M 10         
     3) Weinstock, Tori R 10            4) Martin, Courteney C 10         
                  41.00     1:23.59 (42.59)     2:02.02 (38.43)     2:38.78 (36.76)
  4 GREATER HOLYOKE YMCA VIKINGS  'A'                     2:41.04         30  
     1) Haywood, Jillian L 10           2) Hurley, Christa L 10           
     3) Fantakis, Ariana G 10           4) Werenski, Meriza C 10          
                  42.02     1:26.90 (44.88)     2:09.02 (42.12)     2:41.04 (32.02)
  5 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:41.73         28  
     1) Deveaux, Christina M 10         2) O'Connor, Kristen M 10         
     3) Alexander, Ryan D 10            4) Castaldo, Christina I 10       
                  39.93     1:29.62 (49.69)     2:04.57 (34.95)     2:41.73 (37.16)
  6 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:48.64         26  
     1) Almandoz, Eugenia 9             2) Lilly, Kayla M 10              
     3) Parsons, Kylee E 10             4) Adams, Carly J 9               
                  46.46     1:27.74 (41.28)     2:11.02 (43.28)     2:48.64 (37.62)
  7 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:50.32         24  
     1) O'Brien, Jennifer J 9           2) Myers, Madalyn C 10            
     3) Nasson, Sydney M 9              4) Harrop, Delaney J 10           
                  43.90     1:33.39 (49.49)     2:15.15 (41.76)     2:50.32 (35.17)
  8 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:50.56         22  
     1) Frey, Lucy C 10                 2) Entwistle, Molly O 10          
     3) Russolillo, Jacqueline T 10     4) Torabi, Corinna S 10           
                  45.84     1:32.46 (46.62)     2:12.01 (39.55)     2:50.56 (38.55)
  9 AMHERST TRITONS SWIM TEAM  'A'                        2:50.97         18  
     1) Currier, Sam L 9                2) Dillon-Davidson, Sophia I 10   
     3) Tyler, Katie E 10               4) Ziomek, Ali M 10               
                  46.86     1:34.61 (47.75)     2:10.89 (36.28)     2:50.97 (40.08)
 10 KINGFISH SWIMMING  'A'                                2:54.19         14  
     1) O'Sullivan, Mary M 9            2) Coghlan, Jill L 10             
     3) Barry, Margaret A 9             4) Burgess, Kayla N 10            
                  46.72     1:37.82 (51.10)     2:17.63 (39.81)     2:54.19 (36.56)
 11 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'B'                                2:54.35         12  
     1) Donovan, Jenny R 10             2) Bludau, Hannah N 10            
     3) An, Miranda B 9                 4) Tynan, Mara E 10               
                  43.98     1:33.05 (49.07)     2:16.21 (43.16)     2:54.35 (38.14)
 12 SEACOAST SWIMMING ASSOCIATION  'A'                    2:54.60         10  
     1) Cobb, Mary C 10                 2) Kelly, Amber D 10              
     3) O'Brien, Ashlie H 10            4) Chapman, Tessa M 10            
                  46.11     1:34.88 (48.77)     2:19.40 (44.52)     2:54.60 (35.20)
 13 MELROSE YMCA SHARKS  'A'                              2:54.99          8  
     1) O'Grady, Niamh S 10             2) Ayube, Brianna I 10            
     3) Zuckerman, Justina S 10         4) Day, Bailee D 8                
                  43.91     1:33.59 (49.68)     2:16.56 (42.97)     2:54.99 (38.43)
 14 MIGHTY DUCKS  'A'                                     2:58.83          6  
     1) Lie, Alison F 9                 2) Pierce, Megan L 10             
     3) Pierce, Molly K 9               4) Go, Leanne 9                   
                  44.88     1:37.09 (52.21)     2:18.96 (41.87)     2:58.83 (39.87)
 15 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:59.23          4  
     1) Li, Jerrica H 7                 2) Black, Ally C 10               
     3) Lajoie, Juliette R 10           4) Maggi, Sage M 10               
                                1:42.44 ( )     2:19.68 (37.24)     2:59.23 (39.55)
 16 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'B'                             3:00.11          2  
     1) Ubele, Sarah E 9                2) Alois, Rebecca 9               
     3) Day, Jennifer L 10              4) Alois, Veronica 8              
                  45.79     1:31.96 (46.17)     2:13.70 (41.74)     3:00.11 (46.41)
 17 WOBURN BOYS & GIRLS CLUB  'A'                         3:06.94        
     1) Kim, Soojin I 9                 2) Lamb, Kasey R 10               
     3) Flecchia, Nicole M 10           4) Daly, Erin B 10                
                  50.01     1:37.33 (47.32)   3:06.94 (1:29.61)                    
 18 WACHUSETT STORM SWIM CLUB  'A'                        3:21.89        
     1) Corcoran, Audrey M 10           2) Corcoran, Yvonne R 8           
     3) La Comfora, Jess M 9            4) Pappas, Vicki J 9              
                  47.83     1:45.27 (57.44)     2:34.81 (49.54)     3:21.89 (47.08)
 -- BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                            DQ        
     1) Mullaney, Devin A 10            2) Westover, Maeve E 10           
     3) Steingold, Sarah E 10           4) Avila, Julimar C 9             
 -- BLUEFISH SWIM CLUB  'A'                                    DQ        
     1) MacDonnell, Katie E 9           2) Buckley, Kelly R 10            
     3) Murphy, Cailin E 8              4) Cerce, Kendra D 9              
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 30.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 27.65    7/1/1998 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 27.00    7/1/1999 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                    29.47      28.99Z        20  
  2 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS                 29.96      29.48Z        17  
  3 Weaver, Christa E   11 GMA                    29.88      29.89Z        16  
  4 Gaquin, Emma S      12 NORTH SHORE            30.30      30.02Z        15  
  5 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         30.41      30.08Z        14  
  6 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                   30.26      30.17Z        13  
  7 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                    30.46      30.29Z        12  
  8 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS             30.01      30.96         11  
B - Final
  9 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS                 30.85      29.86Z         9  
 10 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                  30.58      29.93Z         7  
 11 Tocci, Bianca A     12 BGSC                   31.06      30.31Z         6  
 12 Petrossian, Natali  12 BGSC                   31.12      30.52Z         5  
 13 Rafferty-Millett,   12 YNS                    30.93      31.08          4  
 14 Rosenberg, Jeri E   12 WAVES                  31.11      31.47          3  
 15 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS             30.81      31.87          2  
 16 Mooney, Heather J   12 GMSC                   31.27      32.23          1  
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 30.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 27.65    7/1/1998 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 27.00    7/1/1999 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                               29.47Z       
  2 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                               29.88Z       
  3 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                            29.96Z       
  4 Ewing, Kelsey A           12 MST RAPIDS                        30.01Z       
  5 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                              30.26Z       
  6 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                       30.30Z       
  7 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    30.41Z       
  8 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                               30.46Z       
  9 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                             30.58Z       
 10 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                        30.81        
 11 Spinazzola, Bianca L      11 SQUIDS                            30.85        
 12 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                               30.93        
 13 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                              31.06        
 14 Rosenberg, Jeri E         12 WAVES                             31.11        
 15 Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                              31.12        
 16 Mooney, Heather J         12 GMSC                              31.27        
 17 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    31.37        
 18 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                       31.38        
 19 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                               31.40        
 20 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                               31.46        
 21 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                          31.53        
 22 Kissick, Hope H           12 WAVES                             31.58        
 23 Haber, Aniko E            12 WAVES                             31.64        
 24 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                               31.80        
 25 LeBlanc, Riley M          12 YNS                               31.88        
 26 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                           31.92        
 27 Thulander, Sabrina R      12 MAGNUS                            32.03        
 28 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                        32.06        
 29 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                          32.08        
 30 Rader, Shelby A           11 KING                              32.16        
 31 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                               32.20        
 32 Woodman, Allyssa T        12 BYB                               32.21        
 33 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                               32.30        
 34 Volpicelli, Gabbi M       12 AAC                               32.31        
 35 Sweeney, Heather A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    32.35        
 36 Feaster, Hayley R         12 NEWPORT                           32.41        
 37 Russell, Molly C          12 GMA                               32.43        
 38 Lang, Cheryl J            12 MD                                32.50        
 39 Konieczny, Mina S         12 VIKINGS                           32.68        
 40 Diprete, Paige P          11 RAMS                              32.75        
 41 Strauss, Ilana E          12 NWSC                              32.76        
 42 Spinazzola, Angelica T    11 SQUIDS                            32.83        
 43 Hayden, Kelsey R          11 SSA                               32.88        
 44 Mozea, Amanda J           11 ATST                              33.06        
 45 Huber, Kelly E            11 PSC                               33.58        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 1:06.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:00.92    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R   59.42    7/1/1999 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                  1:03.12    1:02.65Z        20  
                  30.27     1:02.65 (32.38)                                        
  2 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS               1:03.20    1:03.09Z        17  
                  30.71     1:03.09 (32.38)                                        
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS               1:04.69    1:03.97Z        16  
                  30.84     1:03.97 (33.13)                                        
  4 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS               1:05.57    1:05.53Z        15  
                  31.42     1:05.53 (34.11)                                        
  5 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                  1:05.89    1:06.26Z        14  
                  31.83     1:06.26 (34.43)                                        
  6 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS           1:06.44    1:06.49Z        13  
                  31.51     1:06.49 (34.98)                                        
  7 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS           1:04.98    1:06.95         12  
                  32.29     1:06.95 (34.66)                                        
  8 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                1:06.86    1:07.03         11  
                  32.03     1:07.03 (35.00)                                        
B - Final
  9 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:07.05    1:06.14Z         9  
                  32.43     1:06.14 (33.71)                                        
 10 Almandoz, Andrea    12 SAC                  1:07.82    1:06.84          7  
                  31.98     1:06.84 (34.86)                                        
 11 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                 1:06.90    1:07.11          6  
                  32.31     1:07.11 (34.80)                                        
 12 Tocci, Bianca A     12 BGSC                 1:07.06    1:07.61          5  
                  32.89     1:07.61 (34.72)                                        
 13 Kenney, Katie M     12 WAVES                1:07.60    1:08.16          4  
                  32.54     1:08.16 (35.62)                                        
 14 Weaver, Christa E   11 GMA                  1:07.13    1:08.44          3  
                  32.83     1:08.44 (35.61)                                        
 15 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                  1:08.12    1:10.04          2  
                  33.49     1:10.04 (36.55)                                        
 16 Rafferty-Millett,   12 YNS                  1:08.18    1:10.49          1  
                  34.30     1:10.49 (36.19)                                        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 1:06.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:00.92    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R   59.42    7/1/1999 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                             1:03.12Z       
                  30.23     1:03.12 (32.89)                                        
  2 Azaret, Lydia A           12 MAGNUS                          1:03.20Z       
                  30.50     1:03.20 (32.70)                                        
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L             11 SQUIDS                          1:04.69Z       
                  31.06     1:04.69 (33.63)                                        
  4 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                      1:04.98Z       
                  31.18     1:04.98 (33.80)                                        
  5 Spinazzola, Bianca L      11 SQUIDS                          1:05.57Z       
                  31.46     1:05.57 (34.11)                                        
  6 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                             1:05.89Z       
                  31.72     1:05.89 (34.17)                                        
  7 Ewing, Kelsey A           12 MST RAPIDS                      1:06.44Z       
                  30.90     1:06.44 (35.54)                                        
  8 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                           1:06.86        
                  31.53     1:06.86 (35.33)                                        
  9 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                            1:06.90        
                  32.06     1:06.90 (34.84)                                        
 10 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:07.05        
                  32.70     1:07.05 (34.35)                                        
 11 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                            1:07.06        
                  31.42     1:07.06 (35.64)                                        
 12 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                             1:07.13        
                  32.99     1:07.13 (34.14)                                        
 13 Kenney, Katie M           12 WAVES                           1:07.60        
                  31.82     1:07.60 (35.78)                                        
 14 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                             1:07.82        
                  32.19     1:07.82 (35.63)                                        
 15 Long, Amber J             12 SSA                             1:08.12        
                  32.66     1:08.12 (35.46)                                        
 16 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                             1:08.18        
                  32.94     1:08.18 (35.24)                                        
 17 Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                            1:08.46        
                  33.92     1:08.46 (34.54)                                        
 18 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                        1:08.47        
                  32.77     1:08.47 (35.70)                                        
 19 Dinsmore, Madi A          11 WSSC                            1:08.67        
                  33.18     1:08.67 (35.49)                                        
 20 Thulander, Sabrina R      12 MAGNUS                          1:08.86        
                  33.12     1:08.86 (35.74)                                        
 21 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                     1:08.97        
                  33.62     1:08.97 (35.35)                                        
 22 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                             1:09.14        
                  33.64     1:09.14 (35.50)                                        
 23 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                        1:09.22        
                  32.99     1:09.22 (36.23)                                        
 24 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                         1:09.26        
                  34.10     1:09.26 (35.16)                                        
 25 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                             1:09.34        
                  34.01     1:09.34 (35.33)                                        
 26 Strauss, Ilana E          12 NWSC                            1:10.01        
                  33.39     1:10.01 (36.62)                                        
 27 Rader, Shelby A           11 KING                            1:10.09        
                  32.46     1:10.09 (37.63)                                        
 28 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:10.20        
                  33.35     1:10.20 (36.85)                                        
 29 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                      1:10.21        
                  33.81     1:10.21 (36.40)                                        
 30 Nasson, Stephanie A       12 AAC                             1:10.40        
                  33.90     1:10.40 (36.50)                                        
 31 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                             1:10.57        
                  33.60     1:10.57 (36.97)                                        
 32 Hayden, Kelsey R          11 SSA                             1:10.70        
                  34.23     1:10.70 (36.47)                                        
 33 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                     1:10.90        
                  33.49     1:10.90 (37.41)                                        
 34 Kim, Monica M             12 H2O                             1:11.29        
                  35.49     1:11.29 (35.80)                                        
 35 Spinazzola, Angelica T    11 SQUIDS                          1:11.31        
                  34.46     1:11.31 (36.85)                                        
 36 Sullivan, Jen L           12 MELY                            1:11.43        
                  34.51     1:11.43 (36.92)                                        
 37 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                             1:11.54        
                  33.72     1:11.54 (37.82)                                        
 38 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                             1:12.24        
                  34.47     1:12.24 (37.77)                                        
 39 Mael, Liora E             12 BGSC                            1:12.57        
                  35.27     1:12.57 (37.30)                                        
 40 Walsh, Gillian M          12 BYB                             1:13.02        
                  33.00     1:13.02 (40.02)                                        
 41 Fireman, Rachel A         12 CUDAS                           1:13.31        
                  35.28     1:13.31 (38.03)                                        
 42 Pierce, Olivia H          11 BGSC                            1:13.59        
                  35.41     1:13.59 (38.18)                                        
 -- Marcus, Ellen F           12 CCBS                                 NS        
 -- Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                        NS        
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 2:25.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:10.54    7/1/2004 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:09.44    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                 2:16.61    2:13.76Z        20  
                  32.26     1:06.20 (33.94)     1:40.45 (34.25)     2:13.76 (33.31)
  2 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                  2:17.47    2:14.99Z        17  
                  31.95     1:06.28 (34.33)     1:41.41 (35.13)     2:14.99 (33.58)
  3 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS               2:15.57    2:15.15Z        16  
                  32.35     1:06.38 (34.03)     1:41.28 (34.90)     2:15.15 (33.87)
  4 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS               2:15.49    2:15.99Z        15  
                  33.11     1:06.83 (33.72)     1:41.45 (34.62)     2:15.99 (34.54)
  5 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS               2:18.97    2:18.83Z        14  
                  33.20     1:07.89 (34.69)     1:43.32 (35.43)     2:18.83 (35.51)
  6 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS               2:20.80    2:19.83Z        13  
                  33.02     1:08.06 (35.04)     1:44.22 (36.16)     2:19.83 (35.61)
  7 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS           2:23.78    2:21.46Z        12  
                  33.06     1:08.34 (35.28)     1:44.96 (36.62)     2:21.46 (36.50)
  8 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS               2:21.12    2:24.64Z        11  
                  33.89     1:10.12 (36.23)     1:47.66 (37.54)     2:24.64 (36.98)
B - Final
  9 Almandoz, Andrea    12 SAC                  2:27.15    2:24.66Z         9  
                  33.02     1:08.94 (35.92)     1:46.83 (37.89)     2:24.66 (37.83)
 10 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                 2:24.86    2:25.23Z         7  
                  34.82     1:11.91 (37.09)     1:48.87 (36.96)     2:25.23 (36.36)
 11 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:24.15    2:25.58          6  
                  33.88     1:11.08 (37.20)     1:48.99 (37.91)     2:25.58 (36.59)
 12 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH             2:27.40    2:25.88          5  
                  33.73     1:11.20 (37.47)     1:49.20 (38.00)     2:25.88 (36.68)
 13 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS               2:25.91    2:26.14          4  
                  34.56     1:11.85 (37.29)     1:49.89 (38.04)     2:26.14 (36.25)
 14 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS           2:27.50    2:26.93          3  
                  34.90     1:12.49 (37.59)     1:49.52 (37.03)     2:26.93 (37.41)
 15 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                  2:26.50    2:27.88          2  
                  34.89     1:12.59 (37.70)     1:51.36 (38.77)     2:27.88 (36.52)
 16 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                2:26.20    2:32.92          1  
                  36.13     1:15.63 (39.50)     1:54.65 (39.02)     2:32.92 (38.27)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 2:25.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:10.54    7/1/2004 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:09.44    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Azaret, Lydia A           12 MAGNUS                          2:15.49Z       
                  32.03     1:05.47 (33.44)     1:40.66 (35.19)     2:15.49 (34.83)
  2 Patterson, Monica M       12 MAGNUS                          2:15.57Z       
                  31.94     1:06.13 (34.19)     1:41.00 (34.87)     2:15.57 (34.57)
  3 Fabian, Eva M             12 GMSC                            2:16.61Z       
                  32.95     1:07.88 (34.93)     1:42.74 (34.86)     2:16.61 (33.87)
  4 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                             2:17.47Z       
                  32.52     1:07.53 (35.01)     1:42.96 (35.43)     2:17.47 (34.51)
  5 Nuzzo, Emma L             11 SQUIDS                          2:18.97Z       
                  32.44     1:06.95 (34.51)     1:42.82 (35.87)     2:18.97 (36.15)
  6 Spinazzola, Bianca L      11 SQUIDS                          2:20.80Z       
                  32.55     1:07.69 (35.14)     1:44.50 (36.81)     2:20.80 (36.30)
  7 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                          2:21.12Z       
                  33.03     1:08.48 (35.45)     1:45.18 (36.70)     2:21.12 (35.94)
  8 Ewing, Kelsey A           12 MST RAPIDS                      2:23.78Z       
                  32.74     1:08.07 (35.33)     1:45.49 (37.42)     2:23.78 (38.29)
  9 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:24.15Z       
                  33.87     1:10.52 (36.65)     1:47.99 (37.47)     2:24.15 (36.16)
 10 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                            2:24.86Z       
                  33.37     1:10.97 (37.60)     1:47.56 (36.59)     2:24.86 (37.30)
 11 D'Innocenzo, Margaret L   11 MAGNUS                          2:25.91        
                  33.88     1:11.00 (37.12)     1:49.62 (38.62)     2:25.91 (36.29)
 12 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                           2:26.20        
                  32.74     1:09.39 (36.65)     1:48.62 (39.23)     2:26.20 (37.58)
 13 Long, Amber J             12 SSA                             2:26.50        
                  33.24     1:11.58 (38.34)     1:50.08 (38.50)     2:26.50 (36.42)
 14 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                             2:27.15        
                  33.55     1:10.97 (37.42)     1:49.56 (38.59)     2:27.15 (37.59)
 15 Capece, Caroline N        12 BLUEFISH                        2:27.40        
                  34.62     1:12.09 (37.47)     1:50.52 (38.43)     2:27.40 (36.88)
 16 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                      2:27.50        
                  33.70     1:10.38 (36.68)     1:49.65 (39.27)     2:27.50 (37.85)
 17 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                            2:27.91        
                  33.46     1:11.18 (37.72)     1:49.28 (38.10)     2:27.91 (38.63)
 18 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                             2:27.95        
                  34.22     1:12.30 (38.08)     1:52.03 (39.73)     2:27.95 (35.92)
 19 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                        2:28.22        
                  34.17     1:11.84 (37.67)     1:50.36 (38.52)     2:28.22 (37.86)
 20 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                             2:28.69        
                  33.80     1:11.89 (38.09)     1:51.27 (39.38)     2:28.69 (37.42)
 21 Strauss, Ilana E          12 NWSC                            2:29.36        
                  34.30     1:11.67 (37.37)     1:51.27 (39.60)     2:29.36 (38.09)
 22 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                         2:29.42        
                  34.68     1:13.49 (38.81)     1:52.84 (39.35)     2:29.42 (36.58)
 23 Nasson, Stephanie A       12 AAC                             2:29.48        
                  34.18     1:12.94 (38.76)     1:52.54 (39.60)     2:29.48 (36.94)
 24 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                        2:29.51        
                  34.75     1:13.69 (38.94)     1:53.85 (40.16)     2:29.51 (35.66)
 25 Thulander, Sabrina R      12 MAGNUS                          2:30.48        
                  34.49     1:11.84 (37.35)     1:51.77 (39.93)     2:30.48 (38.71)
 26 Dinsmore, Madi A          11 WSSC                            2:30.72        
                  34.19     1:11.92 (37.73)     1:52.96 (41.04)     2:30.72 (37.76)
 27 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                             2:30.95        
                  35.14     1:13.10 (37.96)     1:52.75 (39.65)     2:30.95 (38.20)
 28 Russell, Molly C          12 GMA                             2:31.52        
                  34.13     1:13.71 (39.58)     1:54.09 (40.38)     2:31.52 (37.43)
 29 Sullivan, Jen L           12 MELY                            2:33.97        
                  35.10     1:13.54 (38.44)     1:54.51 (40.97)     2:33.97 (39.46)
 30 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                             2:34.70        
                  35.16     1:15.13 (39.97)     1:55.75 (40.62)     2:34.70 (38.95)
 31 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                     2:35.05        
                  34.77     1:14.91 (40.14)     1:55.50 (40.59)     2:35.05 (39.55)
Girls 11-12 400 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 5:04.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 4:27.42    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 4:29.26    6/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                           4:37.94Z        20  
                  33.14     1:08.58 (35.44)     1:43.38 (34.80)     2:18.43 (35.05)
        2:53.21 (34.78)     3:28.17 (34.96)     4:03.47 (35.30)     4:37.94 (34.47)
  2 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS                         4:42.79Z        17  
                  33.18     1:09.04 (35.86)     1:43.80 (34.76)     2:19.58 (35.78)
        2:55.49 (35.91)     3:31.32 (35.83)     4:07.43 (36.11)     4:42.79 (35.36)
  3 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS                         4:43.53Z        16  
                  33.37     1:08.76 (35.39)     1:44.33 (35.57)     2:20.22 (35.89)
        2:56.58 (36.36)     3:32.59 (36.01)     4:08.85 (36.26)     4:43.53 (34.68)
  4 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS                         4:53.00Z        15  
                  34.12     1:10.48 (36.36)     1:48.28 (37.80)     2:26.27 (37.99)
        3:03.49 (37.22)     3:40.30 (36.81)     4:17.37 (37.07)     4:53.00 (35.63)
  5 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS                         4:57.34Z        14  
                  34.42     1:12.40 (37.98)     1:50.24 (37.84)     2:28.06 (37.82)
        3:05.01 (36.95)     3:42.72 (37.71)     4:20.28 (37.56)     4:57.34 (37.06)
  6 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS                     5:00.70Z        13  
                  33.40     1:10.48 (37.08)     1:48.80 (38.32)     2:27.47 (38.67)
        3:06.73 (39.26)     3:45.06 (38.33)     4:23.53 (38.47)     5:00.70 (37.17)
  7 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS                     5:03.66Z        12  
                  34.54     1:11.50 (36.96)     1:50.14 (38.64)     2:28.60 (38.46)
        3:07.96 (39.36)     3:46.22 (38.26)     4:25.04 (38.82)     5:03.66 (38.62)
  8 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS                         5:04.54Z        11  
                  35.12     1:13.37 (38.25)     1:51.69 (38.32)     2:30.43 (38.74)
        3:09.30 (38.87)     3:48.47 (39.17)     4:27.54 (39.07)     5:04.54 (37.00)
  9 Oresman, Kelsi      12 BLUEFISH                       5:05.01          9  
                  34.32     1:12.41 (38.09)     1:51.14 (38.73)     2:30.63 (39.49)
        3:10.03 (39.40)     3:49.33 (39.30)     4:27.67 (38.34)     5:05.01 (37.34)
 10 Dinsmore, Madi A    11 WSSC                           5:05.42          7  
                  34.86     1:13.15 (38.29)     1:51.66 (38.51)     2:30.23 (38.57)
        3:08.63 (38.40)     3:47.91 (39.28)     4:27.21 (39.30)     5:05.42 (38.21)
 11 Thulander, Sabrina  12 MAGNUS                         5:06.85          6  
                  35.03     1:12.65 (37.62)     1:50.88 (38.23)     2:30.04 (39.16)
        3:09.72 (39.68)     3:49.68 (39.96)     4:28.57 (38.89)     5:06.85 (38.28)
 12 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS                         5:08.12          5  
                  35.94     1:15.15 (39.21)     1:54.35 (39.20)     2:33.67 (39.32)
        3:13.09 (39.42)     3:52.91 (39.82)     4:31.26 (38.35)     5:08.12 (36.86)
 13 Nasson, Stephanie   12 AAC                            5:08.28          4  
                  35.18     1:13.99 (38.81)     1:53.73 (39.74)     2:33.61 (39.88)
        3:13.20 (39.59)     3:52.75 (39.55)     4:31.38 (38.63)     5:08.28 (36.90)
 14 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH                       5:09.75          3  
                  35.45     1:13.76 (38.31)     1:53.51 (39.75)     2:33.01 (39.50)
        3:13.01 (40.00)     3:52.74 (39.73)     4:32.46 (39.72)     5:09.75 (37.29)
 15 Almandoz, Andrea    12 SAC                            5:10.19          2  
                  34.76     1:13.85 (39.09)     1:54.14 (40.29)     2:34.81 (40.67)
        3:15.05 (40.24)     3:55.41 (40.36)     4:33.03 (37.62)     5:10.19 (37.16)
 16 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                            5:12.12          1  
                  35.63     1:15.21 (39.58)     1:54.98 (39.77)     2:34.98 (40.00)
        3:15.30 (40.32)     3:55.05 (39.75)     4:34.70 (39.65)     5:12.12 (37.42)
 17 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH                       5:12.21        
                  36.08     1:15.33 (39.25)     1:55.30 (39.97)     2:34.58 (39.28)
        3:14.54 (39.96)     3:54.22 (39.68)     4:34.16 (39.94)     5:12.21 (38.05)
 18 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 5:12.52        
                  34.18     1:12.51 (38.33)     1:52.70 (40.19)     2:33.34 (40.64)
        3:14.17 (40.83)     3:55.22 (41.05)     4:34.88 (39.66)     5:12.52 (37.64)
 19 Idman, Becky L      12 BLUEFISH                       5:14.87        
                  35.12     1:14.43 (39.31)     1:54.89 (40.46)     2:34.89 (40.00)
        3:15.18 (40.29)     3:55.33 (40.15)     4:35.66 (40.33)     5:14.87 (39.21)
 20 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                           5:15.60        
                  36.39     1:16.13 (39.74)     1:56.42 (40.29)     2:37.43 (41.01)
        3:17.58 (40.15)     3:57.93 (40.35)     4:37.48 (39.55)     5:15.60 (38.12)
 21 Chinnaswamy, Elly   12 AAC                            5:16.49        
                  35.53     1:14.78 (39.25)     1:54.40 (39.62)     2:35.06 (40.66)
        3:15.36 (40.30)     3:56.19 (40.83)     4:36.43 (40.24)     5:16.49 (40.06)
 22 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                          5:17.74        
                  36.28     1:15.64 (39.36)     1:56.26 (40.62)     2:36.58 (40.32)
        3:17.30 (40.72)     3:58.39 (41.09)     4:38.50 (40.11)     5:17.74 (39.24)
 23 Strauss, Ilana E    12 NWSC                           5:18.14        
                  34.89     1:12.88 (37.99)     1:54.01 (41.13)     2:35.61 (41.60)
        3:16.95 (41.34)     3:58.97 (42.02)     4:37.82 (38.85)     5:18.14 (40.32)
 24 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                            5:18.83        
                  35.64     1:15.38 (39.74)     1:56.25 (40.87)     2:37.02 (40.77)
        3:18.68 (41.66)     3:59.49 (40.81)     4:40.84 (41.35)     5:18.83 (37.99)
 25 Sullivan, Jen L     12 MELY                           5:19.92        
                  35.93     1:14.76 (38.83)     1:55.59 (40.83)     2:34.70 (39.11)
        3:16.13 (41.43)     3:58.20 (42.07)     4:39.35 (41.15)     5:19.92 (40.57)
 26 Tocci, Bianca A     12 BGSC                           5:20.42        
                  36.18     1:16.30 (40.12)     1:58.45 (42.15)     2:39.91 (41.46)
        3:19.99 (40.08)     4:01.04 (41.05)     4:41.67 (40.63)     5:20.42 (38.75)
 27 Lajoie, Emily J     11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 5:22.23        
                  36.15     1:17.12 (40.97)     1:58.90 (41.78)     2:40.63 (41.73)
        3:22.31 (41.68)     4:04.84 (42.53)     4:45.44 (40.60)     5:22.23 (36.79)
 28 Ellis, Taylor M     11 STRYPERS                       5:24.31        
                  36.93     1:19.58 (42.65)     2:01.51 (41.93)     2:42.90 (41.39)
        3:24.59 (41.69)     4:05.80 (41.21)     4:46.21 (40.41)     5:24.31 (38.10)
 29 Punger, Lauren J    11 GMSC                           5:25.66        
                  37.60     1:19.24 (41.64)     1:59.24 (40.00)     2:40.66 (41.42)
        3:21.67 (41.01)     4:03.63 (41.96)     4:45.29 (41.66)     5:25.66 (40.37)
 30 McGuirk, Meghan A   12 ANA                            5:28.03        
                  36.97     1:18.96 (41.99)     2:01.61 (42.65)     2:43.90 (42.29)
        3:25.91 (42.01)     4:07.30 (41.39)     4:48.67 (41.37)     5:28.03 (39.36)
 31 Torabi, Julia S     12 ANA                            5:29.39        
                  36.79     1:18.96 (42.17)     2:01.74 (42.78)     2:44.02 (42.28)
        3:26.54 (42.52)     4:07.29 (40.75)     4:49.92 (42.63)     5:29.39 (39.47)
 32 Gaquin, Emma S      12 NORTH SHORE                    5:35.04        
                  36.04     1:19.01 (42.97)     1:59.33 (40.32)     2:42.63 (43.30)
        3:25.87 (43.24)     4:09.60 (43.73)     4:52.55 (42.95)     5:35.04 (42.49)
 -- Quigley, Nicole J   12 BLUEFISH                            DQ        
Girls 11-12 400 LC Meter Freestyle Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 5:04.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 4:27.42    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 4:29.26    6/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                       5:04.90        
                  34.18     1:13.18 (39.00)     1:52.69 (39.51)     2:32.55 (39.86)
        3:12.66 (40.11)     3:51.44 (38.78)     4:30.18 (38.74)     5:04.90 (34.72)
Girls 11-12 800 LC Meter Freestyle
      NE Rec: N 9:09.33    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 9:01.72    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                           9:20.85         20  
                1:08.97   2:19.92 (1:10.95)   3:30.29 (1:10.37)   4:39.84 (1:09.55)
      5:49.91 (1:10.07)   7:00.33 (1:10.42)   8:10.98 (1:10.65)   9:20.85 (1:09.87)
  2 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS                         9:37.08         17  
                1:09.03   2:20.93 (1:11.90)   3:32.18 (1:11.25)   4:43.76 (1:11.58)
      5:56.46 (1:12.70)   7:09.68 (1:13.22)   8:23.07 (1:13.39)   9:37.08 (1:14.01)
  3 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS                         9:49.82         16  
                1:09.33   2:21.05 (1:11.72)   3:33.71 (1:12.66)   4:47.94 (1:14.23)
      6:02.99 (1:15.05)   7:18.63 (1:15.64)   8:34.88 (1:16.25)   9:49.82 (1:14.94)
  4 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS                         9:55.28         15  
                1:09.45   2:23.16 (1:13.71)   3:37.76 (1:14.60)   4:53.49 (1:15.73)
      6:09.14 (1:15.65)   7:24.91 (1:15.77)   8:40.88 (1:15.97)   9:55.28 (1:14.40)
  5 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS                        10:05.85         14  
                1:09.71   2:24.67 (1:14.96)   3:39.87 (1:15.20)   4:56.58 (1:16.71)
      6:14.20 (1:17.62)   7:32.17 (1:17.97)   8:50.42 (1:18.25)  10:05.85 (1:15.43)
  6 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH                      10:17.36         13  
                1:11.57   2:28.31 (1:16.74)   3:45.91 (1:17.60)   5:04.27 (1:18.36)
      6:22.97 (1:18.70)   7:41.93 (1:18.96)   9:00.86 (1:18.93)  10:17.36 (1:16.50)
  7 Dinsmore, Madi A    11 WSSC                          10:18.11         12  
                1:11.87   2:29.08 (1:17.21)   3:47.14 (1:18.06)   5:05.48 (1:18.34)
      6:24.51 (1:19.03)   7:43.71 (1:19.20)   9:02.68 (1:18.97)  10:18.11 (1:15.43)
  8 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS                        10:19.51         11  
                1:12.05   2:29.95 (1:17.90)   3:47.33 (1:17.38)   5:05.60 (1:18.27)
      6:24.36 (1:18.76)   7:43.61 (1:19.25)   9:02.78 (1:19.17)  10:19.51 (1:16.73)
  9 Nasson, Stephanie   12 AAC                           10:24.49          9  
                1:13.49   2:32.03 (1:18.54)   3:51.14 (1:19.11)   5:10.47 (1:19.33)
      6:29.60 (1:19.13)   7:49.10 (1:19.50)   9:07.81 (1:18.71)  10:24.49 (1:16.68)
 10 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                           10:34.44          7  
                1:12.24   2:32.91 (1:20.67)   3:53.49 (1:20.58)   5:14.28 (1:20.79)
      6:34.92 (1:20.64)   7:55.57 (1:20.65)   9:16.93 (1:21.36)  10:34.44 (1:17.51)
 11 Gaquin, Emma S      12 NORTH SHORE                   10:37.32          6  
                1:15.19   2:35.33 (1:20.14)   3:56.79 (1:21.46)   5:18.62 (1:21.83)
      6:39.78 (1:21.16)   8:00.32 (1:20.54)   9:21.00 (1:20.68)  10:37.32 (1:16.32)
 12 Quigley, Nicole J   12 BLUEFISH                      10:39.72          5  
                1:16.05   2:36.16 (1:20.11)   3:57.75 (1:21.59)   5:19.09 (1:21.34)
      6:39.32 (1:20.23)   7:59.85 (1:20.53)   9:20.39 (1:20.54)  10:39.72 (1:19.33)
 13 McClure, Carah K    12 MAGNUS                        10:42.54          4  
                1:14.51   2:34.41 (1:19.90)   3:55.60 (1:21.19)   5:17.31 (1:21.71)
      6:40.11 (1:22.80)   8:02.44 (1:22.33)   9:24.51 (1:22.07)  10:42.54 (1:18.03)
 14 Tocci, Bianca A     12 BGSC                          10:43.64          3  
                1:15.41   2:36.40 (1:20.99)   3:57.66 (1:21.26)   5:20.29 (1:22.63)
      6:42.68 (1:22.39)   8:05.52 (1:22.84)   9:26.36 (1:20.84)  10:43.64 (1:17.28)
 15 Idman, Becky L      12 BLUEFISH                      10:43.85          2  
                1:14.07   2:35.71 (1:21.64)   3:56.98 (1:21.27)   5:18.71 (1:21.73)
      6:40.63 (1:21.92)   8:02.29 (1:21.66)   9:23.74 (1:21.45)  10:43.85 (1:20.11)
 16 Lucia, Amanda M     12 NAS                           10:45.32          1  
                1:16.13   2:37.44 (1:21.31)   4:00.62 (1:23.18)   5:23.18 (1:22.56)
      6:46.71 (1:23.53)   8:08.74 (1:22.03)   9:27.89 (1:19.15)  10:45.32 (1:17.43)
 17 Chinnaswamy, Elly   12 AAC                           10:52.76        
                1:15.71   2:37.05 (1:21.34)   3:59.75 (1:22.70)   5:23.56 (1:23.81)
      6:47.09 (1:23.53)   8:09.26 (1:22.17)   9:31.71 (1:22.45)  10:52.76 (1:21.05)
 18 Russell, Molly C    12 GMA                           10:57.99        
                1:16.05   2:37.81 (1:21.76)   4:01.27 (1:23.46)   5:24.14 (1:22.87)
      6:47.59 (1:23.45)   8:11.86 (1:24.27)   9:36.60 (1:24.74)  10:57.99 (1:21.39)
 19 Lajoie, Emily J     11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                10:58.95        
                1:16.09   2:39.55 (1:23.46)   4:04.33 (1:24.78)   5:29.80 (1:25.47)
      6:53.93 (1:24.13)   8:18.13 (1:24.20)   9:40.98 (1:22.85)  10:58.95 (1:17.97)
 20 Surjaputra, Meta E  12 BGSC                          10:58.99        
                1:14.83   2:36.92 (1:22.09)   3:59.70 (1:22.78)   5:24.09 (1:24.39)
      6:47.05 (1:22.96)   8:11.14 (1:24.09)   9:35.88 (1:24.74)  10:58.99 (1:23.11)
 21 Punger, Lauren J    11 GMSC                          10:59.88        
                1:16.87   2:40.00 (1:23.13)   4:03.45 (1:23.45)   5:27.48 (1:24.03)
      6:49.87 (1:22.39)   8:14.49 (1:24.62)   9:38.46 (1:23.97)  10:59.88 (1:21.42)
 22 Zhang, Yang         12 SQUIDS                        11:03.39        
                1:16.62   2:40.95 (1:24.33)   4:06.46 (1:25.51)   5:31.36 (1:24.90)
      6:55.73 (1:24.37)   8:19.90 (1:24.17)   9:41.65 (1:21.75)  11:03.39 (1:21.74)
 23 Carl, Mackenzie L   12 SQUIDS                        11:04.05        
                1:15.17   2:36.22 (1:21.05)   3:58.94 (1:22.72)   5:24.19 (1:25.25)
      6:49.94 (1:25.75)   8:15.92 (1:25.98)   9:42.02 (1:26.10)  11:04.05 (1:22.03)
 24 Folger, Madelyn H   12 SSA                           11:05.92        
                1:14.06   2:36.22 (1:22.16)   4:00.40 (1:24.18)   5:25.89 (1:25.49)
      6:52.19 (1:26.30)   8:18.32 (1:26.13)   9:44.34 (1:26.02)  11:05.92 (1:21.58)
 25 Spinazzola, Angeli  11 SQUIDS                        11:12.57        
                1:18.46   2:42.85 (1:24.39)   4:07.37 (1:24.52)   5:31.63 (1:24.26)
      6:55.92 (1:24.29)   8:21.03 (1:25.11)   9:47.33 (1:26.30)  11:12.57 (1:25.24)
 26 Boland, India E     12 YNS                           11:13.03        
                1:18.08   2:43.45 (1:25.37)   4:09.06 (1:25.61)   5:34.81 (1:25.75)
      7:00.59 (1:25.78)   8:25.81 (1:25.22)   9:50.85 (1:25.04)  11:13.03 (1:22.18)
 27 Sullivan, Jen L     12 MELY                          11:16.93        
                1:17.38   2:39.92 (1:22.54)   4:05.50 (1:25.58)   5:31.66 (1:26.16)
      6:58.73 (1:27.07)   8:26.15 (1:27.42)   9:53.41 (1:27.26)  11:16.93 (1:23.52)
 28 Strachan, Taylor V  11 GMSC                          11:24.00        
                1:18.74   2:44.07 (1:25.33)   4:09.50 (1:25.43)   5:36.11 (1:26.61)
      7:03.42 (1:27.31)   8:32.13 (1:28.71)   9:59.03 (1:26.90)  11:24.00 (1:24.97)
 29 Campbell, Brie E    12 UNATTACHED NE                 11:32.04        
                1:18.90   2:46.18 (1:27.28)   4:14.16 (1:27.98)   5:43.40 (1:29.24)
      7:12.42 (1:29.02)   8:40.67 (1:28.25)  10:07.85 (1:27.18)  11:32.04 (1:24.19)
