Licensed to Harvard Univ. Site License                    Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
            New England Senior Championships, Sanction #: NE-03-26             
                 March 6-9, 2003 - Blodgett Pool, Harvard Univ                 
Girls 50 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 23.27  4/1/1981  Dara Torres, TANDM                            
    15-18 NE: # 23.13  3/1/1989  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
   13-14 RES: # 22.83  3/1/1987  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 22.66  3/1/1989  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
                23.49  NAT
                23.89  OPEN
                25.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Oeser, Michelle     19 Unattached             23.59      23.59 OPEN    32  
  2 Butts, Eliza L      14 SAC                    24.00      23.87 OPEN    28  
  3 Laffel, Nikki L     17 Cudas                  24.01      23.99 SECT    27  
  4 Ward, Molly M       20 Unattached             24.14      24.02 SECT    26  
  5 Colson, Stephanie   17 Cudas                  24.04      24.11 SECT    25  
  6 Mulkey, Erin K      19 Unattached             24.44      24.34 SECT    24  
  7 Mancuso, Elizabeth  17 Ana                    24.66      24.55 SECT    23  
  8 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids                 24.68      24.84 SECT    22  
Consolation Final
  9 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                    24.98      24.82 SECT    20  
 10 LeBarge, Nicole E   18 Seacoast               25.08      24.84 SECT    17  
 11 Hinds, Holly P      18 Cudas                  24.84      24.93 SECT    16  
 12 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast               24.97      24.97 SECT    15  
 13 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                    25.03      25.01 SECT    14  
 14 Flasphaler, Tricia  17 Seacoast               25.02      25.17 SECT    13  
 15 Shoemaker, Jenna I  18 Unattached             25.15      25.28 SECT    12  
 16 Woodward, Lindsay   17 Squids                 25.01      25.38 SECT    11  
Bonus Final
 17 Robinson, Kelly M   17 Cudas                  25.43      25.14 SECT     9  
 18 Grant, Caitlin E    17 SD                     25.55      25.17 SECT     7  
 19 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus                 25.33      25.21 SECT     6  
 20 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                    25.16      25.25 SECT     5  
 21 Green, Carol E      16 Magnus                 25.49      25.40          4  
 22 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids                 25.33      25.45          3  
 23 Gagnon, Laila C     17 Pvac                   25.55      25.52          2  
 24 Weaver, Kate A      13 GMA                    25.50      25.62          1  
Girls 50 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 23.27  4/1/1981  Dara Torres, TANDM                            
    15-18 NE: # 23.13  3/1/1989  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
   13-14 RES: # 22.83  3/1/1987  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 22.66  3/1/1989  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
                23.49  NAT
                23.89  OPEN
                25.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Oeser, Michelle           19 Unattached                        23.59 OPEN   
  2 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                               24.00 SECT   
  3 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Cudas                             24.01 SECT   
  4 Colson, Stephanie C       17 Cudas                             24.04 SECT   
  5 Ward, Molly M             20 Unattached                        24.14 SECT   
  6 Mulkey, Erin K            19 Unattached                        24.44 SECT   
  7 Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                               24.66 SECT   
  8 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                            24.68 SECT   
  9 Hinds, Holly P            18 Cudas                             24.84 SECT   
 10 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                          24.97 SECT   
 11 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                               24.98 SECT   
 12 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                            25.01 SECT   
 13 Flasphaler, Tricia M      17 Seacoast                          25.02 SECT   
 14 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                               25.03 SECT   
 15 LeBarge, Nicole E         18 Seacoast                          25.08 SECT   
 16 Shoemaker, Jenna I        18 Unattached                        25.15 SECT   
 17 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                               25.16 SECT   
 18 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                            25.33 SECT   
 18 Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                            25.33 SECT   
 20 Robinson, Kelly M         17 Cudas                             25.43        
 21 Green, Carol E            16 Magnus                            25.49        
 22 Weaver, Kate A            13 GMA                               25.50        
 23 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac                              25.55        
 23 Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD                                25.55        
 25 Omstead, Katie E          14 PSC                               25.67        
 26 Nylen, Krista M           17 Strypers                          25.68        
 27 Spinazzola, Chiara F      12 Squids                            25.69        
 28 Taraverdian, Nicole C     17 North Shore                       25.74        
 29 Hambelton, Melissa A      17 Squids                            25.76        
 30 Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                            25.84        
 31 Stevens, Alyssa P         12 Strypers                          26.58        
 32 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                            26.73        
 -- Ford, Susannah W          14 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                              SCR        
Girls 100 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 50.73  1/1/1979  Cynthia Woodhead, RSIDE                       
    15-18 NE: # 49.45  1/1/1979  B. Kratige, GDR                               
   13-14 RES: # 50.10  3/1/1987  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 49.51  3/1/1990  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
                50.99  NAT
                51.89  OPEN
                54.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Oeser, Michelle     19 Unattached             50.72      50.94 NAT     32  
       24.39    50.94                                                      
  2 Ward, Molly M       20 Unattached             52.22      51.51 OPEN    28  
       24.85    51.51                                                      
  3 Laffel, Nikki L     17 Cudas                  52.28      52.07 SECT    27  
       25.02    52.07                                                      
  4 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus                 52.76      52.50 SECT    26  
       25.15    52.50                                                      
  5 Butts, Eliza L      14 SAC                    53.19      52.59 SECT    25  
       25.34    52.59                                                      
  6 Mulkey, Erin K      19 Unattached             52.59      52.92 SECT    24  
       25.35    52.92                                                      
  7 Colson, Stephanie   17 Cudas                  53.12      52.95 SECT    23  
       25.20    52.95                                                      
  8 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast               53.04      53.11 SECT    22  
       26.10    53.11                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast               53.70      52.69 SECT    20  
       25.64    52.69                                                      
 10 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids                 53.47      53.19 SECT    17  
       25.71    53.19                                                      
 11 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                    53.64      53.44 SECT    16  
       25.89    53.44                                                      
 12 Hinds, Holly P      18 Cudas                  53.41      53.56 SECT    15  
       26.11    53.56                                                      
 13 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids                 53.85      53.72 SECT    14  
       26.48    53.72                                                      
 14 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                    53.38      54.12 SECT    13  
       26.29    54.12                                                      
 15 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                    54.23      54.43         12  
       26.46    54.43                                                      
 16 Woodward, Lindsay   17 Squids                 54.40      54.58         11  
       26.78    54.58                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Mancuso, Elizabeth  17 Ana                    54.59      53.47 SECT     9  
       25.74    53.47                                                      
 18 Stutius, Erica A    17 Cudas                  54.54      53.82 SECT     7  
       25.98    53.82                                                      
 19 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                    54.60      54.25 SECT     6  
       26.25    54.25                                                      
 20 Flasphaler, Tricia  17 Seacoast               54.98      54.66          5  
       26.34    54.66                                                      
 21 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus                 54.75      54.82          4  
       26.80    54.82                                                      
 22 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                   54.63      54.83          3  
       26.62    54.83                                                      
 23 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus                 55.19      55.58          2  
       27.08    55.58                                                      
 24 Weaver, Kate A      13 GMA                    54.87      55.84          1  
       26.90    55.84                                                      
Girls 100 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 50.73  1/1/1979  Cynthia Woodhead, RSIDE                       
    15-18 NE: # 49.45  1/1/1979  B. Kratige, GDR                               
   13-14 RES: # 50.10  3/1/1987  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 49.51  3/1/1990  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
                50.99  NAT
                51.89  OPEN
                54.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Oeser, Michelle           19 Unattached                        50.72#NAT    
       24.40    50.72                                                      
  2 Ward, Molly M             20 Unattached                        52.22 SECT   
       25.14    52.22                                                      
  3 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Cudas                             52.28 SECT   
       24.93    52.28                                                      
  4 Mulkey, Erin K            19 Unattached                        52.59 SECT   
       25.29    52.59                                                      
  5 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                            52.76 SECT   
       25.15    52.76                                                      
  6 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                          53.04 SECT   
       25.92    53.04                                                      
  7 Colson, Stephanie C       17 Cudas                             53.12 SECT   
       25.24    53.12                                                      
  8 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                               53.19 SECT   
       25.59    53.19                                                      
  9 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                               53.38 SECT   
       25.69    53.38                                                      
 10 Hinds, Holly P            18 Cudas                             53.41 SECT   
       25.86    53.41                                                      
 11 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                            53.47 SECT   
       25.87    53.47                                                      
 12 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                               53.64 SECT   
       25.69    53.64                                                      
 13 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                          53.70 SECT   
       25.80    53.70                                                      
 14 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                            53.85 SECT   
       26.48    53.85                                                      
 15 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                               54.23 SECT   
       26.48    54.23                                                      
 16 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                            54.40        
       26.54    54.40                                                      
 17 Stutius, Erica A          17 Cudas                             54.54        
       26.37    54.54                                                      
 18 Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                               54.59        
       26.05    54.59                                                      
 19 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                               54.60        
       26.18    54.60                                                      
 20 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                              54.63        
       26.57    54.63                                                      
 21 Vogel, Jen L              15 Strypers                          54.64        
       26.39    54.64                                                      