 30 Carey, Celeste A    12 BLUEFISH                      11:36.97        
                1:21.66   2:49.32 (1:27.66)   4:18.34 (1:29.02)   5:47.06 (1:28.72)
      7:15.38 (1:28.32)   8:43.45 (1:28.07)  10:11.13 (1:27.68)  11:36.97 (1:25.84)
Girls 11-12 1500 LC Meter Freestyle
      NE Rec: N 17:49.52    7/1/2004 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                  
  NE Res Rec: R 17:10.54    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                  
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                          17:51.11         20  
                1:10.03   2:21.62 (1:11.59)   3:33.12 (1:11.50)   4:44.40 (1:11.28)
      5:56.10 (1:11.70)   7:07.40 (1:11.30)   8:18.76 (1:11.36)   9:30.05 (1:11.29)
     10:41.51 (1:11.46)  11:53.14 (1:11.63)  13:04.74 (1:11.60)  14:16.73 (1:11.99)
     15:28.91 (1:12.18)  16:40.91 (1:12.00)  17:51.11 (1:10.20)                    
  2 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS                        18:43.47         17  
                1:10.59   2:23.04 (1:12.45)   3:37.30 (1:14.26)   4:52.00 (1:14.70)
      6:06.98 (1:14.98)   7:21.97 (1:14.99)   8:37.28 (1:15.31)   9:52.67 (1:15.39)
     11:08.63 (1:15.96)  12:23.99 (1:15.36)  13:39.25 (1:15.26)  14:55.05 (1:15.80)
     16:10.89 (1:15.84)  17:27.60 (1:16.71)  18:43.47 (1:15.87)                    
  3 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS                        18:52.41         16  
                1:11.59   2:25.76 (1:14.17)   3:40.66 (1:14.90)   4:56.49 (1:15.83)
      6:10.40 (1:13.91)   7:25.35 (1:14.95)   8:40.96 (1:15.61)   9:56.83 (1:15.87)
     11:13.21 (1:16.38)  12:29.29 (1:16.08)  13:45.93 (1:16.64)  15:03.59 (1:17.66)
     16:20.76 (1:17.17)  17:38.12 (1:17.36)  18:52.41 (1:14.29)                    
  4 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH                      19:26.01         15  
                1:12.86   2:30.85 (1:17.99)   3:49.03 (1:18.18)   5:07.13 (1:18.10)
      6:25.11 (1:17.98)   7:42.84 (1:17.73)   9:00.41 (1:17.57)  10:18.52 (1:18.11)
     11:36.96 (1:18.44)  12:55.43 (1:18.47)  14:14.51 (1:19.08)  15:33.26 (1:18.75)
     16:52.16 (1:18.90)  18:10.55 (1:18.39)  19:26.01 (1:15.46)                    
  5 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS                    19:41.99         14  
                1:12.24   2:30.92 (1:18.68)   3:50.34 (1:19.42)   5:10.04 (1:19.70)
      6:29.68 (1:19.64)   7:49.58 (1:19.90)   9:08.41 (1:18.83)  10:28.16 (1:19.75)
     11:47.91 (1:19.75)  13:07.64 (1:19.73)  14:26.69 (1:19.05)  15:46.19 (1:19.50)
     17:05.39 (1:19.20)  18:25.09 (1:19.70)  19:41.99 (1:16.90)                    
  6 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS                        19:44.11         13  
                1:13.50   2:31.71 (1:18.21)   3:50.01 (1:18.30)   5:08.29 (1:18.28)
      6:26.56 (1:18.27)   7:44.89 (1:18.33)   9:04.83 (1:19.94)  10:25.12 (1:20.29)
     11:44.74 (1:19.62)  13:04.07 (1:19.33)  14:25.33 (1:21.26)  15:45.79 (1:20.46)
     17:05.99 (1:20.20)  18:27.05 (1:21.06)  19:44.11 (1:17.06)                    
  7 Nasson, Stephanie   12 AAC                           20:02.90         12  
                1:13.22   2:33.33 (1:20.11)   3:53.93 (1:20.60)   5:14.06 (1:20.13)
      6:34.27 (1:20.21)   7:55.05 (1:20.78)   9:15.75 (1:20.70)  10:36.88 (1:21.13)
     11:57.67 (1:20.79)  13:19.16 (1:21.49)  14:41.04 (1:21.88)  16:02.79 (1:21.75)
     17:23.68 (1:20.89)  18:44.24 (1:20.56)  20:02.90 (1:18.66)                    
  8 Dinsmore, Madi A    11 WSSC                          20:11.40         11  
                1:14.43   2:35.85 (1:21.42)   3:56.43 (1:20.58)   5:17.66 (1:21.23)
      6:39.33 (1:21.67)   8:00.96 (1:21.63)   9:22.53 (1:21.57)  10:44.45 (1:21.92)
     12:06.58 (1:22.13)  13:28.72 (1:22.14)  14:49.65 (1:20.93)  16:10.55 (1:20.90)
     17:31.96 (1:21.41)  18:52.97 (1:21.01)  20:11.40 (1:18.43)                    
  9 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS                    20:16.95          9  
                1:15.43   2:35.10 (1:19.67)   3:55.06 (1:19.96)   5:16.05 (1:20.99)
      6:37.91 (1:21.86)   7:59.54 (1:21.63)   9:21.21 (1:21.67)  10:42.86 (1:21.65)
     12:04.65 (1:21.79)  13:27.25 (1:22.60)  14:51.14 (1:23.89)  16:13.46 (1:22.32)
     17:36.31 (1:22.85)  18:58.47 (1:22.16)  20:16.95 (1:18.48)                    
 10 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                           20:27.37          7  
                1:15.23   2:36.04 (1:20.81)   3:57.60 (1:21.56)   5:19.81 (1:22.21)
      6:41.44 (1:21.63)   8:03.86 (1:22.42)   9:26.26 (1:22.40)  10:48.63 (1:22.37)
     12:11.82 (1:23.19)  13:35.47 (1:23.65)  14:59.23 (1:23.76)  16:22.89 (1:23.66)
     17:46.12 (1:23.23)  19:08.99 (1:22.87)  20:27.37 (1:18.38)                    
 11 Idman, Becky L      12 BLUEFISH                      20:36.14          6  
                1:15.20   2:37.32 (1:22.12)   3:59.23 (1:21.91)   5:22.34 (1:23.11)
      6:45.15 (1:22.81)   8:08.06 (1:22.91)   9:31.69 (1:23.63)  10:54.92 (1:23.23)
     12:18.28 (1:23.36)  13:41.17 (1:22.89)  15:04.27 (1:23.10)  16:27.65 (1:23.38)
     17:50.56 (1:22.91)  19:13.90 (1:23.34)  20:36.14 (1:22.24)                    
 12 Chinnaswamy, Elly   12 AAC                           21:28.68          5  
                1:16.47   2:39.89 (1:23.42)   4:05.82 (1:25.93)   5:32.76 (1:26.94)
      6:59.81 (1:27.05)   8:27.59 (1:27.78)   9:53.68 (1:26.09)  11:20.81 (1:27.13)
     12:48.64 (1:27.83)  14:15.17 (1:26.53)  15:43.56 (1:28.39)  17:09.85 (1:26.29)
     18:37.21 (1:27.36)  20:04.78 (1:27.57)  21:28.68 (1:23.90)                    
 13 Forman, Ruth A      12 SAC                           21:47.45          4  
                1:16.09   2:40.48 (1:24.39)   4:07.99 (1:27.51)   5:35.88 (1:27.89)
      7:03.63 (1:27.75)   8:32.15 (1:28.52)  10:01.09 (1:28.94)  11:29.22 (1:28.13)
     12:58.74 (1:29.52)  14:28.03 (1:29.29)  15:57.51 (1:29.48)  17:26.29 (1:28.78)
     18:54.84 (1:28.55)  20:23.01 (1:28.17)  21:47.45 (1:24.44)                    
 14 Carey, Celeste A    12 BLUEFISH                      22:11.63          3  
                1:23.70   2:53.35 (1:29.65)   4:23.04 (1:29.69)   5:51.86 (1:28.82)
      7:20.90 (1:29.04)   8:47.44 (1:26.54)  10:14.24 (1:26.80)  11:43.04 (1:28.80)
     13:12.49 (1:29.45)  14:41.59 (1:29.10)  16:12.74 (1:31.15)  17:43.68 (1:30.94)
     19:14.11 (1:30.43)  20:44.13 (1:30.02)  22:11.63 (1:27.50)                    
 15 Jameson, Olivia L   11 NORTH SHORE                   22:30.52          2  
                1:20.36   2:49.27 (1:28.91)   4:18.70 (1:29.43)   5:49.18 (1:30.48)
      7:18.05 (1:28.87)   8:47.13 (1:29.08)  10:16.71 (1:29.58)  11:47.97 (1:31.26)
     13:20.06 (1:32.09)  14:51.53 (1:31.47)  16:24.38 (1:32.85)  17:58.26 (1:33.88)
     19:30.94 (1:32.68)  21:02.13 (1:31.19)  22:30.52 (1:28.39)                    
 16 Surette, Gabby M    11 WSSC                          23:11.65          1  
                1:19.75   2:50.68 (1:30.93)   4:21.09 (1:30.41)   5:53.40 (1:32.31)
      7:26.83 (1:33.43)   9:01.07 (1:34.24)  10:35.86 (1:34.79)  12:10.88 (1:35.02)
     13:46.22 (1:35.34)  15:20.90 (1:34.68)  16:55.94 (1:35.04)  18:31.53 (1:35.59)
     20:06.60 (1:35.07)  21:41.19 (1:34.59)  23:11.65 (1:30.46)                    
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 35.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 31.58    7/1/2001 Erica Meissner, ABF-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 31.58    7/1/2001 Erica Meissner, ABF-NE                       
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                    34.16      33.49Z        20  
  2 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                  35.13      34.67Z        17  
  3 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS                 34.62      35.26Z        16  
  4 Weaver, Christa E   11 GMA                    36.16      35.30Z        15  
  5 Kwarcinski, Meagha  12 VIKINGS                36.10      35.47Z        14  
  6 Torabi, Julia S     12 ANA                    36.25      35.93         13  
  7 Folger, Madelyn H   12 SSA                    36.23      36.15         12  
  8 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS             35.54      36.17         11  
B - Final
  9 Avella, Mandy J     12 R.A.Y.S.               36.37      35.78Z         9  
 10 Biron, Carly E      12 SAC                    36.87      36.01          7  
 11 Alexander, Megan C  12 YNS                    36.88      36.08          6  
 12 Greco, Christiana   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         36.46      36.13          5  
 13 Librett, Krista E   12 KING                   36.41      36.24          4  
 14 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS             36.76      36.75          3  
 15 Gaquin, Emma S      12 NORTH SHORE            36.70      36.89          1.5
 15 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH               36.77      36.89          1.5
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 35.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 31.58    7/1/2001 Erica Meissner, ABF-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 31.58    7/1/2001 Erica Meissner, ABF-NE                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                               34.16Z       
  2 Azaret, Lydia A           12 MAGNUS                            34.62Z       
  3 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                             35.13Z       
  4 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                        35.54Z       
  5 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                           36.10        
  6 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                               36.16        
  7 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                               36.23        
  8 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                               36.25        
  9 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                          36.37        
 10 Librett, Krista E         12 KING                              36.41        
 11 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    36.46        
 12 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                       36.70        
 13 Ewing, Kelsey A           12 MST RAPIDS                        36.76        
 14 Capece, Caroline N        12 BLUEFISH                          36.77        
 15 Biron, Carly E            12 SAC                               36.87        
 16 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                               36.88        
 17 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                          37.05        
 18 Rader, Shelby A           11 KING                              37.17        
 19 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                              37.38        
 20 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                               37.47        
 21 Rosenberg, Jeri E         12 WAVES                             37.51        
 22 Boland, India E           12 YNS                               37.60        
 22 Harrop, Jenna M           12 AAC                               37.60        
 24 Volpicelli, Gabbi M       12 AAC                               37.82        
 25 Booher, Hayley V          11 GMA                               37.89        
 25 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                               37.89        
 27 Carl, Mackenzie L         12 SQUIDS                            38.20        
 28 Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                     38.28        
 29 Hodsdon, Morganne B       12 PST                               38.44        
 30 McKenney, Shelby L        12 R.A.Y.S.                          38.49        
 31 Barakov, Kristina         11 SAC                               38.52        
 32 Mozea, Amanda J           11 ATST                              38.80        
 33 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                               38.88        
 34 Pierce, Maddie B          12 SQUIDS                            39.11        
 35 Sawyer, Lily R            12 SQUIDS                            39.16        
 36 Huber, Kelly E            11 PSC                               39.31        
 37 Surjaputra, Meta E        12 BGSC                              39.57        
 38 Lang, Cheryl J            12 MD                                39.62        
 39 Zhang, Yang               12 SQUIDS                            39.92        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Backstroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:06.80    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.38    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Librett, Krista E         12 KING                           1:18.72        
                  37.70     1:18.72 (41.02)                                        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:06.80    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.38    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                  1:14.03    1:11.97Z        20  
                  35.28     1:11.97 (36.69)                                        
  2 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS               1:14.16    1:14.09Z        17  
                  35.89     1:14.09 (38.20)                                        
  3 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                1:15.32    1:15.50Z        16  
                  35.97     1:15.50 (39.53)                                        
  4 Quigley, Nicole J   12 BLUEFISH             1:17.43    1:16.19Z        15  
                  37.18     1:16.19 (39.01)                                        
  5 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS               1:17.13    1:16.56Z        14  
                  38.13     1:16.56 (38.43)                                        
  6 Weaver, Christa E   11 GMA                  1:17.25    1:16.91Z        13  
                  37.47     1:16.91 (39.44)                                        
  7 Tocci, Bianca A     12 BGSC                 1:17.55    1:17.15Z        12  
                  38.40     1:17.15 (38.75)                                        
  8 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS               1:17.44    1:17.24Z        11  
                  38.31     1:17.24 (38.93)                                        
B - Final
  9 Kwarcinski, Meagha  12 VIKINGS              1:18.86    1:17.33Z         9  
                  37.76     1:17.33 (39.57)                                        
 10 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH             1:18.27    1:17.40Z         7  
                  38.39     1:17.40 (39.01)                                        
 11 Greco, Christiana   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:17.76    1:17.60Z         6  
                  37.41     1:17.60 (40.19)                                        
 12 Librett, Krista E   12 KING                 1:18.23    1:17.93          5  
                  37.17     1:17.93 (40.76)                                        
 13 Oresman, Kelsi      12 BLUEFISH             1:19.09    1:19.01          4  
                  38.38     1:19.01 (40.63)                                        
 14 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS           1:17.58    1:20.14          3  
                  38.88     1:20.14 (41.26)                                        
 15 Torabi, Julia S     12 ANA                  1:18.89    1:21.34          2  
                  40.33     1:21.34 (41.01)                                        
 16 Kenney, Katie M     12 WAVES                1:20.07    1:21.50          1  
                  40.29     1:21.50 (41.21)                                        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:06.80    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.38    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                             1:14.03Z       
                  35.89     1:14.03 (38.14)                                        
  2 Azaret, Lydia A           12 MAGNUS                          1:14.16Z       
                  35.93     1:14.16 (38.23)                                        
  3 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                           1:15.32Z       
                  36.15     1:15.32 (39.17)                                        
  4 D'Innocenzo, Margaret L   11 MAGNUS                          1:17.13Z       
                  38.24     1:17.13 (38.89)                                        
  5 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                             1:17.25Z       
                  38.36     1:17.25 (38.89)                                        
  6 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                        1:17.43Z       
                  37.64     1:17.43 (39.79)                                        
  7 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                          1:17.44Z       
                  38.17     1:17.44 (39.27)                                        
  8 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                            1:17.55Z       
                  38.55     1:17.55 (39.00)                                        
  9 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                      1:17.58Z       
                  37.06     1:17.58 (40.52)                                        
 10 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:17.76        
                  37.58     1:17.76 (40.18)                                        
 11 Librett, Krista E         12 KING                            1:18.23        
                  38.36     1:18.23 (39.87)                                        
 12 Capece, Caroline N        12 BLUEFISH                        1:18.27        
                  38.22     1:18.27 (40.05)                                        
 13 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                         1:18.86        
                  38.80     1:18.86 (40.06)                                        
 14 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                             1:18.89        
                  38.57     1:18.89 (40.32)                                        
 15 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                        1:19.09        
                  38.32     1:19.09 (40.77)                                        
 16 Kenney, Katie M           12 WAVES                           1:20.07        
                  39.25     1:20.07 (40.82)                                        
 17 Rosenberg, Jeri E         12 WAVES                           1:20.09        
                  40.24     1:20.09 (39.85)                                        
 18 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                     1:20.11        
                  39.70     1:20.11 (40.41)                                        
 19 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                        1:20.20        
 20 Harrop, Jenna M           12 AAC                             1:20.39        
                  39.51     1:20.39 (40.88)                                        
 21 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                             1:20.52        
                  39.57     1:20.52 (40.95)                                        
 22 Rader, Shelby A           11 KING                            1:20.54        
                  38.93     1:20.54 (41.61)                                        
 23 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                             1:20.62        
                  39.37     1:20.62 (41.25)                                        
 24 Boland, India E           12 YNS                             1:20.88        
                  39.85     1:20.88 (41.03)                                        
 25 Biron, Carly E            12 SAC                             1:21.08        
                  39.46     1:21.08 (41.62)                                        
 26 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                             1:21.20        
                  39.18     1:21.20 (42.02)                                        
 27 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                             1:21.22        
                  39.82     1:21.22 (41.40)                                        
 28 Volpicelli, Gabbi M       12 AAC                             1:21.24        
                  39.21     1:21.24 (42.03)                                        
 29 Booher, Hayley V          11 GMA                             1:21.90        
                  41.09     1:21.90 (40.81)                                        
 30 Carl, Mackenzie L         12 SQUIDS                          1:21.91        
                  39.31     1:21.91 (42.60)                                        
 31 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                             1:22.05        
                  40.35     1:22.05 (41.70)                                        
 -- Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                                 NS        
 -- Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                        NS        
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 2:47.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:17.89    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:15.17    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                  2:40.69    2:35.90Z        20  
                  37.00     1:16.16 (39.16)     1:56.68 (40.52)     2:35.90 (39.22)
  2 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS               2:40.11    2:37.65Z        17  
                  37.29     1:16.76 (39.47)     1:57.32 (40.56)     2:37.65 (40.33)
  3 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH             2:40.88    2:40.82Z        16  
                  38.16     1:18.48 (40.32)     2:00.10 (41.62)     2:40.82 (40.72)
  4 Sliwinski, Sam K    12 WAVES                2:44.12    2:41.78Z        15  
                  37.16     1:17.94 (40.78)     2:00.40 (42.46)     2:41.78 (41.38)
  5 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS               2:42.89    2:43.69Z        14  
                  38.92     1:20.30 (41.38)     2:03.21 (42.91)     2:43.69 (40.48)
  6 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS               2:41.81    2:44.46Z        13  
                  39.33     1:20.84 (41.51)     2:04.01 (43.17)     2:44.46 (40.45)
  7 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS           2:45.82    2:45.31Z        12  
                  38.22     1:19.61 (41.39)     2:02.19 (42.58)     2:45.31 (43.12)
  8 Harrop, Jenna M     12 AAC                  2:46.83    2:51.04         11  
                  39.42     1:22.55 (43.13)     2:07.31 (44.76)     2:51.04 (43.73)
B - Final
  9 Quigley, Nicole J   12 BLUEFISH             2:50.43    2:43.55Z         9  
                  39.19     1:21.04 (41.85)     2:03.09 (42.05)     2:43.55 (40.46)
 10 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS               2:47.08    2:46.59Z         7  
                  39.67     1:21.72 (42.05)     2:05.02 (43.30)     2:46.59 (41.57)
 11 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS           2:49.73    2:47.11Z         6  
                  40.36     1:22.68 (42.32)     2:06.77 (44.09)     2:47.11 (40.34)
 12 Torabi, Julia S     12 ANA                  2:51.17    2:48.32          5  
                  40.37     1:23.72 (43.35)     2:07.58 (43.86)     2:48.32 (40.74)
 13 Greco, Christiana   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:50.34    2:49.31          4  
                  39.62     1:22.97 (43.35)     2:06.94 (43.97)     2:49.31 (42.37)
 14 Kwarcinski, Meagha  12 VIKINGS              2:50.80    2:49.34          3  
                  40.48     1:23.53 (43.05)     2:08.01 (44.48)     2:49.34 (41.33)
 15 Alexander, Megan C  12 YNS                  2:51.07    2:50.23          2  
                  39.58     1:23.13 (43.55)     2:06.96 (43.83)     2:50.23 (43.27)
 16 Gaquin, Emma S      12 NORTH SHORE          2:50.53    2:51.17          1  
                  39.82     1:23.15 (43.33)     2:08.22 (45.07)     2:51.17 (42.95)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 2:47.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:17.89    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:15.17    8/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Azaret, Lydia A           12 MAGNUS                          2:40.11Z       
                  37.53     1:16.97 (39.44)     1:58.53 (41.56)     2:40.11 (41.58)
  2 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                             2:40.69Z       
                  37.81     1:18.43 (40.62)     2:00.03 (41.60)     2:40.69 (40.66)
  3 Capece, Caroline N        12 BLUEFISH                        2:40.88Z       
                  38.76     1:19.34 (40.58)     2:00.68 (41.34)     2:40.88 (40.20)
  4 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                          2:41.81Z       
                  39.30     1:20.24 (40.94)     2:02.12 (41.88)     2:41.81 (39.69)
  5 D'Innocenzo, Margaret L   11 MAGNUS                          2:42.89Z       
                  38.52     1:19.87 (41.35)     2:02.59 (42.72)     2:42.89 (40.30)
  6 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                           2:44.12Z       
                  37.88     1:19.25 (41.37)     2:01.85 (42.60)     2:44.12 (42.27)
  7 Ewing, Kelsey A           12 MST RAPIDS                      2:45.82Z       
                  37.97     1:19.41 (41.44)     2:02.43 (43.02)     2:45.82 (43.39)
  8 Harrop, Jenna M           12 AAC                             2:46.83Z       
                  39.00     1:21.50 (42.50)     2:05.61 (44.11)     2:46.83 (41.22)
  9 Spinazzola, Bianca L      11 SQUIDS                          2:47.08Z       
                  39.69     1:21.83 (42.14)     2:04.78 (42.95)     2:47.08 (42.30)
 10 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                      2:49.73        
                  39.90     1:23.37 (43.47)     2:07.26 (43.89)     2:49.73 (42.47)
 11 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:50.34        
                  40.21     1:23.90 (43.69)     2:08.16 (44.26)     2:50.34 (42.18)
 12 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                        2:50.43        
                  40.46     1:24.12 (43.66)     2:08.10 (43.98)     2:50.43 (42.33)
 13 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                     2:50.53        
                  39.89     1:24.08 (44.19)     2:08.24 (44.16)     2:50.53 (42.29)
 14 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                         2:50.80        
                  41.17     1:24.73 (43.56)     2:09.33 (44.60)     2:50.80 (41.47)
 15 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                             2:51.07        
                  40.20     1:23.32 (43.12)     2:07.91 (44.59)     2:51.07 (43.16)
 16 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                             2:51.17        
                  40.33     1:24.11 (43.78)     2:08.60 (44.49)     2:51.17 (42.57)
 17 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                             2:51.20        
                  39.71     1:23.36 (43.65)     2:07.92 (44.56)     2:51.20 (43.28)
 18 Lajoie, Emily J           11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:51.36        
                  40.54     1:25.31 (44.77)     2:09.54 (44.23)     2:51.36 (41.82)
 19 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                        2:51.85        
                  40.69     1:23.77 (43.08)     2:08.69 (44.92)     2:51.85 (43.16)
 20 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                             2:51.89        
                  41.42     1:26.79 (45.37)     2:10.94 (44.15)     2:51.89 (40.95)
 21 Rosenberg, Jeri E         12 WAVES                           2:52.19        
                  41.88     1:27.14 (45.26)     2:09.53 (42.39)     2:52.19 (42.66)
 22 Sawyer, Lily R            12 SQUIDS                          2:52.39        
                  41.33     1:25.66 (44.33)     2:09.66 (44.00)     2:52.39 (42.73)
 23 Punger, Lauren J          11 GMSC                            2:52.74        
                  41.93     1:26.40 (44.47)     2:09.72 (43.32)     2:52.74 (43.02)
 24 McClure, Carah K          12 MAGNUS                          2:52.78        
                  39.72     1:24.68 (44.96)     2:09.52 (44.84)     2:52.78 (43.26)
 25 Booher, Hayley V          11 GMA                             2:53.19        
                  42.77     1:27.78 (45.01)     2:12.89 (45.11)     2:53.19 (40.30)
 26 Librett, Krista E         12 KING                            2:54.20        
                  41.76     1:26.07 (44.31)     2:11.36 (45.29)     2:54.20 (42.84)
 27 Rader, Shelby A           11 KING                            2:54.63        
                  40.00     1:24.37 (44.37)     2:10.38 (46.01)     2:54.63 (44.25)
 28 Carl, Mackenzie L         12 SQUIDS                          2:55.01        
                  39.83     1:24.17 (44.34)     2:10.46 (46.29)     2:55.01 (44.55)
 29 Biron, Carly E            12 SAC                             2:56.23        
                  40.98     1:26.74 (45.76)     2:13.43 (46.69)     2:56.23 (42.80)
 30 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                             2:56.36        
                  41.09     1:25.80 (44.71)     2:11.95 (46.15)     2:56.36 (44.41)
 31 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                             2:56.50        
                  42.13     1:27.35 (45.22)     2:13.19 (45.84)     2:56.50 (43.31)
 32 Idman, Becky L            12 BLUEFISH                        2:56.82        
                  41.87     1:26.53 (44.66)     2:12.22 (45.69)     2:56.82 (44.60)
 33 Carrolo, Emily R          11 MAGNUS                          2:57.24        
                  43.82     1:27.94 (44.12)     2:13.77 (45.83)     2:57.24 (43.47)
 34 Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                   2:57.93        
                  41.01     1:26.13 (45.12)   2:57.93 (1:31.80)                    
 35 Volpicelli, Gabbi M       12 AAC                             2:58.37        
                  41.54     1:27.64 (46.10)     2:13.89 (46.25)     2:58.37 (44.48)
 36 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                        2:58.88        
                  41.36     1:27.02 (45.66)     2:13.81 (46.79)     2:58.88 (45.07)
 37 Surjaputra, Meta E        12 BGSC                            2:59.73        
                  41.49     1:27.21 (45.72)     2:14.05 (46.84)     2:59.73 (45.68)
 38 Jameson, Olivia L         11 NORTH SHORE                     2:59.79        
                  42.53     1:27.93 (45.40)     2:15.23 (47.30)     2:59.79 (44.56)
 39 Zhang, Yang               12 SQUIDS                          3:00.21        
                  43.00     1:28.73 (45.73)     2:15.17 (46.44)     3:00.21 (45.04)
 -- Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                                  DQ        
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 35.89    7/1/1990 Mary Beth Wilk, CAST-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 35.39    8/1/2005 Sara Li, MTSC-NE                             
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Kissick, Hope H     12 WAVES                  38.68      37.60Z        20  
  2 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS                 37.97      37.82Z        17  
  3 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                   38.10      38.52Z        16  
  4 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH               39.59      39.21Z        15  
  5 Petrossian, Natali  12 BGSC                   39.23      39.49Z        14  
  6 DeAtley, Acadia R   12 NORTH SHORE            39.57      39.72         13  
  7 Denbow, Christina   11 MST RAPIDS             38.95      39.82         12  
  8 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                    39.33      41.11         11  
B - Final
  9 Weaver, Christa E   11 GMA                    40.45      38.56Z         9  
 10 Carle, Alyssa M     12 AAC                    40.67      40.17          7  
 11 Oresman, Kelsi      12 BLUEFISH               39.88      40.25          6  
 12 Harrington, Angela  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         40.92      40.62          5  
 13 Miller, Clare M     12 GMA                    40.54      40.88          4  
 14 Willett, Catherine  12 SAC                    40.17      40.97          3  
 15 Rafferty-Millett,   12 YNS                    40.80      41.14          2  
 16 Carter, Olivia B    12 SAC                    40.85      41.67          1  
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Breaststroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 35.89    7/1/1990 Mary Beth Wilk, CAST-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 35.39    8/1/2005 Sara Li, MTSC-NE                             
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Wingfield, Miranda L      11 NAS                              41.35        
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 35.89    7/1/1990 Mary Beth Wilk, CAST-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 35.39    8/1/2005 Sara Li, MTSC-NE                             
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Patterson, Monica M       12 MAGNUS                            37.97Z       
  2 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                              38.10Z       
  3 Kissick, Hope H           12 WAVES                             38.68Z       
  4 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                        38.95Z       
  5 Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                              39.23Z       
  6 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                               39.33Z       
  7 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                       39.57Z       
  8 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                          39.59Z       
  9 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                          39.88        
 10 Willett, Catherine G      12 SAC                               40.17        
 11 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                               40.45        
 12 Miller, Clare M           12 GMA                               40.54        
 13 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                               40.67        
 14 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                               40.80        
 15 Carter, Olivia B          12 SAC                               40.85        
 16 Harrington, Angela L      12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    40.92        
 17 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                               41.06        
 18 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                               41.22        
 19 Zhang, Carina Y           11 BGSC                              41.30        
 20 Mooney, Heather J         12 GMSC                              41.31        
 21 Ellis, Taylor M           11 STRYPERS                          41.71        
 22 Shea, Julie M             12 YNS                               41.82        
 23 Konieczny, Mina S         12 VIKINGS                           41.83        
 24 Higano, Saya              11 SAC                               41.99        
 25 Quinn, Julia              12 MAGNUS                            42.26        
 26 Pierce, Maddie B          12 SQUIDS                            42.32        
 27 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                               42.38        
 28 Griffin, Martha J         12 EST                               42.42        
 29 Josef, Emily S            11 SQUIDS                            42.77        
 30 Walsh, Gillian M          12 BYB                               42.81        
 31 Giglio, Alexandra A       12 NORTH SHORE                       42.93        
 32 Wingfield, Miranda L      11 NAS                               42.97        
 33 Ayer, Ashley M            12 SSA                               43.02        
 34 Morin, Elizabeth M        12 MST RAPIDS                        43.23        
 35 Dowd, Kailey E            11 WBD                               43.33        
 36 Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                     43.37        
 37 Hall, Samantha C          12 MAGNUS                            43.50        
 38 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                          43.51        
 39 Tian, Ariel               11 PSC                               44.04        
 -- Feaster, Hayley R         12 NEWPORT                              NS        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Breaststroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:16.60    7/1/1998 Melinda Hochard, GMSC-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:16.60    7/1/1998 Melinda Hochard, GMSC-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Wingfield, Miranda L      11 NAS                            1:29.87        
                  42.52     1:29.87 (47.35)                                        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:16.60    7/1/1998 Melinda Hochard, GMSC-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:16.60    7/1/1998 Melinda Hochard, GMSC-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS               1:22.97    1:22.01Z        20  
                  39.14     1:22.01 (42.87)                                        
  2 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                 1:23.20    1:22.65Z        17  
                  39.58     1:22.65 (43.07)                                        
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS               1:24.97    1:23.71Z        16  
                  40.30     1:23.71 (43.41)                                        
  4 Kissick, Hope H     12 WAVES                1:25.93    1:23.80Z        15  
                  39.49     1:23.80 (44.31)                                        
  5 Denbow, Christina   11 MST RAPIDS           1:25.29    1:24.23Z        14  
                  40.78     1:24.23 (43.45)                                        
  6 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH             1:24.49    1:24.75Z        13  
                  40.06     1:24.75 (44.69)                                        
  7 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:26.07    1:25.35Z        12  
                  40.85     1:25.35 (44.50)                                        
  8 Petrossian, Natali  12 BGSC                 1:25.67    1:26.33Z        11  
                  42.49     1:26.33 (43.84)                                        
B - Final
  9 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                 1:26.31    1:25.62Z         9  
                  41.38     1:25.62 (44.24)                                        
 10 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                  1:26.27    1:26.55Z         7  
                  41.36     1:26.55 (45.19)                                        
 11 Oresman, Kelsi      12 BLUEFISH             1:27.09    1:27.58          6  
                  41.22     1:27.58 (46.36)                                        
 12 Harrington, Angela  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:28.45    1:28.04          5  
                  41.80     1:28.04 (46.24)                                        
 13 Carle, Alyssa M     12 AAC                  1:28.69    1:28.07          4  
                  41.96     1:28.07 (46.11)                                        
 14 Rafferty-Millett,   12 YNS                  1:29.65    1:29.15          3  
                  42.07     1:29.15 (47.08)                                        
 15 Miller, Clare M     12 GMA                  1:29.49    1:29.30          2  
                  41.87     1:29.30 (47.43)                                        
 -- DeAtley, Acadia R   12 NORTH SHORE          1:28.14         DQ        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:16.60    7/1/1998 Melinda Hochard, GMSC-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 1:16.60    7/1/1998 Melinda Hochard, GMSC-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Patterson, Monica M       12 MAGNUS                          1:22.97Z       
                  39.61     1:22.97 (43.36)                                        
  2 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                            1:23.20Z       
                  39.38     1:23.20 (43.82)                                        
  3 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                        1:24.49Z       
                  40.12     1:24.49 (44.37)                                        
  4 Nuzzo, Emma L             11 SQUIDS                          1:24.97Z       
                  40.65     1:24.97 (44.32)                                        
  5 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                      1:25.29Z       
                  41.16     1:25.29 (44.13)                                        
  6 Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                            1:25.67Z       
                  41.47     1:25.67 (44.20)                                        
  7 Kissick, Hope H           12 WAVES                           1:25.93Z       
                  40.70     1:25.93 (45.23)                                        
  8 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:26.07Z       
                  41.35     1:26.07 (44.72)                                        
  9 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                             1:26.27Z       
                  41.01     1:26.27 (45.26)                                        
 10 Fabian, Eva M             12 GMSC                            1:26.31Z       
                  41.83     1:26.31 (44.48)                                        
 11 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                        1:27.09Z       
                  40.93     1:27.09 (46.16)                                        
 12 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                     1:28.14        
                  41.86     1:28.14 (46.28)                                        
 13 Harrington, Angela L      12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:28.45        
                  41.70     1:28.45 (46.75)                                        
 14 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                             1:28.69        
                  41.58     1:28.69 (47.11)                                        
 15 Miller, Clare M           12 GMA                             1:29.49        
                  41.19     1:29.49 (48.30)                                        
 16 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                             1:29.65        
                  41.99     1:29.65 (47.66)                                        
 17 Long, Amber J             12 SSA                             1:29.82        
                  43.31     1:29.82 (46.51)                                        
 18 Feaster, Hayley R         12 NEWPORT                         1:29.86        
                  43.67     1:29.86 (46.19)                                        
 19 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                             1:29.91        
                  42.68     1:29.91 (47.23)                                        
 20 Zhang, Carina Y           11 BGSC                            1:30.23        
                  42.26     1:30.23 (47.97)                                        
 21 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                             1:30.29        
                  42.42     1:30.29 (47.87)                                        
 22 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                             1:30.32        
                  43.72     1:30.32 (46.60)                                        
 23 Wingfield, Miranda L      11 NAS                             1:30.53        
                  43.22     1:30.53 (47.31)                                        
 24 Josef, Emily S            11 SQUIDS                          1:30.54        
                  43.13     1:30.54 (47.41)                                        
 25 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                             1:30.73        
                  42.77     1:30.73 (47.96)                                        
 26 Ellis, Taylor M           11 STRYPERS                        1:31.20        
                  42.99     1:31.20 (48.21)                                        
 27 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                             1:31.24        
                  43.96     1:31.24 (47.28)                                        
 28 Giglio, Alexandra A       12 NORTH SHORE                     1:31.57        
                  44.90     1:31.57 (46.67)                                        
 29 Higano, Saya              11 SAC                             1:31.79        
                  43.24     1:31.79 (48.55)                                        
 30 Willett, Catherine G      12 SAC                             1:33.68        
                  44.17     1:33.68 (49.51)                                        
 31 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:33.69        
                  44.92     1:33.69 (48.77)                                        
 32 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                        1:33.74        
                  44.56     1:33.74 (49.18)                                        
 33 Pierce, Maddie B          12 SQUIDS                          1:33.93        
                  43.55     1:33.93 (50.38)                                        
 34 Konieczny, Mina S         12 VIKINGS                         1:34.00        
                  43.86     1:34.00 (50.14)                                        
 35 Shea, Julie M             12 YNS                             1:34.18        
                  43.74     1:34.18 (50.44)                                        
 36 Hall, Samantha C          12 MAGNUS                          1:34.58        
                  44.86     1:34.58 (49.72)                                        
 37 Fireman, Rachel A         12 CUDAS                           1:35.43        
                  44.36     1:35.43 (51.07)                                        
 38 Dowd, Kailey E            11 WBD                             1:35.71        
                  44.07     1:35.71 (51.64)                                        
 39 Carter, Olivia B          12 SAC                             1:35.94        
                  44.17     1:35.94 (51.77)                                        
 -- Walsh, Gillian M          12 BYB                                  DQ        
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 3:08.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:46.44    7/1/2003 Laura Sogar, RAMS-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 2:45.96    3/1/2004 Laura Sogar, RAMS-NE                       
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS               2:58.11    2:54.42Z        20  
                  40.95     1:25.26 (44.31)     2:10.31 (45.05)     2:54.42 (44.11)
  2 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                 2:58.06    2:54.64Z        17  
                  40.97     1:25.06 (44.09)     2:10.30 (45.24)     2:54.64 (44.34)
  3 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS               3:00.26    2:58.24Z        16  
                  39.65     1:24.61 (44.96)     2:11.83 (47.22)     2:58.24 (46.41)
  4 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH             2:59.66    2:59.32Z        15  
                  41.45     1:27.12 (45.67)     2:13.81 (46.69)     2:59.32 (45.51)
  5 Denbow, Christina   11 MST RAPIDS           3:05.94    3:01.86Z        14  
                  42.42     1:29.00 (46.58)     2:15.87 (46.87)     3:01.86 (45.99)
  6 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                 3:03.70    3:03.16Z        13  
                  41.56     1:28.20 (46.64)     2:15.35 (47.15)     3:03.16 (47.81)
  7 Kissick, Hope H     12 WAVES                3:05.74    3:05.84Z        12  
                  40.39     1:27.01 (46.62)     2:17.80 (50.79)     3:05.84 (48.04)
  8 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                  3:06.64    3:07.97Z        11  
                  42.68     1:30.50 (47.82)     2:20.24 (49.74)     3:07.97 (47.73)
B - Final
  9 Carle, Alyssa M     12 AAC                  3:06.99    3:03.33Z         9  
                  41.68     1:28.29 (46.61)     2:15.97 (47.68)     3:03.33 (47.36)
 10 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS               3:08.21    3:07.45Z         7  
                  45.42     1:32.44 (47.02)     2:21.29 (48.85)     3:07.45 (46.16)
 11 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                  3:07.55    3:07.56Z         6  
                  42.09     1:29.45 (47.36)     2:18.63 (49.18)     3:07.56 (48.93)
 12 Petrossian, Natali  12 BGSC                 3:07.22    3:08.29          5  
                  43.31     1:31.74 (48.43)     2:21.45 (49.71)     3:08.29 (46.84)
 13 Oresman, Kelsi      12 BLUEFISH             3:09.60    3:09.32          4  
                  41.88     1:30.52 (48.64)     2:20.04 (49.52)     3:09.32 (49.28)
 14 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       3:10.17    3:10.84          3  
                  42.51     1:32.29 (49.78)     2:23.22 (50.93)     3:10.84 (47.62)
 15 Wingfield, Miranda  11 NAS                  3:12.93    3:12.18          2  
                  44.18     1:34.42 (50.24)     2:24.37 (49.95)     3:12.18 (47.81)
 16 Josef, Emily S      11 SQUIDS               3:12.46    3:14.02          1  
                  44.02     1:33.75 (49.73)     2:23.70 (49.95)     3:14.02 (50.32)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 3:08.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:46.44    7/1/2003 Laura Sogar, RAMS-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 2:45.96    3/1/2004 Laura Sogar, RAMS-NE                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Fabian, Eva M             12 GMSC                            2:58.06Z       
                  41.43     1:27.23 (45.80)     2:12.85 (45.62)     2:58.06 (45.21)
  2 Nuzzo, Emma L             11 SQUIDS                          2:58.11Z       
                  42.38     1:27.91 (45.53)     2:13.75 (45.84)     2:58.11 (44.36)
  3 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                        2:59.66Z       
                  41.69     1:27.39 (45.70)     2:14.06 (46.67)     2:59.66 (45.60)
  4 Patterson, Monica M       12 MAGNUS                          3:00.26Z       
                  40.67     1:26.99 (46.32)     2:14.11 (47.12)     3:00.26 (46.15)
  5 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                            3:03.70Z       
                  41.27     1:28.28 (47.01)     2:15.66 (47.38)     3:03.70 (48.04)
  6 Kissick, Hope H           12 WAVES                           3:05.74Z       
                  41.66     1:29.23 (47.57)     2:18.69 (49.46)     3:05.74 (47.05)
  7 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                      3:05.94Z       
                  42.19     1:29.54 (47.35)     2:17.53 (47.99)     3:05.94 (48.41)
  8 Long, Amber J             12 SSA                             3:06.64Z       
                  42.65     1:30.39 (47.74)     2:18.94 (48.55)     3:06.64 (47.70)
  9 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                             3:06.99Z       
                  41.82     1:29.75 (47.93)     2:18.17 (48.42)     3:06.99 (48.82)
 10 Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                            3:07.22Z       
                  43.33     1:30.60 (47.27)     2:19.93 (49.33)     3:07.22 (47.29)
 11 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                             3:07.55Z       
                  42.03     1:29.49 (47.46)     2:18.93 (49.44)     3:07.55 (48.62)
 12 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                          3:08.21        
                  45.58     1:33.77 (48.19)     2:21.63 (47.86)     3:08.21 (46.58)
 13 Oresman, Kelsi            12 BLUEFISH                        3:09.60        
                  41.98     1:29.77 (47.79)     2:19.59 (49.82)     3:09.60 (50.01)
 14 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:10.17        
                  41.87     1:30.42 (48.55)     2:20.80 (50.38)     3:10.17 (49.37)
 15 Josef, Emily S            11 SQUIDS                          3:12.46        
                  43.67     1:33.16 (49.49)     2:22.57 (49.41)     3:12.46 (49.89)
 16 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                     3:12.77        
                  42.97     1:32.46 (49.49)     2:22.43 (49.97)     3:12.77 (50.34)
 17 Wingfield, Miranda L      11 NAS                             3:12.93        
                  45.80     1:35.16 (49.36)     2:24.37 (49.21)     3:12.93 (48.56)
 18 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                             3:13.15        
                  42.77     1:32.49 (49.72)     2:23.17 (50.68)     3:13.15 (49.98)
 19 Miller, Clare M           12 GMA                             3:15.13        
                  43.06     1:33.03 (49.97)     2:25.71 (52.68)     3:15.13 (49.42)
 20 Sweeney, Heather A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:16.08        
                  46.14     1:35.83 (49.69)     2:26.57 (50.74)     3:16.08 (49.51)
 21 Ayer, Ashley M            12 SSA                             3:16.29        
                  47.08     1:36.27 (49.19)     2:26.52 (50.25)     3:16.29 (49.77)
 22 Zhang, Carina Y           11 BGSC                            3:16.37        
                  45.30     1:34.06 (48.76)     2:25.17 (51.11)     3:16.37 (51.20)
 23 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                             3:16.46        
                  45.65     1:35.42 (49.77)     2:27.30 (51.88)     3:16.46 (49.16)
 24 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                             3:17.52        
                  44.53     1:33.53 (49.00)     2:25.81 (52.28)     3:17.52 (51.71)
 25 Fireman, Rachel A         12 CUDAS                           3:17.88        
                  44.18     1:35.13 (50.95)     2:27.55 (52.42)     3:17.88 (50.33)
 26 Konieczny, Mina S         12 VIKINGS                         3:17.89        
                  44.22     1:34.93 (50.71)     2:26.32 (51.39)     3:17.89 (51.57)
 27 Lajoie, Emily J           11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:17.92        
                  46.48     1:37.55 (51.07)     2:28.20 (50.65)     3:17.92 (49.72)
 28 Punger, Lauren J          11 GMSC                            3:18.27        
                  47.23     1:37.95 (50.72)     2:28.70 (50.75)     3:18.27 (49.57)
 29 Fournier, Haley J         12 MAKOS                           3:18.51        
                  44.19     1:35.18 (50.99)     2:27.99 (52.81)     3:18.51 (50.52)
 30 Morin, Elizabeth M        12 MST RAPIDS                      3:18.57        
                  45.72     1:36.43 (50.71)     2:27.89 (51.46)     3:18.57 (50.68)
 31 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                             3:19.28        
                  46.20     1:37.23 (51.03)     2:29.54 (52.31)     3:19.28 (49.74)
 32 Willett, Catherine G      12 SAC                             3:20.21        
                  45.49     1:38.01 (52.52)     2:30.60 (52.59)     3:20.21 (49.61)
 33 LeBlanc, Riley M          12 YNS                             3:20.36        
                  46.65     1:38.17 (51.52)     2:29.99 (51.82)     3:20.36 (50.37)
 34 Hall, Samantha C          12 MAGNUS                          3:21.09        
                  45.31     1:36.84 (51.53)     2:28.41 (51.57)     3:21.09 (52.68)
 35 Seekins, Caroline E       12 PST                             3:21.78        
                  47.20     1:38.25 (51.05)     2:30.29 (52.04)     3:21.78 (51.49)
 36 Giglio, Alexandra A       12 NORTH SHORE                     3:23.19        
                  46.52     1:39.35 (52.83)     2:31.59 (52.24)     3:23.19 (51.60)
 37 Dolan, Amy F              11 MAGNUS                          3:29.72        
                  46.62     1:41.56 (54.94)     2:35.94 (54.38)     3:29.72 (53.78)
 38 Dowd, Kailey E            11 WBD                             3:29.74        
                  48.17     1:41.75 (53.58)     2:36.23 (54.48)     3:29.74 (53.51)
 39 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                        3:31.56        
                  47.50     1:41.24 (53.74)     2:36.84 (55.60)     3:31.56 (54.72)
 -- Feaster, Hayley R         12 NEWPORT                              DQ        
 -- Ellis, Taylor M           11 STRYPERS                             NS        
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
  NE Res Rec: R 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                              34.10        
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
  NE Res Rec: R 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  1 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                              34.60        
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
  NE Res Rec: R 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                    31.01      30.93Z        20  
  2 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         33.20      32.32Z        17  
  3 Almandoz, Andrea    12 SAC                    32.63      32.55Z        16  
  4 DeAtley, Acadia R   12 NORTH SHORE            33.75      33.28Z        15  
  5 Sawyer, Lily R      12 SQUIDS                 33.79      33.52         14  
  6 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                    33.45      33.58         13  
  7 Folger, Madelyn H   12 SSA                    33.75      33.61         12  
  8 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH               33.80      33.93         11  
B - Final
  9 Greco, Christiana   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         34.02      33.34          9  
 10 Kenney, Katie M     12 WAVES                  33.88      33.36          7  
 11 Kelly, McKenna L    12 SAC                    34.30      34.00          6  
 12 Strauss, Ilana E    12 NWSC                   34.21      34.08          5  
 13 Petrossian, Natali  12 BGSC                   34.62      34.63          4  
 14 Sweeney, Heather A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         34.77      35.11          3  
 15 Aldrich, Katie A    12 MST RAPIDS             34.67      36.32          2  
Girls 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
  NE Res Rec: R 29.45    7/1/1997 Connie Brown, MVP-NE                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                               31.01Z       
  2 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                               32.63Z       
  3 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    33.20Z       
  4 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                               33.45        
  5 Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                     33.55        
  6 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                               33.75        
  6 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                       33.75        
  8 Sawyer, Lily R            12 SQUIDS                            33.79        
  9 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                          33.80        
 10 Kenney, Katie M           12 WAVES                             33.88        
 11 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    34.02        
 12 Strauss, Ilana E          12 NWSC                              34.21        
 13 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                               34.30        
 14 Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                              34.62        
 15 Aldrich, Katie A          12 MST RAPIDS                        34.67        
 16 Sweeney, Heather A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    34.77        
 17 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                               34.83        
 18 Thulander, Sabrina R      12 MAGNUS                            34.87        
 19 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                               34.91        
 20 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                               34.94        
 21 Lajoie, Emily J           11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    35.30        
 22 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                               35.31        
 23 Walsh, Gillian M          12 BYB                               35.37        
 24 Willett, Catherine G      12 SAC                               35.42        
 25 Spinazzola, Angelica T    11 SQUIDS                            35.50        
 26 Chory, Maggie L           11 BGSC                              35.52        
 27 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                               35.55        
 28 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                             35.61        
 29 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                           35.63        
 29 Punger, Lauren J          11 GMSC                              35.63        
 31 Surjaputra, Meta E        12 BGSC                              35.68        
 32 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                              35.71        
 33 Konieczny, Mina S         12 VIKINGS                           35.80        
 34 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                               36.11        
 35 Gauthier, Brittany M      12 NWSC                              36.15        
 36 Taunton, Suyin E          12 HRY                               36.39        
 37 Rosenberg, Jeri E         12 WAVES                             36.47        
 38 Feaster, Hayley R         12 NEWPORT                           36.48        
 39 Gaquin, Emma S            12 NORTH SHORE                       36.74        
 40 Pierce, Maddie B          12 SQUIDS                            36.75        
 41 Giglio, Alexandra A       12 NORTH SHORE                       37.02        
 42 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                               37.21        
 43 Bertelson, abigail A      11 SAC                               37.93        
 44 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                        38.05        
 45 Avella, Mandy J           12 R.A.Y.S.                          38.08        
 46 Forman, Ruth A            12 SAC                               38.12        
 -- Page, Kathryn A           12 STRYPERS                             NS        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:04.54    7/1/1998 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:03.14    8/1/1998 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                  1:09.22    1:07.16Z        20  
                  31.68     1:07.16 (35.48)                                        
  2 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS               1:13.46    1:10.89Z        17  
                  33.71     1:10.89 (37.18)                                        
  3 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS               1:12.54    1:12.34Z        16  
                  34.48     1:12.34 (37.86)                                        
  4 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH             1:14.64    1:13.56Z        15  
                  35.04     1:13.56 (38.52)                                        
  5 Mabrey, Olivia P    12 UNATTACHED NE        1:15.93    1:14.01Z        14  
                  34.25     1:14.01 (39.76)                                        
  6 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS               1:15.03    1:14.65Z        13  
                  34.66     1:14.65 (39.99)                                        
  7 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:15.54    1:14.81Z        12  
                  34.47     1:14.81 (40.34)                                        
  8 Almandoz, Andrea    12 SAC                  1:15.97    1:15.53         11  
                  34.05     1:15.53 (41.48)                                        
B - Final
  9 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS               1:16.09    1:14.84Z         9  
                  35.80     1:14.84 (39.04)                                        
 10 Kelly, McKenna L    12 SAC                  1:17.84    1:15.05Z         7  
                  34.96     1:15.05 (40.09)                                        
 11 Strauss, Ilana E    12 NWSC                 1:16.66    1:15.58          6  
                  35.62     1:15.58 (39.96)                                        
 12 Lajoie, Emily J     11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:16.78    1:15.61          5  
                  36.02     1:15.61 (39.59)                                        
 13 Lucia, Amanda M     12 NAS                  1:16.94    1:17.25          4  
                  36.75     1:17.25 (40.50)                                        
 14 Spinazzola, Angeli  11 SQUIDS               1:17.89    1:17.71          3  
                  36.70     1:17.71 (41.01)                                        
 15 Sawyer, Lily R      12 SQUIDS               1:17.94    1:18.61          2  
                  36.71     1:18.61 (41.90)                                        
 16 Punger, Lauren J    11 GMSC                 1:18.91    1:19.91          1  
                  37.35     1:19.91 (42.56)                                        
Girls 11-12 100 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:04.54    7/1/1998 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:03.14    8/1/1998 Hee Jin Chang, MBM-NE                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                             1:09.22Z       
                  32.44     1:09.22 (36.78)                                        
  2 D'Innocenzo, Margaret L   11 MAGNUS                          1:12.54Z       
                  34.94     1:12.54 (37.60)                                        
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L             11 SQUIDS                          1:13.46Z       
                  34.51     1:13.46 (38.95)                                        
  4 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                        1:14.64Z       
                  35.34     1:14.64 (39.30)                                        
  5 Spinazzola, Bianca L      11 SQUIDS                          1:15.03Z       
                  35.96     1:15.03 (39.07)                                        
  6 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:15.54        
                  34.28     1:15.54 (41.26)                                        
  7 Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                   1:15.93        
                  35.77     1:15.93 (40.16)                                        
  8 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                             1:15.97        
                  34.05     1:15.97 (41.92)                                        
  9 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                          1:16.09        
                  37.12     1:16.09 (38.97)                                        
 10 Strauss, Ilana E          12 NWSC                            1:16.66        
                  35.94     1:16.66 (40.72)                                        
 11 Lajoie, Emily J           11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:16.78        
                  36.87     1:16.78 (39.91)                                        
 12 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                             1:16.94        
                  35.89     1:16.94 (41.05)                                        
 13 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                             1:17.84        
                  36.15     1:17.84 (41.69)                                        
 14 Spinazzola, Angelica T    11 SQUIDS                          1:17.89        
                  36.90     1:17.89 (40.99)                                        
 15 Sawyer, Lily R            12 SQUIDS                          1:17.94        
                  37.25     1:17.94 (40.69)                                        
 16 Punger, Lauren J          11 GMSC                            1:18.91        
                  37.33     1:18.91 (41.58)                                        
 17 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:18.93        
                  37.66     1:18.93 (41.27)                                        
 18 Sweeney, Heather A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:19.14        
                  37.93     1:19.14 (41.21)                                        
 19 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                             1:19.18        
                  36.85     1:19.18 (42.33)                                        
 19 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                             1:19.18        
                  36.40     1:19.18 (42.78)                                        
 21 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                             1:19.32        
                  36.09     1:19.32 (43.23)                                        
 22 Gauthier, Brittany M      12 NWSC                            1:19.55        
                  36.58     1:19.55 (42.97)                                        
 23 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                             1:20.15        
                  36.71     1:20.15 (43.44)                                        
 24 Thulander, Sabrina R      12 MAGNUS                          1:20.22        
                  35.94     1:20.22 (44.28)                                        
 25 Harrop, Jenna M           12 AAC                             1:20.44        
                  37.08     1:20.44 (43.36)                                        
 26 Page, Kathryn A           12 STRYPERS                        1:21.37        
                  37.56     1:21.37 (43.81)                                        
 27 Tocci, Bianca A           12 BGSC                            1:21.75        
                  36.58     1:21.75 (45.17)                                        
 28 Surjaputra, Meta E        12 BGSC                            1:22.12        
                  37.34     1:22.12 (44.78)                                        
 29 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                         1:23.76        
                  38.89     1:23.76 (44.87)                                        
 30 Sliwinski, Sam K          12 WAVES                           1:24.18        
                  39.11     1:24.18 (45.07)                                        
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:23.05    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:23.05    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Moore, Rachel L     12 ANA                  2:35.42    2:31.90Z        20  
                  33.66     1:12.53 (38.87)     1:52.55 (40.02)     2:31.90 (39.35)
  2 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                 2:39.64    2:34.62Z        17  
                  35.35     1:15.01 (39.66)     1:54.76 (39.75)     2:34.62 (39.86)
  3 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS               2:36.91    2:35.39Z        16  
                  35.81     1:15.34 (39.53)     1:55.58 (40.24)     2:35.39 (39.81)
  4 Strauss, Ilana E    12 NWSC                 2:47.67    2:45.01         15  
                  35.52     1:17.13 (41.61)     2:01.59 (44.46)     2:45.01 (43.42)
  5 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH             2:46.85    2:45.77         14  
                  36.79     1:17.66 (40.87)     2:01.20 (43.54)     2:45.77 (44.57)
  6 Lajoie, Emily J     11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:48.02    2:47.02         13  
                  38.22     1:21.22 (43.00)     2:06.25 (45.03)     2:47.02 (40.77)
  7 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS               2:49.21    2:47.91         12  
                  35.94     1:18.39 (42.45)     2:02.38 (43.99)     2:47.91 (45.53)
  8 Lucia, Amanda M     12 NAS                  2:54.08    2:50.15         11  
                  37.52     1:21.54 (44.02)     2:06.03 (44.49)     2:50.15 (44.12)
B - Final
  9 Sweeney, Heather A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:54.71    2:51.98          9  
                  37.65     1:20.66 (43.01)     2:06.11 (45.45)     2:51.98 (45.87)
 10 Sawyer, Lily R      12 SQUIDS               2:54.99    2:53.62          7  
                  39.60     1:24.68 (45.08)     2:09.75 (45.07)     2:53.62 (43.87)
 11 Harrop, Jenna M     12 AAC                  3:01.57    2:57.18          6  
                  39.24     1:24.81 (45.57)     2:12.20 (47.39)     2:57.18 (44.98)
 12 Thulander, Sabrina  12 MAGNUS               2:57.23    2:58.73          5  
                  37.46     1:21.43 (43.97)     2:10.15 (48.72)     2:58.73 (48.58)
 13 McKenna, Marissa C  12 SSA                  2:54.50    2:58.77          4  
                  37.12     1:21.91 (44.79)     2:11.01 (49.10)     2:58.77 (47.76)
 14 Carle, Alyssa M     12 AAC                  2:59.71    2:59.25          3  
                  37.74     1:23.53 (45.79)     2:11.48 (47.95)     2:59.25 (47.77)
 15 Rafferty-Millett,   12 YNS                  3:01.10    3:00.33          2  
                  38.89     1:25.54 (46.65)     2:13.28 (47.74)     3:00.33 (47.05)
 16 Punger, Lauren J    11 GMSC                 2:59.82    3:00.93          1  
                  39.29     1:24.24 (44.95)     2:13.39 (49.15)     3:00.93 (47.54)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:23.05    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:23.05    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Moore, Rachel L           12 ANA                             2:35.42Z       
                  34.60     1:14.23 (39.63)     1:54.25 (40.02)     2:35.42 (41.17)
  2 D'Innocenzo, Margaret L   11 MAGNUS                          2:36.91Z       
                  35.89     1:14.78 (38.89)     1:55.15 (40.37)     2:36.91 (41.76)
  3 Fabian, Eva M             12 GMSC                            2:39.64Z       
                  36.17     1:17.30 (41.13)     1:58.40 (41.10)     2:39.64 (41.24)
  4 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                        2:46.85        
                  36.01     1:17.08 (41.07)     2:01.59 (44.51)     2:46.85 (45.26)
  5 Strauss, Ilana E          12 NWSC                            2:47.67        
                  36.11     1:18.33 (42.22)     2:03.91 (45.58)     2:47.67 (43.76)
  6 Lajoie, Emily J           11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:48.02        
                  38.45     1:22.45 (44.00)     2:06.68 (44.23)     2:48.02 (41.34)
  7 Spinazzola, Bianca L      11 SQUIDS                          2:49.21        
                  37.19     1:19.39 (42.20)     2:04.01 (44.62)     2:49.21 (45.20)
  8 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                             2:54.08        
                  38.59     1:22.90 (44.31)     2:08.62 (45.72)     2:54.08 (45.46)
  9 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                             2:54.50        
                  36.94     1:22.24 (45.30)     2:07.93 (45.69)     2:54.50 (46.57)
 10 Sweeney, Heather A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:54.71        
                  38.47     1:22.27 (43.80)     2:09.59 (47.32)     2:54.71 (45.12)
 11 Sawyer, Lily R            12 SQUIDS                          2:54.99        
                  38.23     1:22.76 (44.53)     2:08.85 (46.09)     2:54.99 (46.14)
 12 Thulander, Sabrina R      12 MAGNUS                          2:57.23        
                  39.01     1:23.25 (44.24)     2:10.28 (47.03)     2:57.23 (46.95)
 13 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                             2:59.71        
                  38.11     1:23.71 (45.60)     2:11.96 (48.25)     2:59.71 (47.75)
 14 Punger, Lauren J          11 GMSC                            2:59.82        
                  39.88     1:24.87 (44.99)     2:13.05 (48.18)     2:59.82 (46.77)
 15 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                             3:01.10        
                  37.73     1:23.72 (45.99)     2:11.79 (48.07)     3:01.10 (49.31)
 16 Harrop, Jenna M           12 AAC                             3:01.57        
                  39.18     1:24.66 (45.48)     2:13.54 (48.88)     3:01.57 (48.03)
 17 Spinazzola, Angelica T    11 SQUIDS                          3:01.74        
                  39.76     1:26.15 (46.39)     2:13.70 (47.55)     3:01.74 (48.04)
 18 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                             3:02.14        
                  38.05     1:22.26 (44.21)     2:12.30 (50.04)     3:02.14 (49.84)
 19 Folger, Madelyn H         12 SSA                             3:08.19        
                  37.77     1:23.60 (45.83)     2:15.11 (51.51)     3:08.19 (53.08)
 20 Gauthier, Brittany M      12 NWSC                            3:09.24        
                  40.33     1:26.46 (46.13)     2:19.56 (53.10)     3:09.24 (49.68)
 21 Ram, Priyanka             11 NWSC                            3:10.00        
                  40.01     1:29.99 (49.98)     2:20.02 (50.03)     3:10.00 (49.98)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter IM
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:23.35    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:22.68    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS               2:36.36    2:32.80Z        20  
                  32.85     1:12.47 (39.62)     1:57.78 (45.31)     2:32.80 (35.02)
  2 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                 2:37.91    2:37.02Z        17  
                  35.12     1:17.62 (42.50)     2:02.03 (44.41)     2:37.02 (34.99)
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS               2:40.33    2:38.86Z        16  
                  34.70     1:18.36 (43.66)     2:04.34 (45.98)     2:38.86 (34.52)
  4 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH             2:43.08    2:41.27Z        15  
                  35.83     1:18.85 (43.02)     2:05.39 (46.54)     2:41.27 (35.88)
  5 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS               2:41.04    2:41.32Z        14  
                  36.41     1:18.64 (42.23)     2:07.91 (49.27)     2:41.32 (33.41)
  6 Phillips, Callie A  12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:44.20    2:41.85Z        13  
                  33.72     1:17.67 (43.95)     2:04.48 (46.81)     2:41.85 (37.37)
  7 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS           2:42.47    2:43.35Z        12  
                  36.11     1:16.62 (40.51)     2:05.23 (48.61)     2:43.35 (38.12)
  8 Bao, Tana           12 HAY                  2:44.48    2:44.83         11  
                  35.60     1:19.93 (44.33)     2:07.45 (47.52)     2:44.83 (37.38)
B - Final
  9 Almandoz, Andrea    12 SAC                  2:48.02    2:43.28Z         9  
                  34.82     1:18.08 (43.26)     2:06.60 (48.52)     2:43.28 (36.68)
 10 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH             2:47.53    2:44.18Z         7  
                  37.05     1:19.16 (42.11)     2:08.97 (49.81)     2:44.18 (35.21)
 11 Weaver, Christa E   11 GMA                  2:49.30    2:49.05          6  
                  37.44     1:21.41 (43.97)     2:11.11 (49.70)     2:49.05 (37.94)
 12 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                 2:47.15    2:49.28          5  
                  37.68     1:23.61 (45.93)     2:12.89 (49.28)     2:49.28 (36.39)
 13 Lajoie, Emily J     11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:47.04    2:51.13          4  
                  37.41     1:22.21 (44.80)     2:13.23 (51.02)     2:51.13 (37.90)
 14 Greco, Christiana   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:50.64    2:51.37          3  
                  37.31     1:21.27 (43.96)     2:14.07 (52.80)     2:51.37 (37.30)
 15 Dinsmore, Madi A    11 WSSC                 2:49.09    2:52.63          2  
                  38.56     1:24.01 (45.45)     2:15.15 (51.14)     2:52.63 (37.48)
 16 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                  2:48.26    2:53.54          1  
                  40.04     1:26.10 (46.06)     2:16.05 (49.95)     2:53.54 (37.49)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter IM
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:23.35    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 2:22.68    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Patterson, Monica M       12 MAGNUS                          2:36.36Z       
                  34.08     1:14.13 (40.05)     2:00.75 (46.62)     2:36.36 (35.61)
  2 Fabian, Eva M             12 GMSC                            2:37.91Z       
                  35.10     1:17.54 (42.44)     2:02.43 (44.89)     2:37.91 (35.48)
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L             11 SQUIDS                          2:40.33Z       
                  34.75     1:18.82 (44.07)     2:05.14 (46.32)     2:40.33 (35.19)
  4 Morin, Katie M            12 SQUIDS                          2:41.04Z       
                  35.71     1:18.19 (42.48)     2:07.70 (49.51)     2:41.04 (33.34)
  5 Ewing, Kelsey A           12 MST RAPIDS                      2:42.47Z       
                  35.64     1:15.63 (39.99)     2:04.48 (48.85)     2:42.47 (37.99)
  6 Douglas, Bethany P        12 BLUEFISH                        2:43.08Z       
                  35.96     1:19.97 (44.01)     2:05.44 (45.47)     2:43.08 (37.64)
  7 Phillips, Callie A        12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:44.20        
                  33.84     1:17.20 (43.36)     2:04.22 (47.02)     2:44.20 (39.98)
  8 Bao, Tana                 12 HAY                             2:44.48        
                  35.08     1:19.60 (44.52)     2:06.83 (47.23)     2:44.48 (37.65)
  9 Lajoie, Emily J           11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:47.04        
                  37.67     1:21.59 (43.92)     2:11.73 (50.14)     2:47.04 (35.31)
 10 Cook, Katrina E           12 CCSC                            2:47.15        
                  36.86     1:21.65 (44.79)     2:09.93 (48.28)     2:47.15 (37.22)
 11 Capece, Caroline N        12 BLUEFISH                        2:47.53        
                  38.63     1:21.17 (42.54)     2:10.79 (49.62)     2:47.53 (36.74)
 12 Almandoz, Andrea          12 SAC                             2:48.02        
                  35.49     1:20.47 (44.98)     2:09.37 (48.90)     2:48.02 (38.65)
 13 Long, Amber J             12 SSA                             2:48.26        
                  38.10     1:23.94 (45.84)     2:12.96 (49.02)     2:48.26 (35.30)
 14 Dinsmore, Madi A          11 WSSC                            2:49.09        
                  38.77     1:24.10 (45.33)     2:12.89 (48.79)     2:49.09 (36.20)
 15 Weaver, Christa E         11 GMA                             2:49.30        
                  37.71     1:20.28 (42.57)     2:10.85 (50.57)     2:49.30 (38.45)
 16 Greco, Christiana O       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:50.64        
                  37.02     1:21.16 (44.14)     2:12.87 (51.71)     2:50.64 (37.77)
 17 Torabi, Julia S           12 ANA                             2:50.69        
                  37.49     1:22.44 (44.95)     2:11.96 (49.52)     2:50.69 (38.73)
 18 Denbow, Christina M       11 MST RAPIDS                      2:51.36        
                  39.31     1:25.29 (45.98)     2:13.89 (48.60)     2:51.36 (37.47)
 19 Rafferty-Millett, Toirea  12 YNS                             2:51.76        
                  37.52     1:25.67 (48.15)     2:13.87 (48.20)     2:51.76 (37.89)
 20 DeAtley, Acadia R         12 NORTH SHORE                     2:51.93        
                  36.07     1:21.82 (45.75)     2:10.75 (48.93)     2:51.93 (41.18)
 21 Ellis, Taylor M           11 STRYPERS                        2:52.00        
                  37.51     1:23.88 (46.37)     2:13.05 (49.17)     2:52.00 (38.95)
 22 McKenna, Marissa C        12 SSA                             2:52.31        
                  37.78     1:22.29 (44.51)     2:13.11 (50.82)     2:52.31 (39.20)
 23 Punger, Lauren J          11 GMSC                            2:52.92        
                  37.95     1:22.47 (44.52)     2:14.26 (51.79)     2:52.92 (38.66)
 24 Lucia, Amanda M           12 NAS                             2:53.43        
                  38.18     1:22.40 (44.22)     2:15.49 (53.09)     2:53.43 (37.94)
 25 Alexander, Megan C        12 YNS                             2:53.86        
                  37.40     1:23.00 (45.60)     2:13.98 (50.98)     2:53.86 (39.88)
 26 Carle, Alyssa M           12 AAC                             2:54.00        
                  37.30     1:24.81 (47.51)     2:12.54 (47.73)     2:54.00 (41.46)
 27 Kelly, McKenna L          12 SAC                             2:54.51        
                  36.36     1:21.19 (44.83)     2:16.11 (54.92)     2:54.51 (38.40)
 28 Keough, Mary E            11 SAC                             2:55.96        
                  38.71     1:22.35 (43.64)     2:15.79 (53.44)     2:55.96 (40.17)
 29 Quigley, Nicole J         12 BLUEFISH                        2:57.13        
                  38.46     1:24.48 (46.02)     2:19.36 (54.88)     2:57.13 (37.77)
 30 Zhang, Yang               12 SQUIDS                          2:57.70        
                  37.53     1:24.43 (46.90)     2:17.73 (53.30)     2:57.70 (39.97)
 31 Kwarcinski, Meaghan E     12 VIKINGS                         2:57.90        
                  38.78     1:25.02 (46.24)     2:19.57 (54.55)     2:57.90 (38.33)
 32 McGuirk, Meghan A         12 ANA                             2:59.31        
                  41.53     1:29.04 (47.51)     2:20.38 (51.34)     2:59.31 (38.93)
 -- Petrossian, Natalie A     12 BGSC                                 DQ        
 -- Mabrey, Olivia P          12 UNATTACHED NE                        NS        
Girls 11-12 400 LC Meter IM
      NE Rec: N 5:01.09    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 4:55.35    7/1/2005 Elizabeth Beisel, MAG-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Fabian, Eva M       12 GMSC                           5:19.10         20  
                  35.08     1:13.78 (38.70)     1:56.30 (42.52)     2:37.89 (41.59)
        3:22.73 (44.84)     4:08.04 (45.31)     4:44.27 (36.23)     5:19.10 (34.83)
  2 Patterson, Monica   12 MAGNUS                         5:27.63         17  
                  34.73     1:16.52 (41.79)     1:58.82 (42.30)     2:39.19 (40.37)
        3:26.87 (47.68)     4:15.03 (48.16)     4:52.77 (37.74)     5:27.63 (34.86)
  3 Nuzzo, Emma L       11 SQUIDS                         5:28.89         16  
                  35.32     1:15.69 (40.37)     1:59.88 (44.19)     2:42.84 (42.96)
        3:30.12 (47.28)     4:17.81 (47.69)     4:54.17 (36.36)     5:28.89 (34.72)
  4 Azaret, Lydia A     12 MAGNUS                         5:30.57         15  
                  34.74     1:15.92 (41.18)     1:58.82 (42.90)     2:40.87 (42.05)
        3:30.85 (49.98)     4:20.22 (49.37)     4:56.01 (35.79)     5:30.57 (34.56)
  5 Douglas, Bethany P  12 BLUEFISH                       5:36.83         14  
                  35.57     1:15.72 (40.15)     2:01.44 (45.72)     2:46.47 (45.03)
        3:32.36 (45.89)     4:19.60 (47.24)     4:58.53 (38.93)     5:36.83 (38.30)
  6 D'Innocenzo, Marga  11 MAGNUS                         5:40.56         13  
                  36.53     1:17.43 (40.90)     2:01.65 (44.22)     2:44.17 (42.52)
                                4:24.57 ( )     5:03.70 (39.13)     5:40.56 (36.86)
  7 Spinazzola, Bianca  11 SQUIDS                         5:43.71         12  
                                1:18.46 ( )                             2:47.67 ( )
                                4:30.93 ( )   5:43.71 (1:12.78)                    
  8 Morin, Katie M      12 SQUIDS                         5:44.88         11  
                  37.02     1:21.17 (44.15)     2:06.63 (45.46)     2:51.84 (45.21)
        3:41.90 (50.06)     4:32.03 (50.13)     5:08.70 (36.67)     5:44.88 (36.18)
  9 Capece, Caroline N  12 BLUEFISH                       5:48.38          9  
                  37.64     1:21.65 (44.01)     2:05.18 (43.53)     2:47.65 (42.47)
        3:39.33 (51.68)     4:31.41 (52.08)     5:10.22 (38.81)     5:48.38 (38.16)
 10 Lajoie, Emily J     11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 5:51.98          7  
                  38.03     1:22.24 (44.21)     2:07.13 (44.89)     2:52.19 (45.06)
        3:43.85 (51.66)     4:34.46 (50.61)     5:13.22 (38.76)     5:51.98 (38.76)
 11 Long, Amber J       12 SSA                            5:52.62          6  
                                1:24.86 ( )                             2:57.98 ( )
                                4:36.94 ( )   5:52.62 (1:15.68)                    
 12 Ewing, Kelsey A     12 MST RAPIDS                     5:53.30          5  
                  38.11     1:22.99 (44.88)     2:06.62 (43.63)     2:49.38 (42.76)
        3:41.89 (52.51)     4:33.63 (51.74)     5:14.22 (40.59)     5:53.30 (39.08)
 13 McKenna, Marissa C  12 SSA                            5:57.49          4  
                  38.10     1:23.20 (45.10)     2:08.61 (45.41)     2:52.16 (43.55)
        3:43.38 (51.22)     4:34.68 (51.30)     5:16.15 (41.47)     5:57.49 (41.34)
 14 Lucia, Amanda M     12 NAS                            5:57.97          3  
                  38.54     1:22.30 (43.76)     2:08.82 (46.52)     2:54.05 (45.23)
        3:46.40 (52.35)     4:39.49 (53.09)     5:19.85 (40.36)     5:57.97 (38.12)
 15 Cook, Katrina E     12 CCSC                           5:58.66          2  
                  39.69     1:27.47 (47.78)     2:15.66 (48.19)     3:03.32 (47.66)
        3:51.52 (48.20)     4:39.73 (48.21)     5:20.58 (40.85)     5:58.66 (38.08)
 16 Punger, Lauren J    11 GMSC                           5:59.49          1  
                  40.21     1:24.09 (43.88)     2:10.78 (46.69)     2:57.39 (46.61)
        3:47.95 (50.56)     4:39.50 (51.55)     5:20.12 (40.62)     5:59.49 (39.37)
 17 Dinsmore, Madi A    11 WSSC                           6:00.39        
                  38.52     1:25.47 (46.95)     2:13.53 (48.06)     2:58.48 (44.95)
        3:48.90 (50.42)     4:41.30 (52.40)     5:22.00 (40.70)     6:00.39 (38.39)
 18 Torabi, Julia S     12 ANA                            6:01.87        
                  39.58     1:26.51 (46.93)     2:13.30 (46.79)     2:59.55 (46.25)
        3:49.01 (49.46)     4:41.81 (52.80)     5:24.05 (42.24)     6:01.87 (37.82)
 19 Strauss, Ilana E    12 NWSC                           6:02.01        
                  36.44     1:18.95 (42.51)     2:07.60 (48.65)     2:55.24 (47.64)
        3:49.39 (54.15)     4:43.35 (53.96)     5:23.00 (39.65)     6:02.01 (39.01)
 20 Mabrey, Olivia P    12 UNATTACHED NE                  6:07.31        
                  37.95     1:20.95 (43.00)     2:07.53 (46.58)     2:53.17 (45.64)
        3:47.47 (54.30)     4:42.22 (54.75)     5:25.05 (42.83)     6:07.31 (42.26)
 21 Idman, Becky L      12 BLUEFISH                       6:11.50        
                  40.49     1:28.95 (48.46)     2:14.89 (45.94)     3:00.14 (45.25)
        3:55.76 (55.62)     4:51.44 (55.68)     5:31.43 (39.99)     6:11.50 (40.07)
 22 McGuirk, Meghan A   12 ANA                            6:18.66        
                  42.37     1:35.28 (52.91)     2:25.03 (49.75)     3:13.43 (48.40)
        4:04.78 (51.35)     4:58.34 (53.56)     5:40.95 (42.61)     6:18.66 (37.71)
 23 Zhang, Yang         12 SQUIDS                         6:18.73        
                  38.66     1:25.31 (46.65)     2:14.50 (49.19)     3:02.42 (47.92)
        3:58.09 (55.67)     4:54.12 (56.03)     5:37.96 (43.84)     6:18.73 (40.77)
 24 Librett, Krista E   12 KING                           6:19.62        
                  40.80     1:31.06 (50.26)     2:18.47 (47.41)     3:04.72 (46.25)