 22 Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                            54.75        
       26.54    54.75                                                      
 23 Jankins, Heather S        15 Sea Devils                        54.80        
       26.14    54.80                                                      
 24 Weaver, Kate A            13 GMA                               54.87        
       26.18    54.87                                                      
 25 Shoemaker, Jenna I        18 Unattached                        54.95        
       26.26    54.95                                                      
 26 Flasphaler, Tricia M      17 Seacoast                          54.98        
       26.67    54.98                                                      
 27 Davies, Abigail S         20 Unattached                        55.12        
       26.16    55.12                                                      
 28 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                            55.19        
       26.89    55.19                                                      
 29 Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD                                55.21        
       26.57    55.21                                                      
 30 Taraverdian, Nicole C     17 North Shore                       55.34        
       26.59    55.34                                                      
 31 Green, Carol E            16 Magnus                            55.36        
       26.64    55.36                                                      
 32 Hambelton, Melissa A      17 Squids                            55.38        
       26.73    55.38                                                      
 32 LeBarge, Nicole E         18 Seacoast                          55.38        
       26.72    55.38                                                      
 32 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac                              55.38        
       26.89    55.38                                                      
 35 Brush, Emily B            18 Bernal's Gators                   55.42        
       26.63    55.42                                                      
 36 Spinazzola, Chiara F      12 Squids                            55.45        
       26.81    55.45                                                      
 37 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                            55.47        
       27.35    55.47                                                      
 38 Krems, Kate W             16 Cudas                             55.56        
       26.61    55.56                                                      
 39 Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                          55.62        
       26.98    55.62                                                      
 40 Nylen, Krista M           17 Strypers                          55.75        
       26.92    55.75                                                      
 41 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                            55.84        
       27.01    55.84                                                      
 42 Strickland, Kait Z        15 Cudas                             55.99        
       26.58    55.99                                                      
 43 Robinson, Kelly M         17 Cudas                             56.05        
       26.21    56.05                                                      
 44 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids                            56.42        
       27.13    56.42                                                      
 45 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                            56.54        
       27.44    56.54                                                      
 46 Burns, Monika A           17 PSC                               56.55        
       27.31    56.55                                                      
 47 Smith, Ali T              18 Seacoast                          56.59        
       27.44    56.59                                                      
 48 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                              56.78        
       27.47    56.78                                                      
 49 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                            57.17        
       27.43    57.17                                                      
 -- Ford, Susannah W          14 Squids                               NS        
 -- Ellowitz, Kacy L          15 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                               NS        
 -- Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                               NS        
Girls 200 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 1:48.14  1/1/1979  Cynthia Woodhead, RSIDE                     
    15-18 NE: # 1:46.25  4/1/1981  Cynthia Woodhead, MV                        
   13-14 RES: # 1:50.15  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 1:46.74  3/1/1989  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                      
                1:49.89  NAT
                1:51.69  OPEN
                1:57.19  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast             1:51.67    1:51.00 OPEN    32  
       26.31    54.66  1:22.86  1:51.00                                    
  2 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus               1:53.08    1:52.85 SECT    28  
       26.31    54.95  1:23.76  1:52.85                                    
  3 Butts, Eliza L      14 SAC                  1:53.44    1:53.10 SECT    27  
       26.13    54.48  1:23.87  1:53.10                                    
  4 Laffel, Nikki L     17 Cudas                1:53.92    1:53.23 SECT    26  
       25.97    54.74  1:24.08  1:53.23                                    
  5 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                  1:53.58    1:53.85 SECT    25  
       26.24    54.83  1:24.35  1:53.85                                    
  6 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids               1:54.81    1:54.12 SECT    24  
       26.69    55.42  1:24.68  1:54.12                                    
  7 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast             1:54.99    1:54.83 SECT    23  
       26.30    55.39  1:25.23  1:54.83                                    
  8 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                 1:55.03    1:56.53 SECT    22  
       26.84    55.95  1:26.13  1:56.53                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus               1:55.07    1:53.79 SECT    20  
       26.52    55.19  1:24.78  1:53.79                                    
 10 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                  1:55.22    1:54.07 SECT    17  
       26.71    55.34  1:24.68  1:54.07                                    
 11 Goldstein, Annie J  17 Squids               1:55.10    1:55.10 SECT    16  
       27.44    56.33  1:25.68  1:55.10                                    
 12 Davies, Abigail S   20 Unattached           1:55.73    1:55.15 SECT    15  
       27.25    56.25  1:25.62  1:55.15                                    
 13 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus               1:55.66    1:55.39 SECT    14  
       26.90    56.10  1:25.98  1:55.39                                    
 14 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                  1:55.49    1:55.64 SECT    13  
       27.25    56.48  1:26.16  1:55.64                                    
 15 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                  1:56.00    1:55.86 SECT    12  
       27.08    56.26  1:26.01  1:55.86                                    
 16 Colson, Stephanie   17 Cudas                1:55.94    1:56.85 SECT    11  
       26.02    55.40  1:25.93  1:56.85                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Stutius, Erica A    17 Cudas                1:57.42    1:55.89 SECT     9  
       26.98    56.34  1:26.10  1:55.89                                    
 18 Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus               1:56.99    1:56.73 SECT     7  
       27.20    56.71  1:26.94  1:56.73                                    
 19 Woodward, Lindsay   17 Squids               1:56.38    1:56.75 SECT     6  
       27.25    56.65  1:26.68  1:56.75                                    
 20 Vogel, Jen L        15 Strypers             1:57.11    1:56.81 SECT     5  
       27.82    57.53  1:27.74  1:56.81                                    
 21 Peak, Candice E     14 Magnus               1:59.12    1:56.92 SECT     4  
       26.88    56.24  1:26.69  1:56.92                                    
 22 Weaver, Kate A      13 GMA                  1:58.31    1:57.65          3  
       27.47    57.45  1:27.59  1:57.65                                    
 23 Cook, Jessica S     17 Magnus               1:59.47    1:59.51          2  
       28.06    58.12  1:28.81  1:59.51                                    
 24 Frank, Chelsea M    17 Seacoast             1:58.00    1:59.80          1  
       28.35    58.71  1:29.04  1:59.80                                    
Girls 200 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 1:48.14  1/1/1979  Cynthia Woodhead, RSIDE                     
    15-18 NE: # 1:46.25  4/1/1981  Cynthia Woodhead, MV                        
   13-14 RES: # 1:50.15  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 1:46.74  3/1/1989  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                      
                1:49.89  NAT
                1:51.69  OPEN
                1:57.19  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                        1:51.67 OPEN   
       26.41    54.80  1:23.20  1:51.67                                    
  2 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                          1:53.08 SECT   
       26.17    54.94  1:23.77  1:53.08                                    
  3 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                             1:53.44 SECT   
       26.43    55.12  1:24.44  1:53.44                                    
  4 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                             1:53.58 SECT   
       26.35    54.97  1:24.14  1:53.58                                    
  5 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Cudas                           1:53.92 SECT   
       25.98    55.22  1:24.25  1:53.92                                    
  6 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                          1:54.81 SECT   
       26.74    55.74  1:25.11  1:54.81                                    
  7 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                          1:54.91 SECT   
       26.83    55.72  1:25.57  1:54.91                                    
  8 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                        1:54.99 SECT   
       26.88    55.53  1:25.24  1:54.99                                    
  9 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                            1:55.03 SECT   
       26.91    56.13  1:25.69  1:55.03                                    
 10 Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                          1:55.07 SECT   
       26.70    55.54  1:25.14  1:55.07                                    
 11 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                          1:55.10 SECT   
       27.39    56.53  1:25.99  1:55.10                                    
 12 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                             1:55.22 SECT   
       26.68    55.48  1:25.05  1:55.22                                    
 13 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                             1:55.49 SECT   
       26.79    55.64  1:25.67  1:55.49                                    
 14 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                          1:55.66 SECT   
       27.19    56.50  1:26.10  1:55.66                                    
 15 Davies, Abigail S         20 Unattached                      1:55.73 SECT   
       26.73    55.37  1:24.92  1:55.73                                    
 16 Colson, Stephanie C       17 Cudas                           1:55.94 SECT   
       25.79    55.07  1:25.58  1:55.94                                    
 17 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                             1:56.00 SECT   
       26.93    56.04  1:25.97  1:56.00                                    
 18 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                          1:56.38 SECT   
       27.35    57.13  1:26.92  1:56.38                                    
 19 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                          1:56.99 SECT   
       27.14    56.59  1:26.72  1:56.99                                    
 20 Vogel, Jen L              15 Strypers                        1:57.11 SECT   
       27.01    56.33  1:26.50  1:57.11                                    
 21 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          1:57.40        
       27.38    57.41  1:27.68  1:57.40                                    
 22 Stutius, Erica A          17 Cudas                           1:57.42        
       27.13    56.99  1:27.47  1:57.42                                    
 23 Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                        1:58.00        
       27.59    57.30  1:27.37  1:58.00                                    
 24 Weaver, Kate A            13 GMA                             1:58.31        
       27.48    57.28  1:27.68  1:58.31                                    
 25 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                          1:59.12        
       27.07    57.19  1:28.38  1:59.12                                    
 26 Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                          1:59.47        
       27.63    57.37  1:28.34  1:59.47                                    
 27 Ellowitz, Kacy L          15 Magnus                          1:59.50        
       27.46    57.21  1:28.30  1:59.50                                    
 28 Devlin, Diedre A          17 Bernal's Gators                 1:59.53        
       27.67    57.71  1:28.44  1:59.53                                    
 29 Krems, Kate W             16 Cudas                           1:59.58        
       27.34    57.54  1:28.46  1:59.58                                    
 30 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          1:59.77        
       28.22    58.20  1:29.18  1:59.77                                    