        3:59.10 (54.38)     4:54.24 (55.14)     5:37.92 (43.68)     6:19.62 (41.70)
 25 McClure, Carah K    12 MAGNUS                         6:23.33        
                  42.65     1:34.50 (51.85)     2:21.26 (46.76)     3:07.34 (46.08)
        4:02.63 (55.29)     4:58.89 (56.26)     5:41.39 (42.50)     6:23.33 (41.94)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 1:59.67    7/1/1997 Merrimack Valley Pirates, MVP-NE           
                         A. Siu, E. Mancuso, C. Geary, C. Brown            
  NE Res Rec: R 1:58.75    7/1/1998 Bernal's Gator Swim Club, BGSC-NE          
                         J. Aiello, C. Cardillo, S. Bargmann, K. Gately    
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:02.58         40  
     1) Morin, Katie M 12               2) Spinazzola, Bianca L 11        
     3) Spinazzola, Angelica T 11       4) Nuzzo, Emma L 11               
                  30.65     1:01.13 (30.48)     1:32.92 (31.79)     2:02.58 (29.66)
  2 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             2:04.60         34  
     1) Azaret, Lydia A 12              2) Thulander, Sabrina R 12        
     3) Patterson, Monica M 12          4) D'Innocenzo, Margaret L 11     
                  29.64     1:02.46 (32.82)     1:33.27 (30.81)     2:04.60 (31.33)
  3 WEYMOUTH WAVES  'A'                                   2:05.25         32  
     1) Kissick, Hope H 12              2) Kenney, Katie M 12             
     3) Rosenberg, Jeri E 12            4) Sliwinski, Sam K 12            
                  32.40     1:03.32 (30.92)     1:34.76 (31.44)     2:05.25 (30.49)
  4 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:06.45         30  
     1) McGuirk, Meghan A 12            2) Glancy, Keiley K 11            
     3) Torabi, Julia S 12              4) Moore, Rachel L 12             
                  31.86     1:05.80 (33.94)     1:37.60 (31.80)     2:06.45 (28.85)
  5 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:06.68         28  
     1) Greco, Christiana O 11          2) Sweeney, Heather A 12          
     3) Lajoie, Emily J 11              4) Phillips, Callie A 12          
                  30.83     1:03.22 (32.39)     1:35.27 (32.05)     2:06.68 (31.41)
  6 MANCHESTER SWIM TEAM  'A'                             2:07.34         26  
     1) Aldrich, Katie A 12             2) Morin, Elizabeth M 12          
     3) Denbow, Christina M 11          4) Ewing, Kelsey A 12             
                  31.65     1:05.63 (33.98)     1:36.86 (31.23)     2:07.34 (30.48)
  7 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:07.69         24  
     1) Forman, Ruth A 12               2) Kelly, McKenna L 12            
     3) Keough, Mary E 11               4) Almandoz, Andrea 12            
                  33.67     1:05.39 (31.72)     1:37.12 (31.73)     2:07.69 (30.57)
  8 BLUEFISH SWIM CLUB  'A'                               2:09.97         22  
     1) Oresman, Kelsi 12               2) Idman, Becky L 12              
     3) Capece, Caroline N 12           4) Quigley, Nicole J 12           
                  32.18     1:05.73 (33.55)     1:38.38 (32.65)     2:09.97 (31.59)
  9 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:10.02         18  
     1) Alexander, Megan C 12           2) Boland, India E 12             
     3) Shea, Julie M 12                4) Rafferty-Millett, Toireasa C 12
                  33.23     1:05.64 (32.41)     1:38.15 (32.51)     2:10.02 (31.87)
 10 NORTH SHORE SWIM CLUB  'A'                            2:10.16         14  
     1) DeAtley, Acadia R 12            2) Giglio, Alexandra A 12         
     3) Jameson, Olivia L 11            4) Gaquin, Emma S 12              
                  32.36     1:05.43 (33.07)     1:38.70 (33.27)     2:10.16 (31.46)
 11 GREEN MOUNTAIN AQUATICS  'A'                          2:10.85         12  
     1) Booher, Hayley V 11             2) Miller, Clare M 12             
     3) Russell, Molly C 12             4) Weaver, Christa E 11           
                  33.60     1:07.88 (34.28)     1:40.62 (32.74)     2:10.85 (30.23)
 12 SEACOAST SWIMMING ASSOCIATION  'A'                    2:11.13         10  
     1) Long, Amber J 12                2) McKenna, Marissa C 12          
     3) Hayden, Kelsey R 11             4) Folger, Madelyn H 12           
                  32.68     1:06.41 (33.73)     1:38.54 (32.13)     2:11.13 (32.59)
 13 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:11.32          8  
     1) Tocci, Bianca A 12              2) Surjaputra, Meta E 12          
     3) Mael, Liora E 12                4) Pierce, Olivia H 11            
                  31.07     1:04.42 (33.35)     1:37.15 (32.73)     2:11.32 (34.17)
 14 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:11.64          6  
     1) Nasson, Stephanie A 12          2) Chinnaswamy, Elly B 12         
     3) Harrop, Jenna M 12              4) Volpicelli, Gabbi M 12         
                  32.59     1:06.76 (34.17)     1:39.21 (32.45)     2:11.64 (32.43)
 15 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'B'                       2:12.13          4  
     1) Josef, Emily S 11               2) Sawyer, Lily R 12              
     3) Zhang, Yang 12                  4) Carl, Mackenzie L 12           
                  35.67     1:07.93 (32.26)     1:39.95 (32.02)     2:12.13 (32.18)
 16 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             2:13.54          2  
     1) Higano, Saya 11                 2) Willett, Catherine G 12        
     3) Bertelson, abigail A 11         4) Carter, Olivia B 12            
                  33.12     1:06.31 (33.19)     1:40.50 (34.19)     2:13.54 (33.04)
 17 KINGFISH SWIMMING  'A'                                2:14.04        
     1) Rader, Shelby A 11              2) Librett, Krista E 12           
     3) Mullen, Abby J 12               4) Campbell, Elise N 11           
                  33.04     1:07.06 (34.02)     1:40.84 (33.78)     2:14.04 (33.20)
 18 WACHUSETT STORM SWIM CLUB  'A'                        2:18.49        
     1) Dinsmore, Madi A 11             2) Surette, Gabby M 11            
     3) Corcoran, Caroline M 12         4) Doucet, Gabby M 12             
                  34.01     1:07.68 (33.67)     1:45.37 (37.69)     2:18.49 (33.12)
 19 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'B'                             2:19.60        
     1) Dolan, Amy F 11                 2) Carrolo, Emily R 11            
     3) Hall, Samantha C 12             4) McClure, Carah K 12            
                  34.88     1:09.65 (34.77)     1:44.69 (35.04)     2:19.60 (34.91)
 20 NEW WAVE SWIM CLUB  'A'                               2:20.93        
     1) Gauthier, Brittany M 12         2) Wyman, Katia 11                
     3) Ram, Priyanka 11                4) Strauss, Ilana E 12            
                  35.07     1:13.74 (38.67)     1:47.96 (34.22)     2:20.93 (32.97)
Girls 11-12 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 4:20.70    7/1/1997 Merrimack Valley Pirates, MVP-NE           
                         A. Siu, E. Mancuso, C. Geary, C. Brown            
  NE Res Rec: R 4:20.62    7/1/1998 Bernal's Gator Swim Club, BGSC-NE          
                         J. Aiello, C. Cardillo, S. Bargmann, K. Gately    
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       4:24.32         40  
     1) Morin, Katie M 12               2) Spinazzola, Bianca L 11        
     3) Spinazzola, Angelica T 11       4) Nuzzo, Emma L 11               
                1:05.21   2:10.46 (1:05.25)   3:21.48 (1:11.02)   4:24.32 (1:02.84)
  2 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             4:25.41         34  
     1) Patterson, Monica M 12          2) Thulander, Sabrina R 12        
     3) D'Innocenzo, Margaret L 11      4) Azaret, Lydia A 12             
                1:04.64   2:13.36 (1:08.72)   3:21.58 (1:08.22)   4:25.41 (1:03.83)
  3 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   4:30.11         32  
     1) McGuirk, Meghan A 12            2) Childers, Eva P 11             
     3) Torabi, Julia S 12              4) Moore, Rachel L 12             
                1:06.87   2:19.96 (1:13.09)   3:29.38 (1:09.42)   4:30.11 (1:00.73)
  4 MANCHESTER SWIM TEAM  'A'                             4:32.32         30  
     1) Aldrich, Katie A 12             2) Morin, Elizabeth M 12          
     3) Denbow, Christina M 11          4) Ewing, Kelsey A 12             
                1:06.75   2:18.09 (1:11.34)   3:27.21 (1:09.12)   4:32.32 (1:05.11)
  5 WEYMOUTH WAVES  'A'                                   4:35.02         28  
     1) Kissick, Hope H 12              2) Kenney, Katie M 12             
     3) Rosenberg, Jeri E 12            4) Sliwinski, Sam K 12            
                1:11.77   2:18.98 (1:07.21)   3:29.34 (1:10.36)   4:35.02 (1:05.68)
  6 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         4:35.99         26  
     1) Tocci, Bianca A 12              2) Pierce, Olivia H 11            
     3) Mael, Liora E 12                4) Petrossian, Natalie A 12       
                1:07.74   2:19.19 (1:11.45)   3:29.60 (1:10.41)   4:35.99 (1:06.39)
  7 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             4:36.51         24  
     1) Forman, Ruth A 12               2) Kelly, McKenna L 12            
     3) Keough, Mary E 11               4) Almandoz, Andrea 12            
                1:12.22   2:20.43 (1:08.21)   3:30.24 (1:09.81)   4:36.51 (1:06.27)
  8 BLUEFISH SWIM CLUB  'A'                               4:37.57         22  
     1) Quigley, Nicole J 12            2) Douglas, Bethany P 12          
     3) Capece, Caroline N 12           4) Oresman, Kelsi 12              
                1:08.74   2:20.17 (1:11.43)   3:29.33 (1:09.16)   4:37.57 (1:08.24)
  9 SEACOAST SWIMMING ASSOCIATION  'A'                    4:41.47         18  
     1) Folger, Madelyn H 12            2) Hayden, Kelsey R 11            
     3) McKenna, Marissa C 12           4) Long, Amber J 12               
                1:10.35   2:20.34 (1:09.99)   3:32.48 (1:12.14)   4:41.47 (1:08.99)
 10 NORTH SHORE SWIM CLUB  'A'                            4:42.81         14  
     1) DeAtley, Acadia R 12            2) Jameson, Olivia L 11           
     3) Giglio, Alexandra A 12          4) Gaquin, Emma S 12              
                1:08.87   2:21.20 (1:12.33)   3:33.33 (1:12.13)   4:42.81 (1:09.48)
 11 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'B'                       4:49.16         12  
     1) Zhang, Yang 12                  2) Sawyer, Lily R 12              
     3) Josef, Emily S 11               4) Carl, Mackenzie L 12           
                1:13.42   2:24.55 (1:11.13)   3:38.53 (1:13.98)   4:49.16 (1:10.63)
 12 GREEN MOUNTAIN AQUATICS  'A'                          4:49.61         10  
     1) Booher, Hayley V 11             2) Miller, Clare M 12             
     3) Russell, Molly C 12             4) Weaver, Christa E 11           
                1:12.85   2:26.81 (1:13.96)   3:41.03 (1:14.22)   4:49.61 (1:08.58)
 13 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          4:51.12          8  
     1) Chinnaswamy, Elly B 12          2) Volpicelli, Gabbi M 12         
     3) Carle, Alyssa M 12              4) Nasson, Stephanie A 12         
                1:11.96   2:24.71 (1:12.75)   3:41.71 (1:17.00)   4:51.12 (1:09.41)
 14 KINGFISH SWIMMING  'A'                                4:52.74          6  
     1) Rader, Shelby A 11              2) Librett, Krista E 12           
     3) Mullen, Abby J 12               4) Goldberg, Sarah J 12           
                  33.28   1:11.24 (1:11.24)     1:46.05 (34.81)   2:24.73 (1:13.49)
        2:59.17 (34.44)   3:38.92 (1:14.19)     4:13.30 (34.38)   4:52.74 (1:13.82)
 15 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'B'                             4:56.49          4  
     1) McClure, Carah K 12             2) Hall, Samantha C 12            
     3) Dolan, Amy F 11                 4) Carrolo, Emily R 11            
                  34.55   1:13.19 (1:13.19)     1:49.57 (36.38)   2:28.43 (1:15.24)
        3:04.02 (35.59)   3:42.72 (1:14.29)     4:18.09 (35.37)   4:56.49 (1:13.77)
 16 NEW WAVE SWIM CLUB  'A'                               4:58.01          2  
     1) Gauthier, Brittany M 12         2) Ram, Priyanka 11               
     3) Wyman, Katia 11                 4) Strauss, Ilana E 12            
                1:13.38   2:29.30 (1:15.92)   3:48.85 (1:19.55)   4:58.01 (1:09.16)
 17 WACHUSETT STORM SWIM CLUB  'A'                        5:01.87        
     1) Doucet, Gabby M 12              2) Corcoran, Caroline M 12        
     3) Surette, Gabby M 11             4) Dinsmore, Madi A 11            
                1:15.39   2:38.29 (1:22.90)   3:53.14 (1:14.85)   5:01.87 (1:08.73)
 18 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             5:09.67        
     1) Willett, Catherine G 12         2) Bertelson, abigail A 11        
     3) Barakov, Kristina 11            4) Carter, Olivia B 12            
                  35.76   1:16.63 (1:16.63)     1:53.78 (37.15)   2:34.33 (1:17.70)
        3:13.37 (39.04)   3:55.16 (1:20.83)     4:29.98 (34.82)   5:09.67 (1:14.51)
Girls 11-12 200 LC Meter Medley Relay
      NE Rec: N 2:13.40    7/1/2001 Bernal's Gator Swim Club, BGSC-NE          
                         C. Stockmal, J. Perry, L. Wilson, E. Butts        
  NE Res Rec: R 2:13.40    7/1/2001 Bernal's Gator Swim Club, BGSC-NE          
                         C. Stockmal, J. Perry, L. Wilson, E. Butts        
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             2:19.36         40  
     1) D'Innocenzo, Margaret L 11      2) Patterson, Monica M 12         
     3) Thulander, Sabrina R 12         4) Azaret, Lydia A 12             
                  35.38     1:14.45 (39.07)     1:49.22 (34.77)     2:19.36 (30.14)
  2 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:20.38         34  
     1) Carl, Mackenzie L 12            2) Nuzzo, Emma L 11               
     3) Morin, Katie M 12               4) Spinazzola, Bianca L 11        
                  37.37     1:16.98 (39.61)     1:50.17 (33.19)     2:20.38 (30.21)
  3 WEYMOUTH WAVES  'A'                                   2:20.55         32  
     1) Sliwinski, Sam K 12             2) Kissick, Hope H 12             
     3) Kenney, Katie M 12              4) Rosenberg, Jeri E 12           
                  35.81     1:15.64 (39.83)     1:48.81 (33.17)     2:20.55 (31.74)
  4 MANCHESTER SWIM TEAM  'A'                             2:23.23         30  
     1) Aldrich, Katie A 12             2) Denbow, Christina M 11         
     3) Ewing, Kelsey A 12              4) Morin, Elizabeth M 12          
                  36.48     1:15.72 (39.24)     1:50.53 (34.81)     2:23.23 (32.70)
  5 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:23.35         28  
     1) Glancy, Keiley K 11             2) McGuirk, Meghan A 12           
     3) Moore, Rachel L 12              4) Torabi, Julia S 12             
                  38.67     1:21.79 (43.12)     1:51.58 (29.79)     2:23.35 (31.77)
  6 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:23.64         26  
     1) Biron, Carly E 12               2) Willett, Catherine G 12        
     3) Almandoz, Andrea 12             4) Keough, Mary E 11              
                  37.35     1:19.56 (42.21)     1:52.23 (32.67)     2:23.64 (31.41)
  7 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:24.17         24  
     1) Greco, Christiana O 11          2) Harrington, Angela L 12        
     3) Phillips, Callie A 12           4) Sweeney, Heather A 12          
                  37.05     1:18.27 (41.22)     1:52.12 (33.85)     2:24.17 (32.05)
  8 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:25.82         22  
     1) Petrossian, Natalie A 12        2) Zhang, Carina Y 11             
     3) Surjaputra, Meta E 12           4) Tocci, Bianca A 12             
                  36.85     1:19.80 (42.95)     1:55.47 (35.67)     2:25.82 (30.35)
  9 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:25.93         18  
     1) Alexander, Megan C 12           2) Shea, Julie M 12               
     3) Rafferty-Millett, Toireasa C 12 4) LeBlanc, Riley M 12            
                  37.53     1:20.05 (42.52)     1:54.42 (34.37)     2:25.93 (31.51)
 10 BLUEFISH SWIM CLUB  'A'                               2:26.64         14  
     1) Quigley, Nicole J 12            2) Oresman, Kelsi 12              
     3) Douglas, Bethany P 12           4) Capece, Caroline N 12          
                  38.30     1:19.55 (41.25)     1:53.83 (34.28)     2:26.64 (32.81)
 11 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:27.19         12  
     1) Volpicelli, Gabbi M 12          2) Carle, Alyssa M 12             
     3) Harrop, Jenna M 12              4) Nasson, Stephanie A 12         
                  37.51     1:20.04 (42.53)     1:55.09 (35.05)     2:27.19 (32.10)
 12 NORTH SHORE SWIM CLUB  'A'                            2:27.32         10  
     1) Jameson, Olivia L 11            2) DeAtley, Acadia R 12           
     3) Giglio, Alexandra A 12          4) Gaquin, Emma S 12              
                  40.11     1:20.92 (40.81)     1:57.00 (36.08)     2:27.32 (30.32)
 13 SEACOAST SWIMMING ASSOCIATION  'A'                    2:28.03          8  
     1) McKenna, Marissa C 12           2) Long, Amber J 12               
     3) Folger, Madelyn H 12            4) Hayden, Kelsey R 11            
                  39.01     1:21.10 (42.09)     1:55.71 (34.61)     2:28.03 (32.32)
 14 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'B'                       2:28.29          6  
     1) Sawyer, Lily R 12               2) Josef, Emily S 11              
     3) Spinazzola, Angelica T 11       4) Zhang, Yang 12                 
                  38.48     1:20.06 (41.58)     1:55.33 (35.27)     2:28.29 (32.96)
 15 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             2:29.11          4  
     1) Bertelson, abigail A 11         2) Carter, Olivia B 12            
     3) Kelly, McKenna L 12             4) Forman, Ruth A 12              
                  40.46     1:21.80 (41.34)     1:55.91 (34.11)     2:29.11 (33.20)
 16 KINGFISH SWIMMING  'A'                                2:31.12          2  
     1) Librett, Krista E 12            2) Campbell, Elise N 11           
     3) Mullen, Abby J 12               4) Rader, Shelby A 11             
                  38.07     1:21.59 (43.52)     2:04.48 (42.89)     2:31.12 (26.64)
 17 GREEN MOUNTAIN AQUATICS  'A'                          2:31.17        
     1) Booher, Hayley V 11             2) Miller, Clare M 12             
     3) Weaver, Christa E 11            4) Russell, Molly C 12            
                  40.37     1:22.40 (42.03)     1:58.48 (36.08)     2:31.17 (32.69)
 18 WACHUSETT STORM SWIM CLUB  'A'                        2:35.82        
     1) Dinsmore, Madi A 11             2) Corcoran, Caroline M 12        
     3) Surette, Gabby M 11             4) Doucet, Gabby M 12             
                  40.11     1:25.85 (45.74)     2:02.69 (36.84)     2:35.82 (33.13)
 19 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'B'                             2:38.91        
     1) Carrolo, Emily R 11             2) Hall, Samantha C 12            
     3) Dolan, Amy F 11                 4) McClure, Carah K 12            
                  39.77     1:22.87 (43.10)     2:03.34 (40.47)     2:38.91 (35.57)
 20 NEW WAVE SWIM CLUB  'A'                               2:38.94        
     1) Wyman, Katia 11                 2) Gauthier, Brittany M 12        
     3) Ram, Priyanka 11                4) Strauss, Ilana E 12            
                  45.44     1:29.17 (43.73)     2:06.08 (36.91)     2:38.94 (32.86)
 21 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                2:40.94        
     1) Buckle, Lindsay K 12            2) Tian, Ariel 11                 
     3) Huber, Kelly E 11               4) Francisco, Jen L 11            
                  40.49     1:25.20 (44.71)     2:02.04 (36.84)     2:40.94 (38.90)
Girls 11-12 400 LC Meter Medley Relay Time Trial
      NE Rec: N 5:18.25    7/1/1981 Little Rhody Aquatic Club, LRAC-NE         
                         Bowden, Iacobucci, Hierpe, Mello                  
  NE Res Rec: R 5:18.25    7/1/1981 Little Rhody Aquatic Club, LRAC-NE         
                         Bowden, Iacobucci, Hierpe, Mello                  
    Team                                                          Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                             5:05.32N       
     1) Morin, Katie M 12               2) Nuzzo, Emma L 11               
     3) Sawyer, Lily R 12               4) Spinazzola, Bianca L 11        
                  38.72   1:17.88 (1:17.88)     1:57.97 (40.09)   2:44.79 (1:26.91)
        3:19.40 (34.61)   4:00.90 (1:16.11)     4:31.52 (30.62)   5:05.32 (1:04.42)
Boys 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Freestyle Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 30.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.26    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 29.26    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                      
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  1 Normoyle, Tommy R         10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   34.01        
Boys 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 33.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.26    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 29.26    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   31.54Z        20  
  2 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   31.75Z        17  
  3 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                            32.86Z        16  
  4 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                          33.13Z        15  
  5 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                              33.56Z        14  
  6 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                           33.75Z        13  
  7 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                              34.17         12  
  8 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                           34.44         11  
  9 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                              34.45          8  
  9 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   34.45          8  
 11 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                       34.62          6  
 12 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                              34.67          5  
 13 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                    34.69          4  
 14 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                             34.87          3  
 15 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                              35.13          2  
 16 Phillips, Reed J    10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   35.26          1  
 17 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                              35.47        
 18 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                              35.65        
 19 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                            35.74        
 20 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                             35.85        
 21 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                         35.91        
 22 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                           35.94        
 23 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                              36.05        
 24 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                              36.08        
 25 Bouscaren, Travis   10 BAT                              36.29        
 25 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                               36.29        
 27 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                              36.37        
 28 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                         36.46        
 29 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                             36.59        
 30 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                            36.78        
 31 Tonazuck, Stephen   10 BGSC                             36.84        
 32 Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                            36.87        
 33 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                           37.02        
 34 Lagasse, Kevin Q    10 SAC                              37.06        
 35 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                             37.10        
 36 Penson, Tristan J    9 STRYPERS                         37.12        
 37 Parsons, Kent D     10 YNS                              37.14        
 38 Haines, Harrison M  10 BGSC                             37.18        
 38 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                              37.18        
 40 Young, Brace H      10 SQUIDS                           37.20        
 41 Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                             37.23        
 42 Novis, Keenan A      8 RAMS                             37.27        
 43 Hessler, Alexander  10 WAH                              37.45        
 44 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                         37.46        
 45 Uzzo, Joseph F      10 BLUEFISH                         37.82        
 46 Powers, Ryan L      10 YNS                              37.88        
 47 Parker, Caleb D      9 ATST                             37.99        
 48 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                         38.18        
 49 Dai, Andrew          9 PSC                              38.27        
 50 Foster, Colby W      9 WBD                              38.43        
 51 Churchill, Christo   9 KING                             38.55        
 52 Savenije, Ale F      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   39.02        
 53 Olson, Hunter A      9 SAC                              39.04        
 54 Imbriano, Corey J    8 UNATTACHED NE                    39.31        
 55 Rouleau, Christoph  10 OTTERS                           39.33        
 56 Bertelson, William   9 SAC                              39.37        
 57 Thibault, Drew A    10 OTTERS                           39.45        
 58 Rayment, Brett P     9 BGSC                             39.57        
 59 Sandhu, Karam S      9 MST RAPIDS                       39.88        
 60 Chen, Michael        9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   40.57        
 61 Chen, Christopher   10 SAC                              40.97        
 62 Deveaux, Timothy J   9 YNS                              41.63        
 -- Ifill, Kaison O     10 BLUEFISH                            NS        
 -- King, Bailey B      10 WAVES                               NS        
Boys 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Freestyle Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:06.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:05.50    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.31    8/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Egan, Liam C              10 SQUIDS                         1:13.79        
                  37.03     1:13.79 (36.76)                                        
  2 Green, Connor G           10 WAVES                          1:16.96        
                  36.74     1:16.96 (40.22)                                        
  3 Rice, Samuel W             9 WAVES                          1:18.24        
                  37.84     1:18.24 (40.40)                                        
Boys 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:05.50    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.31    8/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:09.53Z        20  
                  33.45     1:09.53 (36.08)                                        
  2 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                        1:11.64Z        17  
                  34.45     1:11.64 (37.19)                                        
  3 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:14.48Z        16  
                  36.59     1:14.48 (37.89)                                        
  4 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                         1:14.52Z        15  
                  34.67     1:14.52 (39.85)                                        
  5 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                            1:14.98Z        14  
                  35.83     1:14.98 (39.15)                                        
  6 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           1:15.55         13  
                  36.17     1:15.55 (39.38)                                        
  7 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                         1:15.82         12  
                  37.50     1:15.82 (38.32)                                        
  8 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                            1:15.95         11  
                  36.84     1:15.95 (39.11)                                        
  9 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                           1:16.21          9  
                  36.20     1:16.21 (40.01)                                        
 10 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                            1:16.57          7  
                  36.93     1:16.57 (39.64)                                        
 11 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                          1:16.81          6  
                  36.03     1:16.81 (40.78)                                        
 12 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                          1:17.27          5  
                  37.19     1:17.27 (40.08)                                        
 13 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                     1:18.58          4  
                  38.05     1:18.58 (40.53)                                        
 14 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:18.64          3  
                  37.32     1:18.64 (41.32)                                        
 15 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:18.82          2  
                  37.75     1:18.82 (41.07)                                        
 16 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                       1:18.88          1  
                  36.38     1:18.88 (42.50)                                        
 17 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                            1:18.93        
                  37.58     1:18.93 (41.35)                                        
 18 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                           1:19.45        
                  37.94     1:19.45 (41.51)                                        
 19 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                         1:20.38        
                  38.67     1:20.38 (41.71)                                        
 20 Bouscaren, Travis   10 BAT                            1:20.52        
                  39.16     1:20.52 (41.36)                                        
 21 Phillips, Reed J    10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:20.57        
                  40.01     1:20.57 (40.56)                                        
 22 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            1:20.62        
                  38.16     1:20.62 (42.46)                                        
 23 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                       1:21.44        
                  38.95     1:21.44 (42.49)                                        
 24 Young, Brace H      10 SQUIDS                         1:21.52        
                  37.91     1:21.52 (43.61)                                        
 25 Novis, Keenan A      8 RAMS                           1:21.93        
                  38.98     1:21.93 (42.95)                                        
 26 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                            1:22.01        
                  39.01     1:22.01 (43.00)                                        
 27 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                            1:22.34        
                  39.33     1:22.34 (43.01)                                        
 28 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                            1:22.35        
                  39.55     1:22.35 (42.80)                                        
 29 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                            1:22.51        
                  39.38     1:22.51 (43.13)                                        
 30 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                           1:22.96        
                  39.59     1:22.96 (43.37)                                        
 31 Lagasse, Kevin Q    10 SAC                            1:23.03        
                  38.90     1:23.03 (44.13)                                        
 32 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                           1:23.22        
                  38.83     1:23.22 (44.39)                                        
 33 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                            1:23.42        
                  38.40     1:23.42 (45.02)                                        
 34 Churchill, Christo   9 KING                           1:24.20        
                  40.54     1:24.20 (43.66)                                        
 35 Chen, Christopher   10 SAC                            1:24.26        
                  39.55     1:24.26 (44.71)                                        
 36 Tonazuck, Stephen   10 BGSC                           1:24.77        
                  39.35     1:24.77 (45.42)                                        
 37 Sprague, Daniel A   10 AAC                            1:24.92        
                  39.56     1:24.92 (45.36)                                        
 38 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                         1:24.94        
                  38.99     1:24.94 (45.95)                                        
 39 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                       1:25.17        
                  41.05     1:25.17 (44.12)                                        
 40 Haines, Harrison M  10 BGSC                           1:25.37        
                  42.27     1:25.37 (43.10)                                        
 41 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                        1:25.53        
                  41.05     1:25.53 (44.48)                                        
 42 Dai, Andrew          9 PSC                            1:25.71        
                  42.23     1:25.71 (43.48)                                        
 43 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                       1:25.83        
                  40.77     1:25.83 (45.06)                                        
 44 Parker, Caleb D      9 ATST                           1:26.84        
                  41.17     1:26.84 (45.67)                                        
 45 Deveaux, Timothy J   9 YNS                            1:27.74        
                  41.57     1:27.74 (46.17)                                        
 46 Olson, Hunter A      9 SAC                            1:28.67        
                  42.03     1:28.67 (46.64)                                        
 47 Eldridge, Brian Z   10 SSA                            1:29.97        
                  41.84     1:29.97 (48.13)                                        
 48 Rouleau, Christoph  10 OTTERS                         1:30.46        
                  40.31     1:30.46 (50.15)                                        
 49 Savenije, Ale F      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:31.84        
                  43.78     1:31.84 (48.06)                                        
 -- Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                               DQ        
 -- Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                                 DQ        
 -- Uzzo, Joseph F      10 BLUEFISH                            NS        
 -- Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                                NS        
Boys 10 & Under 200 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:20.70    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
  NE Res Rec: R 2:20.70    7/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 2:31.45Z        20  
                  34.62     1:13.27 (38.65)     1:53.63 (40.36)     2:31.45 (37.82)
  2 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                        2:32.82Z        17  
                  34.47     1:12.84 (38.37)     1:53.52 (40.68)     2:32.82 (39.30)
  3 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           2:40.37Z        16  
                  36.95     1:19.41 (42.46)     2:00.75 (41.34)     2:40.37 (39.62)
  4 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                            2:40.71Z        15  
                  36.95     1:19.23 (42.28)     2:01.83 (42.60)     2:40.71 (38.88)
  5 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                         2:43.24Z        14  
                  36.19     1:17.49 (41.30)     2:00.79 (43.30)     2:43.24 (42.45)
  6 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                         2:44.53Z        13  
                  38.73     1:21.67 (42.94)     2:05.14 (43.47)     2:44.53 (39.39)
  7 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 2:45.07         12  
                  38.56     1:22.46 (43.90)     2:06.47 (44.01)     2:45.07 (38.60)
  8 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                          2:45.09         11  
                  37.84     1:20.30 (42.46)     2:03.91 (43.61)     2:45.09 (41.18)
  9 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                            2:45.21          9  
                  37.65     1:20.94 (43.29)     2:04.55 (43.61)     2:45.21 (40.66)
 10 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                            2:45.95          7  
                  37.66     1:20.96 (43.30)     2:04.44 (43.48)     2:45.95 (41.51)
 11 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                            2:47.09          6  
                  36.86     1:21.09 (44.23)     2:05.68 (44.59)     2:47.09 (41.41)
 12 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                            2:47.42          5  
                  38.43     1:21.53 (43.10)     2:05.81 (44.28)     2:47.42 (41.61)
 13 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                       2:48.77          4  
                  37.29     1:18.76 (41.47)     2:05.34 (46.58)     2:48.77 (43.43)
 14 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                          2:49.11          3  
                  38.95     1:23.81 (44.86)     2:07.41 (43.60)     2:49.11 (41.70)
 15 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                            2:49.53          2  
                  37.90     1:22.08 (44.18)     2:05.02 (42.94)     2:49.53 (44.51)
 16 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                     2:51.23          1  
                  38.90     1:23.05 (44.15)     2:08.16 (45.11)     2:51.23 (43.07)
 17 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            2:52.46        
                  38.64     1:22.88 (44.24)     2:07.71 (44.83)     2:52.46 (44.75)
 18 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                         2:53.07        
                  40.17     1:24.06 (43.89)     2:11.60 (47.54)     2:53.07 (41.47)
 19 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                  2:53.66        
                  37.33     1:22.04 (44.71)     2:10.03 (47.99)     2:53.66 (43.63)
 20 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                            2:53.99        
                  38.69     1:23.78 (45.09)     2:10.48 (46.70)     2:53.99 (43.51)
 21 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                           2:55.07        
                  39.13     1:23.48 (44.35)     2:09.38 (45.90)     2:55.07 (45.69)
 22 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                       2:55.48        
                  41.08     1:28.57 (47.49)     2:16.50 (47.93)     2:55.48 (38.98)
 23 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                           2:56.23        
                  39.92     1:24.65 (44.73)     2:11.85 (47.20)     2:56.23 (44.38)
 24 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                       2:57.10        
                  39.71     1:25.20 (45.49)     2:12.85 (47.65)     2:57.10 (44.25)
 25 Bouscaren, Travis   10 BAT                            2:58.20        
                  40.08     1:27.15 (47.07)     2:14.41 (47.26)     2:58.20 (43.79)
 26 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                           2:59.10        
                  39.32     1:25.30 (45.98)     2:12.72 (47.42)     2:59.10 (46.38)
 27 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                           2:59.95        
                  40.81     1:28.69 (47.88)     2:17.42 (48.73)     2:59.95 (42.53)
 28 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                            3:01.21        
                  41.83     1:30.39 (48.56)     2:17.93 (47.54)     3:01.21 (43.28)
 29 Dai, Andrew          9 PSC                            3:01.30        
                  40.92     1:29.65 (48.73)     2:17.43 (47.78)     3:01.30 (43.87)
 30 Young, Brace H      10 SQUIDS                         3:01.31        
                  40.59     1:27.54 (46.95)     2:15.66 (48.12)     3:01.31 (45.65)
 31 Lagasse, Kevin Q    10 SAC                            3:01.82        
                  40.01     1:28.30 (48.29)     2:16.43 (48.13)     3:01.82 (45.39)
 32 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                           3:01.95        
                  42.81     1:30.51 (47.70)     2:18.30 (47.79)     3:01.95 (43.65)
 33 Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                          3:04.56        
                  42.94     1:31.70 (48.76)     2:19.91 (48.21)     3:04.56 (44.65)
 34 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                        3:04.83        
                  42.47     1:29.76 (47.29)     2:18.39 (48.63)     3:04.83 (46.44)
 35 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                          3:04.96        
                  41.15     1:28.45 (47.30)     2:17.71 (49.26)     3:04.96 (47.25)
 36 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                         3:05.47        
                  40.74     1:29.69 (48.95)     2:18.37 (48.68)     3:05.47 (47.10)
 37 Savenije, Ale F      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 3:06.07        
                  43.43     1:32.07 (48.64)     2:21.76 (49.69)     3:06.07 (44.31)
 38 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                       3:06.16        
                  41.03     1:31.45 (50.42)     2:22.35 (50.90)     3:06.16 (43.81)
 39 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                       3:06.35        
                  42.21     1:30.99 (48.78)     2:19.68 (48.69)     3:06.35 (46.67)
 40 Parker, Caleb D      9 ATST                           3:09.88        
                  41.88     1:32.08 (50.20)     2:21.62 (49.54)     3:09.88 (48.26)
 41 Rouleau, Christoph  10 OTTERS                         3:12.67        
                  40.15     1:29.87 (49.72)     2:22.35 (52.48)     3:12.67 (50.32)
Boys 10 & Under 400 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 5:40.89                                                        
      NE Rec: N 5:09.19    7/1/2003 John Bailey, BOSS-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 5:00.96    6/1/2002 Conor Swanson, ABF-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 5:24.46Z        20  
                  35.07     1:15.07 (40.00)     1:56.50 (41.43)     2:38.09 (41.59)
        3:20.57 (42.48)     4:03.08 (42.51)     4:45.42 (42.34)     5:24.46 (39.04)
  2 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                         5:36.83Z        17  
                  37.21     1:19.22 (42.01)     2:02.14 (42.92)     2:45.53 (43.39)
        3:28.59 (43.06)     4:12.18 (43.59)     4:55.06 (42.88)     5:36.83 (41.77)
  3 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           5:41.94         16  
                  38.76     1:24.08 (45.32)     2:08.61 (44.53)     2:53.44 (44.83)
        3:35.57 (42.13)     4:19.53 (43.96)     5:03.29 (43.76)     5:41.94 (38.65)
  4 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                         5:43.45         15  
                  42.47     1:26.87 (44.40)     2:10.77 (43.90)     2:54.68 (43.91)
        3:38.59 (43.91)     4:21.82 (43.23)     5:04.58 (42.76)     5:43.45 (38.87)
  5 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                            5:45.04         14  
                  38.42     1:22.47 (44.05)     2:06.38 (43.91)     2:51.04 (44.66)
        3:35.14 (44.10)     4:19.21 (44.07)     5:03.43 (44.22)     5:45.04 (41.61)
  6 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                        5:47.10         13  
                  36.85     1:20.24 (43.39)     2:05.08 (44.84)     2:50.33 (45.25)
        3:35.87 (45.54)     4:19.97 (44.10)     5:04.27 (44.30)     5:47.10 (42.83)
  7 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                            5:50.07         12  
                  38.47     1:22.84 (44.37)     2:06.98 (44.14)     2:52.16 (45.18)
        3:38.64 (46.48)     4:22.99 (44.35)     5:09.05 (46.06)     5:50.07 (41.02)
  8 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                          5:53.40         11  
                  39.03     1:24.76 (45.73)     2:09.26 (44.50)     2:54.90 (45.64)
        3:39.22 (44.32)     4:25.95 (46.73)     5:10.50 (44.55)     5:53.40 (42.90)
  9 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                            5:54.27          9  