 31 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                          2:01.14        
       28.06    58.37  1:29.84  2:01.14                                    
 32 Kliskey, Samantha Z       17 Magnus                          2:01.42        
       28.34    59.17  1:30.08  2:01.42                                    
 33 Gray, Erin E              15 Magnus                          2:01.69        
       28.52    59.14  1:30.60  2:01.69                                    
 33 Robinson, Kelly M         17 Cudas                           2:01.69        
       27.88    58.48  1:29.70  2:01.69                                    
 -- Ernst, Sarah E            14 Bernal's Gators                      DQ        
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Rogers, Martha H          17 Squids                               NS        
 -- Ward, Molly M             20 Unattached                          SCR        
Girls 500 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 4:43.51  1/1/1979  Cynthia Woodhead, RSIDE                     
    15-18 NE: # 4:44.18  4/1/1981  Cynthia Woodhead, MV                        
   13-14 RES: # 4:48.67  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 4:45.47  3/1/1996  Jessica Tucker-Mohl, SSA-NE                 
                4:51.49  NAT
                4:55.89  OPEN
                5:10.79  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast             5:01.53    4:56.81 SECT    32  
       27.21    56.59  1:26.56  1:56.85  2:27.21  2:57.20  3:27.34  3:57.82
     4:27.73  4:56.81                                                      
  2 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus               5:02.15    5:00.25 SECT    28  
       27.18    56.51  1:26.62  1:57.01  2:27.53  2:58.21  3:28.92  3:59.71
     4:30.29  5:00.25                                                      
  3 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                  5:03.66    5:02.55 SECT    27  
       27.65    57.23  1:27.38  1:58.14  2:28.87  2:59.51  3:30.46  4:01.45
     4:32.37  5:02.55                                                      
  4 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                  5:06.73    5:05.07 SECT    26  
       27.79    57.68  1:28.31  1:59.15  2:30.19  3:01.29  3:32.37  4:03.52
     4:34.62  5:05.07                                                      
  5 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus               5:02.89    5:05.41 SECT    25  
       27.08    56.82  1:27.52  1:58.51  2:29.78  3:01.09  3:32.31  4:03.62
     4:34.94  5:05.41                                                      
  6 Lesneski, Stacie J  17 Magnus               5:08.13    5:05.78 SECT    24  
       27.90    58.06  1:29.02  2:00.38  2:31.53  3:02.74  3:33.72  4:04.83
     4:35.84  5:05.78                                                      
  7 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids               5:08.21    5:06.26 SECT    23  
       27.80    57.98  1:28.89  2:00.34  2:31.66  3:03.08  3:34.45  4:05.52
     4:36.31  5:06.26                                                      
  8 Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus               5:05.24    5:06.28 SECT    22  
       27.42    57.11  1:27.63  1:58.62  2:29.98  3:01.44  3:32.92  4:04.31
     4:35.95  5:06.28                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast             5:10.92    5:03.40 SECT    20  
       27.70    57.72  1:28.57  1:59.83  2:30.97  3:02.01  3:33.50  4:04.28
     4:34.22  5:03.40                                                      
 10 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus               5:08.40    5:03.42 SECT    17  
       26.54    56.25  1:26.81  1:57.72  2:28.90  3:00.08  3:31.43  4:02.50
     4:33.42  5:03.42                                                      
 11 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus               5:08.51    5:05.05 SECT    16  
       28.06    58.41  1:29.49  2:00.72  2:32.04  3:02.83  3:33.50  4:04.39
     4:35.21  5:05.05                                                      
 12 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             5:11.24    5:07.58 SECT    15  
       28.74    59.67  1:30.96  2:02.13  2:33.24  3:04.24  3:35.06  4:06.00
     4:37.04  5:07.58                                                      
 13 Stutius, Erica A    17 Cudas                5:09.37    5:11.62         14  
       27.55    58.62  1:30.09  2:01.90  2:34.04  3:05.94  3:37.79  4:09.33
     4:40.93  5:11.62                                                      
 14 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids               5:10.07    5:11.98         13  
       28.00    58.71  1:29.87  2:01.26  2:33.05  3:05.18  3:36.85  4:08.50
     4:40.29  5:11.98                                                      
 15 Gray, Erin E        15 Magnus               5:13.45    5:12.96         12  
       29.04  1:00.36  1:31.96  2:03.65  2:35.53  3:07.02  3:38.47  4:10.17
     4:42.06  5:12.96                                                      
 16 Kliskey, Samantha   17 Magnus               5:12.62    5:13.17         11  
       28.84    59.96  1:31.66  2:03.49  2:35.37  3:06.43  3:37.97  4:09.70
     4:41.95  5:13.17                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Goldstein, Annie J  17 Squids               5:15.07    5:10.78 SECT     9  
       28.95    59.89  1:31.20  2:02.83  2:34.39  3:05.91  3:37.83  4:09.26
     4:40.50  5:10.78                                                      
 18 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus               5:14.75    5:11.60          7  
       28.58    59.29  1:30.16  2:01.71  2:33.63  3:05.45  3:37.52  4:09.42
     4:41.13  5:11.60                                                      
 19 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                 5:18.35    5:15.43          6  
       28.73  1:00.20  1:32.01  2:03.69  2:35.92  3:08.04  3:40.46  4:12.98
     4:44.96  5:15.43                                                      
 20 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                 5:19.45    5:16.36          5  
       29.11  1:00.69  1:32.32  2:04.65  2:36.63  3:09.02  3:41.26  4:13.49
     4:45.48  5:16.36                                                      
 21 Devlin, Diedre A    17 Bernal's Gators      5:22.23    5:20.44          4  
       28.80    59.84  1:31.81  2:04.46  2:37.24  3:10.33  3:43.41  4:16.21
     4:48.93  5:20.44                                                      
 22 Lammers, Corneliek  15 Bernal's Gators      5:22.99    5:20.72          3  
       29.00  1:00.35  1:32.27  2:04.77  2:37.34  3:10.33  3:43.10  4:16.06
     4:48.97  5:20.72                                                      
 23 Finn, Courtney E    16 Squids               5:21.00    5:22.00          2  
       29.37  1:01.05  1:33.38  2:06.18  2:38.92  3:11.29  3:43.98  4:16.96
     4:50.35  5:22.00                                                      
 24 Peak, Candice E     14 Magnus               5:22.66    5:22.56          1  
       28.94  1:00.58  1:33.24  2:06.36  2:39.37  3:12.30  3:45.16  4:17.91
     4:50.66  5:22.56                                                      
Girls 500 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 4:43.51  1/1/1979  Cynthia Woodhead, RSIDE                     
    15-18 NE: # 4:44.18  4/1/1981  Cynthia Woodhead, MV                        
   13-14 RES: # 4:48.67  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 4:45.47  3/1/1996  Jessica Tucker-Mohl, SSA-NE                 
                4:51.49  NAT
                4:55.89  OPEN
                5:10.79  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                        5:01.53 SECT   
       27.84    57.74  1:28.25  1:59.01  2:29.76  3:00.42  3:31.38  4:02.45
     4:31.97  5:01.53                                                      
  2 Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                          5:02.15 SECT   
       27.50    56.99  1:27.01  1:57.25  2:27.85  2:58.50  3:29.30  4:00.76
     4:31.52  5:02.15                                                      
  3 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                          5:02.89 SECT   
       27.42    57.18  1:27.63  1:58.76  2:29.42  3:00.29  3:30.67  4:01.63
     4:32.82  5:02.89                                                      
  4 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                             5:03.66 SECT   
       27.71    57.29  1:27.78  1:58.71  2:29.66  3:00.74  3:32.11  4:03.09
     4:34.11  5:03.66                                                      
  5 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                          5:05.24 SECT   
       27.80    57.76  1:28.37  1:59.33  2:30.11  3:01.19  3:32.34  4:03.42
     4:34.75  5:05.24                                                      
  6 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                             5:06.73 SECT   
       27.52    57.93  1:28.54  1:59.48  2:30.69  3:01.89  3:33.10  4:04.59
     4:35.89  5:06.73                                                      
  7 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                          5:08.13 SECT   
       28.03    58.57  1:29.80  2:00.51  2:31.58  3:03.08  3:34.80  4:06.18
     4:37.55  5:08.13                                                      
  8 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                          5:08.21 SECT   
       28.30    59.07  1:30.14  2:01.41  2:32.85  3:03.87  3:35.67  4:07.59
     4:38.40  5:08.21                                                      
  9 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                          5:08.40 SECT   
       27.81    58.25  1:29.18  2:00.36  2:31.40  3:02.76  3:34.25  4:05.52
     4:37.15  5:08.40                                                      
 10 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          5:08.51 SECT   
       28.56    59.11  1:30.23  2:01.36  2:32.64  3:03.89  3:35.37  4:06.75
     4:38.15  5:08.51                                                      
 11 Stutius, Erica A          17 Cudas                           5:09.37 SECT   
       27.51    58.00  1:29.66  2:01.31  2:32.90  3:04.50  3:36.22  4:07.58
     4:38.77  5:09.37                                                      
 12 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                          5:10.07 SECT   
       27.91    58.56  1:29.65  2:01.48  2:33.04  3:04.54  3:36.07  4:07.70
     4:39.10  5:10.07                                                      
 13 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                        5:10.92        
       28.22    58.66  1:30.07  2:01.72  2:33.34  3:04.88  3:36.68  4:08.87
     4:40.51  5:10.92                                                      
 14 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        5:11.24        
       29.12  1:00.58  1:32.11  2:03.63  2:34.98  3:06.32  3:37.69  4:08.77
     4:40.26  5:11.24                                                      
 15 Kliskey, Samantha Z       17 Magnus                          5:12.62        
       29.35  1:00.47  1:31.93  2:03.67  2:35.49  3:06.85  3:38.37  4:09.84
     4:41.23  5:12.62                                                      
 16 Gray, Erin E              15 Magnus                          5:13.45        
       29.21  1:00.15  1:31.49  2:02.98  2:34.83  3:06.82  3:38.40  4:10.14
     4:41.97  5:13.45                                                      
 17 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          5:14.75        
       28.72    59.49  1:30.89  2:02.64  2:34.68  3:06.60  3:38.98  4:11.28
     4:43.43  5:14.75                                                      
 18 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                          5:15.07        
       29.08  1:00.26  1:31.64  2:03.16  2:34.87  3:06.45  3:38.66  4:11.01
     4:43.72  5:15.07                                                      
 19 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                            5:18.35        
       27.93    58.72  1:30.43  2:02.37  2:34.82  3:07.56  3:40.35  4:13.44
     4:46.31  5:18.35                                                      
 20 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                            5:19.45        
       29.41  1:01.14  1:32.98  2:04.96  2:37.45  3:09.94  3:42.73  4:15.14
     4:48.10  5:19.45                                                      
 21 Finn, Courtney E          16 Squids                          5:21.00        
       29.24  1:00.45  1:32.12  2:04.59  2:37.14  3:09.76  3:42.43  4:15.29
     4:48.63  5:21.00                                                      
 22 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids                          5:22.00        
       29.54  1:01.08  1:33.19  2:05.35  2:38.00  3:10.98  3:43.83  4:17.20
     4:50.21  5:22.00                                                      
 23 Devlin, Diedre A          17 Bernal's Gators                 5:22.23        
       29.11  1:00.44  1:32.61  2:04.70  2:37.46  3:10.52  3:43.72  4:17.06
     4:50.27  5:22.23                                                      
 24 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                          5:22.66        
       28.58  1:00.33  1:32.93  2:06.12  2:38.93  3:11.66  3:44.65  4:17.85
     4:50.68  5:22.66                                                      
 25 Lammers, Cornelieke       15 Bernal's Gators                 5:22.99        
       28.84  1:00.45  1:32.39  2:04.85  2:37.43  3:10.36  3:43.65  4:16.95
     4:50.43  5:22.99                                                      
 -- Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                             DQ        
 -- Davies, Abigail S         20 Unattached                           DQ        
 -- Ellowitz, Kacy L          15 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Ernst, Sarah E            14 Bernal's Gators                      NS        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Bright, Michelle A        18 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Ward, Molly M             20 Unattached                          SCR        
Girls 1000 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: #  9:39.17  4/1/1981  Tiffany Cohen, MV                          
    15-18 NE: #  9:29.97  4/1/1981  Kim Linehan, LHORN                         
   13-14 RES: # 10:02.90  3/1/1997  Lindsay Wolf, MBM-NE                       
   15-18 RES: #  9:44.84  3/1/1996  Jessica Tucker-Mohl, SSA-NE                
                10:01.09  NAT
                10:07.99  OPEN
                10:40.29  SECT
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                           10:13.06 SECT    32  
       27.53    57.19  1:27.54  1:58.14  2:29.06  2:59.80  3:30.58  4:01.50
     4:32.70  5:03.90  5:34.32  6:05.36  6:36.38  7:07.43  7:38.58  8:09.94
     8:40.85  9:12.02  9:43.16 10:13.06                                    
  2 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus                        10:16.16 SECT    28  
       27.95    57.90  1:28.67  1:59.28  2:30.39  3:01.39  3:32.40  4:03.32
     4:34.47  5:05.51  5:36.49  6:07.63  6:38.77  7:09.92  7:41.13  8:12.53
     8:43.70  9:14.98  9:45.92 10:16.16                                    
  3 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast                      10:16.18 SECT    27  
       28.33    58.94  1:30.26  2:01.71  2:32.88  3:04.23  3:35.41  4:06.51
     4:37.58  5:08.70  5:39.62  6:10.50  6:41.44  7:12.33  7:43.28  8:14.28
     8:45.26  9:15.97  9:46.70 10:16.18                                    
  4 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus                        10:22.45 SECT    26  
       27.94    58.17  1:28.73  1:59.63  2:30.45  3:01.60  3:32.81  4:04.21
     4:35.48  5:06.76  5:38.19  6:09.65  6:41.26  7:12.82  7:44.34  8:16.26
     8:47.90  9:19.61  9:51.35 10:22.45                                    
  5 Greco, Stephanie H  19 Unattached                    10:25.26 SECT    25  
       28.58    59.15  1:30.20  2:01.49  2:32.47  3:03.23  3:34.29  4:05.41
     4:36.75  5:08.10  5:39.53  6:11.29  6:43.07  7:14.96  7:46.89  8:18.80
     8:50.86  9:22.73  9:54.69 10:25.26                                    
  6 Bright, Michelle A  18 Unattached                    10:29.96 SECT    24  
       28.74    59.27  1:30.13  2:01.58  2:33.09  3:04.55  3:36.14  4:07.96
     4:39.99  5:12.48  5:43.98  6:15.99  6:47.68  7:19.63  7:51.61  8:23.17
     8:54.89  9:26.83  9:58.89 10:29.96                                    
  7 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast                      10:32.74 SECT    23  
       29.02  1:00.84  1:33.16  2:04.78  2:36.21  3:07.61  3:39.63  4:11.60
     4:43.86  5:15.88  5:48.16  6:20.08  6:52.21  7:24.11  7:56.22  8:27.99
     8:59.83  9:31.37 10:03.01 10:32.74                                    
  8 Lesneski, Stacie J  17 Magnus                        10:37.87 SECT    22  
       28.89  1:00.34  1:32.76  2:05.25  2:37.51  3:10.09  3:42.41  4:14.87
     4:47.03  5:19.47  5:50.78  6:22.28  6:54.06  7:26.10  7:58.36  8:30.72
     9:03.04  9:35.01 10:06.87 10:37.87                                    
  9 Gray, Erin E        15 Magnus                        10:39.12 SECT    20  
       29.54  1:01.37  1:33.71  2:06.17  2:38.71  3:10.72  3:42.98  4:15.23
     4:47.69  5:19.67  5:51.77  6:23.88  6:56.32  7:28.22  8:00.14  8:31.83
     9:03.89  9:36.01 10:07.75 10:39.12                                    
 10 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus                        10:41.32         17  
       28.86    59.79  1:31.25  2:02.96  2:35.03  3:07.14  3:39.43  4:11.89
     4:44.27  5:16.83  5:49.24  6:21.87  6:54.57  7:27.34  8:00.00  8:32.50
     9:05.30  9:38.23 10:10.74 10:41.32                                    
 11 Kearns, Molly L     15 SAC                           10:41.74         16  
       28.13    59.02  1:30.40  2:02.22  2:33.83  3:05.95  3:38.27  4:10.16
     4:42.44  5:15.51  5:48.10  6:20.62  6:53.81  7:26.42  7:59.55  8:32.51
     9:05.37  9:38.09 10:10.65 10:41.74                                    
 12 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                          10:45.94         15  
       28.73  1:00.62  1:32.82  2:05.05  2:37.80  3:10.54  3:43.68  4:16.71
     4:49.81  5:22.74  5:55.85  6:29.25  7:02.33  7:35.03  8:07.35  8:40.23
     9:12.71  9:44.76 10:16.43 10:45.94                                    
 13 Coker, Kate K       16 Seacoast                      10:46.11         14  
       28.62    59.87  1:31.88  2:03.98  2:36.35  3:08.72  3:41.22  4:13.79
     4:46.47  5:19.30  5:51.92  6:24.97  6:57.86  7:30.73  8:03.79  8:36.78
     9:09.81  9:42.94 10:15.25 10:46.11                                    
 14 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                          10:46.79         13  
       29.52  1:01.74  1:34.69  2:07.40  2:40.29  3:12.83  3:45.32  4:18.23
     4:50.94  5:23.68  5:56.29  6:29.25  7:01.98  7:35.13  8:07.63  8:40.21
     9:12.61  9:44.75 10:16.71 10:46.79                                    
 15 Kliskey, Samantha   17 Magnus                        10:47.06         12  
       30.02  1:02.27  1:34.81  2:07.46  2:40.43  3:13.39  3:46.25  4:19.06
     4:51.76  5:24.27  5:56.92  6:29.67  7:02.69  7:35.28  8:07.50  8:39.96
     9:12.66  9:45.07 10:17.11 10:47.06                                    
 16 Snyder, Lindsey A   17 Seacoast                      10:55.03         11  
       30.24  1:02.43  1:34.97  2:07.73  2:40.51  3:13.41  3:46.25  4:19.34
     4:52.49  5:25.67  5:58.65  6:31.77  7:04.91  7:37.92  8:11.07  8:44.30
     9:17.16  9:50.18 10:22.87 10:55.03                                    
 17 Lammers, Corneliek  15 Bernal's Gators               10:58.61          9  
       29.38  1:01.72  1:34.49  2:07.46  2:40.65  3:13.77  3:46.83  4:20.10
     4:53.39  5:26.53  5:59.69  6:33.02  7:06.41  7:39.83  8:13.02  8:46.34
     9:19.67  9:53.13 10:26.36 10:58.61                                    
 18 Finn, Courtney E    16 Squids                        10:59.86          7  
       29.65  1:01.30  1:33.63  2:06.22  2:38.88  3:11.73  3:44.87  4:18.20
     4:51.91  5:25.33  5:58.27  6:31.69  7:05.28  7:38.94  8:12.79  8:46.26
     9:19.94  9:53.54 10:27.39 10:59.86                                    
 19 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids                        11:02.14          6  
       29.68  1:02.50  1:35.80  2:09.12  2:42.31  3:15.67  3:49.15  4:22.76
     4:56.36  5:29.72  6:03.15  6:36.53  7:09.90  7:43.33  8:16.75  8:50.19
     9:23.64  9:56.71 10:29.98 11:02.14                                    
 20 Johnson, Bailey M   16 Magnus                        11:15.40          5  
       29.90  1:02.57  1:35.65  2:08.99  2:42.54  3:16.37  3:50.43  4:24.32
     4:58.08  5:31.92  6:05.54  6:39.50  7:13.95  7:48.02  8:22.32  8:56.96
     9:31.65 10:06.64 10:41.21 11:15.40                                    
 -- Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus                              NS        
 -- Kaufmann, Christin  14 Squids                             SCR        
 -- Devlin, Diedre A    17 Bernal's Gators                    SCR        
 -- Ellowitz, Kacy L    15 Magnus                             SCR        
 -- Healey, Meghan E    16 Squids                             SCR        
 -- Stutius, Erica A    17 Cudas                              SCR        
 -- Goldstein, Annie J  17 Squids                             SCR        
Girls 1650 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 15:54.86  4/1/1981  Tiffany Cohen, MV                          
    15-18 NE: # 15:50.23  4/1/1981  Kim Linehan, LHORN                         
   13-14 RES: # 16:48.02  3/1/1997  Lindsay Wolf, MBM-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 16:25.21  3/1/1996  Jessica Tucker-Mohl, SSA-NE                
                16:46.89  NAT
                16:58.29  OPEN
                17:54.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus                        17:00.54 SECT    32  
       28.10    58.26  1:28.90  1:59.67  2:30.12  3:00.56  3:31.05  4:01.86
     4:32.71  5:03.37  5:34.15  6:05.16  6:36.31  7:07.35  7:38.66  8:09.78
     8:41.14  9:12.16  9:43.33 10:14.38 10:45.67 11:17.21 11:48.41 12:19.49
    12:50.88 13:22.16 13:53.63 14:24.94 14:56.24 15:27.53 15:58.81 16:29.94
  2 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                           17:06.15 SECT    28  
       28.13    58.20  1:28.61  1:58.90  2:29.69  3:00.53  3:31.47  4:02.49
     4:33.60  5:04.71  5:35.88  6:07.11  6:38.46  7:09.72  7:40.92  8:12.02
     8:43.43  9:14.66  9:45.91 10:17.10 10:48.66 11:20.10 11:51.72 12:23.36
    12:55.04 13:26.84 13:58.63 14:30.01 15:01.35 15:32.95 16:04.52 16:35.54
  3 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus                        17:13.48 SECT    27  
       28.08    58.47  1:29.33  2:00.23  2:31.20  3:02.05  3:33.03  4:04.20
     4:35.35  5:06.31  5:37.64  6:09.04  6:40.47  7:12.05  7:43.60  8:15.30
     8:46.96  9:18.66  9:50.12 10:21.83 10:53.49 11:25.18 11:57.08 12:28.69
    13:00.44 13:32.32 14:03.77 14:35.58 15:07.08 15:38.62 16:10.49 16:42.40
  4 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus                        17:16.14 SECT    26  
       29.07    59.97  1:31.16  2:02.70  2:34.15  3:05.69  3:37.19  4:08.73
     4:40.14  5:11.74  5:43.17  6:14.69  6:46.05  7:17.52  7:48.69  8:19.97
     8:51.14  9:22.39  9:53.87 10:25.50 10:57.07 11:28.44 11:59.88 12:31.47
    13:03.17 13:34.73 14:06.43 14:37.92 15:09.43 15:41.19 16:12.93 16:44.93
  5 Lesneski, Stacie J  17 Magnus                        17:24.08 SECT    25  
       27.99    58.41  1:29.43  2:00.50  2:31.78  3:03.27  3:34.80  4:06.48
     4:38.14  5:10.20  5:42.04  6:13.97  6:45.80  7:17.69  7:49.39  8:21.11
     8:52.66  9:24.11  9:55.85 10:27.58 10:59.46 11:31.21 12:03.03 12:34.92
    13:06.60 13:38.88 14:10.88 14:43.07 15:15.48 15:47.83 16:20.25 16:52.48
  6 Ellowitz, Kacy L    15 Magnus                        17:32.16 SECT    24  
       28.58    58.92  1:30.02  2:01.44  2:33.00  3:04.60  3:36.33  4:08.14
     4:39.93  5:11.88  5:43.88  6:15.83  6:47.67  7:19.87  7:52.05  8:24.16
     8:56.28  9:28.36 10:00.51 10:32.93 11:05.11 11:37.28 12:09.73 12:41.84
    13:14.16 13:46.50 14:18.83 14:51.00 15:23.48 15:55.91 16:28.34 17:00.61
  7 Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus                        17:33.28 SECT    23  
       27.97    58.74  1:30.16  2:01.51  2:33.25  3:05.06  3:36.86  4:08.77
     4:40.56  5:12.26  5:44.30  6:16.66  6:48.64  7:20.67  7:53.26  8:25.50
     8:57.46  9:29.88 10:02.54 10:34.21 11:06.01 11:38.62 12:11.15 12:43.48
    13:15.90 13:48.11 14:20.59 14:53.04 15:25.72 15:57.98 16:30.42 17:02.23
  8 Gray, Erin E        15 Magnus                        17:38.53 SECT    22  
       29.37  1:00.68  1:32.33  2:04.18  2:35.92  3:07.78  3:39.55  4:11.50
     4:43.31  5:15.02  5:46.92  6:18.95  6:51.20  7:23.38  7:55.74  8:28.07
     9:00.31  9:32.36 10:04.52 10:36.91 11:09.21 11:41.28 12:13.20 12:45.70
    13:18.34 13:50.90 14:23.56 14:56.21 15:29.22 16:01.67 16:34.49 17:07.10
  9 Stutius, Erica A    17 Cudas                         17:41.54 SECT    20  
       28.11    59.53  1:31.45  2:03.74  2:35.62  3:07.57  3:39.57  4:11.39
     4:43.56  5:15.88  5:47.95  6:20.24  6:52.08  7:24.28  7:56.35  8:28.62
     9:00.52  9:32.69 10:04.89 10:37.15 11:09.39 11:41.94 12:14.82 12:47.57
    13:20.06 13:52.75 14:25.08 14:57.94 15:30.73 16:03.91 16:36.93 17:09.75
 10 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus                        17:45.83 SECT    17  
       29.64  1:00.93  1:32.65  2:04.36  2:36.29  3:08.03  3:40.21  4:12.34
     4:44.57  5:16.74  5:48.91  6:21.09  6:53.44  7:25.85  7:58.58  8:31.13
     9:04.05  9:36.71 10:09.41 10:42.21 11:14.91 11:47.79 12:20.59 12:53.01
    13:25.79 13:58.66 14:31.48 15:04.55 15:37.15 16:09.63 16:41.99 17:14.41
 11 Dooe, Mary Z        15 Bernal's Gators               17:46.50 SECT    16  
       29.35  1:00.50  1:32.49  2:04.34  2:36.21  3:08.11  3:40.62  4:12.62
     4:45.06  5:17.65  5:49.71  6:22.44  6:54.85  7:28.00  8:00.54  8:33.14
     9:05.57  9:38.69 10:11.07 10:43.33 11:15.60 11:48.22 12:20.63 12:53.50
    13:26.59 13:59.21 14:32.29 15:05.04 15:38.34 16:11.57 16:43.25 17:15.57
 12 Kearns, Jill M      13 SAC                           17:47.42 SECT    15  
       28.75  1:00.47  1:32.73  2:04.74  2:37.06  3:09.28  3:41.02  4:13.03
     4:45.60  5:17.92  5:50.64  6:23.34  6:56.15  7:28.88  8:01.54  8:34.57
     9:07.41  9:39.93 10:12.52 10:45.26 11:18.02 11:50.07 12:22.76 12:55.23
    13:27.91 14:00.57 14:33.47 15:05.68 15:38.03 16:11.23 16:44.44 17:16.42
 13 Snyder, Lindsey A   17 Seacoast                      17:57.20         14  
       29.35  1:00.95  1:32.93  2:05.18  2:37.55  3:10.20  3:43.06  4:15.71
     4:48.50  5:21.31  5:53.96  6:26.64  6:59.77  7:32.48  8:05.10  8:38.06
     9:10.97  9:43.79 10:16.79 10:49.62 11:22.51 11:55.64 12:28.55 13:01.59
    13:34.62 14:07.83 14:40.95 15:13.95 15:46.90 16:19.83 16:52.52 17:25.15
 14 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                          17:57.84         13  
       29.93  1:02.37  1:35.11  2:08.04  2:40.69  3:13.01  3:45.52  4:18.08
     4:50.84  5:23.94  5:56.86  6:29.78  7:02.48  7:35.18  8:08.04  8:40.51
     9:13.39  9:46.16 10:19.13 10:51.83 11:24.33 11:57.22 12:30.13 13:02.96
    13:35.98 14:08.51 14:41.47 15:14.48 15:47.42 16:20.59 16:53.18 17:26.10
 15 Kliskey, Samantha   17 Magnus                        18:04.41         12  
       29.64  1:01.12  1:33.13  2:05.35  2:37.66  3:10.00  3:42.74  4:15.30
     4:47.78  5:20.29  5:53.42  6:26.57  6:59.40  7:32.28  8:05.28  8:38.38
     9:11.52  9:44.53 10:17.72 10:51.34 11:24.46 11:57.70 12:30.89 13:04.09
    13:37.49 14:11.05 14:44.39 15:18.22 15:51.65 16:25.09 16:58.65 17:31.72
 16 Kearns, Molly L     15 SAC                           18:11.44         11  
       28.98  1:00.38  1:32.26  2:04.51  2:36.62  3:09.40  3:42.65  4:15.51
     4:48.80  5:22.35  5:55.86  6:29.10  7:02.62  7:35.87  8:07.12  8:40.61
     9:14.44  9:48.03 10:21.72 10:55.10 11:28.97 12:02.85 12:36.68 13:10.58
    13:44.46 14:18.33 14:52.02 15:25.58 15:58.73 16:32.19 17:05.61 17:38.90
 17 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids                        18:15.33          9  
       28.17    59.42  1:31.55  2:03.67  2:36.14  3:08.81  3:41.32  4:14.01
     4:46.89  5:19.46  5:52.51  6:25.25  6:58.10  7:31.19  8:04.07  8:37.75
     9:11.15  9:44.21 10:17.55 10:51.36 11:25.20 11:58.78 12:32.58 13:06.62
    13:40.35 14:14.32 14:48.93 15:23.39 15:57.33 16:32.10 17:06.90 17:41.13
 18 Devlin, Diedre A    17 Bernal's Gators               18:17.11          7  
       28.76    59.75  1:31.27  2:03.39  2:35.65  3:08.09  3:40.77  4:13.54
     4:46.23  5:18.95  5:52.08  6:25.41  6:58.87  7:32.73  8:06.58  8:40.24
     9:14.29  9:48.66 10:22.86 10:57.03 11:31.04 12:05.20 12:39.46 13:13.46
    13:47.67 14:21.77 14:55.82 15:29.79 16:03.89 16:37.97 17:11.70 17:45.16
 19 Lammers, Corneliek  15 Bernal's Gators               18:20.68          6  
       29.30  1:01.16  1:33.50  2:06.07  2:38.71  3:11.68  3:45.08  4:18.53
     4:52.03  5:25.28  5:58.52  6:32.02  7:05.75  7:39.30  8:12.69  8:46.28
     9:19.88  9:53.55 10:27.56 11:01.11 11:35.22 12:08.91 12:42.79 13:16.74
    13:50.60 14:24.20 14:58.06 15:32.42 16:06.76 16:40.52 17:14.27 17:48.13
 20 Finn, Courtney E    16 Squids                        18:27.83          5  
       29.37  1:01.25  1:33.78  2:06.40  2:39.26  3:12.41  3:45.46  4:18.67
     4:52.10  5:25.42  5:58.75  6:32.31  7:06.15  7:39.74  8:13.60  8:47.71