                  38.35     1:23.28 (44.93)     2:08.51 (45.23)     2:53.42 (44.91)
        3:39.02 (45.60)     4:25.10 (46.08)     5:11.00 (45.90)     5:54.27 (43.27)
 10 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                            5:55.74          7  
                  40.19     1:25.13 (44.94)     2:10.97 (45.84)     2:56.11 (45.14)
        3:42.17 (46.06)     4:28.62 (46.45)   5:55.74 (1:27.12)                    
 11 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                            5:58.34          6  
                  40.50     1:24.81 (44.31)     2:10.52 (45.71)     2:56.16 (45.64)
        3:41.85 (45.69)     4:28.28 (46.43)     5:15.37 (47.09)     5:58.34 (42.97)
 12 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            6:03.18          5  
                  39.40     1:25.36 (45.96)     2:11.18 (45.82)     2:59.04 (47.86)
        3:44.46 (45.42)     4:32.54 (48.08)     5:17.56 (45.02)     6:03.18 (45.62)
 13 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                       6:08.03          4  
                  40.84     1:26.88 (46.04)     2:13.77 (46.89)     3:00.51 (46.74)
        3:48.77 (48.26)     4:37.10 (48.33)     5:24.41 (47.31)     6:08.03 (43.62)
 14 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                           6:16.61          3  
                  42.09     1:30.17 (48.08)     2:18.98 (48.81)     3:07.86 (48.88)
        3:56.41 (48.55)     4:45.64 (49.23)     5:33.35 (47.71)     6:16.61 (43.26)
 15 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                           6:17.74          2  
                  41.03     1:28.82 (47.79)     2:18.46 (49.64)     3:06.79 (48.33)
        3:56.03 (49.24)     4:45.72 (49.69)     5:33.91 (48.19)     6:17.74 (43.83)
 16 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                           6:20.83          1  
                  40.84     1:28.93 (48.09)     2:18.64 (49.71)     3:09.14 (50.50)
        3:59.40 (50.26)     4:49.56 (50.16)     5:36.51 (46.95)     6:20.83 (44.32)
 17 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                           6:21.31        
                  41.93     1:28.88 (46.95)     2:17.10 (48.22)     3:06.11 (49.01)
        3:55.73 (49.62)     4:45.14 (49.41)     5:34.31 (49.17)     6:21.31 (47.00)
 18 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                            6:23.04        
                  43.11     1:31.60 (48.49)     2:21.29 (49.69)     3:09.35 (48.06)
        3:59.57 (50.22)     4:47.47 (47.90)     5:37.49 (50.02)     6:23.04 (45.55)
 19 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                           6:24.56        
                  43.15     1:33.63 (50.48)     2:23.67 (50.04)     3:13.26 (49.59)
        4:04.51 (51.25)     4:52.90 (48.39)     5:42.75 (49.85)     6:24.56 (41.81)
 20 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                            6:24.70        
                  43.46     1:34.00 (50.54)     2:23.86 (49.86)     3:15.06 (51.20)
        4:05.12 (50.06)     4:54.32 (49.20)     5:43.27 (48.95)     6:24.70 (41.43)
 21 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                       6:35.82        
                  42.47     1:32.06 (49.59)     2:23.10 (51.04)     3:14.55 (51.45)
        4:06.10 (51.55)     4:58.38 (52.28)     5:50.57 (52.19)     6:35.82 (45.25)
Boys 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 40.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 34.66    7/1/1996 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                          
  NE Res Rec: R 34.39    8/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                              38.11Z        20  
  2 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                              38.46Z        17  
  3 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                            39.35Z        16  
  4 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   39.56Z        15  
  5 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                              40.44         14  
  6 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                              40.78         13  
  7 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   40.93         12  
  8 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                    41.26         11  
  9 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                         41.30          9  
 10 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                       41.33          7  
 11 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                             41.53          6  
 12 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                              41.54          5  
 13 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                           41.66          4  
 14 Stevens, Nick C      9 BYB                              41.81          3  
 15 Bouscaren, Travis   10 BAT                              42.00          2  
 16 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                             42.05          1  
 17 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                              42.37        
 18 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                         42.43        
 19 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                             42.46        
 20 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                             42.53        
 21 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                              42.63        
 22 Parsons, Kent D     10 YNS                              42.65        
 23 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                              42.86        
 24 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                             42.89        
 25 Tonazuck, Stephen   10 BGSC                             43.34        
 26 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                             43.38        
 27 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                              43.71        
 28 Olson, Hunter A      9 SAC                              43.76        
 29 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                         43.84        
 29 Dai, Andrew          9 PSC                              43.84        
 31 Haines, Harrison M  10 BGSC                             44.03        
 32 Stockford, Cole R   10 STRYPERS                         44.20        
 33 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                            44.32        
 33 Devine, Andrew J     9 SAC                              44.32        
 35 Sprague, Daniel A   10 AAC                              44.44        
 36 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                               44.60        
 37 Vogel, Andre        10 MD                               44.78        
 38 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                            44.96        
 39 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                              44.97        
 40 Feirouz, Eric B      9 MD                               45.03        
 41 Thom, Evan J         9 MD                               46.32        
 42 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                          46.36        
 43 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                           46.45        
 44 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                              46.46        
 45 Bennet, Jake M      10 YNS                              46.76        
 46 Deveaux, Timothy J   9 YNS                              46.98        
 47 Gray, Kellen T       9 EST                              46.99        
 48 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                           47.54        
 49 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                           47.61        
 50 Hessler, Alexander  10 WAH                              47.82        
 51 Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                            47.87        
 51 Sholudko, Austen W   9 AAC                              47.87        
 53 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                         49.36        
 54 Novis, Keenan A      8 RAMS                             49.65        
 55 Powers, Ryan L      10 YNS                              53.58        
 -- Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                             NS        
Boys 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:15.54    1/1/1997 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 1:14.38    8/1/1996 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                            1:22.89Z        20  
                  39.80     1:22.89 (43.09)                                        
  2 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            1:25.80Z        17  
                  41.79     1:25.80 (44.01)                                        
  3 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:26.18Z        16  
                  41.69     1:26.18 (44.49)                                        
  4 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                          1:26.32Z        15  
                  43.99     1:26.32 (42.33)                                        
  5 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                            1:26.48Z        14  
                  42.67     1:26.48 (43.81)                                        
  6 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           1:27.06Z        13  
                  42.15     1:27.06 (44.91)                                        
  7 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                         1:27.68         12  
                  44.07     1:27.68 (43.61)                                        
  8 Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                           1:27.87         11  
                  42.24     1:27.87 (45.63)                                        
  9 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                       1:28.09          9  
                  42.63     1:28.09 (45.46)                                        
 10 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                            1:28.53          7  
                  43.38     1:28.53 (45.15)                                        
 11 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                           1:29.46          6  
                  45.26     1:29.46 (44.20)                                        
 12 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                            1:29.51          5  
                  43.26     1:29.51 (46.25)                                        
 13 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                            1:29.81          4  
                  43.70     1:29.81 (46.11)                                        
 14 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                           1:29.87          3  
                  44.16     1:29.87 (45.71)                                        
 15 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:29.95          2  
                  44.62     1:29.95 (45.33)                                        
 16 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                           1:30.06          1  
                  42.63     1:30.06 (47.43)                                        
 17 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                            1:30.22        
                  44.48     1:30.22 (45.74)                                        
 18 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                     1:30.97        
                  45.10     1:30.97 (45.87)                                        
 19 Bouscaren, Travis   10 BAT                            1:31.49        
                  44.05     1:31.49 (47.44)                                        
 20 Dai, Andrew          9 PSC                            1:31.64        
                  45.58     1:31.64 (46.06)                                        
 21 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                            1:31.73        
                  45.82     1:31.73 (45.91)                                        
 22 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                            1:33.61        
                  44.51     1:33.61 (49.10)                                        
 23 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                           1:33.62        
                  46.22     1:33.62 (47.40)                                        
 24 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:34.00        
                  46.98     1:34.00 (47.02)                                        
 25 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                             1:34.17        
                  46.49     1:34.17 (47.68)                                        
 26 Feirouz, Eric B      9 MD                             1:34.34        
                  45.11     1:34.34 (49.23)                                        
 27 Haines, Harrison M  10 BGSC                           1:35.05        
                  46.17     1:35.05 (48.88)                                        
 28 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                           1:35.35        
                  48.06     1:35.35 (47.29)                                        
 29 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                            1:35.70        
 30 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                       1:36.65        
 31 Ross, Jordan A       9 WAH                            1:36.90        
 32 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                            1:37.48        
                  46.68     1:37.48 (50.80)                                        
 33 Parsons, Kent D     10 YNS                            1:37.67        
                  47.26     1:37.67 (50.41)                                        
 34 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                          1:37.85        
                  47.77     1:37.85 (50.08)                                        
 35 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                        1:37.93        
                  48.72     1:37.93 (49.21)                                        
 36 Devine, Andrew J     9 SAC                            1:38.09        
 37 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                            1:38.23        
                  46.98     1:38.23 (51.25)                                        
 37 Tonazuck, Stephen   10 BGSC                           1:38.23        
                  48.36     1:38.23 (49.87)                                        
 39 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                         1:38.42        
                  48.53     1:38.42 (49.89)                                        
 40 Sprague, Daniel A   10 AAC                            1:38.91        
 41 Churchill, Christo   9 KING                           1:39.39        
                  48.62     1:39.39 (50.77)                                        
 42 Savenije, Ale F      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:39.57        
                  50.60     1:39.57 (48.97)                                        
 43 Chen, Christopher   10 SAC                            1:40.67        
                  48.42     1:40.67 (52.25)                                        
 44 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                       1:40.87        
                  49.45     1:40.87 (51.42)                                        
 45 Uzzo, Joseph F      10 BLUEFISH                       1:41.08        
                  49.12     1:41.08 (51.96)                                        
 46 Vogel, Andre        10 MD                             1:41.33        
                  50.17     1:41.33 (51.16)                                        
 47 Leblanc, Christoph   9 SQUIDS                         1:41.96        
                  50.93     1:41.96 (51.03)                                        
 48 Deveaux, Timothy J   9 YNS                            1:42.00        
                  48.74     1:42.00 (53.26)                                        
 49 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                       1:42.13        
                  49.37     1:42.13 (52.76)                                        
 50 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                         1:42.32        
                  48.70     1:42.32 (53.62)                                        
 51 Stockford, Cole R   10 STRYPERS                       1:42.44        
                  51.80     1:42.44 (50.64)                                        
 52 Novis, Keenan A      8 RAMS                           1:42.94        
                  51.87     1:42.94 (51.07)                                        
 53 Caliri, Ryan M      10 NORTH SHORE                    1:43.47        
                  50.22     1:43.47 (53.25)                                        
 54 Gray, Kellen T       9 EST                            1:44.07        
                  50.99     1:44.07 (53.08)                                        
 55 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                         1:46.38        
                  50.28     1:46.38 (56.10)                                        
 56 Thom, Evan J         9 MD                             1:49.28        
                  52.57     1:49.28 (56.71)                                        
 57 Powers, Ryan L      10 YNS                            1:49.86        
                  52.29     1:49.86 (57.57)                                        
 -- Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                            DQ        
 -- Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                               DQ        
 -- Sholudko, Austen W   9 AAC                                 DQ        
 -- Olson, Hunter A      9 SAC                                 DQ        
 -- Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                               DQ        
 -- Stevens, Nick C      9 BYB                                 DQ        
Boys 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 45.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 39.25    5/1/1999 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 39.16    6/1/1999 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                              41.56Z        20  
  2 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   42.56Z        17  
  3 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   43.88Z        16  
  4 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                              44.11Z        15  
  5 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                    44.54Z        14  
  6 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                           44.91Z        13  
  7 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                            45.19Z        12  
  8 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                              46.24         11  
  9 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                              47.10          9  
 10 Walker, Isaac A      9 BLUE                             47.78          7  
 11 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                             47.79          6  
 12 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   48.15          5  
 13 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                           48.26          4  
 14 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                              48.41          3  
 15 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                         48.43          2  
 16 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                            48.91          1  
 17 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                              49.13        
 18 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                           50.04        
 19 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                          50.11        
 20 Young, Brace H      10 SQUIDS                           50.51        
 21 Vogel, Andre        10 MD                               50.71        
 22 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                         51.04        
 23 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                             51.05        
 24 Peterson, Liam C     8 HRY                              51.90        
 25 Phillips, Reed J    10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   52.48        
 26 Chen, Michael        9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   53.24        
 27 Caliri, Ryan M      10 NORTH SHORE                      53.58        
 28 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                               53.91        
 29 Eldridge, Brian Z   10 SSA                              54.02        
 30 Gillie, Andrew T    10 UNATTACHED NE                    54.33        
 31 Patterson, Connar    9 EST                              54.44        
 32 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                         54.57        
 33 Novis, Keenan A      8 RAMS                             54.82        
 34 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                              54.83        
 35 Leblanc, Christoph   9 SQUIDS                           54.95        
 36 Egan, Quinn C        8 SQUIDS                           55.20        
 37 Lizama, Jacob S      9 SSA                              55.70        
 38 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                             57.54        
 39 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                              58.08        
 -- Bennet, Jake M      10 YNS                                 DQ        
 -- Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                                NS        
Boys 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Breaststroke Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 39.25    5/1/1999 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 39.16    6/1/1999 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Harty, Ryan M             10 ANA                              47.31        
Boys 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:38.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:24.99    5/1/2002 Conor Swanson, ABF-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:24.99    5/1/2002 Conor Swanson, ABF-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                            1:31.72Z        20  
                  43.42     1:31.72 (48.30)                                        
  2 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:32.96Z        17  
                  43.70     1:32.96 (49.26)                                        
  3 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                            1:35.84Z        16  
                  46.55     1:35.84 (49.29)                                        
  4 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:36.40Z        15  
                  44.82     1:36.40 (51.58)                                        
  5 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                         1:37.45Z        14  
                  46.27     1:37.45 (51.18)                                        
  6 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:37.70Z        13  
                  46.66     1:37.70 (51.04)                                        
  7 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                            1:39.60         12  
                  48.48     1:39.60 (51.12)                                        
  8 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                          1:42.10         11  
                  49.58     1:42.10 (52.52)                                        
  9 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                       1:42.52          9  
                  48.44     1:42.52 (54.08)                                        
 10 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                           1:45.12          7  
                  50.70     1:45.12 (54.42)                                        
 11 Walker, Isaac A      9 BLUE                           1:46.07          6  
                  50.34     1:46.07 (55.73)                                        
 12 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                         1:46.32          5  
                  51.05     1:46.32 (55.27)                                        
 13 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                        1:46.54          4  
                  50.17     1:46.54 (56.37)                                        
 14 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                           1:46.94          3  
                  52.38     1:46.94 (54.56)                                        
 15 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:47.04          2  
                  51.42     1:47.04 (55.62)                                        
 16 Phillips, Reed J    10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:47.13          1  
                  51.86     1:47.13 (55.27)                                        
 17 Young, Brace H      10 SQUIDS                         1:47.78        
                  51.94     1:47.78 (55.84)                                        
 18 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           1:48.15        
                  53.06     1:48.15 (55.09)                                        
 19 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                            1:48.92        
                  52.35     1:48.92 (56.57)                                        
 20 Eldridge, Brian Z   10 SSA                            1:51.12        
                  53.98     1:51.12 (57.14)                                        
 21 Vogel, Andre        10 MD                             1:51.30        
                  53.33     1:51.30 (57.97)                                        
 22 Bennet, Jake M      10 YNS                            1:51.64        
                  55.32     1:51.64 (56.32)                                        
 23 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                     1:51.83        
                  54.26     1:51.83 (57.57)                                        
 24 Caliri, Ryan M      10 NORTH SHORE                    1:51.91        
                  54.23     1:51.91 (57.68)                                        
 25 McGean, Tee E        9 MD                             1:52.11        
                  54.26     1:52.11 (57.85)                                        
 26 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                       1:53.43        
                  55.15     1:53.43 (58.28)                                        
 27 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                             1:53.51        
                  55.17     1:53.51 (58.34)                                        
 28 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            1:53.93        
                  54.44     1:53.93 (59.49)                                        
 29 Leblanc, Christoph   9 SQUIDS                         1:54.35        
                  54.39     1:54.35 (59.96)                                        
 30 Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                          1:54.62        
                  57.03     1:54.62 (57.59)                                        
 31 Hessler, Alexander  10 WAH                            1:54.92        
                  54.81   1:54.92 (1:00.11)                                        
 32 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                         1:56.18        
                  56.34     1:56.18 (59.84)                                        
 33 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                         1:57.68        
                  54.90   1:57.68 (1:02.78)                                        
 34 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                       1:58.86        
                  56.30   1:58.86 (1:02.56)                                        
 35 Gillie, Andrew T    10 UNATTACHED NE                  1:58.99        
                  57.57   1:58.99 (1:01.42)                                        
 36 Parsons, Kent D     10 YNS                            1:59.87        
                  58.22   1:59.87 (1:01.65)                                        
 37 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                            2:01.11        
                  56.43   2:01.11 (1:04.68)                                        
 38 Lizama, Jacob S      9 SSA                            2:01.16        
                  59.23   2:01.16 (1:01.93)                                        
 -- Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                             DQ        
 -- Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                                 DQ        
 -- Kennedy, Justin E   10 BLUEFISH                            NS        
Boys 10 & Under 50 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 38.19                                                          
      NE Rec: N 32.50    7/1/2001 Conor Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 32.34    8/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   34.42Z        20  
  2 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                    37.55Z        17  
  3 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   37.74Z        16  
  4 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                              38.01Z        15  
  5 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                           38.31         14  
  6 Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                             38.55         13  
  7 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                              38.81         12  
  8 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                         38.86         11  
  9 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                             38.95          9  
 10 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                             39.57          7  
 11 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                              39.67          6  
 12 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                       40.16          5  
 13 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                            41.01          4  
 14 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                          41.37          3  
 15 Bergstrom, Nichola  10 R.A.Y.S.                         41.49          2  
 16 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                              41.51          1  
 17 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                              41.76        
 18 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                             41.93        
 19 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                              41.99        
 20 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                              42.42        
 21 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                           42.63        
 22 Phillips, Reed J    10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   42.64        
 23 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                              43.29        
 24 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                          43.55        
 25 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                             43.73        
 26 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                            44.07        
 27 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   44.15        
 27 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                              44.15        
 29 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                         44.22        
 30 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                         44.25        
 31 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                           44.34        
 32 Bertelson, William   9 SAC                              44.42        
 33 Olson, Hunter A      9 SAC                              45.01        
 34 Andrews, Marc D      8 SEA OTTERS                       45.15        
 35 Churchill, Christo   9 KING                             45.31        
 36 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                               45.64        
 37 Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                            45.95        
 38 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                           46.04        
 39 Uzzo, Joseph F      10 BLUEFISH                         46.33        
 40 Peterson, Liam C     8 HRY                              46.34        
 41 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                            47.03        
 42 Caliri, Ryan M      10 NORTH SHORE                      47.39        
 43 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                              47.64        
 44 Parker, Caleb D      9 ATST                             48.47        
 44 Tonazuck, Stephen   10 BGSC                             48.47        
 46 Imbriano, Corey J    8 UNATTACHED NE                    48.55        
 47 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                         48.59        
 48 Rouleau, Christoph  10 OTTERS                           48.85        
 49 Savenije, Ale F      9 MEI'S TYPHOONS                   49.21        
 50 Zwart, Pieter P      9 OTTERS                           49.36        
 51 Syssoev, Nikolai S   8 ANA                              49.42        
 52 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                             49.89        
 53 Stevens, Nick C      9 BYB                              50.45        
 54 French, Oliver E     9 FINS                             50.64        
Boys 10 & Under 100 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 1:30.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:14.56    8/1/1976 H. Clark, GAA                              
  NE Res Rec: R 1:14.09    8/1/1998 Taylor Goodwin, HYST-NE                    
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:17.77Z        20  
                  36.71     1:17.77 (41.06)                                        
  2 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                         1:26.25Z        17  
                  39.44     1:26.25 (46.81)                                        
  3 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                       1:26.88Z        16  
                  41.81     1:26.88 (45.07)                                        
  4 Sweeney, Conor P    10 ANA                            1:28.18Z        15  
                  39.43     1:28.18 (48.75)                                        
  5 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                            1:29.60Z        14  
                  38.79     1:29.60 (50.81)                                        
  6 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                           1:29.85Z        13  
                  42.87     1:29.85 (46.98)                                        
  7 Sommerville, Georg  10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:30.24Z        12  
                  41.17     1:30.24 (49.07)                                        
  8 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           1:31.32         11  
                  41.43     1:31.32 (49.89)                                        
  9 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                     1:32.28          9  
                  42.21     1:32.28 (50.07)                                        
 10 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                            1:34.32          7  
                  43.54     1:34.32 (50.78)                                        
 11 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                            1:34.70          6  
                  44.51     1:34.70 (50.19)                                        
 12 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                            1:34.77          5  
                  44.07     1:34.77 (50.70)                                        
 13 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            1:36.01          4  
                  44.19     1:36.01 (51.82)                                        
 14 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                       1:36.28          3  
                  44.40     1:36.28 (51.88)                                        
 15 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                           1:36.64          2  
                  44.18     1:36.64 (52.46)                                        
 16 Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                        1:38.39          1  
                  45.56     1:38.39 (52.83)                                        
 17 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                            1:39.66        
                  45.06     1:39.66 (54.60)                                        
 18 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                        1:41.14        
                  45.20     1:41.14 (55.94)                                        
 19 Phillips, Reed J    10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 1:41.77        
                  47.29     1:41.77 (54.48)                                        
 20 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                          1:42.11        
                  46.37     1:42.11 (55.74)                                        
 21 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                         1:42.47        
                  49.75     1:42.47 (52.72)                                        
 22 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                             1:43.19        
                  49.60     1:43.19 (53.59)                                        
 23 Olson, Hunter A      9 SAC                            1:43.33        
                  48.09     1:43.33 (55.24)                                        
 24 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                            1:43.79        
                  49.11     1:43.79 (54.68)                                        
 25 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                         1:44.35        
                  47.33     1:44.35 (57.02)                                        
 26 Kennedy, Justin E   10 BLUEFISH                       1:44.70        
                  49.52     1:44.70 (55.18)                                        
 27 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                       1:44.79        
                  49.60     1:44.79 (55.19)                                        
 28 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                            1:47.44        
                  48.88     1:47.44 (58.56)                                        
 29 DiParlo, Nevin R    10 GMA                            1:47.92        
                  45.75   1:47.92 (1:02.17)                                        
 30 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                          1:48.01        
                  49.36     1:48.01 (58.65)                                        
 31 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                           1:48.23        
                  47.55   1:48.23 (1:00.68)                                        
 32 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                         1:49.32        
                  49.83     1:49.32 (59.49)                                        
 33 Churchill, Christo   9 KING                           1:50.51        
                  47.11   1:50.51 (1:03.40)                                        
 34 Stevens, Nick C      9 BYB                            1:51.68        
                  51.19   1:51.68 (1:00.49)                                        
 35 Bennet, Jake M      10 YNS                            1:54.34        
                  48.99   1:54.34 (1:05.35)                                        
 36 Tonazuck, Stephen   10 BGSC                           1:59.90        
                  51.69   1:59.90 (1:08.21)                                        
 -- Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                               DQ        
 -- Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                              DQ        
 -- Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                            DQ        
 -- Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                                NS        
Boys 10 & Under 200 LC Meter IM
    Zone Cut: Z 3:03.59                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:40.29    5/1/2002 Conor Swanson, ABF-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:39.34    6/1/2002 Conor Swanson, ABF-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Liu, Justin A       10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 2:51.25Z        20  
                  36.53     1:22.31 (45.78)     2:13.45 (51.14)     2:51.25 (37.80)
  2 Tan, Jeffrey        10 MAGNUS                         3:01.53Z        17  
                  39.78     1:28.10 (48.32)     2:21.27 (53.17)     3:01.53 (40.26)
  3 Gradley, Spencer R  10 NEWPORT                        3:03.16Z        16  
                  40.67     1:26.57 (45.90)     2:24.36 (57.79)     3:03.16 (38.80)
  4 Graves, Spencer D   10 BAT                            3:03.65         15  
                  42.35     1:28.71 (46.36)     2:23.21 (54.50)     3:03.65 (40.44)
  5 Harty, Ryan M       10 ANA                            3:03.68         13.5
                  41.54     1:30.01 (48.47)     2:23.58 (53.57)     3:03.68 (40.10)
  5 Hrabchak, Matt R    10 BGSC                           3:03.68         13.5
                  43.67     1:29.53 (45.86)     2:24.83 (55.30)     3:03.68 (38.85)
  7 Hancock, Brandon L  10 SAC                            3:05.57         12  
                  42.91     1:33.71 (50.80)     2:24.93 (51.22)     3:05.57 (40.64)
  8 Narahari, Alok R    10 SAC                            3:05.73         11  
                  44.59     1:33.25 (48.66)     2:25.10 (51.85)     3:05.73 (40.63)
  9 Cote, Ryan M        10 UNATTACHED NE                  3:09.94          9  
                  38.04     1:27.90 (49.86)     2:23.63 (55.73)     3:09.94 (46.31)
 10 Courville, Nathan   10 SAC                            3:10.48          7  
                  44.24     1:31.55 (47.31)     2:29.97 (58.42)     3:10.48 (40.51)
 11 Ewing, Riley D      10 MST RAPIDS                     3:12.38          6  
                  41.53     1:30.53 (49.00)     2:30.10 (59.57)     3:12.38 (42.28)
 12 Green, Connor G     10 WAVES                          3:14.32          5  
                  48.51     1:34.97 (46.46)     2:34.44 (59.47)     3:14.32 (39.88)
 13 Brown, Nicholas C   10 BGSC                           3:15.06          4  
                  43.00     1:33.32 (50.32)     2:32.92 (59.60)     3:15.06 (42.14)
 14 Sprague, Luke A     10 AAC                            3:16.18          3  
                  44.08     1:32.81 (48.73)     2:32.28 (59.47)     3:16.18 (43.90)
 15 Chen, Eric          10 ATST                           3:16.56          2  
                  46.35     1:35.74 (49.39)     2:32.40 (56.66)     3:16.56 (44.16)
 16 Adams, Jack R        9 AAC                            3:16.76          1  
                  44.19     1:34.18 (49.99)   2:35.70 (1:01.52)     3:16.76 (41.06)
 17 Normoyle, Tommy R   10 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 3:19.62        
                  48.25     1:40.20 (51.95)     2:39.53 (59.33)     3:19.62 (40.09)
 18 Faller, Joey R      10 ANA                            3:20.42        
                  44.11     1:36.76 (52.65)     2:35.28 (58.52)     3:20.42 (45.14)
 19 Gates, Max L        10 STRYPERS                       3:21.03        
                  46.74     1:39.77 (53.03)     2:36.72 (56.95)     3:21.03 (44.31)
 20 Blank, Travis C     10 SNAPPERS                       3:21.30        
                  44.04     1:34.52 (50.48)   2:37.59 (1:03.07)     3:21.30 (43.71)
 21 Radouch, Lucas A     9 CUDAS                          3:21.50        
                  48.42     1:40.15 (51.73)     2:37.51 (57.36)     3:21.50 (43.99)
 22 Tang, Alan R        10 ATST                           3:22.48        
                  46.69     1:36.08 (49.39)   2:37.66 (1:01.58)     3:22.48 (44.82)
 23 Richardson, Collin  10 EST                            3:22.77        
                  48.02     1:39.02 (51.00)   2:39.30 (1:00.28)     3:22.77 (43.47)
 24 Egan, Liam C        10 SQUIDS                         3:24.94        
                  47.72     1:37.62 (49.90)   2:44.33 (1:06.71)     3:24.94 (40.61)
 25 Young, Brace H      10 SQUIDS                         3:26.26        
                  49.06     1:41.23 (52.17)   2:43.26 (1:02.03)     3:26.26 (43.00)
 26 Goudovitch, Daniel  10 MD                             3:27.64        
                  50.02     1:40.63 (50.61)   2:43.85 (1:03.22)     3:27.64 (43.79)
 27 Oh, Heson           10 MAGNUS                         3:27.83        
                  50.98     1:43.20 (52.22)   2:45.57 (1:02.37)     3:27.83 (42.26)
 28 Spurrell, Sam L     10 SQUIDS                         3:28.70        
                  47.03     1:41.67 (54.64)   2:42.44 (1:00.77)     3:28.70 (46.26)
 29 Rice, Samuel W       9 WAVES                          3:28.73        
                  48.16     1:41.71 (53.55)   2:46.38 (1:04.67)     3:28.73 (42.35)
 30 Walker, Isaac A      9 BLUE                           3:30.34        
                  51.18     1:49.46 (58.28)     2:43.21 (53.75)     3:30.34 (47.13)
 31 Hessler, Alexander  10 WAH                            3:30.75        
                  49.28     1:44.44 (55.16)     2:43.90 (59.46)     3:30.75 (46.85)
 32 Dillon-Davidson, C  10 ATST                           3:30.78        
                  49.14     1:43.01 (53.87)   2:47.13 (1:04.12)     3:30.78 (43.65)
 33 Bond, Liam L         9 PST                            3:30.96        
                  46.49     1:41.95 (55.46)   2:47.67 (1:05.72)     3:30.96 (43.29)
 34 Churchill, Christo   9 KING                           3:31.22        
                  48.59     1:41.13 (52.54)   2:47.45 (1:06.32)     3:31.22 (43.77)
 35 Bouscaren, Travis   10 BAT                            3:31.43        
                  53.23     1:41.77 (48.54)   2:49.25 (1:07.48)     3:31.43 (42.18)
 36 Haines, Harrison M  10 BGSC                           3:31.77        
                  50.70     1:40.90 (50.20)   2:46.75 (1:05.85)     3:31.77 (45.02)
 37 Flinn, Alex M       10 R.A.Y.S.                       3:33.91        
                  46.23     1:37.23 (51.00)   2:47.62 (1:10.39)     3:33.91 (46.29)
 38 Iosue, Connor A     10 BLUEFISH                       3:34.57        
                  50.31     1:46.28 (55.97)   2:50.19 (1:03.91)     3:34.57 (44.38)
 39 Eldridge, Brian Z   10 SSA                            3:34.76        
                  50.74     1:46.00 (55.26)   2:49.54 (1:03.54)     3:34.76 (45.22)
 40 Cooper, Ben D       10 ESSC                           3:39.64        
                  52.34     1:49.73 (57.39)   2:55.54 (1:05.81)     3:39.64 (44.10)
 41 Vogel, Andre        10 MD                             3:42.37        
                  55.46     1:51.66 (56.20)   2:54.52 (1:02.86)     3:42.37 (47.85)
 42 Kennedy, Justin E   10 BLUEFISH                       3:43.96        
                  52.64     1:51.61 (58.97)   2:52.60 (1:00.99)     3:43.96 (51.36)
 43 Guerzon, Emmanuel   10 SQUIDS                         3:44.52        
                  49.19     1:46.47 (57.28)   2:49.36 (1:02.89)     3:44.52 (55.16)
 44 Deveaux, Timothy J   9 YNS                            3:51.93        
                  55.61     1:46.46 (50.85)   3:03.75 (1:17.29)     3:51.93 (48.18)
 -- Swaim, Alex J       10 MELY                                DQ        
 -- Kwarcinski, Timoth  10 VIKINGS                             DQ        
 -- Uzzo, Joseph F      10 BLUEFISH                            DQ        
 -- Downing, Christoph  10 CUDAS                               DQ        
Boys 10 & Under 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 2:12.30    7/1/2003 Bay & Ocean State Squids, BOSS-NE          
                         J Bailey, L Sinazzola, D McCoy-Palmer, B LaChance 
  NE Res Rec: R 2:12.30    7/1/2003 Bay & Ocean State Squids, BOSS-NE          
                         J Bailey, L Spinazzola, D McCoy-Palmer, B LaChance
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:15.16         40  
     1) Normoyle, Tommy R 10            2) Sommerville, George J 10       
     3) Phillips, Reed J 10             4) Liu, Justin A 10               
                  34.51     1:08.41 (33.90)     1:43.45 (35.04)     2:15.16 (31.71)
  2 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:20.76         34  
     1) Sweeney, Conor P 10             2) Syssoev, Nikolai S 8           
     3) Faller, Joey R 10               4) Harty, Ryan M 10               
                  35.00     1:12.51 (37.51)     1:46.50 (33.99)     2:20.76 (34.26)
  3 AMHERST TRITONS SWIM TEAM  'A'                        2:24.17         32  
     1) Dillon-Davidson, Ciaran I 10    2) Parker, Caleb D 9              
     3) Tang, Alan R 10                 4) Chen, Eric 10                  
                  36.29     1:14.52 (38.23)     1:50.61 (36.09)     2:24.17 (33.56)
  4 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:25.82         30  
     1) Narahari, Alok R 10             2) Courville, Nathan M 10         
     3) Bertelson, William C 9          4) Hancock, Brandon L 10          
                  36.24     1:11.41 (35.17)     1:48.94 (37.53)     2:25.82 (36.88)
  5 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:26.51         28  
     1) Hrabchak, Matt R 10             2) Brown, Nicholas C 10           
     3) Rayment, Brett P 9              4) Tonazuck, Stephen D 10         
                  34.16     1:12.39 (38.23)     2:00.23 (47.84)     2:26.51 (26.28)
  6 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:28.59         26  
     1) Sholudko, Austen W 9            2) Sprague, Daniel A 10           
     3) Sprague, Luke A 10              4) Adams, Jack R 9                
                  37.93     1:16.28 (38.35)     1:51.96 (35.68)     2:28.59 (36.63)
  7 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:29.18         24  
     1) Spurrell, Sam L 10              2) Leblanc, Christopher A 9       
     3) Young, Brace H 10               4) Egan, Liam C 10                
                  37.40     1:18.18 (40.78)     1:54.91 (36.73)     2:29.18 (34.27)
  8 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             2:33.79         22  
     1) Olson, Hunter A 9               2) Devine, Andrew J 9             
     3) Chen, Christopher 10            4) Lagasse, Kevin Q 10            
                  40.12     1:18.91 (38.79)     1:57.27 (38.36)     2:33.79 (36.52)
  9 MIGHTY DUCKS  'A'                                     2:36.71         18  
     1) Thom, Evan J 9                  2) Vogel, Andre 10                
     3) Goudovitch, Daniel G 10         4) Feirouz, Eric B 9              
                  39.93     1:21.15 (41.22)     1:57.49 (36.34)     2:36.71 (39.22)
 10 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:38.44         14  
     1) Powers, Ryan L 10               2) Deveaux, Timothy J 9           
     3) Parsons, Kent D 10              4) Bennet, Jake M 10              
                  42.81     1:23.21 (40.40)     2:01.72 (38.51)     2:38.44 (36.72)
 11 EXETER SWIM TEAM  'A'                                 2:54.37         12  
     1) Patterson, Connar J 9           2) Wilusz, John G 9               
     3) Richardson, Collin B 10         4) Gray, Kellen T 9               
                  42.91     1:33.76 (50.85)     2:10.42 (36.66)     2:54.37 (43.95)
 12 RAMS SWIMMING CLUB  'A'                               2:58.96         10  
     1) Mahoney, Matthew S 9            2) Beck, Joshua I 9               
     3) Frost, Read F 8                 4) Novis, Keenan A 8              
                  44.96     1:31.97 (47.01)     2:20.62 (48.65)     2:58.96 (38.34)
Boys 10 & Under 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 4:48.32    7/1/2003 Bay & Ocean State Squids, BOSS-NE          
                         B LaChance, L. Spinazzola, D McCoy-Palmer, J Baile
  NE Res Rec: R 4:48.32    7/1/2003 Bay & Ocean State Squids, BOSS-NE          
                         B LaChance, L Spinazzola, D McCoy-Palmer, J Bailey
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         5:03.43         40  
     1) Liu, Justin A 10                2) Normoyle, Tommy R 10           
     3) Phillips, Reed J 10             4) Sommerville, George J 10       
                  33.35   1:10.35 (1:10.35)     1:46.40 (36.05)   2:27.07 (1:16.72)
        3:05.80 (38.73)   3:47.61 (1:20.54)     4:23.75 (36.14)   5:03.43 (1:15.82)
  2 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   5:15.94         34  
     1) Harty, Ryan M 10                2) Syssoev, Nikolai S 8           
     3) Faller, Joey R 10               4) Sweeney, Conor P 10            
                  36.42   1:18.06 (1:18.06)     1:57.89 (39.83)   2:42.69 (1:24.63)
        3:17.95 (35.26)   3:58.83 (1:16.14)     4:34.62 (35.79)   5:15.94 (1:17.11)
  3 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         5:32.02         32  
     1) Hrabchak, Matt R 10             2) Brown, Nicholas C 10           
     3) Tonazuck, Stephen D 10          4) Haines, Harrison M 10          
                  36.46   1:16.28 (1:16.28)     1:55.81 (39.53)   2:41.39 (1:25.11)
        3:21.63 (40.24)   4:08.92 (1:27.53)     4:47.02 (38.10)   5:32.02 (1:23.10)
  4 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          5:33.10         30  
     1) Sholudko, Austen W 9            2) Sprague, Daniel A 10           
     3) Sprague, Luke A 10              4) Adams, Jack R 9                
                  40.95   1:22.79 (1:22.79)     2:04.57 (41.78)   2:52.21 (1:29.42)
        3:30.50 (38.29)   4:14.43 (1:22.22)     4:52.42 (37.99)   5:33.10 (1:18.67)
  5 AMHERST TRITONS SWIM TEAM  'A'                        5:34.32         28  
     1) Dillon-Davidson, Ciaran I 10    2) Parker, Caleb D 9              
     3) Tang, Alan R 10                 4) Chen, Eric 10                  
                  39.86   1:24.07 (1:24.07)     2:05.43 (41.36)   2:53.43 (1:29.36)
        3:32.42 (38.99)   4:16.82 (1:23.39)     4:53.79 (36.97)   5:34.32 (1:17.50)
  6 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       5:38.43         26  
     1) Spurrell, Sam L 10              2) Leblanc, Christopher A 9       
     3) Young, Brace H 10               4) Egan, Liam C 10                
                  39.71   1:26.31 (1:26.31)     2:08.07 (41.76)   2:57.99 (1:31.68)
        3:37.04 (39.05)   4:23.61 (1:25.62)     4:58.85 (35.24)   5:38.43 (1:14.82)
  7 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             5:46.99         24  
     1) Olson, Hunter A 9               2) Devine, Andrew J 9             
     3) Chen, Christopher 10            4) Bertelson, William C 9         
                  42.74   1:31.95 (1:31.95)     2:12.24 (40.29)   2:57.47 (1:25.52)
        3:37.90 (40.43)   4:22.74 (1:25.27)     5:02.75 (40.01)   5:46.99 (1:24.25)
  8 MIGHTY DUCKS  'A'                                     5:48.74         22  
     1) Goudovitch, Daniel G 10         2) Feirouz, Eric B 9              
     3) McGean, Tee E 9                 4) Vogel, Andre 10                
                  40.05   1:23.87 (1:23.87)     2:04.63 (40.76)   2:52.71 (1:28.84)
        3:35.47 (42.76)   4:22.75 (1:30.04)     5:02.71 (39.96)   5:48.74 (1:25.99)
  9 EXETER SWIM TEAM  'A'                                 6:32.24         18  
     1) Patterson, Connar J 9           2) Wilusz, John G 9               
     3) Gray, Kellen T 9                4) Richardson, Collin B 10        
                  43.25   1:37.91 (1:37.91)     2:31.84 (53.93)   3:35.53 (1:57.62)
        4:19.14 (43.61)   5:10.24 (1:34.71)     5:47.64 (37.40)   6:32.24 (1:22.00)
 -- SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                                  DQ        
     1) Narahari, Alok R 10             2) Courville, Nathan M 10         
     3) Lagasse, Kevin Q 10             4) Hancock, Brandon L 10          
Boys 10 & Under 200 LC Meter Medley Relay
      NE Rec: N 2:32.55    7/1/1995 Bernal's Gator Swim Club, BGSC-NE          
                         C. Kienzle, S. Riley, C. Worthman, C. Warner      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:32.55    7/1/1995 Bernal's Gator Swim Club, BGSC-NE          
                         C. Kienzle, S. Riley, C. Worthman, C. Warner      
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:34.32         40  
     1) Sommerville, George J 10        2) Normoyle, Tommy R 10           
     3) Liu, Justin A 10                4) Phillips, Reed J 10            
                  39.39     1:29.14 (49.75)     1:57.90 (28.76)     2:34.32 (36.42)
  2 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:44.25         34  
     1) Devine, Andrew J 9              2) Narahari, Alok R 10            
     3) Courville, Nathan M 10          4) Hancock, Brandon L 10          
                  43.93     1:27.13 (43.20)     2:08.67 (41.54)     2:44.25 (35.58)
  3 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:49.02         32  
     1) Faller, Joey R 10               2) Harty, Ryan M 10               
     3) Sweeney, Conor P 10             4) Syssoev, Nikolai S 8           
                  41.52     1:29.41 (47.89)     2:09.45 (40.04)     2:49.02 (39.57)
  4 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:52.49         30  
     1) Haines, Harrison M 10           2) Brown, Nicholas C 10           
     3) Hrabchak, Matt R 10             4) Tonazuck, Stephen D 10         
                  42.78     1:35.03 (52.25)     2:14.93 (39.90)     2:52.49 (37.56)
  5 AMHERST TRITONS SWIM TEAM  'A'                        2:53.02         28  
     1) Tang, Alan R 10                 2) Chen, Eric 10                  
     3) Dillon-Davidson, Ciaran I 10    4) Parker, Caleb D 9              
                  42.85     1:30.12 (47.27)     2:14.40 (44.28)     2:53.02 (38.62)
  6 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:53.13         26  
     1) Guerzon, Emmanuel A 10          2) Young, Brace H 10              
     3) Spurrell, Sam L 10              4) Egan, Liam C 10                
                  46.04     1:37.90 (51.86)     2:19.42 (41.52)     2:53.13 (33.71)
  7 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:57.71         24  
     1) Sholudko, Austen W 9            2) Adams, Jack R 9                
     3) Sprague, Luke A 10              4) Sprague, Daniel A 10           
                  44.31     1:36.20 (51.89)     2:17.40 (41.20)     2:57.71 (40.31)
  8 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             3:02.64         22  
     1) Olson, Hunter A 9               2) Chen, Christopher 10           
     3) Bertelson, William C 9          4) Lagasse, Kevin Q 10            
                  45.35     1:43.21 (57.86)     2:27.13 (43.92)     3:02.64 (35.51)
  9 MIGHTY DUCKS  'A'                                     3:03.85         18  
     1) Feirouz, Eric B 9               2) Vogel, Andre 10                
     3) Goudovitch, Daniel G 10         4) Thom, Evan J 9                 
                  46.37     1:38.08 (51.71)     2:22.50 (44.42)     3:03.85 (41.35)
 10 OYSTER RIVER OTTERS  'A'                              3:09.27         14  
     1) Thibault, Drew A 10             2) Reece, Dick A 10               
     3) Zwart, Pieter P 9               4) Rouleau, Christopher A 10      
                  49.26                             2:30.41 ( )     3:09.27 (38.86)
 11 EXETER SWIM TEAM  'A'                                 3:18.59         12  
     1) Gray, Kellen T 9                2) Patterson, Connar J 9          
     3) Richardson, Collin B 10         4) Wilusz, John G 9               
                  47.34     1:43.33 (55.99)     2:26.34 (43.01)     3:18.59 (52.25)
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 30.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 26.95    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 26.95    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                    28.44      28.36Z        20  
  2 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         30.02      29.53Z        17  
  3 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS                 30.62      29.89Z        16  
  4 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                    29.75      29.90Z        15  
  5 Davis, Conor M      12 SAC                    30.68      30.17Z        14  
  6 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                    30.46      30.29Z        13  
  7 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS             30.43      30.45Z        12  
  8 Bradley, Kevin J    11 WBD                    30.72      31.32         11  
B - Final
  9 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS                 31.23      30.54Z         9  
 10 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE            31.78      31.07          7  
 11 Karpinski, Wiktor   12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         31.51      31.16          6  
 12 Lueck, Tyler        12 STRYPERS               31.16      31.28          5  
 13 Kennedy, Vincent C  12 WAVES                  30.96      31.39          4  
 14 Truong, An P        12 SQUIDS                 31.36      31.48          3  
 15 Normoyle, Michael   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         31.50      31.57          2  
 16 Hibbert, Joe C      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         31.61      31.94          1  
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 30.59                                                          
      NE Rec: N 26.95    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 26.95    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                               28.44Z       
  2 Tynan, Matthew N          12 PSC                               29.75Z       
  3 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    30.02Z       
  4 Pribis, Carter B          12 MST RAPIDS                        30.43Z       
  5 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                               30.46Z       
  6 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                            30.62        
  7 Davis, Conor M            12 SAC                               30.68        
  8 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                               30.72        
  9 Kennedy, Vincent C        12 WAVES                             30.96        
 10 Lueck, Tyler              12 STRYPERS                          31.16        
 11 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                            31.23        
 12 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                            31.36        
 13 Wester, Thure P           12 NORTH SHORE                       31.47        
 14 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    31.50        
 15 Karpinski, Wiktor M       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    31.51        
 16 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    31.61        
 17 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                       31.78        
 18 Connolly, Michael C       11 BGSC                              31.90        
 19 Walsh, Brendan J          12 BGSC                              31.91        
 20 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                               32.05        
 21 Ryan, Shane P             12 UNATTACHED NE                     32.15        
 22 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                        32.17        
 23 Devers, Connor J          12 AYT                               32.24        
 23 Novis, Austen C           12 RAMS                              32.24        
 25 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                        32.30        
 26 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                          32.32        
 27 Shi, Mengjan P            12 MELY                              32.43        
 28 Roan, Christopher A       12 CCSC                              32.46        
 29 Lemoi, Hunter M           12 RAMS                              32.48        
 30 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                               32.52        
 31 Cong, Amery X             12 YNS                               32.72        
 32 Hazoury, Eric A           12 PSC                               32.83        
 33 Klobucher, Andrew J       11 YNS                               32.84        
 33 Tandetnik, Daniel B       12 GREENDALE                         32.84        
 35 Crossman, Nicholaus A     12 MAKOS                             33.09        
 36 Garner, Nathan A          11 FINS                              33.30        
 36 McCusker, Sean J          12 WAVES                             33.30        
 38 Punger, John C            12 GMSC                              33.44        
 39 Debenedetto, Anthony M    12 SAC                               33.49        
 40 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                               33.71        
 41 Sweeney, Brendan M        12 ANA                               33.86        
 42 Hausmann, Steve M         12 AYT                               34.41        
 43 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                               34.45        
 44 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    35.15        
 -- Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                                  NS        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 1:06.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N   59.04    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R   58.92    8/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                  1:03.30    1:03.00Z        20  
                  29.66     1:03.00 (33.34)                                        
  2 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                  1:06.12    1:03.93Z        17  
                  30.65     1:03.93 (33.28)                                        
  3 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS           1:04.97    1:05.11Z        16  
                  30.89     1:05.11 (34.22)                                        
  4 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                  1:04.87    1:05.19Z        15  
                  31.08     1:05.19 (34.11)                                        
  5 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:06.04    1:05.35Z        14  
                  31.69     1:05.35 (33.66)                                        
  6 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS               1:06.28    1:05.40Z        13  
                  31.25     1:05.40 (34.15)                                        
  7 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                  1:05.91    1:06.33Z        12  
                  32.03     1:06.33 (34.30)                                        
  8 Normoyle, Michael   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:08.05    1:10.84         11  
                  33.72     1:10.84 (37.12)                                        
B - Final
  9 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS               1:08.37    1:07.00          9  
                  32.20     1:07.00 (34.80)                                        
 10 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE          1:08.88    1:07.89          7  
                  33.25     1:07.89 (34.64)                                        
 11 Walsh, Brendan J    12 BGSC                 1:08.56    1:08.66          6  
                  32.99     1:08.66 (35.67)                                        
 12 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                  1:08.73    1:09.01          5  
                  32.76     1:09.01 (36.25)                                        
 13 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                  1:08.27    1:09.18          4  
                  32.37     1:09.18 (36.81)                                        
 14 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                 1:08.88    1:10.04          3  
                  33.43     1:10.04 (36.61)                                        
 15 Hibbert, Joe C      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:08.98    1:10.72          2  
                  34.15     1:10.72 (36.57)                                        
 16 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:08.36    1:11.12          1  
                  33.83     1:11.12 (37.29)                                        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Freestyle Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:06.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N   59.04    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R   58.92    8/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                    1:09.34        
                  33.58     1:09.34 (35.76)                                        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 1:06.79                                                        
      NE Rec: N   59.04    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R   58.92    8/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                             1:03.30Z       
                  29.35     1:03.30 (33.95)                                        
  2 Tynan, Matthew N          12 PSC                             1:04.87Z       
                  30.91     1:04.87 (33.96)                                        
  3 Pribis, Carter B          12 MST RAPIDS                      1:04.97Z       
                  30.71     1:04.97 (34.26)                                        
  4 Lazarovich, David         12 GMA                             1:05.91Z       
                  32.15     1:05.91 (33.76)                                        
  5 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:06.04Z       
                  31.96     1:06.04 (34.08)                                        
  6 Fortin, Ryan W            12 ANA                             1:06.12Z       
                  30.97     1:06.12 (35.15)                                        
  7 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                          1:06.28Z       
                  31.79     1:06.28 (34.49)                                        
  8 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:08.05        
                  33.44     1:08.05 (34.61)                                        
  9 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                             1:08.27        
                  32.22     1:08.27 (36.05)                                        
 10 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:08.36        
                  32.44     1:08.36 (35.92)                                        
 11 Ferreira, David E         12 MAGNUS                          1:08.37        
                  32.71     1:08.37 (35.66)                                        
 12 Walsh, Brendan J          12 BGSC                            1:08.56        
                  33.03     1:08.56 (35.53)                                        
 13 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                             1:08.73        
                  32.93     1:08.73 (35.80)                                        
 14 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                     1:08.88        
                  32.57     1:08.88 (36.31)                                        
 14 Roan, Christopher A       12 CCSC                            1:08.88        
                  33.02     1:08.88 (35.86)                                        
 16 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:08.98        
                  32.67     1:08.98 (36.31)                                        
 17 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                             1:09.45        
                  33.39     1:09.45 (36.06)                                        
 18 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                             1:09.46        
                  33.20     1:09.46 (36.26)                                        
 19 Klobucher, Andrew J       11 YNS                             1:10.32        
                  34.65     1:10.32 (35.67)                                        
 20 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                      1:10.71        
                  34.20     1:10.71 (36.51)                                        
 21 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                      1:10.95        
                  33.75     1:10.95 (37.20)                                        
 22 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                        1:10.98        
                  34.02     1:10.98 (36.96)                                        
 23 Karpinski, Wiktor M       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:11.34        
                  34.16     1:11.34 (37.18)                                        
 24 Shi, Mengjan P            12 MELY                            1:11.52        
                  34.67     1:11.52 (36.85)                                        
 25 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                          1:11.56        
                  34.32     1:11.56 (37.24)                                        
 26 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                             1:11.65        
                  34.73     1:11.65 (36.92)                                        
 27 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                             1:12.11        
                  35.28     1:12.11 (36.83)                                        
 28 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                             1:12.15        
                  34.63     1:12.15 (37.52)                                        
 29 Daly, Connor T            12 ANA                             1:12.41        
                  35.59     1:12.41 (36.82)                                        
 30 Connolly, Michael C       11 BGSC                            1:12.52        
                  34.82     1:12.52 (37.70)                                        
 31 Novis, Austen C           12 RAMS                            1:12.87        
                  34.76     1:12.87 (38.11)                                        
 32 Adams, Mickey R           12 AAC                             1:13.05        
                  34.27     1:13.05 (38.78)                                        
 33 Hazoury, Eric A           12 PSC                             1:13.70        
                  34.77     1:13.70 (38.93)                                        
 34 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                             1:14.42        
                  36.12     1:14.42 (38.30)                                        
 35 Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                             1:15.75        
                  35.75     1:15.75 (40.00)                                        
 36 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:17.23        
                  36.83     1:17.23 (40.40)                                        
 -- Wester, Thure P           12 NORTH SHORE                          DQ        
 -- Davis, Conor M            12 SAC                                  NS        
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 2:25.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:07.72    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 2:07.67    8/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS           2:21.52    2:17.70Z        20  
                  31.94     1:07.37 (35.43)     1:42.75 (35.38)     2:17.70 (34.95)
  2 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                  2:21.34    2:19.98Z        17  
                  31.39     1:07.87 (36.48)     1:44.89 (37.02)     2:19.98 (35.09)
  3 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                  2:21.06    2:20.51Z        16  
                  31.96     1:08.14 (36.18)     1:44.88 (36.74)     2:20.51 (35.63)
  4 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                 2:27.28    2:24.58Z        15  
                  34.31     1:11.19 (36.88)     1:49.11 (37.92)     2:24.58 (35.47)
  5 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS               2:27.53    2:24.63Z        14  
                  34.26     1:11.04 (36.78)     1:49.37 (38.33)     2:24.63 (35.26)
  6 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS               2:23.67    2:24.70Z        13  
                  33.13     1:10.17 (37.04)     1:48.21 (38.04)     2:24.70 (36.49)
  7 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:24.85    2:24.76Z        12  
                  32.93     1:10.49 (37.56)     1:48.37 (37.88)     2:24.76 (36.39)
  8 Walsh, Brendan J    12 BGSC                 2:27.52    2:27.99         11  
                  33.28     1:11.71 (38.43)     1:49.87 (38.16)     2:27.99 (38.12)
B - Final
  9 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE          2:30.20    2:24.92Z         9  
                  33.98     1:10.71 (36.73)     1:48.51 (37.80)     2:24.92 (36.41)
 10 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS               2:28.48    2:26.08          7  
                  34.16     1:10.47 (36.31)     1:49.58 (39.11)     2:26.08 (36.50)
 11 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                  2:29.50    2:28.10          6  
                  34.21     1:11.75 (37.54)     1:50.37 (38.62)     2:28.10 (37.73)
 12 Fahey, Ryan A       12 STRYPERS             2:31.13    2:28.34          5  
                  34.61     1:12.27 (37.66)     1:51.29 (39.02)     2:28.34 (37.05)
 13 Machado, Thomas R   11 SAC                  2:32.53    2:31.41          4  
                  34.37     1:13.09 (38.72)     1:53.66 (40.57)     2:31.41 (37.75)
 14 Klobucher, Andrew   11 YNS                  2:32.18    2:31.68          3  
                  36.15     1:15.68 (39.53)     1:54.57 (38.89)     2:31.68 (37.11)
 15 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                 2:32.77    2:31.83          2  
                  36.72     1:16.73 (40.01)     1:54.55 (37.82)     2:31.83 (37.28)
 16 Hazoury, Eric A     12 PSC                  2:32.90    2:31.90          1  
                  34.49     1:13.31 (38.82)     1:53.35 (40.04)     2:31.90 (38.55)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 2:25.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:07.72    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 2:07.67    8/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Tynan, Matthew N          12 PSC                             2:21.06Z       
                  32.35     1:08.88 (36.53)     1:45.69 (36.81)     2:21.06 (35.37)
  2 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                             2:21.34Z       
                  30.05     1:05.96 (35.91)     1:43.80 (37.84)     2:21.34 (37.54)
  3 Pribis, Carter B          12 MST RAPIDS                      2:21.52Z       
                  32.13     1:08.52 (36.39)     1:45.64 (37.12)     2:21.52 (35.88)
  4 Conte, Lorenzo J          12 MAGNUS                          2:23.67Z       
                  32.76     1:08.97 (36.21)     1:46.27 (37.30)     2:23.67 (37.40)
  5 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:24.85Z       
                  32.88     1:09.70 (36.82)     1:47.45 (37.75)     2:24.85 (37.40)
  6 Hosking, Adrien M         11 GMSC                            2:27.28        
                  34.32     1:11.39 (37.07)     1:50.18 (38.79)     2:27.28 (37.10)
  7 Walsh, Brendan J          12 BGSC                            2:27.52        
                  33.31     1:10.89 (37.58)     1:50.76 (39.87)     2:27.52 (36.76)
  8 Ferreira, David E         12 MAGNUS                          2:27.53        
                  33.99     1:11.09 (37.10)     1:49.57 (38.48)     2:27.53 (37.96)
  9 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                          2:28.48        
                  32.99     1:10.06 (37.07)     1:50.21 (40.15)     2:28.48 (38.27)
 10 Sholudko, Evan W          12 AAC                             2:29.50        
                  34.04     1:12.16 (38.12)     1:50.85 (38.69)     2:29.50 (38.65)
 11 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                     2:30.20        
                  34.55     1:13.03 (38.48)     1:52.74 (39.71)     2:30.20 (37.46)
 12 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                        2:31.13        
                  35.78     1:15.09 (39.31)     1:53.84 (38.75)     2:31.13 (37.29)
 13 Klobucher, Andrew J       11 YNS                             2:32.18        
                  36.24     1:15.59 (39.35)     1:54.95 (39.36)     2:32.18 (37.23)
 14 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                             2:32.53        
                  34.08     1:12.77 (38.69)     1:53.64 (40.87)     2:32.53 (38.89)
 15 Roan, Christopher A       12 CCSC                            2:32.77        
                  35.25     1:14.46 (39.21)     1:55.04 (40.58)     2:32.77 (37.73)
 16 Hazoury, Eric A           12 PSC                             2:32.90        
                  34.69     1:13.47 (38.78)     1:54.32 (40.85)     2:32.90 (38.58)
 17 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                             2:33.48        
                  35.20     1:15.61 (40.41)     1:56.04 (40.43)     2:33.48 (37.44)
 18 Daly, Connor T            12 ANA                             2:34.94        
                  36.19     1:16.76 (40.57)     1:57.35 (40.59)     2:34.94 (37.59)
 19 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:34.96        
                  34.69     1:14.56 (39.87)     1:56.53 (41.97)     2:34.96 (38.43)
 20 Lueck, Tyler              12 STRYPERS                        2:35.45        
                  34.73     1:14.09 (39.36)     1:55.38 (41.29)     2:35.45 (40.07)
 21 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                      2:35.64        
                  36.29     1:16.95 (40.66)     1:58.22 (41.27)     2:35.64 (37.42)
 22 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                      2:35.78        
                  34.77     1:14.56 (39.79)     1:55.96 (41.40)     2:35.78 (39.82)
 23 Adams, Mickey R           12 AAC                             2:38.40        
                  36.10     1:17.38 (41.28)     1:57.85 (40.47)     2:38.40 (40.55)
 24 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                             2:38.90        
                  35.88     1:16.20 (40.32)     1:58.39 (42.19)     2:38.90 (40.51)
 25 Fantakis, Niko E          12 VIKINGS                         2:39.82        
                  38.47     1:19.58 (41.11)     2:00.51 (40.93)     2:39.82 (39.31)
 26 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                             2:43.44        
                  36.63     1:18.74 (42.11)     2:01.24 (42.50)     2:43.44 (42.20)
 27 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:43.68        
                  35.90     1:18.14 (42.24)     2:01.79 (43.65)     2:43.68 (41.89)
Boys 11-12 400 LC Meter Freestyle
    Zone Cut: Z 5:04.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 4:27.99    8/1/1982 Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 4:27.10    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS                     4:51.91Z        20  
                  32.48     1:09.12 (36.64)     1:46.79 (37.67)     2:24.59 (37.80)
        3:01.92 (37.33)     3:39.39 (37.47)     4:16.44 (37.05)     4:51.91 (35.47)
  2 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                            4:56.18Z        17  
                  32.50     1:09.46 (36.96)     1:47.82 (38.36)     2:25.71 (37.89)
        3:03.84 (38.13)     3:41.88 (38.04)     4:20.00 (38.12)     4:56.18 (36.18)
  3 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS                         5:00.19Z        16  
                  33.76     1:11.44 (37.68)     1:48.78 (37.34)                    
            3:05.44 ( )     3:44.20 (38.76)     4:22.63 (38.43)     5:00.19 (37.56)
  4 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                           5:00.28Z        15  
                  34.20     1:11.32 (37.12)     1:49.65 (38.33)     2:28.04 (38.39)
        3:07.14 (39.10)     3:45.24 (38.10)     4:23.66 (38.42)     5:00.28 (36.62)
  5 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                            5:03.53Z        14  
                  34.00     1:11.83 (37.83)     1:51.36 (39.53)     2:30.14 (38.78)
        3:09.96 (39.82)     3:48.92 (38.96)     4:27.50 (38.58)     5:03.53 (36.03)
  6 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                            5:03.85Z        13  
                  32.57     1:10.65 (38.08)     1:49.72 (39.07)     2:28.82 (39.10)
        3:08.26 (39.44)     3:48.00 (39.74)     4:26.92 (38.92)     5:03.85 (36.93)
  7 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS                         5:04.34Z        12  
                  34.09     1:12.34 (38.25)     1:51.10 (38.76)     2:30.77 (39.67)
        3:09.98 (39.21)     3:49.18 (39.20)     4:27.50 (38.32)     5:04.34 (36.84)
  8 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                            5:06.18         11  
                  33.70     1:11.98 (38.28)     1:50.41 (38.43)     2:29.77 (39.36)
        3:09.31 (39.54)     3:48.81 (39.50)     4:28.00 (39.19)     5:06.18 (38.18)
  9 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE                    5:10.52          9  
                  35.77     1:15.09 (39.32)     1:54.67 (39.58)     2:34.92 (40.25)
        3:15.06 (40.14)     3:55.21 (40.15)     4:33.63 (38.42)     5:10.52 (36.89)
 10 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS                         5:11.34          7  
                  34.81     1:14.40 (39.59)     1:54.73 (40.33)     2:34.75 (40.02)
        3:15.18 (40.43)     3:55.74 (40.56)     4:34.65 (38.91)     5:11.34 (36.69)
 11 Bludau, Sebastian   11 PSC                            5:12.52          6  
                  35.69     1:15.29 (39.60)     1:55.43 (40.14)     2:35.50 (40.07)
        3:16.16 (40.66)     3:56.37 (40.21)     4:35.55 (39.18)     5:12.52 (36.97)
 12 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH                       5:18.35          5  
                  35.98     1:15.03 (39.05)     1:55.39 (40.36)     2:35.60 (40.21)
        3:15.74 (40.14)     3:56.16 (40.42)     4:37.11 (40.95)     5:18.35 (41.24)
 13 Klobucher, Andrew   11 YNS                            5:18.69          4  
                  37.27     1:17.58 (40.31)     1:58.32 (40.74)     2:38.83 (40.51)
        3:19.74 (40.91)     4:00.76 (41.02)     4:40.63 (39.87)     5:18.69 (38.06)
 14 Daly, Connor T      12 ANA                            5:18.94          3  
                  36.25     1:16.77 (40.52)     1:57.25 (40.48)     2:37.63 (40.38)
        3:18.72 (41.09)     3:59.31 (40.59)     4:39.94 (40.63)     5:18.94 (39.00)
 15 Furman, Tim J       12 NEWPORT                        5:23.66          2  
                  36.31     1:16.90 (40.59)     1:58.10 (41.20)     2:39.06 (40.96)
        3:20.13 (41.07)     4:01.98 (41.85)     4:43.36 (41.38)     5:23.66 (40.30)
 16 Adams, Mickey R     12 AAC                            5:23.81          1  
                  35.23     1:15.15 (39.92)     1:55.76 (40.61)     2:36.92 (41.16)
        3:18.39 (41.47)     3:59.66 (41.27)     4:42.28 (42.62)     5:23.81 (41.53)
 17 Hazoury, Eric A     12 PSC                            5:24.46        
                  35.73     1:16.19 (40.46)     1:57.19 (41.00)     2:38.60 (41.41)
        3:19.95 (41.35)     4:01.71 (41.76)     4:43.54 (41.83)     5:24.46 (40.92)
 18 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                           5:24.74        
                  38.70     1:20.01 (41.31)     2:02.79 (42.78)     2:44.21 (41.42)
        3:27.14 (42.93)     4:08.05 (40.91)     4:48.18 (40.13)     5:24.74 (36.56)
 19 Yarworth, Cullen R  12 AAC                            5:24.91        
                  37.09     1:18.94 (41.85)     2:01.29 (42.35)     2:42.58 (41.29)
        3:25.14 (42.56)     4:07.51 (42.37)     4:47.64 (40.13)     5:24.91 (37.27)
 20 Fantakis, Niko E    12 VIKINGS                        5:28.94        
                  37.24     1:18.64 (41.40)     2:00.11 (41.47)     2:42.13 (42.02)
        3:24.29 (42.16)     4:06.49 (42.20)     4:48.09 (41.60)     5:28.94 (40.85)
 21 Savenije, Massi G   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                 5:37.61        
                  36.36     1:17.61 (41.25)     2:00.38 (42.77)     2:42.92 (42.54)
        3:27.95 (45.03)     4:11.19 (43.24)     4:55.74 (44.55)     5:37.61 (41.87)
 22 Delahunty, David C  12 ESC                            5:38.47        
                  36.88     1:18.22 (41.34)     2:01.51 (43.29)     2:45.69 (44.18)
        3:29.95 (44.26)     4:14.39 (44.44)     4:58.84 (44.45)     5:38.47 (39.63)
 23 McGahan, Christoph  11 GMSC                           5:42.88        
                  38.43     1:20.62 (42.19)     2:03.80 (43.18)     2:47.66 (43.86)
        3:31.89 (44.23)     4:16.22 (44.33)     5:00.76 (44.54)     5:42.88 (42.12)
 -- Fahey, Ryan A       12 STRYPERS                            DQ        
 -- Karpinski, Wiktor   12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                      DQ        
Boys 11-12 800 LC Meter Freestyle
      NE Rec: N 9:32.63    7/1/2005 Luca Spinazzola, BOSS-NE                   
  NE Res Rec: R 9:32.63    7/1/2005 Luca Spinazzola, BOSS-NE                   
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS                    10:03.85         20  
                1:12.22   2:28.51 (1:16.29)   3:44.76 (1:16.25)   5:01.71 (1:16.95)
      6:18.35 (1:16.64)   7:35.44 (1:17.09)   8:51.13 (1:15.69)  10:03.85 (1:12.72)
  2 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                           10:05.73         17  
                1:08.72   2:23.96 (1:15.24)   3:40.80 (1:16.84)   4:58.25 (1:17.45)
      6:16.47 (1:18.22)   7:34.23 (1:17.76)   8:50.91 (1:16.68)  10:05.73 (1:14.82)
  3 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS                        10:11.21         16  
                1:11.05   2:26.59 (1:15.54)   3:43.07 (1:16.48)   5:00.74 (1:17.67)
      6:18.17 (1:17.43)   7:35.98 (1:17.81)  10:11.21 (2:35.23)                    
  4 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                          10:19.02         15  
                1:12.12   2:29.19 (1:17.07)   3:47.36 (1:18.17)   5:05.81 (1:18.45)
      6:24.53 (1:18.72)   7:42.77 (1:18.24)   9:02.05 (1:19.28)  10:19.02 (1:16.97)
  5 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                           10:22.47         14  
                1:10.98   2:29.73 (1:18.75)   3:48.92 (1:19.19)   5:08.16 (1:19.24)
      6:27.88 (1:19.72)   7:47.08 (1:19.20)   9:06.68 (1:19.60)  10:22.47 (1:15.79)
  6 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS                        10:23.01         13  
                1:12.86   2:32.13 (1:19.27)   3:50.79 (1:18.66)   5:10.59 (1:19.80)
      6:29.30 (1:18.71)   7:47.83 (1:18.53)   9:07.31 (1:19.48)  10:23.01 (1:15.70)
  7 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                           10:27.73         12  
                1:13.40   2:33.65 (1:20.25)   3:54.49 (1:20.84)   5:14.97 (1:20.48)