     9:21.49  9:55.56 10:29.50 11:03.67 11:38.03 12:12.25 12:46.57 13:20.90
    13:55.45 14:29.70 15:04.11 15:38.44 16:12.41 16:46.51 17:20.65 17:54.96
 21 Kaufmann, Christin  14 Squids                        18:29.91          4  
       28.81  1:01.06  1:34.08  2:07.28  2:40.24  3:13.89  3:47.39  4:21.37
     4:55.33  5:29.06  6:03.00  6:37.04  7:11.18  7:45.75  8:20.10  8:54.44
     9:28.55 10:02.56 10:36.76 11:11.03 11:45.39 12:18.99 12:52.69 13:26.47
    14:00.72 14:34.80 15:08.80 15:43.03 16:16.82 16:50.48 17:24.20 17:57.60
 22 Johnson, Bailey M   16 Magnus                        18:32.85          3  
       30.13  1:02.54  1:35.60  2:08.83  2:42.17  3:15.80  3:49.46  4:23.16
     4:56.56  5:29.97  6:03.80  6:37.73  7:11.71  7:45.75  8:19.41  8:53.17
     9:27.25 10:01.27 10:35.54 11:09.04 11:43.03 12:17.14 12:50.89 13:25.23
    13:59.29 14:33.40 15:07.96 15:42.66 16:16.79 16:50.87 17:25.11 17:59.44
 23 Hammang, Emily E    15 PAC                           18:54.26          2  
       29.08  1:00.20  1:31.68  2:04.16  2:36.48  3:09.17  3:42.16  4:15.28
     4:48.46  5:22.12  5:55.71  6:29.62  7:03.74  7:38.11  8:12.55  8:47.12
     9:21.51  9:56.90 10:32.03 11:07.45 11:43.08 12:18.36 12:54.11 13:30.26
    14:06.27 14:41.78 15:17.37 15:53.27 16:29.17 17:05.48 17:41.96 18:18.47
 -- Peak, Candice E     14 Magnus                             SCR        
Girls 100 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 57.62  1/1/2003  Erica Meissner, MAG-NE                        
    15-18 NE: # 56.11  3/1/2000  Samantha Arsenault, GMSC-NE                   
   13-14 RES: # 56.75  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 54.55  4/1/2002  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                          
                56.49  NAT
                57.69  OPEN
              1:00.59  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus                 57.63      56.65#OPEN    32  
       28.00    56.65                                                      
  2 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast               58.32      57.91 SECT    28  
       28.51    57.91                                                      
  3 Frank, Chelsea M    17 Seacoast               58.38      58.49 SECT    27  
       28.65    58.49                                                      
  4 Snyder, Lindsey A   17 Seacoast               59.99      59.73 SECT    26  
       29.07    59.73                                                      
  5 Goldstein, Annie J  17 Squids               1:00.17      59.85 SECT    25  
       29.45    59.85                                                      
  6 Peak, Candice E     14 Magnus                 58.75      59.99 SECT    24  
       28.89    59.99                                                      
  7 Laffel, Nikki L     17 Cudas                1:00.08    1:00.00 SECT    23  
       29.39  1:00.00                                                      
  8 Colson, Stephanie   17 Cudas                1:00.04    1:00.26 SECT    22  
       29.12  1:00.26                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Coker, Kate K       16 Seacoast             1:00.86      59.74 SECT    20  
       29.08    59.74                                                      
 10 Butts, Eliza L      14 SAC                  1:00.49    1:00.01 SECT    17  
       29.39  1:00.01                                                      
 11 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus               1:00.92    1:00.33 SECT    16  
       29.83  1:00.33                                                      
 12 Belli, Caroline M   13 North Shore          1:00.96    1:00.47 SECT    15  
       29.34  1:00.47                                                      
 13 Ward, Molly M       20 Unattached           1:01.46    1:01.28         14  
       29.65  1:01.28                                                      
 14 Kliskey, Samantha   17 Magnus               1:01.92    1:01.41         13  
       29.96  1:01.41                                                      
 15 Vogel, Cara M       12 Strypers             1:01.62    1:01.82         12  
       30.16  1:01.82                                                      
 16 Weaver, Kate A      13 GMA                  1:01.68    1:02.06         11  
       29.75  1:02.06                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Grant, Caitlin E    17 SD                   1:02.22    1:01.54          9  
       30.07  1:01.54                                                      
 18 Farrington, Meggie  14 SD                   1:03.15    1:01.63          7  
       29.96  1:01.63                                                      
 19 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                  1:02.57    1:01.74          6  
       30.02  1:01.74                                                      
 20 Mancuso, Elizabeth  17 Ana                  1:02.55    1:01.86          5  
       29.64  1:01.86                                                      
 -- Cook, Jessica S     17 Magnus               1:03.67         NS        
Girls 100 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 57.62  1/1/2003  Erica Meissner, MAG-NE                        
    15-18 NE: # 56.11  3/1/2000  Samantha Arsenault, GMSC-NE                   
   13-14 RES: # 56.75  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 54.55  4/1/2002  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                          
                56.49  NAT
                57.69  OPEN
              1:00.59  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                            57.63 OPEN   
       28.62    57.63                                                      
  2 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                          58.32 SECT   
       28.99    58.32                                                      
  3 Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                          58.38 SECT   
       28.86    58.38                                                      
  4 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                            58.75 SECT   
       28.74    58.75                                                      
  5 Snyder, Lindsey A         17 Seacoast                          59.99 SECT   
       29.60    59.99                                                      
  6 Colson, Stephanie C       17 Cudas                           1:00.04 SECT   
       29.05  1:00.04                                                      
  7 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Cudas                           1:00.08 SECT   
       29.59  1:00.08                                                      
  8 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                          1:00.17 SECT   
       29.81  1:00.17                                                      
  9 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                             1:00.49 SECT   
       29.26  1:00.49                                                      
 10 Coker, Kate K             16 Seacoast                        1:00.86        
       29.41  1:00.86                                                      
 11 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          1:00.92        
       29.98  1:00.92                                                      
 12 Belli, Caroline M         13 North Shore                     1:00.96        
       29.78  1:00.96                                                      
 13 Ward, Molly M             20 Unattached                      1:01.46        
       29.96  1:01.46                                                      
 14 Vogel, Cara M             12 Strypers                        1:01.62        
       30.28  1:01.62                                                      
 15 Weaver, Kate A            13 GMA                             1:01.68        
       29.79  1:01.68                                                      
 16 Kliskey, Samantha Z       17 Magnus                          1:01.92        
       29.94  1:01.92                                                      
 17 Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD                              1:02.22        
       30.27  1:02.22                                                      
 18 Fisher, Taylor H          17 Sea Devils                      1:02.25        
       30.19  1:02.25                                                      
 19 Nelson, Meredith K        16 Strypers                        1:02.41        
       30.99  1:02.41                                                      
 20 Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                             1:02.55        
       30.18  1:02.55                                                      
 21 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                             1:02.57        
       30.55  1:02.57                                                      
 22 Farrington, Meggie E      14 SD                              1:03.15        
       30.87  1:03.15                                                      
 23 Omstead, Katie E          14 PSC                             1:03.60        
       31.17  1:03.60                                                      
 24 Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                          1:03.67        
       31.20  1:03.67                                                      
 -- Bright, Michelle A        18 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Page, Kate E              16 Ana                                 SCR        
 -- Doty, Alexandra J         16 PSC                                 SCR        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Davies, Abigail S         20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Leon, Rachael E           14 Squids                              SCR        
Girls 200 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 2:02.65  3/1/2002  Erica Meissner, ABF-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 1:57.02  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 2:01.37  1/1/1991  Amanda Hall, BGSC-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 1:58.86  4/1/2002  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
                2:01.79  NAT
                2:03.59  OPEN
                2:09.99  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus               2:02.77    2:00.17#NAT     32  
       28.87    59.20  1:29.64  2:00.17                                    
  2 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast             2:07.19    2:02.65#OPEN    28  
       29.90  1:00.86  1:31.85  2:02.65                                    
  3 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus               2:07.19    2:05.39 SECT    27  
       30.03  1:01.39  1:33.49  2:05.39                                    
  4 Snyder, Lindsey A   17 Seacoast             2:08.08    2:06.15 SECT    26  
       30.12  1:01.63  1:33.68  2:06.15                                    
  5 Goldstein, Annie J  17 Squids               2:07.18    2:07.07 SECT    25  
       30.49  1:02.15  1:34.70  2:07.07                                    
  6 Coker, Kate K       16 Seacoast             2:11.00    2:08.98 SECT    24  
       30.15  1:02.24  1:35.38  2:08.98                                    
  7 Frank, Chelsea M    17 Seacoast             2:08.10    2:09.26 SECT    23  
       29.76  1:01.83  1:35.46  2:09.26                                    
  8 Kliskey, Samantha   17 Magnus               2:12.13    2:09.85 SECT    22  
       30.27  1:02.56  1:36.20  2:09.85                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Butts, Eliza L      14 SAC                  2:12.35    2:09.32 SECT    20  
       31.03  1:04.27  1:37.33  2:09.32                                    
 10 Peak, Candice E     14 Magnus               2:13.47    2:10.99         17  
       31.05  1:04.12  1:37.58  2:10.99                                    
 11 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus               2:13.48    2:11.53         16  
       31.87  1:05.01  1:38.56  2:11.53                                    
 12 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                  2:12.22    2:12.01         15  
       30.98  1:04.28  1:38.21  2:12.01                                    
 13 Weaver, Kate A      13 GMA                  2:12.67    2:13.26         14  
       31.25  1:04.98  1:39.54  2:13.26                                    
 14 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                  2:14.06    2:13.92         13  
       31.49  1:04.97  1:39.37  2:13.92                                    
 15 Lammers, Corneliek  15 Bernal's Gators      2:13.97    2:14.40         12  
       31.56  1:05.24  1:39.83  2:14.40                                    
 16 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                  2:13.40    2:14.95         11  
       30.97  1:04.51  1:39.55  2:14.95                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Mancuso, Elizabeth  17 Ana                  2:14.53    2:10.44          9  
       30.57  1:03.45  1:36.98  2:10.44                                    
 18 Farrington, Meggie  14 SD                   2:14.16    2:11.65          7  
       31.70  1:05.51  1:39.48  2:11.65                                    
 19 Grant, Caitlin E    17 SD                   2:18.73    2:12.50          6  
       31.21  1:04.99  1:39.31  2:12.50                                    
 20 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus               2:14.84    2:15.97          5  
       32.22  1:06.57  1:41.91  2:15.97                                    
Girls 200 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 2:02.65  3/1/2002  Erica Meissner, ABF-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 1:57.02  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 2:01.37  1/1/1991  Amanda Hall, BGSC-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 1:58.86  4/1/2002  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
                2:01.79  NAT
                2:03.59  OPEN
                2:09.99  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                          2:02.77 OPEN   
       29.15    59.83  1:31.37  2:02.77                                    
  2 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                          2:07.18 SECT   
       30.25  1:02.28  1:34.77  2:07.18                                    
  3 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                        2:07.19 SECT   
       30.56  1:02.54  1:34.94  2:07.19                                    
  3 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          2:07.19 SECT   