      6:34.59 (1:19.62)   7:53.87 (1:19.28)   9:12.39 (1:18.52)  10:27.73 (1:15.34)
  8 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                           10:30.44         11  
                1:11.13   2:28.53 (1:17.40)   3:47.36 (1:18.83)   5:07.43 (1:20.07)
      6:28.28 (1:20.85)   7:49.39 (1:21.11)   9:10.49 (1:21.10)  10:30.44 (1:19.95)
  9 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE                   10:42.92          9  
                1:14.54   2:36.40 (1:21.86)   3:58.43 (1:22.03)   5:20.42 (1:21.99)
      6:42.88 (1:22.46)   8:04.10 (1:21.22)   9:25.02 (1:20.92)  10:42.92 (1:17.90)
 10 Daly, Connor T      12 ANA                           10:46.37          7  
                1:15.38   2:37.11 (1:21.73)   3:58.97 (1:21.86)   5:20.93 (1:21.96)
      6:42.83 (1:21.90)   8:04.42 (1:21.59)   9:25.89 (1:21.47)  10:46.37 (1:20.48)
 11 Klobucher, Andrew   11 YNS                           10:48.64          6  
                1:15.86   2:37.97 (1:22.11)   4:00.78 (1:22.81)   5:23.24 (1:22.46)
      6:46.85 (1:23.61)   8:10.05 (1:23.20)   9:31.33 (1:21.28)  10:48.64 (1:17.31)
 12 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH                      10:55.37          5  
                1:14.17   2:34.34 (1:20.17)   3:55.15 (1:20.81)   5:16.60 (1:21.45)
      6:39.92 (1:23.32)   8:04.65 (1:24.73)   9:30.21 (1:25.56)  10:55.37 (1:25.16)
 13 Adams, Mickey R     12 AAC                           11:13.07          4  
                1:15.22   2:37.40 (1:22.18)   4:02.82 (1:25.42)   5:29.12 (1:26.30)
      6:55.48 (1:26.36)   8:22.57 (1:27.09)   9:49.10 (1:26.53)  11:13.07 (1:23.97)
 14 Savenije, Massi G   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                11:50.68          3  
                1:20.12   2:49.57 (1:29.45)   4:19.08 (1:29.51)   5:49.15 (1:30.07)
      7:20.75 (1:31.60)   8:52.95 (1:32.20)  10:21.79 (1:28.84)  11:50.68 (1:28.89)
Boys 11-12 1500 LC Meter Freestyle
      NE Rec: N 18:12.25    7/1/2005 Luca Spinazzola, BOSS-NE                  
  NE Res Rec: R 18:12.25    7/1/2005 Luca Spinazzola, BOSS-NE                  
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                          19:23.57         20  
                1:13.63   2:31.38 (1:17.75)   3:49.42 (1:18.04)   5:07.22 (1:17.80)
      6:24.77 (1:17.55)   7:42.74 (1:17.97)   9:00.71 (1:17.97)  10:17.53 (1:16.82)
     11:34.93 (1:17.40)  12:53.68 (1:18.75)  14:12.25 (1:18.57)  15:31.46 (1:19.21)
     16:50.35 (1:18.89)  18:08.93 (1:18.58)  19:23.57 (1:14.64)                    
  2 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                           19:23.62         17  
                1:12.19   2:29.82 (1:17.63)   3:48.22 (1:18.40)   5:07.25 (1:19.03)
      6:26.12 (1:18.87)   7:44.79 (1:18.67)   9:03.57 (1:18.78)  10:21.54 (1:17.97)
     11:40.51 (1:18.97)  12:58.93 (1:18.42)  14:17.47 (1:18.54)  15:36.13 (1:18.66)
     16:53.84 (1:17.71)  18:10.64 (1:16.80)  19:23.62 (1:12.98)                    
  3 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                           19:23.92         16  
                1:11.43   2:27.94 (1:16.51)   3:45.36 (1:17.42)   5:03.43 (1:18.07)
      6:21.62 (1:18.19)   7:40.60 (1:18.98)   8:59.47 (1:18.87)  10:17.68 (1:18.21)
     11:36.46 (1:18.78)  12:55.05 (1:18.59)  14:14.48 (1:19.43)  15:33.57 (1:19.09)
     16:52.42 (1:18.85)  18:09.75 (1:17.33)  19:23.92 (1:14.17)                    
  4 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS                        19:28.76         15  
                1:13.02   2:31.55 (1:18.53)   3:51.18 (1:19.63)   5:10.33 (1:19.15)
      6:29.43 (1:19.10)   7:48.78 (1:19.35)   9:07.44 (1:18.66)  10:26.33 (1:18.89)
     11:45.57 (1:19.24)  13:02.09 (1:16.52)  14:19.63 (1:17.54)  15:37.49 (1:17.86)
     16:55.37 (1:17.88)  18:13.12 (1:17.75)  19:28.76 (1:15.64)                    
  5 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                           19:30.50         14  
                1:15.22   2:35.24 (1:20.02)   3:55.08 (1:19.84)   5:14.58 (1:19.50)
      6:33.94 (1:19.36)   7:53.72 (1:19.78)   9:12.51 (1:18.79)  10:31.08 (1:18.57)
     11:49.92 (1:18.84)  13:08.17 (1:18.25)  14:27.00 (1:18.83)  15:44.70 (1:17.70)
     17:02.42 (1:17.72)  18:18.18 (1:15.76)  19:30.50 (1:12.32)                    
  6 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS                    19:36.25         13  
                1:12.40   2:30.73 (1:18.33)   3:49.17 (1:18.44)   5:08.63 (1:19.46)
      6:27.99 (1:19.36)   7:48.37 (1:20.38)   9:08.88 (1:20.51)  10:29.13 (1:20.25)
     11:48.25 (1:19.12)  13:09.96 (1:21.71)  14:28.95 (1:18.99)  15:47.95 (1:19.00)
     17:05.32 (1:17.37)  18:22.94 (1:17.62)  19:36.25 (1:13.31)                    
  7 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS                        19:39.84         12  
                1:13.05   2:29.99 (1:16.94)   3:45.49 (1:15.50)   5:02.57 (1:17.08)
      6:20.42 (1:17.85)   7:38.35 (1:17.93)   8:57.37 (1:19.02)  10:17.03 (1:19.66)
     11:37.19 (1:20.16)  12:57.73 (1:20.54)  14:18.57 (1:20.84)  15:40.17 (1:21.60)
     16:59.79 (1:19.62)  18:19.26 (1:19.47)  19:39.84 (1:20.58)                    
  8 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                           19:44.10         11  
                1:13.63   2:32.92 (1:19.29)   3:52.14 (1:19.22)   5:11.38 (1:19.24)
      6:30.34 (1:18.96)   7:49.22 (1:18.88)   9:07.59 (1:18.37)  10:26.57 (1:18.98)
     11:45.49 (1:18.92)  13:04.41 (1:18.92)  14:24.61 (1:20.20)  15:44.67 (1:20.06)
     17:05.14 (1:20.47)  18:25.48 (1:20.34)  19:44.10 (1:18.62)                    
  9 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH                      20:38.74          9  
                1:15.56   2:35.69 (1:20.13)   3:58.31 (1:22.62)   5:22.49 (1:24.18)
      6:45.05 (1:22.56)   8:07.91 (1:22.86)   9:31.09 (1:23.18)  10:54.97 (1:23.88)
     12:18.19 (1:23.22)  13:41.79 (1:23.60)  15:07.66 (1:25.87)  16:30.76 (1:23.10)
     17:55.48 (1:24.72)  19:18.86 (1:23.38)  20:38.74 (1:19.88)                    
 10 Daly, Connor T      12 ANA                           20:39.84          7  
                1:17.69   2:41.53 (1:23.84)   4:05.62 (1:24.09)   5:31.12 (1:25.50)
      6:54.40 (1:23.28)   8:17.81 (1:23.41)   9:41.36 (1:23.55)  11:04.77 (1:23.41)
     12:28.25 (1:23.48)  13:51.90 (1:23.65)  15:14.95 (1:23.05)  16:38.05 (1:23.10)
     18:00.75 (1:22.70)  19:22.72 (1:21.97)  20:39.84 (1:17.12)                    
 11 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE                   21:38.79          6  
                1:18.19   2:43.35 (1:25.16)   4:09.96 (1:26.61)   5:36.22 (1:26.26)
      7:03.02 (1:26.80)   8:31.19 (1:28.17)   9:59.50 (1:28.31)  11:27.18 (1:27.68)
     12:55.32 (1:28.14)  14:21.06 (1:25.74)  15:50.25 (1:29.19)  17:19.35 (1:29.10)
     18:48.19 (1:28.84)  20:15.33 (1:27.14)  21:38.79 (1:23.46)                    
 12 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                          21:53.70          5  
                1:20.33   2:48.39 (1:28.06)   4:16.98 (1:28.59)   5:44.18 (1:27.20)
      7:12.59 (1:28.41)   8:41.30 (1:28.71)  10:09.57 (1:28.27)  11:37.23 (1:27.66)
     13:06.62 (1:29.39)  14:35.18 (1:28.56)  16:04.24 (1:29.06)  17:32.17 (1:27.93)
     19:01.07 (1:28.90)  20:27.73 (1:26.66)  21:53.70 (1:25.97)                    
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 35.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 31.37    6/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                          
  NE Res Rec: R 30.53    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                          
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS                 33.28      32.56Z        20  
  2 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                    33.17      32.80Z        17  
  3 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS             34.24      33.87Z        16  
  4 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS                 35.31      34.69Z        15  
  5 Wester, Thure P     12 NORTH SHORE            35.69      35.01Z        14  
  6 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         35.91      35.81Z        13  
  7 Hibbert, Joe C      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         36.78      36.75         12  
  8 Karpinski, Wiktor   12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         36.72      36.86         11  
B - Final
  9 Fahey, Ryan A       12 STRYPERS               38.91      37.26          9  
 10 Athanas, Aaron A    12 YNS                    38.80      37.53          7  
 11 Debenedetto, Antho  12 SAC                    37.83      37.71          6  
 12 Machado, Thomas R   11 SAC                    37.98      37.98          5  
 13 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE            38.37      38.02          4  
 14 Klobucher, Andrew   11 YNS                    39.06      38.36          3  
 15 Beauchemin, Robert  11 SAC                    38.98      38.80          2  
 16 Winget, Michael G   12 GMA                    39.04      38.86          1  
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 35.89                                                          
      NE Rec: N 31.37    6/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                          
  NE Res Rec: R 30.53    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                               33.17Z       
  2 Conte, Lorenzo J          12 MAGNUS                            33.28Z       
  3 Pribis, Carter B          12 MST RAPIDS                        34.24Z       
  4 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                            35.31Z       
  5 Wester, Thure P           12 NORTH SHORE                       35.69Z       
  6 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    35.91        
  7 Karpinski, Wiktor M       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    36.72        
  8 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    36.78        
  9 Debenedetto, Anthony M    12 SAC                               37.83        
 10 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                               37.98        
 11 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                       38.37        
 12 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                               38.80        
 13 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                          38.91        
 14 Beauchemin, Robert B      11 SAC                               38.98        
 15 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                               39.04        
 16 Klobucher, Andrew J       11 YNS                               39.06        
 17 Adams, Mickey R           12 AAC                               39.18        
 18 Garner, Nathan A          11 FINS                              39.23        
 19 Sweeney, Brendan M        12 ANA                               39.49        
 20 Tandetnik, Daniel B       12 GREENDALE                         39.58        
 21 McCusker, Sean J          12 WAVES                             39.62        
 22 Lagasse, Paul N           12 SAC                               39.80        
 23 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                               40.03        
 24 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                               40.04        
 25 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                               40.30        
 26 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                        40.40        
 27 Hausmann, Steve M         12 AYT                               40.50        
 28 Buchholz, Chase A         11 AAC                               40.62        
 29 Durand, Kyle R            11 WBD                               40.80        
 30 Punger, John C            12 GMSC                              41.29        
 31 Tobin, Curran W           12 NWSC                              41.49        
 31 Hunter, David M           12 ANA                               41.49        
 33 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                               41.50        
 34 Majoros, Robert A         11 BLUEFISH                          41.77        
 35 Phillips, Matthew F       11 PSC                               41.82        
 36 Hazoury, Eric A           12 PSC                               42.03        
 37 Smith, Richard C          11 SAC                               43.19        
 38 Holly, Ruben S            11 GMSC                              43.73        
 -- Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                                  DQ        
 -- Bartlett, Christopher D   11 BLUE                                 NS        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:08.50    7/1/1994 Nick Brunelli, MBM-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.79    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS               1:10.74    1:10.09Z        20  
                  34.10     1:10.09 (35.99)                                        
  2 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS           1:16.41    1:15.56Z        17  
                  35.98     1:15.56 (39.58)                                        
  3 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:16.57    1:16.45Z        16  
                  37.57     1:16.45 (38.88)                                        
  4 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:17.98    1:17.23Z        15  
                  38.06     1:17.23 (39.17)                                        
  5 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS               1:16.62    1:17.38Z        14  
                  38.21     1:17.38 (39.17)                                        
  6 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                  1:18.22    1:18.80         13  
                  38.89     1:18.80 (39.91)                                        
  7 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS               1:19.17    1:19.28         12  
                  38.21     1:19.28 (41.07)                                        
  8 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                  1:20.15    1:20.24         11  
                  39.54     1:20.24 (40.70)                                        
B - Final
  9 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE          1:20.72    1:18.44          9  
                  39.14     1:18.44 (39.30)                                        
 10 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                 1:21.02    1:19.24          7  
                  38.85     1:19.24 (40.39)                                        
 11 Wester, Thure P     12 NORTH SHORE          1:20.70    1:19.30          6  
                  38.72     1:19.30 (40.58)                                        
 12 Hibbert, Joe C      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:20.44    1:19.70          5  
                  39.18     1:19.70 (40.52)                                        
 13 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                  1:20.90    1:20.07          4  
                  39.48     1:20.07 (40.59)                                        
 14 Machado, Thomas R   11 SAC                  1:22.62    1:20.58          3  
                  39.90     1:20.58 (40.68)                                        
 15 Klobucher, Andrew   11 YNS                  1:22.96    1:21.80          2  
                  40.50     1:21.80 (41.30)                                        
 16 Bludau, Sebastian   11 PSC                  1:22.92    1:22.49          1  
                  39.83     1:22.49 (42.66)                                        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:17.69                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:08.50    7/1/1994 Nick Brunelli, MBM-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:05.79    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Conte, Lorenzo J          12 MAGNUS                          1:10.74Z       
                  34.54     1:10.74 (36.20)                                        
  2 Pribis, Carter B          12 MST RAPIDS                      1:16.41Z       
                  36.46     1:16.41 (39.95)                                        
  3 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:16.57Z       
                  37.64     1:16.57 (38.93)                                        
  4 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                          1:16.62Z       
                  37.41     1:16.62 (39.21)                                        
  5 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:17.98        
                  38.36     1:17.98 (39.62)                                        
  6 Sholudko, Evan W          12 AAC                             1:18.22        
                  38.42     1:18.22 (39.80)                                        
  7 Ferreira, David E         12 MAGNUS                          1:19.17        
                  38.86     1:19.17 (40.31)                                        
  8 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                             1:20.15        
                  39.17     1:20.15 (40.98)                                        
  9 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:20.44        
                  39.26     1:20.44 (41.18)                                        
 10 Wester, Thure P           12 NORTH SHORE                     1:20.70        
                  39.12     1:20.70 (41.58)                                        
 11 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                     1:20.72        
                  39.97     1:20.72 (40.75)                                        
 12 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                             1:20.90        
                  40.28     1:20.90 (40.62)                                        
 13 Karpinski, Wiktor M       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:21.00        
 14 Hosking, Adrien M         11 GMSC                            1:21.02        
                  39.90     1:21.02 (41.12)                                        
 15 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                             1:22.62        
                  40.64     1:22.62 (41.98)                                        
 16 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                             1:22.92        
                  40.52     1:22.92 (42.40)                                        
 17 Klobucher, Andrew J       11 YNS                             1:22.96        
                  41.23     1:22.96 (41.73)                                        
 18 Garner, Nathan A          11 FINS                            1:23.18        
                  39.47     1:23.18 (43.71)                                        
 19 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                             1:23.61        
                  40.75     1:23.61 (42.86)                                        
 20 Sweeney, Brendan M        12 ANA                             1:23.73        
                  40.29     1:23.73 (43.44)                                        
 21 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                        1:23.75        
                  41.25     1:23.75 (42.50)                                        
 22 Furman, Tim J             12 NEWPORT                         1:24.02        
                  41.30     1:24.02 (42.72)                                        
 23 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                      1:24.14        
                  40.54     1:24.14 (43.60)                                        
 24 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                             1:24.45        
                  41.68     1:24.45 (42.77)                                        
 25 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:24.52        
                  41.79     1:24.52 (42.73)                                        
 26 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                             1:24.75        
                  41.85     1:24.75 (42.90)                                        
 27 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                          1:25.22        
                  41.90     1:25.22 (43.32)                                        
 28 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                             1:25.34        
                  42.19     1:25.34 (43.15)                                        
 29 Beauchemin, Robert B      11 SAC                             1:25.75        
                  41.62     1:25.75 (44.13)                                        
 30 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                      1:25.95        
                  40.92     1:25.95 (45.03)                                        
 31 Ryan, Shane P             12 UNATTACHED NE                   1:25.96        
                  41.86     1:25.96 (44.10)                                        
 32 Adams, Mickey R           12 AAC                             1:26.21        
                  41.36     1:26.21 (44.85)                                        
 33 Hazoury, Eric A           12 PSC                             1:27.78        
                  43.78     1:27.78 (44.00)                                        
 34 Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                             1:28.16        
                  43.10     1:28.16 (45.06)                                        
 35 Buchholz, Chase A         11 AAC                             1:28.75        
                  43.05     1:28.75 (45.70)                                        
 36 Majoros, Robert A         11 BLUEFISH                        1:28.87        
                  42.79     1:28.87 (46.08)                                        
 37 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                             1:30.78        
                  44.88     1:30.78 (45.90)                                        
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 2:47.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:27.87    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:27.14    7/1/2005 Matt Meier, SNAP-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS               2:30.32    2:29.72Z        20  
                  35.66     1:12.91 (37.25)     1:52.16 (39.25)     2:29.72 (37.56)
  2 Pribis, Carter B    12 MST RAPIDS           2:46.48    2:41.45Z        17  
                  37.78     1:18.62 (40.84)     2:01.34 (42.72)     2:41.45 (40.11)
  3 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                  2:42.57    2:43.22Z        16  
                  38.85     1:20.40 (41.55)     2:02.30 (41.90)     2:43.22 (40.92)
  4 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                  2:47.61    2:45.05Z        15  
                  40.17     1:22.32 (42.15)     2:04.29 (41.97)     2:45.05 (40.76)
  5 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS               2:42.23    2:45.21Z        14  
                  40.49     1:23.08 (42.59)     2:05.22 (42.14)     2:45.21 (39.99)
  6 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS               2:49.97    2:45.73Z        13  
                  39.58     1:21.72 (42.14)     2:04.27 (42.55)     2:45.73 (41.46)
  7 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                 2:47.91    2:47.14Z        12  
                  40.93     1:22.48 (41.55)     2:05.43 (42.95)     2:47.14 (41.71)
  8 Hibbert, Joe C      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:48.85    2:49.50         11  
                  40.09     1:23.11 (43.02)     2:06.69 (43.58)     2:49.50 (42.81)
B - Final
  9 Fallon, Peter J     12 NORTH SHORE          2:52.66    2:46.73Z         9  
                  40.68     1:23.55 (42.87)     2:06.66 (43.11)     2:46.73 (40.07)
 10 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH             2:51.53    2:50.19          7  
                  39.88     1:22.91 (43.03)     2:06.73 (43.82)     2:50.19 (43.46)
 11 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:51.90    2:53.13          6  
                  40.83     1:23.98 (43.15)     2:09.50 (45.52)     2:53.13 (43.63)
 12 Klobucher, Andrew   11 YNS                  2:56.69    2:53.44          5  
                  42.27     1:26.43 (44.16)     2:10.74 (44.31)     2:53.44 (42.70)
 13 Winget, Michael G   12 GMA                  2:58.42    2:55.48          4  
                  41.76     1:26.55 (44.79)     2:12.06 (45.51)     2:55.48 (43.42)
 14 Machado, Thomas R   11 SAC                  2:56.27    2:57.10          3  
                  42.20     1:27.66 (45.46)     2:13.81 (46.15)     2:57.10 (43.29)
 15 Wester, Thure P     12 NORTH SHORE          2:58.25    2:57.51          2  
                  38.74                             2:11.70 ( )     2:57.51 (45.81)
 16 Athanas, Aaron A    12 YNS                  2:57.27    2:59.83          1  
                  44.06     1:28.96 (44.90)     2:15.95 (46.99)     2:59.83 (43.88)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Backstroke
    Zone Cut: Z 2:47.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:27.87    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:27.14    7/1/2005 Matt Meier, SNAP-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Conte, Lorenzo J          12 MAGNUS                          2:30.32Z       
                  35.28     1:12.85 (37.57)     1:51.51 (38.66)     2:30.32 (38.81)
  2 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                          2:42.23Z       
                  37.68     1:18.57 (40.89)     2:00.93 (42.36)     2:42.23 (41.30)
  3 Sholudko, Evan W          12 AAC                             2:42.57Z       
                  38.20     1:19.23 (41.03)     2:01.38 (42.15)     2:42.57 (41.19)
  4 Pribis, Carter B          12 MST RAPIDS                      2:46.48Z       
                  38.09     1:20.53 (42.44)     2:03.83 (43.30)     2:46.48 (42.65)
  5 Lazarovich, David         12 GMA                             2:47.61        
                  40.30     1:22.55 (42.25)     2:05.85 (43.30)     2:47.61 (41.76)
  6 Hosking, Adrien M         11 GMSC                            2:47.91        
                  40.62     1:23.38 (42.76)     2:06.17 (42.79)     2:47.91 (41.74)
  7 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:48.85        
                  40.10     1:23.27 (43.17)     2:07.55 (44.28)     2:48.85 (41.30)
  8 Ferreira, David E         12 MAGNUS                          2:49.97        
                  39.99     1:22.76 (42.77)     2:07.54 (44.78)     2:49.97 (42.43)
  9 Beisel, Danny C           12 BLUEFISH                        2:51.53        
                  40.11     1:22.60 (42.49)     2:07.30 (44.70)     2:51.53 (44.23)
 10 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:51.90        
                                1:22.67 ( )     2:07.31 (44.64)     2:51.90 (44.59)
 11 Fallon, Peter J           12 NORTH SHORE                     2:52.66        
                  41.13     1:25.94 (44.81)     2:10.31 (44.37)     2:52.66 (42.35)
 12 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                             2:56.27        
                  41.55     1:27.62 (46.07)     2:13.64 (46.02)     2:56.27 (42.63)
 13 Klobucher, Andrew J       11 YNS                             2:56.69        
                  43.96     1:29.50 (45.54)     2:14.83 (45.33)     2:56.69 (41.86)
 14 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                             2:57.27        
                  42.30     1:27.64 (45.34)     2:13.25 (45.61)     2:57.27 (44.02)
 15 Wester, Thure P           12 NORTH SHORE                     2:58.25        
                  38.67     1:24.44 (45.77)     2:13.50 (49.06)     2:58.25 (44.75)
 16 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                             2:58.42        
                  41.56     1:27.53 (45.97)     2:13.74 (46.21)     2:58.42 (44.68)
 17 Hazoury, Eric A           12 PSC                             3:00.31        
                  42.29     1:28.74 (46.45)     2:14.76 (46.02)     3:00.31 (45.55)
 18 Beauchemin, Robert B      11 SAC                             3:01.79        
                  42.55     1:28.95 (46.40)     2:16.08 (47.13)     3:01.79 (45.71)
 19 Ryan, Shane P             12 UNATTACHED NE                   3:02.42        
                  42.12     1:28.97 (46.85)     2:16.12 (47.15)     3:02.42 (46.30)
 20 Durand, Kyle R            11 WBD                             3:02.80        
                  44.62     1:31.70 (47.08)     2:18.64 (46.94)     3:02.80 (44.16)
 21 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:02.97        
                  42.71     1:29.35 (46.64)     2:18.23 (48.88)     3:02.97 (44.74)
 22 Glover, Bob S             11 FINS                            3:03.04        
                  42.35     1:29.70 (47.35)     2:16.45 (46.75)     3:03.04 (46.59)
 23 Grippo, James H           12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:03.35        
                  44.40     1:31.29 (46.89)     2:19.36 (48.07)     3:03.35 (43.99)
 24 Sweeney, Brendan M        12 ANA                             3:03.69        
                  42.84     1:30.60 (47.76)     2:18.68 (48.08)     3:03.69 (45.01)
 25 Buchholz, Chase A         11 AAC                             3:03.87        
                  42.41     1:29.96 (47.55)     2:18.48 (48.52)     3:03.87 (45.39)
 26 Adams, Mickey R           12 AAC                             3:04.14        
                  43.68     1:30.36 (46.68)     2:17.95 (47.59)     3:04.14 (46.19)
 27 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:05.99        
                  44.33     1:31.52 (47.19)     2:20.25 (48.73)     3:05.99 (45.74)
 28 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                             3:06.38        
                  43.90     1:31.04 (47.14)     2:19.45 (48.41)     3:06.38 (46.93)
 29 McGahan, Christopher W    11 GMSC                            3:06.68        
                  44.94     1:33.15 (48.21)     2:21.09 (47.94)     3:06.68 (45.59)
 30 Majoros, Robert A         11 BLUEFISH                        3:07.08        
                  43.04     1:30.66 (47.62)     2:19.61 (48.95)     3:07.08 (47.47)
 31 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                             3:07.62        
                  45.05     1:31.84 (46.79)     2:21.98 (50.14)     3:07.62 (45.64)
 32 Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                             3:09.16        
                  44.14     1:32.90 (48.76)     2:22.16 (49.26)     3:09.16 (47.00)
 33 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                             3:13.13        
                  46.44     1:35.39 (48.95)     2:25.81 (50.42)     3:13.13 (47.32)
 -- Bartlett, Christopher D   11 BLUE                                 NS        
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 34.62    7/1/2000 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 33.96    6/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                    39.58      37.29Z        20  
  2 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                    37.51      37.36Z        17  
  3 Yuen, Marcus Y      12 UNATTACHED NE          38.14      37.45Z        16  
  4 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         38.19      37.67Z        15  
  5 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                    38.65      38.99Z        14  
  6 Normoyle, Michael   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         38.62      40.11         13  
  7 Shi, Mengjan P      12 MELY                   39.83      40.29         12  
  8 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                    39.49      40.62         11  
B - Final
  9 McDonald, Peter M   12 BGSC                   40.95      41.20          9  
 10 Karpinski, Wiktor   12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         39.97      41.22          7  
 11 Daly, Connor T      12 ANA                    41.21      41.53          6  
 12 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         40.55      41.67          5  
 13 Kennedy, Vincent C  12 WAVES                  42.71      42.44          4  
 14 Devers, Connor J    12 AYT                    42.87      43.22          3  
 15 Davis, Conor M      12 SAC                    42.03      43.41          2  
 16 Furman, Tim J       12 NEWPORT                42.61      43.53          1  
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 39.69                                                          
      NE Rec: N 34.62    7/1/2000 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
  NE Res Rec: R 33.96    6/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Lazarovich, David         12 GMA                               37.51Z       
  2 Yuen, Marcus Y            12 UNATTACHED NE                     38.14Z       
  3 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    38.19Z       
  4 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    38.62Z       
  5 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                               38.65Z       
  6 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                               39.49Z       
  7 Fortin, Ryan W            12 ANA                               39.58Z       
  8 Shi, Mengjan P            12 MELY                              39.83        
  9 Karpinski, Wiktor M       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    39.97        
 10 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    40.55        
 11 McDonald, Peter M         12 BGSC                              40.95        
 12 Daly, Connor T            12 ANA                               41.21        
 13 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                               41.29        
 14 Davis, Conor M            12 SAC                               42.03        
 15 Furman, Tim J             12 NEWPORT                           42.61        
 16 Kennedy, Vincent C        12 WAVES                             42.71        
 17 Cong, Amery X             12 YNS                               42.85        
 18 Devers, Connor J          12 AYT                               42.87        
 19 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                          43.31        
 20 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                               43.53        
 21 Delahunty, David C        12 ESC                               44.50        
 22 Sweeney, Brendan M        12 ANA                               44.80        
 23 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                               45.28        
 24 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    45.43        
 25 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                               45.84        
 26 Grippo, James H           12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    45.86        
 27 Punger, John C            12 GMSC                              45.88        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:15.46    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:15.46    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Yuen, Marcus Y      12 UNATTACHED NE        1:21.29    1:19.99Z        20  
                  38.44     1:19.99 (41.55)                                        
  2 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                  1:24.78    1:21.93Z        17  
                  39.07     1:21.93 (42.86)                                        
  3 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:23.66    1:22.00Z        16  
                  39.54     1:22.00 (42.46)                                        
  4 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                  1:27.14    1:23.45Z        15  
                  38.32     1:23.45 (45.13)                                        
  5 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                  1:25.26    1:25.30Z        14  
                  40.07     1:25.30 (45.23)                                        
  6 Normoyle, Michael   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:24.88    1:25.85Z        13  
                  41.34     1:25.85 (44.51)                                        
  7 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                  1:26.26    1:26.41Z        12  
                  41.08     1:26.41 (45.33)                                        
  8 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:28.39    1:32.32         11  
                  43.61     1:32.32 (48.71)                                        
B - Final
  9 McDonald, Peter M   12 BGSC                 1:28.72    1:28.99          9  
                  43.04     1:28.99 (45.95)                                        
 10 Daly, Connor T      12 ANA                  1:28.68    1:29.03          7  
                  42.79     1:29.03 (46.24)                                        
 11 Bergey, Seth E      12 ANA                  1:31.57    1:29.22          6  
                  42.94     1:29.22 (46.28)                                        
 12 Fahey, Ryan A       12 STRYPERS             1:31.34    1:32.02          5  
                  43.78     1:32.02 (48.24)                                        
 13 Truong, An P        12 SQUIDS               1:34.55    1:33.18          4  
                  45.58     1:33.18 (47.60)                                        
 14 Devers, Connor J    12 AYT                  1:35.26    1:33.44          3  
                  43.79     1:33.44 (49.65)                                        
 15 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH             1:31.92    1:33.93          2  
                  44.23     1:33.93 (49.70)                                        
 16 Kennedy, Vincent C  12 WAVES                1:35.48    1:35.23          1  
                  44.80     1:35.23 (50.43)                                        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 1:27.29                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:15.46    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 1:15.46    5/1/2001 Corey Swanson, ABF-NE                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Yuen, Marcus Y            12 UNATTACHED NE                   1:21.29Z       
  2 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:23.66Z       
                  40.82     1:23.66 (42.84)                                        
  3 Lazarovich, David         12 GMA                             1:24.78Z       
                  40.39     1:24.78 (44.39)                                        
  4 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:24.88Z       
                  40.72     1:24.88 (44.16)                                        
  5 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                             1:25.26Z       
                  40.50     1:25.26 (44.76)                                        
  6 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                             1:26.26Z       
                  41.42     1:26.26 (44.84)                                        
  7 Fortin, Ryan W            12 ANA                             1:27.14Z       
                  40.95     1:27.14 (46.19)                                        
  8 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:28.39        
                  41.32     1:28.39 (47.07)                                        
  9 Daly, Connor T            12 ANA                             1:28.68        
                  42.47     1:28.68 (46.21)                                        
 10 McDonald, Peter M         12 BGSC                            1:28.72        
                  41.96     1:28.72 (46.76)                                        
 11 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                        1:31.34        
                  43.32     1:31.34 (48.02)                                        
 12 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                             1:31.57        
                  43.29     1:31.57 (48.28)                                        
 13 Beisel, Danny C           12 BLUEFISH                        1:31.92        
                  42.84     1:31.92 (49.08)                                        
 14 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                          1:34.55        
                  45.00     1:34.55 (49.55)                                        
 15 Devers, Connor J          12 AYT                             1:35.26        
                  45.36     1:35.26 (49.90)                                        
 16 Kennedy, Vincent C        12 WAVES                           1:35.48        
                  45.62     1:35.48 (49.86)                                        
 17 Ryan, Shane P             12 UNATTACHED NE                   1:35.90        
                  45.00     1:35.90 (50.90)                                        
 18 Furman, Tim J             12 NEWPORT                         1:35.91        
                  45.02     1:35.91 (50.89)                                        
 19 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                             1:36.00        
                  44.97     1:36.00 (51.03)                                        
 20 Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                             1:38.20        
                  46.01     1:38.20 (52.19)                                        
 21 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                             1:38.26        
                  46.09     1:38.26 (52.17)                                        
 22 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                          1:38.27        
                  46.83     1:38.27 (51.44)                                        
 23 Fantakis, Niko E          12 VIKINGS                         1:38.33        
                  47.89     1:38.33 (50.44)                                        
 24 Cong, Amery X             12 YNS                             1:38.65        
                  47.32     1:38.65 (51.33)                                        
 25 Novis, Austen C           12 RAMS                            1:39.88        
                  47.27     1:39.88 (52.61)                                        
 25 Bristow, Jonathan C       12 NORTH SHORE                     1:39.88        
                  47.80     1:39.88 (52.08)                                        
 27 Punger, John C            12 GMSC                            1:40.34        
                  48.37     1:40.34 (51.97)                                        
 28 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:43.17        
                  49.32     1:43.17 (53.85)                                        
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 3:08.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:46.44    7/1/2001 Jacob Hochard, GMSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 2:45.17    8/1/2005 Roy Sung, SAC-NE                           
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Yuen, Marcus Y      12 UNATTACHED NE        2:48.93    2:48.91Z        20  
                  39.67     1:23.20 (43.53)     2:07.22 (44.02)     2:48.91 (41.69)
  2 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:59.69    2:55.45Z        17  
                  40.15     1:25.35 (45.20)     2:10.85 (45.50)     2:55.45 (44.60)
  3 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                  2:58.89    2:56.05Z        16  
                  40.69     1:25.79 (45.10)     2:11.20 (45.41)     2:56.05 (44.85)
  4 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                  3:08.87    2:58.91Z        15  
                  41.07     1:27.10 (46.03)     2:14.02 (46.92)     2:58.91 (44.89)
  5 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                  3:04.76    3:03.70Z        14  
                  42.90     1:30.30 (47.40)     2:17.90 (47.60)     3:03.70 (45.80)
  6 Daly, Connor T      12 ANA                  3:13.12    3:08.79         13  
                  44.08     1:32.42 (48.34)     2:21.52 (49.10)     3:08.79 (47.27)
  7 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                  3:07.87    3:09.41         12  
                  41.77     1:29.24 (47.47)     2:19.11 (49.87)     3:09.41 (50.30)
  8 Normoyle, Michael   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       3:11.69    3:15.51         11  
                  44.10     1:34.95 (50.85)     2:26.90 (51.95)     3:15.51 (48.61)
B - Final
  9 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH             3:18.69    3:16.97          9  
                  45.02     1:35.05 (50.03)     2:27.08 (52.03)     3:16.97 (49.89)
 10 Lagasse, John J     12 SAC                  3:31.10    3:17.12          7  
                  44.60     1:35.03 (50.43)     2:26.43 (51.40)     3:17.12 (50.69)
 11 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS               3:25.98    3:20.37          6  
                  45.10     1:36.38 (51.28)     2:29.86 (53.48)     3:20.37 (50.51)
 12 Savenije, Massi G   11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       3:26.87    3:22.35          5  
                  46.05     1:37.84 (51.79)     2:30.55 (52.71)     3:22.35 (51.80)
 13 Fantakis, Niko E    12 VIKINGS              3:22.54    3:22.87          4  
                  46.47     1:38.48 (52.01)     2:31.61 (53.13)     3:22.87 (51.26)
 14 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS               3:29.66    3:29.85          3  
                  45.79     1:38.40 (52.61)     2:35.41 (57.01)     3:29.85 (54.44)
 15 Sandhu, Milan S     12 MST RAPIDS           3:37.37    3:34.58          2  
                  47.98     1:43.78 (55.80)     2:41.12 (57.34)     3:34.58 (53.46)
 -- Truong, An P        12 SQUIDS               3:21.85         DQ        
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
    Zone Cut: Z 3:08.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:46.44    7/1/2001 Jacob Hochard, GMSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 2:45.17    8/1/2005 Roy Sung, SAC-NE                           
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Yuen, Marcus Y            12 UNATTACHED NE                   2:48.93Z       
                  39.16     1:22.44 (43.28)     2:06.36 (43.92)     2:48.93 (42.57)
  2 Lazarovich, David         12 GMA                             2:58.89Z       
                  41.13     1:27.36 (46.23)     2:13.77 (46.41)     2:58.89 (45.12)
  3 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:59.69Z       
                  41.46     1:27.76 (46.30)     2:14.54 (46.78)     2:59.69 (45.15)
  4 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                             3:04.76Z       
                  43.29     1:31.33 (48.04)     2:19.31 (47.98)     3:04.76 (45.45)
  5 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                             3:07.87Z       
                  42.55     1:29.94 (47.39)     2:19.21 (49.27)     3:07.87 (48.66)
  6 Fortin, Ryan W            12 ANA                             3:08.87        
                  42.92     1:31.59 (48.67)     2:21.04 (49.45)     3:08.87 (47.83)
  7 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:11.69        
                  42.86     1:33.19 (50.33)     2:24.28 (51.09)     3:11.69 (47.41)
  8 Daly, Connor T            12 ANA                             3:13.12        
                  44.85     1:35.25 (50.40)     2:25.66 (50.41)     3:13.12 (47.46)
  9 Tandetnik, Daniel B       12 GREENDALE                       3:15.67        
                  43.48     1:35.30 (51.82)     2:25.94 (50.64)     3:15.67 (49.73)
 10 Beisel, Danny C           12 BLUEFISH                        3:18.69        
                  44.25     1:34.72 (50.47)     2:26.32 (51.60)     3:18.69 (52.37)
 11 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                          3:21.85        
                  46.09     1:37.79 (51.70)     2:29.96 (52.17)     3:21.85 (51.89)
 12 Fantakis, Niko E          12 VIKINGS                         3:22.54        
                  47.00     1:39.67 (52.67)     2:32.54 (52.87)     3:22.54 (50.00)
 13 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                             3:23.27        
                  45.28     1:37.91 (52.63)     2:31.98 (54.07)     3:23.27 (51.29)
 14 Ferreira, David E         12 MAGNUS                          3:25.98        
                  45.88     1:38.52 (52.64)     2:32.98 (54.46)     3:25.98 (53.00)
 15 Savenije, Massi G         11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:26.87        
                  47.25     1:41.48 (54.23)     2:35.81 (54.33)     3:26.87 (51.06)
 16 Ryan, Shane P             12 UNATTACHED NE                   3:27.75        
                  46.46     1:40.83 (54.37)     2:35.18 (54.35)     3:27.75 (52.57)
 17 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                          3:29.66        
                  48.80     1:42.02 (53.22)     2:36.49 (54.47)     3:29.66 (53.17)
 18 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                             3:31.10        
                  47.83     1:41.25 (53.42)     2:36.76 (55.51)     3:31.10 (54.34)
 19 Delahunty, David C        12 ESC                             3:31.80        
                  46.69     1:42.48 (55.79)     2:37.50 (55.02)     3:31.80 (54.30)
 20 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                             3:32.28        
                  47.83     1:42.01 (54.18)     2:38.97 (56.96)     3:32.28 (53.31)
 21 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                      3:37.37        
                  49.10     1:45.12 (56.02)     2:43.12 (58.00)     3:37.37 (54.25)
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.08    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 29.08    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                       
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS                 31.29      31.33Z        20  
  2 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         32.62      32.59Z        17  
  3 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                    33.59      32.63Z        16  
  4 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                    31.90      32.78Z        15  
  5 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                    33.06      33.23Z        14  
  6 Muzzey, Stephen H   12 MST RAPIDS             34.37      33.66         13  
  7 Winget, Michael G   12 GMA                    34.19      34.44         12  
  8 Bergey, Daniel M    12 ANA                    34.63      35.15         11  
B - Final
  9 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS         35.22      34.11          9  
 10 Wester, Thure P     12 NORTH SHORE            35.82      34.33          7  
 11 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                    34.90      34.88          6  
 12 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS                 35.22      35.01          5  
 13 Machado, Thomas R   11 SAC                    35.64      35.02          4  
 14 Sandhu, Milan S     12 MST RAPIDS             35.68      36.09          3  
 15 Hibbert, Joe C      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS         35.49      36.33          2  
 16 Athanas, Aaron A    12 YNS                    35.75      36.80          1  
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.08    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 29.08    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                       
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Davis, Conor M            12 SAC                              33.26Z       
Boys 11-12 50 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 33.29                                                          
      NE Rec: N 29.08    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                       
  NE Res Rec: R 29.08    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                            31.29Z       
  2 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                               31.90Z       
  3 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    32.62Z       
  4 Tynan, Matthew N          12 PSC                               33.06Z       
  5 Fortin, Ryan W            12 ANA                               33.59        
  6 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                               34.19        
  7 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                        34.37        
  8 Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                               34.63        
  9 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                               34.90        
 10 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    35.22        
 10 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                            35.22        
 12 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                    35.49        
 13 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                               35.64        
 14 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                        35.68        
 15 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                               35.75        
 16 Wester, Thure P           12 NORTH SHORE                       35.82        
 17 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                               35.83        
 18 Debenedetto, Anthony M    12 SAC                               35.85        
 19 Walsh, Brendan J          12 BGSC                              35.87        
 20 Shi, Mengjan P            12 MELY                              36.01        
 21 Daly, Connor T            12 ANA                               36.10        
 22 Kennedy, Vincent C        12 WAVES                             36.16        
 23 Durand, Kyle R            11 WBD                               36.40        
 24 Roan, Christopher A       12 CCSC                              36.58        
 25 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                               37.09        
 25 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                            37.09        
 27 Devers, Connor J          12 AYT                               37.18        
 28 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                               37.28        
 29 Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                               38.12        
 30 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                               39.27        
 31 Holly, Ruben S            11 GMSC                              39.48        
 32 Wagner, Jeff              12 SAC                               39.55        
 -- Davis, Conor M            12 SAC                                  NS        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                  1:11.13    1:09.71Z        20  
                  32.64     1:09.71 (37.07)                                        
  2 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS               1:13.41    1:10.02Z        17  
                  33.23     1:10.02 (36.79)                                        
  3 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                  1:13.20    1:13.82Z        16  
                  33.83     1:13.82 (39.99)                                        
  4 Machado, Thomas R   11 SAC                  1:17.29    1:17.36         15  
                  36.47     1:17.36 (40.89)                                        
  5 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                  1:18.48    1:17.41         14  
                  36.72     1:17.41 (40.69)                                        
  6 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                 1:16.38    1:17.85         13  
                  37.42     1:17.85 (40.43)                                        
  7 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       1:18.18    1:18.37         12  
                  37.05     1:18.37 (41.32)                                        
  8 Muzzey, Stephen H   12 MST RAPIDS           1:18.47    1:18.57         11  
                  35.46     1:18.57 (43.11)                                        
B - Final
  9 Durand, Kyle R      11 WBD                  1:18.48    1:19.32          9  
                  37.39     1:19.32 (41.93)                                        
 10 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                 1:21.32    1:19.41          7  
                  37.36     1:19.41 (42.05)                                        
 11 Sandhu, Milan S     12 MST RAPIDS           1:20.34    1:19.55          6  
                  37.32     1:19.55 (42.23)                                        
 12 Devers, Connor J    12 AYT                  1:21.41    1:21.13          5  
                  37.29     1:21.13 (43.84)                                        
 13 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                  1:20.74    1:21.41          4  
                  37.13     1:21.41 (44.28)                                        
 14 Walsh, Brendan J    12 BGSC                 1:22.41    1:21.89          3  
                  37.81     1:21.89 (44.08)                                        
 15 Shi, Mengjan P      12 MELY                 1:23.84    1:22.80          2  
                  39.01     1:22.80 (43.79)                                        
 16 Davis, Conor M      12 SAC                  1:21.68    1:24.33          1  
                  38.53     1:24.33 (45.80)                                        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Butterfly Swim-off
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Swim-off
  1 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                            1:16.85        
                  36.41     1:16.85 (40.44)                                        
  2 Durand, Kyle R            11 WBD                            1:17.22        
                  36.14     1:17.22 (41.08)                                        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Butterfly Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                            1:20.05        
Boys 11-12 100 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 1:15.49                                                        
      NE Rec: N 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
  NE Res Rec: R 1:03.28    7/1/1991 Shane Raymond, CCSC-NE                     
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                             1:11.13Z       
                  32.70     1:11.13 (38.43)                                        
  2 Tynan, Matthew N          12 PSC                             1:13.20Z       
                  33.95     1:13.20 (39.25)                                        
  3 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                          1:13.41Z       
                  34.62     1:13.41 (38.79)                                        
  4 Hosking, Adrien M         11 GMSC                            1:16.38        
                  36.67     1:16.38 (39.71)                                        
  5 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                             1:17.29        
                  35.85     1:17.29 (41.44)                                        
  6 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:18.18        
                  35.13     1:18.18 (43.05)                                        
  7 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                      1:18.47        
                  35.75     1:18.47 (42.72)                                        
  8 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                            J1:18.48        
                  37.37     1:18.48 (41.11)                                        
  9 Durand, Kyle R            11 WBD                            J1:18.48        
                  37.43     1:18.48 (41.05)                                        
 10 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                      1:20.34        
                  37.08     1:20.34 (43.26)                                        
 11 Sholudko, Evan W          12 AAC                             1:20.74        
                  36.77     1:20.74 (43.97)                                        
 12 Roan, Christopher A       12 CCSC                            1:21.32        
                  38.57     1:21.32 (42.75)                                        
 13 Devers, Connor J          12 AYT                             1:21.41        
                  36.76     1:21.41 (44.65)                                        
 14 Davis, Conor M            12 SAC                             1:21.68        
                  36.98     1:21.68 (44.70)                                        
 15 Walsh, Brendan J          12 BGSC                            1:22.41        
                  37.17     1:22.41 (45.24)                                        
 16 Shi, Mengjan P            12 MELY                            1:23.84        
                  37.98     1:23.84 (45.86)                                        
 17 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                             1:24.19        
                  38.74     1:24.19 (45.45)                                        
 18 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:25.62        
                  38.74     1:25.62 (46.88)                                        
 19 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                          1:26.67        
                  38.80     1:26.67 (47.87)                                        
 20 Bludau, Sebastian A       11 PSC                             1:27.99        
                  41.57     1:27.99 (46.42)                                        
 21 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                          1:28.01        
                  40.13     1:28.01 (47.88)                                        
 22 Jacobson, Matthew C       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  1:28.52        
                  42.69     1:28.52 (45.83)                                        
 23 Bradley, Kevin J          11 WBD                             1:28.62        
                  41.97     1:28.62 (46.65)                                        
 24 Holly, Ruben S            11 GMSC                            1:28.67        
                  41.97     1:28.67 (46.70)                                        
 25 Debenedetto, Anthony M    12 SAC                             1:29.90        
                  40.54     1:29.90 (49.36)                                        
 26 Adams, Mickey R           12 AAC                             1:30.53        
                  41.49     1:30.53 (49.04)                                        
 27 Wagner, Jeff              12 SAC                             1:31.03        
                  42.07     1:31.03 (48.96)                                        
 28 Fantakis, Niko E          12 VIKINGS                         1:31.83        
                  42.22     1:31.83 (49.61)                                        
 29 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                             1:32.14        
                  42.86     1:32.14 (49.28)                                        
 -- Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                                  DQ        
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:26.35    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:26.35    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                  2:45.47    2:40.81Z        20  
                  34.00     1:15.18 (41.18)     1:56.98 (41.80)     2:40.81 (43.83)
  2 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS               2:54.00    2:47.83         17  
                  36.80     1:18.59 (41.79)     2:02.55 (43.96)     2:47.83 (45.28)
  3 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                  3:00.77    2:57.53         16  
                  37.46     1:22.17 (44.71)     2:09.99 (47.82)     2:57.53 (47.54)
  4 Tang, Kevin C       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS       3:00.07    3:00.56         15  
                  37.30     1:23.11 (45.81)     2:11.28 (48.17)     3:00.56 (49.28)
  5 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH             3:08.97    3:07.05         14  
                  39.12     1:26.99 (47.87)     2:16.90 (49.91)     3:07.05 (50.15)
  6 Bergey, Daniel M    12 ANA                  3:14.46    3:11.25         13  
                  39.13     1:28.51 (49.38)     2:20.09 (51.58)     3:11.25 (51.16)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Butterfly
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.39                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:26.35    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:26.35    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                             2:45.47        
                  35.15     1:17.26 (42.11)     2:00.78 (43.52)     2:45.47 (44.69)
  2 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                          2:54.00        
                  36.93     1:20.97 (44.04)     2:07.87 (46.90)     2:54.00 (46.13)
  3 Tang, Kevin C             12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  3:00.07        
                  37.81     1:22.73 (44.92)     2:11.39 (48.66)     3:00.07 (48.68)
  4 Sholudko, Evan W          12 AAC                             3:00.77        
                  37.99     1:23.96 (45.97)     2:12.32 (48.36)     3:00.77 (48.45)
  5 Beisel, Danny C           12 BLUEFISH                        3:08.97        
                  40.70     1:28.62 (47.92)     2:18.81 (50.19)     3:08.97 (50.16)
  6 Bergey, Daniel M          12 ANA                             3:14.46        
                  40.35     1:29.75 (49.40)     2:24.04 (54.29)     3:14.46 (50.42)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter IM
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:27.06    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:24.91    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS               2:40.70    2:38.22Z        20  
                  34.48     1:11.95 (37.47)     2:01.79 (49.84)     2:38.22 (36.43)
  2 Yuen, Marcus Y      12 UNATTACHED NE        2:42.31    2:40.12Z        17  
                  36.03     1:21.65 (45.62)     2:04.12 (42.47)     2:40.12 (36.00)
  3 Loong, Henry W      11 MEI'S TYPHOONS       2:42.31    2:40.52Z        16  
                  35.22     1:17.75 (42.53)     2:05.16 (47.41)     2:40.52 (35.36)
  4 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                  2:39.17    2:42.16Z        15  
                  34.80     1:16.29 (41.49)     2:07.58 (51.29)     2:42.16 (34.58)
  5 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                  2:43.59    2:43.30Z        14  
                  36.95     1:18.90 (41.95)     2:06.22 (47.32)     2:43.30 (37.08)
  6 Lazarovich, David   12 GMA                  2:45.51    2:43.90Z        13  
                  39.34     1:21.81 (42.47)     2:07.77 (45.96)     2:43.90 (36.13)
  7 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                  2:44.44    2:44.57         12  
                  37.21     1:20.68 (43.47)     2:08.00 (47.32)     2:44.57 (36.57)
  8 Tynan, Matthew N    12 PSC                  2:44.54    2:47.26         11  
                  34.73     1:20.08 (45.35)     2:11.65 (51.57)     2:47.26 (35.61)
B - Final
  9 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS               2:46.45    2:44.82          9  
                  35.37     1:17.76 (42.39)     2:09.37 (51.61)     2:44.82 (35.45)
 10 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                 2:46.50    2:45.19          7  
                  37.26     1:19.09 (41.83)     2:08.84 (49.75)     2:45.19 (36.35)
 11 Fahey, Ryan A       12 STRYPERS             2:50.07    2:48.19          6  
                  37.74     1:20.58 (42.84)     2:11.03 (50.45)     2:48.19 (37.16)
 12 Muzzey, Stephen H   12 MST RAPIDS           2:52.68    2:50.20          5  
                  35.70     1:21.57 (45.87)     2:13.26 (51.69)     2:50.20 (36.94)
 13 Devers, Connor J    12 AYT                  2:51.69    2:50.31          4  
                  36.06     1:20.12 (44.06)     2:11.17 (51.05)     2:50.31 (39.14)
 14 Emanouil, Colby D   12 MAGNUS               2:51.54    2:52.54          3  
                  36.19     1:22.00 (45.81)     2:15.52 (53.52)     2:52.54 (37.02)
 15 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                 2:53.32    2:55.51          2  
                  38.61     1:26.01 (47.40)     2:18.94 (52.93)     2:55.51 (36.57)
 16 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH             2:52.49    2:58.69          1  
                  41.25     1:26.59 (45.34)     2:18.97 (52.38)     2:58.69 (39.72)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter IM Time Trial
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:27.06    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:24.91    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                             Finals        
  - Time Trial
  1 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                            2:45.26        
                  37.06     1:21.45 (44.39)     2:08.52 (47.07)     2:45.26 (36.74)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter IM
    Zone Cut: Z 2:44.19                                                        
      NE Rec: N 2:27.06    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 2:24.91    8/1/1998 Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Walcker, Bryan T          12 ANA                             2:39.17Z       
                  33.44     1:13.58 (40.14)     2:04.45 (50.87)     2:39.17 (34.72)
  2 Conte, Lorenzo J          12 MAGNUS                          2:40.70Z       
                  34.44     1:12.40 (37.96)     2:03.66 (51.26)     2:40.70 (37.04)
  3 Yuen, Marcus Y            12 UNATTACHED NE                   2:42.31Z       
                  36.10     1:22.14 (46.04)     2:04.96 (42.82)     2:42.31 (37.35)
  3 Loong, Henry W            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:42.31Z       
                  34.48     1:17.37 (42.89)     2:05.06 (47.69)     2:42.31 (37.25)
  5 Bateman, John R           12 YNS                             2:43.59Z       
                  37.03     1:19.41 (42.38)     2:06.40 (46.99)     2:43.59 (37.19)
  6 Grey, Evan P              11 GMA                             2:44.44        
                  36.45     1:20.48 (44.03)     2:07.29 (46.81)     2:44.44 (37.15)
  7 Tynan, Matthew N          12 PSC                             2:44.54        
                  34.45     1:17.78 (43.33)     2:09.95 (52.17)     2:44.54 (34.59)
  8 Lazarovich, David         12 GMA                             2:45.51        
                  38.93     1:21.89 (42.96)     2:08.95 (47.06)     2:45.51 (36.56)
  9 Laliberte, Jeffrey D      12 SQUIDS                          2:46.45        
                  34.86     1:18.30 (43.44)     2:09.75 (51.45)     2:46.45 (36.70)
 10 Hosking, Adrien M         11 GMSC                            2:46.50        
                  37.03     1:19.44 (42.41)     2:09.56 (50.12)     2:46.50 (36.94)
 11 Fahey, Ryan A             12 STRYPERS                        2:50.07        
                  38.60     1:22.58 (43.98)     2:12.61 (50.03)     2:50.07 (37.46)
 12 Emanouil, Colby D         12 MAGNUS                          2:51.54        
                  37.76     1:22.14 (44.38)     2:14.71 (52.57)     2:51.54 (36.83)
 13 Devers, Connor J          12 AYT                             2:51.69        
                  37.17     1:21.65 (44.48)     2:14.12 (52.47)     2:51.69 (37.57)
 14 Beisel, Danny C           12 BLUEFISH                        2:52.49        
                  38.96     1:23.79 (44.83)     2:13.51 (49.72)     2:52.49 (38.98)
 15 Muzzey, Stephen H         12 MST RAPIDS                      2:52.68        
                  36.31     1:23.67 (47.36)     2:15.71 (52.04)     2:52.68 (36.97)
 16 Roan, Christopher A       12 CCSC                            2:53.32        
                  38.04     1:24.53 (46.49)     2:17.33 (52.80)     2:53.32 (35.99)
 17 Shi, Mengjan P            12 MELY                            2:54.65        
                  38.05     1:24.95 (46.90)     2:14.58 (49.63)     2:54.65 (40.07)
 18 Karpinski, Wiktor M       12 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:55.59        
                  39.55     1:22.67 (43.12)     2:16.85 (54.18)     2:55.59 (38.74)
 19 Furman, Tim J             12 NEWPORT                         2:55.75        
                  41.34     1:25.99 (44.65)     2:18.44 (52.45)     2:55.75 (37.31)
 20 Machado, Thomas R         11 SAC                             2:56.09        
                  37.34     1:23.31 (45.97)     2:18.46 (55.15)     2:56.09 (37.63)
 21 Walsh, Brendan J          12 BGSC                            2:57.13        
                  38.97     1:24.92 (45.95)     2:20.44 (55.52)     2:57.13 (36.69)
 22 Truong, An P              12 SQUIDS                          2:57.58        
                  40.40     1:27.44 (47.04)     2:18.89 (51.45)     2:57.58 (38.69)
 23 Sandhu, Milan S           12 MST RAPIDS                      2:57.76        
                  37.75     1:24.06 (46.31)     2:19.26 (55.20)     2:57.76 (38.50)
 24 Hibbert, Joe C            11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:58.68        
                  38.55     1:23.87 (45.32)     2:17.82 (53.95)     2:58.68 (40.86)
 25 Normoyle, Michael J       11 MEI'S TYPHOONS                  2:59.29        
                  42.21     1:29.85 (47.64)     2:22.45 (52.60)     2:59.29 (36.84)
 26 Fantakis, Niko E          12 VIKINGS                         2:59.53        
                  41.86     1:26.58 (44.72)     2:19.83 (53.25)     2:59.53 (39.70)
 27 Yarworth, Cullen R        12 AAC                             3:01.93        
                  41.57     1:29.68 (48.11)     2:22.81 (53.13)     3:01.93 (39.12)
 28 Athanas, Aaron A          12 YNS                             3:04.36        
                  41.50     1:27.38 (45.88)     2:23.59 (56.21)     3:04.36 (40.77)
 29 Bergey, Seth E            12 ANA                             3:04.67        
                  42.46     1:30.58 (48.12)     2:22.81 (52.23)     3:04.67 (41.86)
 30 Winget, Michael G         12 GMA                             3:07.89        
                  40.61     1:28.23 (47.62)     2:25.13 (56.90)     3:07.89 (42.76)
 -- Lagasse, John J           12 SAC                                  NS        
Boys 11-12 400 LC Meter IM
      NE Rec: N 5:08.72    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
  NE Res Rec: R 5:13.98    7/1/2004 Conor Swanson, MAG-NE                      
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Walcker, Bryan T    12 ANA                            5:33.66         20  
                  33.02     1:12.62 (39.60)     1:55.48 (42.86)     2:35.06 (39.58)
        3:27.55 (52.49)     4:19.92 (52.37)     4:56.32 (36.40)     5:33.66 (37.34)
  2 Conte, Lorenzo J    12 MAGNUS                         5:36.08         17  
                  35.22     1:18.03 (42.81)     1:58.80 (40.77)     2:38.15 (39.35)
        3:29.89 (51.74)     4:20.94 (51.05)     4:58.75 (37.81)     5:36.08 (37.33)
  3 Yuen, Marcus Y      12 UNATTACHED NE                  5:36.38         16  
                  37.37     1:18.97 (41.60)     2:07.55 (48.58)     2:53.43 (45.88)
        3:36.45 (43.02)     4:19.70 (43.25)     5:00.25 (40.55)     5:36.38 (36.13)
  4 Hosking, Adrien M   11 GMSC                           5:43.88         15  
                  37.08     1:19.00 (41.92)     2:03.14 (44.14)     2:46.57 (43.43)
        3:36.02 (49.45)     4:27.08 (51.06)     5:06.26 (39.18)     5:43.88 (37.62)
  5 Laliberte, Jeffrey  12 SQUIDS                         5:46.70         14  
                  35.33     1:16.17 (40.84)     2:00.43 (44.26)     2:43.89 (43.46)
        3:36.18 (52.29)     4:29.22 (53.04)     5:09.00 (39.78)     5:46.70 (37.70)
  6 Sholudko, Evan W    12 AAC                            5:49.17         13  
                                1:22.64 ( )                             2:47.92 ( )
                                4:32.85 ( )   5:49.17 (1:16.32)                    
  7 Bateman, John R     12 YNS                            5:50.24         12  
                  37.82     1:24.07 (46.25)     2:09.67 (45.60)     2:53.77 (44.10)
        3:41.61 (47.84)     4:30.77 (49.16)     5:10.30 (39.53)     5:50.24 (39.94)
  8 Grey, Evan P        11 GMA                            5:50.75         11  
                  38.76     1:22.67 (43.91)     2:07.40 (44.73)     2:52.34 (44.94)
        3:40.95 (48.61)     4:30.44 (49.49)     5:11.18 (40.74)     5:50.75 (39.57)
  9 Fortin, Ryan W      12 ANA                            5:53.33          9  
                  36.95     1:20.52 (43.57)     2:10.34 (49.82)     2:56.45 (46.11)
        3:45.95 (49.50)     4:36.73 (50.78)     5:16.63 (39.90)     5:53.33 (36.70)
 10 Beisel, Danny C     12 BLUEFISH                       6:02.71          7  
                  39.69     1:28.44 (48.75)     2:14.26 (45.82)     2:59.44 (45.18)
        3:48.95 (49.51)     4:39.27 (50.32)     5:21.23 (41.96)     6:02.71 (41.48)
 11 Ferreira, David E   12 MAGNUS                         6:03.68          6  
                  41.23     1:29.74 (48.51)     2:15.75 (46.01)     2:59.44 (43.69)
        3:53.60 (54.16)     4:48.17 (54.57)     5:27.07 (38.90)     6:03.68 (36.61)
 12 Truong, An P        12 SQUIDS                         6:09.16          5  
                  39.54     1:26.42 (46.88)     2:15.00 (48.58)     3:03.11 (48.11)
        3:55.79 (52.68)     4:48.39 (52.60)     5:29.61 (41.22)     6:09.16 (39.55)
 13 Roan, Christopher   12 CCSC                           6:23.06          4  
                  42.43     1:28.63 (46.20)     2:19.44 (50.81)     3:08.58 (49.14)
        4:05.44 (56.86)     5:01.83 (56.39)     5:42.46 (40.63)     6:23.06 (40.60)
 14 Fantakis, Niko E    12 VIKINGS                        6:24.34          3  
                  45.83     1:37.62 (51.79)     2:25.59 (47.97)     3:12.60 (47.01)
        4:06.68 (54.08)     5:01.35 (54.67)     5:43.63 (42.28)     6:24.34 (40.71)
 15 Sandhu, Milan S     12 MST RAPIDS                     6:26.41          2  
                                1:30.91 ( )                             3:10.40 ( )
                                5:05.24 ( )   6:26.41 (1:21.17)                    
 16 Bergey, Seth E      12 ANA                            6:38.36          1  
                  43.08     1:37.72 (54.64)     2:31.47 (53.75)     3:18.78 (47.31)
        4:14.17 (55.39)     5:08.59 (54.42)     5:55.16 (46.57)     6:38.36 (43.20)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 1:55.71    7/1/2005 Bay/Ocean Squids, BOSS-NE                  
                         L Spinazzola, B Lachance, J Bailey, D McCoy-Palmer
  NE Res Rec: R 1:55.71    7/1/2005 Bay/Ocean Squids, BOSS-NE                  
                         L Spinazzola, B Lachance, J Bailey, D McCoy-Palmer
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:04.72         40  
     1) Normoyle, Michael J 11          2) Tang, Kevin C 12               
     3) Karpinski, Wiktor M 12          4) Loong, Henry W 11              
                  31.75     1:03.25 (31.50)     1:35.17 (31.92)     2:04.72 (29.55)
  2 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:06.03         34  
     1) Fortin, Ryan W 12               2) Daly, Connor T 12              
     3) Bergey, Daniel M 12             4) Walcker, Bryan T 12            
                  30.03     1:04.13 (34.10)     1:37.27 (33.14)     2:06.03 (28.76)
  3 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             2:07.20         32  
     1) Ferreira, David E 12            2) Iannalfo, Thomas V 12          
     3) Conte, Lorenzo J 12             4) Emanouil, Colby D 12           
                  31.56     1:06.26 (34.70)     1:36.75 (30.49)     2:07.20 (30.45)
  4 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:09.59         30  
     1) Cong, Amery X 12                2) Klobucher, Andrew J 11         
     3) Athanas, Aaron A 12             4) Bateman, John R 12             
                  32.75     1:05.99 (33.24)     1:38.67 (32.68)     2:09.59 (30.92)
  5 MANCHESTER SWIM TEAM  'A'                             2:09.83         28  
     1) Sandhu, Milan S 12              2) Muzzey, Stephen H 12           
     3) Jenkins, Robert S 12            4) Pribis, Carter B 12            
                  32.96     1:05.05 (32.09)     1:39.90 (34.85)     2:09.83 (29.93)
  6 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                2:12.70         26  
     1) Hazoury, Eric A 12              2) Phillips, Matthew F 11         
     3) Bludau, Sebastian A 11          4) Tynan, Matthew N 12            
                  32.78                             1:41.82 ( )     2:12.70 (30.88)
  7 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:12.90         24  
     1) Walsh, Brendan J 12             2) Connolly, Michael C 11         
     3) McDonald, Peter M 12            4) Jones, Ryan M 11               
                  31.87     1:04.30 (32.43)     1:36.01 (31.71)     2:12.90 (36.89)
  8 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:15.19         22  
     1) Buchholz, Chase A 11            2) Yarworth, Cullen R 12          
     3) Sholudko, Evan W 12             4) Adams, Mickey R 12             
                  34.32     1:08.87 (34.55)     1:41.75 (32.88)     2:15.19 (33.44)
  9 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:15.28         18  
     1) Duncan, Elias M 11              2) Lachance, Nathan R 11          
     3) Truong, An P 12                 4) Laliberte, Jeffrey D 12        
                  37.28     1:12.51 (35.23)     1:44.13 (31.62)     2:15.28 (31.15)
 10 GREENWOOD MEMORIAL SWIM CLUB  'A'                     2:16.95         14  
     1) Hosking, Adrien M 11            2) Punger, John C 12              
     3) McGahan, Christopher W 11       4) Holly, Ruben S 11              
                  32.53     1:06.35 (33.82)     1:41.81 (35.46)     2:16.95 (35.14)
 11 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:18.12         12  
     1) Lagasse, Paul N 12              2) Beauchemin, Robert B 11        
     3) Debenedetto, Anthony M 12       4) Machado, Thomas R 11           
                  35.09     1:10.20 (35.11)     1:43.12 (32.92)     2:18.12 (35.00)
Boys 11-12 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
      NE Rec: N 4:14.34    7/1/2005 Bay/Ocean Squids, BOSS-NE                  
                         L Spinazzola, B Lachance, J Bailey, D McCoy-Palmer
  NE Res Rec: R 4:14.34    7/1/2005 Bay/Ocean Squids, BOSS-NE                  
                         L Spinazzola, B Lachance, J Bailey, D McCoy-Palmer
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   4:36.50         40  
     1) Fortin, Ryan W 12               2) Sweeney, Brendan M 12          
     3) Daly, Connor T 12               4) Walcker, Bryan T 12            
                1:08.06   2:22.51 (1:14.45)   3:34.45 (1:11.94)   4:36.50 (1:02.05)
  2 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             4:39.65         34  
     1) Emanouil, Colby D 12            2) Ferreira, David E 12           
     3) Iannalfo, Thomas V 12           4) Conte, Lorenzo J 12            
                1:07.79   2:17.26 (1:09.47)   3:33.08 (1:15.82)   4:39.65 (1:06.57)
  3 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    4:43.84         32  
     1) Athanas, Aaron A 12             2) Klobucher, Andrew J 11         
     3) Cong, Amery X 12                4) Bateman, John R 12             
                1:10.89   2:21.37 (1:10.48)   3:34.71 (1:13.34)   4:43.84 (1:09.13)
  4 MANCHESTER SWIM TEAM  'A'                             4:44.15         30  
     1) Sandhu, Milan S 12              2) Muzzey, Stephen H 12           
     3) Jenkins, Robert S 12            4) Pribis, Carter B 12            
                1:11.27   2:20.23 (1:08.96)   3:39.45 (1:19.22)   4:44.15 (1:04.70)
  5 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                4:44.53         28  
     1) Hazoury, Eric A 12              2) Phillips, Matthew F 11         
     3) Bludau, Sebastian A 11          4) Tynan, Matthew N 12            
                1:09.79   2:28.05 (1:18.26)   3:39.35 (1:11.30)   4:44.53 (1:05.18)
  6 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             4:47.11         26  
     1) Davis, Conor M 12               2) Beauchemin, Robert B 11        
     3) Lagasse, John J 12              4) Machado, Thomas R 11           
                1:10.40   2:25.49 (1:15.09)   3:37.31 (1:11.82)   4:47.11 (1:09.80)
  7 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          4:54.33         24  
     1) Buchholz, Chase A 11            2) Yarworth, Cullen R 12          
     3) Sholudko, Evan W 12             4) Adams, Mickey R 12             
                1:16.03   2:30.09 (1:14.06)   3:41.15 (1:11.06)   4:54.33 (1:13.18)
  8 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       4:54.94         22  
     1) Lachance, Nathan R 11           2) Duncan, Elias M 11             
     3) Truong, An P 12                 4) Laliberte, Jeffrey D 12        
                1:18.12   2:39.43 (1:21.31)   3:49.41 (1:09.98)   4:54.94 (1:05.53)
  9 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         4:55.84         18  
     1) Walsh, Brendan J 12             2) Connolly, Michael C 11         
     3) McDonald, Peter M 12            4) Jones, Ryan M 11               
                1:07.18   2:22.07 (1:14.89)   3:33.63 (1:11.56)   4:55.84 (1:22.21)
 10 GREENWOOD MEMORIAL SWIM CLUB  'A'                     4:57.88         14  
     1) Hosking, Adrien M 11            2) Punger, John C 12              
     3) Holly, Ruben S 11               4) McGahan, Christopher W 11      
                1:10.55   2:24.33 (1:13.78)   3:41.05 (1:16.72)   4:57.88 (1:16.83)
 11 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'B'                             5:16.48         12  
     1) Smith, Richard C 11             2) Debenedetto, Anthony M 12      
     3) Wagner, Jeff 12                 4) Lagasse, Paul N 12             
                1:19.54   2:37.66 (1:18.12)   3:55.18 (1:17.52)   5:16.48 (1:21.30)
Boys 11-12 200 LC Meter Medley Relay
      NE Rec: N 2:12.39    7/1/1997 Merrimack Valley Pirates, MVP-NE           
                         B. Fiske, M. Lenihan, W. Shearhouse, N. Scheff    
  NE Res Rec: R 2:12.39    7/1/1997 Merrimack Valley Pirates, MVP-NE           
                         B. Fiske, M. Lenihan, W. Shearhouse, N. Scheff    
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 ANA HURRICANES  'A'                                   2:19.96         40  
     1) Walcker, Bryan T 12             2) Bergey, Seth E 12              
     3) Bergey, Daniel M 12             4) Fortin, Ryan W 12              
                  33.61     1:15.85 (42.24)     1:49.92 (34.07)     2:19.96 (30.04)
  2 MEI'S TYPHOONS SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:21.35         34  
     1) Tang, Kevin C 12                2) Normoyle, Michael J 11         
     3) Loong, Henry W 11               4) Hibbert, Joe C 11              
                  36.30     1:16.65 (40.35)     1:50.01 (33.36)     2:21.35 (31.34)
  3 MAGNUS AQUATIC GROUP  'A'                             2:22.82         32  
     1) Conte, Lorenzo J 12             2) Emanouil, Colby D 12           
     3) Iannalfo, Thomas V 12           4) Ferreira, David E 12           
                  34.06     1:15.90 (41.84)     1:51.42 (35.52)     2:22.82 (31.40)
  4 MANCHESTER SWIM TEAM  'A'                             2:28.78         30  
     1) Pribis, Carter B 12             2) Sandhu, Milan S 12             
     3) Muzzey, Stephen H 12            4) Jenkins, Robert S 12           
                  33.62     1:18.73 (45.11)     1:52.50 (33.77)     2:28.78 (36.28)
  5 YMCA OF THE NORTHSHORE SHARKS  'A'                    2:32.22         28  
     1) Klobucher, Andrew J 11          2) Cong, Amery X 12               
     3) Bateman, John R 12              4) Athanas, Aaron A 12            
                  38.75     1:22.58 (43.83)     1:59.13 (36.55)     2:32.22 (33.09)
  6 BERNAL'S GATOR SWIM CLUB  'A'                         2:33.54         26  
     1) Jones, Ryan M 11                2) McDonald, Peter M 12           
     3) Walsh, Brendan J 12             4) Connolly, Michael C 11         
                  44.02     1:25.75 (41.73)     2:01.14 (35.39)     2:33.54 (32.40)
  7 SHAWMUT AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                             2:34.16         24  
     1) Debenedetto, Anthony M 12       2) Lagasse, John J 12             
     3) Machado, Thomas R 11            4) Beauchemin, Robert B 11        
                  39.46     1:23.50 (44.04)     1:59.71 (36.21)     2:34.16 (34.45)
  8 PATRIOT SWIM CLUB  'A'                                2:34.54         22  
     1) Phillips, Matthew F 11          2) Bludau, Sebastian A 11         
     3) Tynan, Matthew N 12             4) Hazoury, Eric A 12             
                  41.49     1:27.37 (45.88)     2:00.44 (33.07)     2:34.54 (34.10)
  9 ADIRONDACK AQUATIC CLUB  'A'                          2:36.22         18  
     1) Buchholz, Chase A 11            2) Yarworth, Cullen R 12          
     3) Sholudko, Evan W 12             4) Adams, Mickey R 12             
                  40.21     1:26.30 (46.09)     2:02.77 (36.47)     2:36.22 (33.45)
 10 BAY AND OCEAN STATE SQUIDS  'A'                       2:37.14         14  
     1) Duncan, Elias M 11              2) Alspaugh, Eric M 11            
     3) Laliberte, Jeffrey D 12         4) Truong, An P 12                
                  42.46     1:33.41 (50.95)     2:05.43 (32.02)     2:37.14 (31.71)
 11 GREENWOOD MEMORIAL SWIM CLUB  'A'                     2:44.83         12  
     1) McGahan, Christopher W 11       2) Punger, John C 12              
     3) Hosking, Adrien M 11            4) Holly, Ruben S 11              
                  42.23     1:30.76 (48.53)     2:21.22 (50.46)     2:44.83 (23.61)
 12 WHITINSVILLE BLUE DOLPHINS  'A'                       2:47.87         10  
     1) Bradley, Kevin J 11             2) Von Hein, Nick W 12            
     3) Durand, Kyle R 11               4) Hancox, Thomas B 11            
                  43.30     1:32.76 (49.46)     2:09.80 (37.04)     2:47.87 (38.07)
                   Combined Team Scores - Through Event 357                    
  1. Magnus Aquatic Group             1531.5   2. Ana Hurricanes                   1232.5
  3. Mei's Typhoons Swim Club           1204   4. Bay and Ocean State Squids          914
  5. Bernal's Gator Swim Club          746.5   6. Shawmut Aquatic Club                713
  7. Green Mountain Aquatics             606   8. Manchester Swim Team                600
  9. YMCA of the Northshore Sharks       495  10. Adirondack Aquatic Club           471.5
 11. Patriot Swim Club                   446  12. Bluefish Swim Club                391.5
 13. Weymouth Waves                      323  13. Greenwood Memorial Swim Club        323
 15. Greater Holyoke YMCA Vikings      256.5  16. Amherst Tritons Swim Team           252
 17. Unattached NE                       194  18. North Shore Swim Club             189.5
 19. Seacoast Swimming Association       136  20. Belmont Aquatic Team                123
 21. Cape Cod Swim Club                  122  22. Mighty Ducks                        108
 23. Newport Blues Swim Team              81  24. Melrose YMCA Sharks                  75
 25. Hockomock Area YMCA Lightning        74  26. South Shore YMCA Strypers            70
 27. Kingfish Swimming                    61  28. Northampton Area Swimming            42
 28. Exeter Swim Team                     42  30. Kent County YMCA Sea Otters          37
 30. Rockingham Area Youth Swimming       37  32. Wachusett Storm Swim Club            33
 33. Whitinsville Blue Dolphins           30  34. New Wave Swim Club                   28
 35. Simon's Rock Snappers                27  36. New England Barracudas               23
 37. Attleboro YMCA Tsunami               15  37. Westfield YMCA Wave Swim Team        15
 39. Oyster River Otters                  14  39. Blue Dolphins                        14
 41. Rams Swimming Club                   13  42. Woburn Boys & Girls Club             12
 43. Hampshire Regional YMCA             7.5  44. Aquamaids & Aquamen Of Worc.          5
 45. Burbank YMCA Bluefins                 3  46. Eaglebrook School Swim Club           1