       30.49  1:02.73  1:35.25  2:07.19                                    
  5 Snyder, Lindsey A         17 Seacoast                        2:08.08 SECT   
       30.59  1:02.44  1:35.24  2:08.08                                    
  6 Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                        2:08.10 SECT   
       30.00  1:01.73  1:34.79  2:08.10                                    
  7 Coker, Kate K             16 Seacoast                        2:11.00        
       30.91  1:03.86  1:37.41  2:11.00                                    
  8 Kliskey, Samantha Z       17 Magnus                          2:12.13        
       31.34  1:04.43  1:38.34  2:12.13                                    
  9 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                             2:12.22        
       31.44  1:04.52  1:38.37  2:12.22                                    
 10 Nelson, Meredith K        16 Strypers                        2:12.32        
       31.64  1:05.30  1:39.08  2:12.32                                    
 11 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                             2:12.35        
       31.24  1:04.54  1:38.78  2:12.35                                    
 12 Weaver, Kate A            13 GMA                             2:12.67        
       31.94  1:06.21  1:40.10  2:12.67                                    
 13 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                             2:13.40        
       31.22  1:04.33  1:38.82  2:13.40                                    
 14 Fisher, Taylor H          17 Sea Devils                      2:13.41        
       31.06  1:04.91  1:40.02  2:13.41                                    
 15 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                          2:13.47        
       29.96  1:03.21  1:38.24  2:13.47                                    
 16 Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                          2:13.48        
       32.31  1:05.99  1:40.14  2:13.48                                    
 17 Vogel, Cara M             12 Strypers                        2:13.53        
       31.99  1:06.68  1:41.21  2:13.53                                    
 18 Lammers, Cornelieke       15 Bernal's Gators                 2:13.97        
       31.65  1:05.64  1:40.07  2:13.97                                    
 19 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                             2:14.06        
       31.81  1:05.15  1:39.53  2:14.06                                    
 20 Farrington, Meggie E      14 SD                              2:14.16        
       32.05  1:06.35  1:41.56  2:14.16                                    
 21 Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                             2:14.53        
       30.83  1:05.07  1:40.04  2:14.53                                    
 22 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          2:14.84        
       32.05  1:06.07  1:40.97  2:14.84                                    
 23 Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD                              2:18.73        
       32.70  1:07.44  1:43.96  2:18.73                                    
 -- Davies, Abigail S         20 Unattached                           DQ        
 -- Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Page, Kate E              16 Ana                                 SCR        
 -- Bright, Michelle A        18 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Leon, Rachael E           14 Squids                              SCR        
Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 1:03.20  1/1/1979  Julia Bogdanova                             
    15-18 NE: # 1:01.13  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 1:05.14  1/1/2003  Jessica Perry, BGSC-NE                      
   15-18 RES: # 1:04.21  3/1/1997  Katie Cline, GMSC-NE                        
                1:03.99  NAT
                1:05.19  OPEN
                1:08.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             1:04.15    1:04.63#OPEN    32  
       30.57  1:04.63                                                      
  2 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                  1:07.48    1:05.28 SECT    28  
       30.88  1:05.28                                                      
  3 Hochard, Melinda Z  17 Magnus               1:05.66    1:05.49 SECT    27  
       31.14  1:05.49                                                      
  4 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids               1:05.96    1:05.69 SECT    26  
       30.98  1:05.69                                                      
  5 Maguire, Caitlin A  16 Squids               1:06.11    1:05.70 SECT    25  
       31.15  1:05.70                                                      
  6 Healey, Meghan E    16 Squids               1:06.77    1:07.04 SECT    24  
       31.69  1:07.04                                                      
  7 Hopkins-Vacca, Cor  15 Magnus               1:08.24    1:07.66 SECT    23  
       32.00  1:07.66                                                      
  8 Smith, Ali T        18 Seacoast             1:07.14    1:07.68 SECT    22  
       32.00  1:07.68                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Ernst, Kara Q       16 SD                   1:08.29    1:07.61 SECT    20  
       32.15  1:07.61                                                      
 10 Hinds, Holly P      18 Cudas                1:08.56    1:08.45         17  
       32.38  1:08.45                                                      
 11 Prautzsch, Kristin  13 Magnus               1:09.13    1:08.91         16  
       31.96  1:08.91                                                      
 12 Malloy, Rhynn J     15 Magnus               1:10.51    1:09.52         15  
       33.41  1:09.52                                                      
 13 Lee, Joanna         18 Unattached           1:09.41    1:09.91         14  
       31.84  1:09.91                                                      
 14 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                 1:10.66    1:10.24         13  
       33.62  1:10.24                                                      
 15 Butts, Eliza L      14 SAC                  1:09.72    1:10.38         12  
       33.00  1:10.38                                                      
 16 Burns, Monika A     17 PSC                  1:11.67    1:12.94         11  
       34.37  1:12.94                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Caron, Amy M        17 Ana                  1:12.66    1:11.45          9  
       33.37  1:11.45                                                      
Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 1:03.20  1/1/1979  Julia Bogdanova                             
    15-18 NE: # 1:01.13  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 1:05.14  1/1/2003  Jessica Perry, BGSC-NE                      
   15-18 RES: # 1:04.21  3/1/1997  Katie Cline, GMSC-NE                        
                1:03.99  NAT
                1:05.19  OPEN
                1:08.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        1:04.15#OPEN   
       30.44  1:04.15                                                      
  2 Hochard, Melinda Z        17 Magnus                          1:05.66 SECT   
       30.94  1:05.66                                                      
  3 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                          1:05.96 SECT   
       31.52  1:05.96                                                      
  4 Maguire, Caitlin A        16 Squids                          1:06.11 SECT   
       31.11  1:06.11                                                      
  5 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids                          1:06.77 SECT   
       31.74  1:06.77                                                      
  6 Smith, Ali T              18 Seacoast                        1:07.14 SECT   
       31.74  1:07.14                                                      
  7 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                             1:07.48 SECT   
       31.77  1:07.48                                                      
  8 Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                      1:07.83 SECT   
       31.77  1:07.83                                                      
  9 Hopkins-Vacca, Corina F   15 Magnus                          1:08.24 SECT   
       32.31  1:08.24                                                      
 10 Ernst, Kara Q             16 SD                              1:08.29 SECT   
       32.50  1:08.29                                                      
 11 Hinds, Holly P            18 Cudas                           1:08.56        
       32.74  1:08.56                                                      
 12 Prautzsch, Kristin A      13 Magnus                          1:09.13        
       32.45  1:09.13                                                      
 13 Lee, Joanna               18 Unattached                      1:09.41        
       32.29  1:09.41                                                      
 14 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                             1:09.72        
       32.82  1:09.72                                                      
 15 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          1:09.84        
       32.97  1:09.84                                                      
 16 Jankins, Heather S        15 Sea Devils                      1:10.42        
       32.90  1:10.42                                                      
 17 Malloy, Rhynn J           15 Magnus                          1:10.51        
       33.78  1:10.51                                                      
 18 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                            1:10.66        
       33.57  1:10.66                                                      
 19 Burns, Monika A           17 PSC                             1:11.67        
       33.70  1:11.67                                                      
 20 Caron, Amy M              17 Ana                             1:12.66        
       33.93  1:12.66                                                      
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Dunn, Mariele K           14 Squids                               NS        
 -- Hallin, Molly E           15 Strypers                             NS        
 -- Machnik, Becky A          17 Magnus                              SCR        
 -- Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                              SCR        
 -- McDermott, Jenn K         16 SD                                  SCR        
 -- Demers, Sarah J           17 Ana                                 SCR        
Girls 200 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 2:15.86  4/1/1981  Shannon Orcuitt, MV-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 2:14.55  4/1/1981  Kim Rodenbaugh, CINC                        
   13-14 RES: # 2:19.49  3/1/2000  Jenna Barbary, SSA-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 2:16.70  12/1/2001 Jenna Barbary, SSA-NE                       
                2:18.29  NAT
                2:20.69  OPEN
                2:27.29  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             2:18.44    2:17.32#NAT     32  
       31.13  1:05.62  1:41.16  2:17.32                                    
  2 Hochard, Melinda Z  17 Magnus               2:18.43    2:18.33#OPEN    28  
       31.32  1:05.91  1:41.84  2:18.33                                    
  3 Maguire, Caitlin A  16 Squids               2:24.34    2:22.60 SECT    27  
       31.91  1:07.13  1:44.06  2:22.60                                    
  4 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids               2:21.48    2:22.78 SECT    26  
       32.61  1:08.72  1:45.76  2:22.78                                    
  5 Ernst, Kara Q       16 SD                   2:24.15    2:22.85 SECT    25  
       32.26  1:08.42  1:45.58  2:22.85                                    
  6 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                  2:26.05    2:23.31 SECT    24  
       31.68  1:07.60  1:45.18  2:23.31                                    
  7 Hopkins-Vacca, Cor  15 Magnus               2:23.89    2:24.41 SECT    23  
       32.00  1:08.03  1:45.55  2:24.41                                    
  8 Hinds, Holly P      18 Cudas                2:25.70    2:27.43         22  
       33.26  1:10.33  1:48.49  2:27.43                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Smith, Ali T        18 Seacoast             2:26.85    2:23.97 SECT    20  
       32.85  1:09.15  1:46.03  2:23.97                                    
 10 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus               2:26.05    2:24.88 SECT    17  
       33.16  1:09.77  1:47.40  2:24.88                                    
 11 Healey, Meghan E    16 Squids               2:26.39    2:25.44 SECT    16  
       33.33  1:09.97  1:47.65  2:25.44                                    
 12 Prautzsch, Kristin  13 Magnus               2:28.70    2:26.05 SECT    15  
       32.37  1:08.91  1:47.17  2:26.05                                    
 13 Negrotti, Alicia M  15 Cudas                2:28.70    2:28.39         14  
       33.25  1:11.05  1:49.36  2:28.39                                    
 14 Strickland, Kait Z  15 Cudas                2:30.99    2:28.47         13  
       33.74  1:10.89  1:49.38  2:28.47                                    
 15 Malloy, Rhynn J     15 Magnus               2:28.19    2:29.73         12  
       34.34  1:11.89  1:50.24  2:29.73                                    
 16 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                 2:29.30    2:30.66         11  
       33.90  1:12.21  1:51.55  2:30.66                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Gram, Hilary F      14 SAC                  2:31.33    2:30.11          9  
       33.74  1:11.50  1:50.93  2:30.11                                    
 18 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                  2:31.72    2:30.48          7  
       33.60  1:11.49  1:50.71  2:30.48                                    
 19 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                 2:33.41    2:30.59          6  
       34.04  1:12.15  1:51.43  2:30.59                                    
 20 Jankins, Heather S  15 Sea Devils           2:33.11    2:31.84          5  
       33.58  1:11.86  1:51.15  2:31.84                                    
 21 Chu, Monica W       17 Cudas                2:34.32    2:33.26          4  
       34.04  1:12.41  1:52.07  2:33.26                                    
 22 Gray, Alison L      17 Magnus               2:34.41    2:35.83          3  
       35.30  1:14.41  1:54.54  2:35.83                                    
 23 Hammdorff, Laura V  16 North Shore          2:37.47    2:36.90          2  
       35.05  1:14.82  1:55.21  2:36.90                                    
Girls 200 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 2:15.86  4/1/1981  Shannon Orcuitt, MV-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 2:14.55  4/1/1981  Kim Rodenbaugh, CINC                        
   13-14 RES: # 2:19.49  3/1/2000  Jenna Barbary, SSA-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 2:16.70  12/1/2001 Jenna Barbary, SSA-NE                       
                2:18.29  NAT
                2:20.69  OPEN
                2:27.29  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Hochard, Melinda Z        17 Magnus                          2:18.43#OPEN   
       31.12  1:05.56  1:41.53  2:18.43                                    
  2 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        2:18.44#OPEN   
       31.20  1:06.44  1:42.30  2:18.44                                    
  3 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                          2:21.48 SECT   
       31.99  1:08.26  1:45.19  2:21.48                                    
  4 Hopkins-Vacca, Corina F   15 Magnus                          2:23.89 SECT   
       32.30  1:07.98  1:45.57  2:23.89                                    
  5 Ernst, Kara Q             16 SD                              2:24.15 SECT   
       32.80  1:09.29  1:46.86  2:24.15                                    
  6 Maguire, Caitlin A        16 Squids                          2:24.34 SECT   
       32.09  1:08.41  1:45.59  2:24.34                                    
  7 Hinds, Holly P            18 Cudas                           2:25.70 SECT   
       33.24  1:10.25  1:47.86  2:25.70                                    
  8 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                             2:26.05 SECT   
       32.15  1:08.47  1:46.88  2:26.05                                    
  8 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          2:26.05 SECT   
       33.06  1:10.04  1:47.98  2:26.05                                    
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 10 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids                          2:26.39 SECT   
       32.71  1:09.16  1:47.44  2:26.39                                    
 11 Smith, Ali T              18 Seacoast                        2:26.85 SECT   
       33.16  1:10.23  1:48.48  2:26.85                                    
 12 Malloy, Rhynn J           15 Magnus                          2:28.19        
       34.19  1:11.53  1:49.42  2:28.19                                    
 13 Prautzsch, Kristin A      13 Magnus                          2:28.70        
       33.16  1:10.78  1:49.47  2:28.70                                    
 13 Negrotti, Alicia M        15 Cudas                           2:28.70        
       32.97  1:10.63  1:49.55  2:28.70                                    
 15 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                            2:29.30        
       33.72  1:11.62  1:50.47  2:29.30                                    
 16 Hooper, Christine E       16 Squids                          2:30.17        
       33.33  1:11.11  1:50.01  2:30.17                                    
 17 Strickland, Kait Z        15 Cudas                           2:30.99        
       34.00  1:11.93  1:51.30  2:30.99                                    
 18 Gram, Hilary F            14 SAC                             2:31.33        
       34.27  1:12.47  1:51.62  2:31.33                                    
 19 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                             2:31.72        
       34.10  1:12.01  1:51.50  2:31.72                                    
 20 Omstead, Katie E          14 PSC                             2:32.65        
       34.45  1:13.01  1:52.56  2:32.65                                    
 21 Jankins, Heather S        15 Sea Devils                      2:33.11        
       33.64  1:11.40  1:51.85  2:33.11                                    
 22 Caron, Amy M              17 Ana                             2:33.35        
       34.18  1:12.70  1:52.70  2:33.35                                    
 23 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                            2:33.41        
       35.03  1:13.23  1:53.09  2:33.41                                    
 24 Chu, Monica W             17 Cudas                           2:34.32        
       33.85  1:11.90  1:51.94  2:34.32                                    
 25 Gray, Alison L            17 Magnus                          2:34.41        
       35.18  1:13.96  1:53.98  2:34.41                                    
 26 Army, Rachel W            18 Squids                          2:36.06        
       35.34  1:14.81  1:55.21  2:36.06                                    
 27 Burns, Monika A           17 PSC                             2:36.92        
       35.21  1:14.71  1:55.34  2:36.92                                    
 28 Hammdorff, Laura V        16 North Shore                     2:37.47        
       35.34  1:14.59  1:55.56  2:37.47                                    
 29 Trodden, Jen A            12 Ana                             2:39.45        
       36.23  1:16.88  1:57.93  2:39.45                                    
 -- Lee, Joanna               18 Unattached                           DQ        
 -- Fagan, Nicolle E E        16 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Machnik, Becky A          17 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Demers, Sarah J           17 Ana                                 SCR        
 -- Dunn, Mariele K           14 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                              SCR        
 -- McDermott, Jenn K         16 SD                                  SCR        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
Girls 100 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 54.93  4/1/1981  M. Buddemeyer, SFISH-NE                       
    15-18 NE: # 53.00  4/1/1981  Mary T. Meagher, LSIDE                        
   13-14 RES: # 55.64  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 53.77  3/1/1990  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
                55.99  NAT
                57.09  OPEN
                59.99  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus                 57.51      57.54 SECT    32  
       26.44    57.54                                                      
  2 Mulkey, Erin K      19 Unattached             58.43      57.86 SECT    28  
       26.88    57.86                                                      
  3 Gagnon, Laila C     17 Pvac                   59.31      58.41 SECT    27  
       27.74    58.41                                                      
  4 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                    58.66      58.56 SECT    26  
       27.45    58.56                                                      
  5 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                   58.83      58.98 SECT    25  
       27.44    58.98                                                      
  6 Green, Carol E      16 Magnus                 59.11      59.16 SECT    24  
       27.80    59.16                                                      
  7 Curley, Katherine   17 Squids                 59.53      59.19 SECT    23  
       27.60    59.19                                                      
  8 Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus                 59.55      59.84 SECT    22  
       28.05    59.84                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Lesneski, Stacie J  17 Magnus               1:00.22      58.79 SECT    20  
       28.08    58.79                                                      
 10 Krems, Kate W       16 Cudas                  59.94      59.22 SECT    17  
       27.43    59.22                                                      
 11 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast               59.75      59.45 SECT    16  
       28.42    59.45                                                      
 12 Hambelton, Melissa  17 Squids                 59.72      59.83 SECT    15  
       28.02    59.83                                                      
 13 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus               1:00.09    1:00.01         14  
       28.39  1:00.01                                                      
 14 Woodward, Lindsay   17 Squids               1:00.08    1:00.19         13  
       28.45  1:00.19                                                      
 15 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                  1:00.38    1:00.74         12  
       28.69  1:00.74                                                      
 16 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             1:00.15    1:01.36         11  
       28.62  1:01.36                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Robinson, Kelly M   17 Cudas                1:01.04      59.76 SECT     9  
       27.73    59.76                                                      
 18 Spinazzola, Chiara  12 Squids               1:00.77      59.97 SECT     7  
       27.92    59.97                                                      
 19 Demty, Samantha E   16 SD                   1:00.48    1:00.39          6  
       28.24  1:00.39                                                      
 20 Strickland, Kait Z  15 Cudas                1:00.46    1:00.45          5  
       28.12  1:00.45                                                      
 21 Frank, Brittany C   16 Seacoast             1:01.02    1:00.48          4  
       28.64  1:00.48                                                      
 22 Taraverdian, Nicol  17 North Shore          1:00.49    1:00.52          3  
       28.50  1:00.52                                                      
 23 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast             1:00.46    1:00.94          2  
       28.71  1:00.94                                                      
 24 Shoemaker, Jenna I  18 Unattached           1:01.24    1:01.03          1  
       27.68  1:01.03                                                      
Girls 100 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 54.93  4/1/1981  M. Buddemeyer, SFISH-NE                       
    15-18 NE: # 53.00  4/1/1981  Mary T. Meagher, LSIDE                        
   13-14 RES: # 55.64  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 53.77  3/1/1990  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                        
                55.99  NAT
                57.09  OPEN
                59.99  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                            57.51 SECT   
       26.75    57.51                                                      
  2 Mulkey, Erin K            19 Unattached                        58.43 SECT   
       27.02    58.43                                                      
  3 Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                        58.51 SECT   
       27.70    58.51                                                      
  4 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                               58.66 SECT   
       27.16    58.66                                                      
  5 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                              58.83 SECT   
       27.55    58.83                                                      
  6 Green, Carol E            16 Magnus                            59.11 SECT   
       27.23    59.11                                                      
  7 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac                              59.31 SECT   
       27.96    59.31                                                      
  8 Curley, Katherine M       17 Squids                            59.53 SECT   
       27.76    59.53                                                      
  9 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                            59.55 SECT   
       28.04    59.55                                                      
 10 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Cudas                             59.63 SECT   
       27.30    59.63                                                      
 11 Hambelton, Melissa A      17 Squids                            59.72 SECT   
       28.19    59.72                                                      
 12 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                          59.75 SECT   
       28.25    59.75                                                      
 13 Hinds, Holly P            18 Cudas                             59.80 SECT   
       27.66    59.80                                                      
 14 Krems, Kate W             16 Cudas                             59.94 SECT   
       27.52    59.94                                                      
 15 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                          1:00.08        
       28.02  1:00.08                                                      
 16 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          1:00.09        
       28.31  1:00.09                                                      
 17 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        1:00.15        
       28.49  1:00.15                                                      
 18 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                          1:00.22        
       28.81  1:00.22                                                      
 19 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                             1:00.38        
       28.33  1:00.38                                                      
 20 Strickland, Kait Z        15 Cudas                           1:00.46        
       28.33  1:00.46                                                      
 20 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                        1:00.46        
       28.25  1:00.46                                                      
 22 Demty, Samantha E         16 SD                              1:00.48        
       28.21  1:00.48                                                      
 23 Taraverdian, Nicole C     17 North Shore                     1:00.49        
       28.57  1:00.49                                                      
 24 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                          1:00.74        
       28.56  1:00.74                                                      
 25 Spinazzola, Chiara F      12 Squids                          1:00.77        
       28.42  1:00.77                                                      
 26 Frank, Brittany C         16 Seacoast                        1:01.02        
       28.84  1:01.02                                                      
 27 Robinson, Kelly M         17 Cudas                           1:01.04        
       28.45  1:01.04                                                      
 28 Shoemaker, Jenna I        18 Unattached                      1:01.24        
       28.39  1:01.24                                                      
 29 Smith, Ali T              18 Seacoast                        1:01.43        
       28.90  1:01.43                                                      
 30 Hochard, Melinda Z        17 Magnus                          1:01.88        
       29.38  1:01.88                                                      
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Demers, Sarah J           17 Ana                                 SCR        
 -- Chase, Katelyn B          16 SD                                  SCR        
Girls 200 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 2:03.53  4/1/1981  Susy Anderson, CINC-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 1:52.99  4/1/1981  Mary T. Meagher, LSIDE                      
   13-14 RES: # 2:01.09  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 2:00.93  12/1/2001 Stacie Lesneski, GMSC-NE                    
                2:02.69  NAT
                2:05.09  OPEN
                2:10.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Lesneski, Stacie J  17 Magnus               2:06.13    2:05.06 OPEN    32  
       28.12    59.90  1:32.01  2:05.06                                    
  2 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus               2:08.61    2:06.58 SECT    28  
       27.48    59.72  1:32.88  2:06.58                                    
  3 Vogel, Jen L        15 Strypers             2:09.14    2:06.63 SECT    27  
       28.36  1:00.02  1:32.85  2:06.63                                    
  4 Robinson, Kelly M   17 Cudas                2:10.78   J2:08.85 SECT    26  
  5 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             2:09.64   J2:08.63 SECT    25  
       28.90  1:01.58  1:35.16  2:08.63                                    
  6 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                 2:08.16   J2:08.70 SECT    24  
       27.99  1:00.35  1:34.18  2:08.70                                    
  7 Woodward, Lindsay   17 Squids               2:11.37    2:10.94         23  
       28.55  1:01.10  1:35.36  2:10.94                                    
  8 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                  2:10.25    2:11.17         22  
       28.85  1:01.50  1:35.98  2:11.17                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus               2:12.27    2:08.09 SECT    20  
       28.11  1:00.22  1:34.50  2:08.09                                    
 10 Mancuso, Elizabeth  17 Ana                  2:12.85    2:09.55 SECT    17  
       28.03  1:00.96  1:35.07  2:09.55                                    
 11 Strickland, Kait Z  15 Cudas                2:12.43    2:10.21 SECT    16  
       29.31  1:02.09  1:36.02  2:10.21                                    
 12 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                  2:11.68    2:10.58         15  
       28.73  1:01.59  1:35.63  2:10.58                                    
 13 Gagnon, Laila C     17 Pvac                 2:12.91    2:12.00         14  
       28.82  1:01.90  2:12.00                                             
 14 Frank, Brittany C   16 Seacoast             2:12.63    2:12.28         13  
       29.40  1:01.97  1:36.17  2:12.28                                    
 15 Stutius, Erica A    17 Cudas                2:11.93    2:12.56         12  
       29.07  1:02.38  1:37.05  2:12.56                                    
 16 Walterman, Elena V  12 SAC                  2:13.05    2:14.24         11  
       29.72  1:03.50  1:38.78  2:14.24                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus               2:14.47    2:09.92 SECT     9  
       28.89  1:01.84  1:36.26  2:09.92                                    
 18 Curley, Katherine   17 Squids               2:14.13    2:10.52          7  
       28.94  1:01.79  1:36.23  2:10.52                                    
 19 Demty, Samantha E   16 SD                   2:14.63    2:13.24          6  
       29.09  1:03.07  1:38.29  2:13.24                                    
 20 Hambelton, Melissa  17 Squids               2:14.07    2:14.15          5  
       29.32  1:02.97  1:37.78  2:14.15                                    
 21 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast             2:14.43    2:14.75          4  
       29.08  1:03.12  1:38.89  2:14.75                                    
 22 Hawn, Ashley M      17 SAC                  2:15.83    2:14.99          3  
       30.49  1:04.29  1:39.22  2:14.99                                    
 23 Soja, Katie Z       14 Bernal's Gators      2:16.07    2:15.59          2  
       30.06  1:03.61  1:39.18  2:15.59                                    
 24 Devlin, Diedre A    17 Bernal's Gators      2:16.86    2:17.83          1  
       30.14  1:04.24  1:40.41  2:17.83                                    
Girls 200 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 2:03.53  4/1/1981  Susy Anderson, CINC-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 1:52.99  4/1/1981  Mary T. Meagher, LSIDE                      
   13-14 RES: # 2:01.09  3/1/1999  Connie Brown, MVP-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 2:00.93  12/1/2001 Stacie Lesneski, GMSC-NE                    
                2:02.69  NAT
                2:05.09  OPEN
                2:10.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                          2:06.13 SECT   
       28.69  1:00.93  1:33.54  2:06.13                                    
  2 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                            2:08.16 SECT   
       28.22  1:00.48  1:34.05  2:08.16                                    
  3 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                          2:08.61 SECT   
       28.03  1:00.45  1:33.97  2:08.61                                    
  4 Vogel, Jen L              15 Strypers                        2:09.14 SECT   
       28.68  1:01.21  1:34.87  2:09.14                                    
  5 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        2:09.64 SECT   
       28.89  1:01.76  1:35.64  2:09.64                                    
  6 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                             2:10.25 SECT   
       29.57  1:02.77  1:36.54  2:10.25                                    
  7 Robinson, Kelly M         17 Cudas                           2:10.78        
       28.82  1:00.77  1:35.21  2:10.78                                    
  8 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                          2:11.37        
       29.76  1:03.48  1:37.30  2:11.37                                    
  9 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                             2:11.68        
       28.85  1:01.71  1:36.26  2:11.68                                    
 10 Stutius, Erica A          17 Cudas                           2:11.93        
       29.77  1:03.67  1:37.64  2:11.93                                    
 11 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                          2:12.27        
       29.51  1:03.16  1:37.68  2:12.27                                    
 12 Strickland, Kait Z        15 Cudas                           2:12.43        
       29.53  1:02.94  1:37.47  2:12.43                                    
 13 Frank, Brittany C         16 Seacoast                        2:12.63        
       29.93  1:03.37  1:37.56  2:12.63                                    
 14 Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                             2:12.85        
       29.05  1:03.00  1:37.91  2:12.85                                    
 15 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac                            2:12.91        
       29.59  1:02.92  1:37.91  2:12.91                                    
 16 Walterman, Elena V        12 SAC                             2:13.05        
       29.84  1:03.35  1:38.43  2:13.05                                    
 17 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                          2:13.89        
       29.45  1:02.84  1:38.05  2:13.89                                    
 18 Hambelton, Melissa A      17 Squids                          2:14.07        
       29.92  1:03.45  1:37.98  2:14.07                                    
 19 Curley, Katherine M       17 Squids                          2:14.13        
       29.60  1:02.55  1:38.28  2:14.13                                    
 20 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                        2:14.43        
       29.56  1:03.58  1:38.96  2:14.43                                    
 21 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          2:14.47        
       29.13  1:02.92  1:38.38  2:14.47                                    
 22 Demty, Samantha E         16 SD                              2:14.63        
       29.42  1:03.64  1:39.06  2:14.63                                    
 23 Hawn, Ashley M            17 SAC                             2:15.83        
       30.40  1:04.37  1:39.54  2:15.83                                    
 24 Soja, Katie Z             14 Bernal's Gators                 2:16.07        
       30.42  1:04.04  1:39.42  2:16.07                                    
 25 Devlin, Diedre A          17 Bernal's Gators                 2:16.86        
       29.78  1:03.76  1:39.59  2:16.86                                    
 26 Kearns, Jill M            13 SAC                             2:17.07        
       30.71  1:05.85  1:42.29  2:17.07                                    
 27 Kennedy, Kerri A          16 Magnus                          2:17.24        
       31.05  1:05.43  1:41.00  2:17.24                                    
 28 Krems, Kate W             16 Cudas                           2:17.37        
       29.32  1:03.33  1:38.95  2:17.37                                    
 29 Finn, Courtney E          16 Squids                          2:17.82        
       29.75  1:04.31  1:40.88  2:17.82                                    
 30 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                            2:17.95        
       30.29  1:04.47  1:40.58  2:17.95                                    
 -- Ellowitz, Kacy L          15 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Davies, Abigail S         20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Chang, Victoria S         21 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Hochard, Melinda Z        17 Magnus                              SCR        
 -- Doty, Alexandra J         16 PSC                                 SCR        
 -- Chase, Katelyn B          16 SD                                  SCR        
 -- Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                              SCR        
Girls 200 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 2:00.21  1/1/1978  Tracy Caulkins                              
    15-18 NE: # 1:57.11  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 2:04.83  3/1/1991  Amanda Hall, BGSC-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 2:02.26  3/1/1998  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                      
                2:03.69  NAT
                2:06.09  OPEN
                2:12.49  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus               2:08.65    2:04.97 OPEN    32  
       26.65    57.54  1:35.68  2:04.97                                    
  2 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids               2:08.58    2:07.38 SECT    28  
       29.35  1:02.91  1:38.75  2:07.38                                    
  3 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast             2:10.01    2:08.18 SECT    27  
       28.14  1:00.27  1:39.19  2:08.18                                    
  4 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                 2:11.27    2:09.58 SECT    26  
       27.81  1:01.48  1:39.66  2:09.58                                    
  5 Hinds, Holly P      18 Cudas                2:10.53    2:09.67 SECT    25  
       28.17  1:02.20  1:40.36  2:09.67                                    
  6 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             2:08.61    2:09.95 SECT    24  
       28.47  1:02.74  1:39.42  2:09.95                                    
  7 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                  2:10.98    2:10.32 SECT    23  
       29.63  1:03.11  1:40.52  2:10.32                                    
  8 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus               2:11.95    2:12.17 SECT    22  
       30.36  1:02.93  1:41.50  2:12.17                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Healey, Meghan E    16 Squids               2:12.42    2:10.07 SECT    20  
       28.76  1:02.23  1:40.22  2:10.07                                    
 10 Farrell, Megan K    14 SAC                  2:12.20    2:10.49 SECT    17  
       28.17  1:01.60  1:41.10  2:10.49                                    
 11 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids               2:12.66    2:10.67 SECT    16  
       28.54  1:02.10  1:41.51  2:10.67                                    
 12 Strickland, Kait Z  15 Cudas                2:12.55    2:11.01 SECT    15  
       28.64  1:03.19  1:40.97  2:11.01                                    
 13 Curley, Katherine   17 Squids               2:12.58    2:11.86 SECT    14  
       27.89  1:00.65  1:41.12  2:11.86                                    
 14 Woodward, Lindsay   17 Squids               2:13.73    2:13.23         13  
       28.70  1:02.92  1:43.01  2:13.23                                    
 15 Kearns, Sarah A     17 SAC                  2:13.26    2:14.02         12  
       28.92  1:03.31  1:43.42  2:14.02                                    
 16 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus               2:13.78    2:17.35         11  
       29.48  1:04.81  1:45.35  2:17.35                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Smith, Ali T        18 Seacoast             2:13.88    2:11.84 SECT     9  
       28.38  1:03.83  1:41.45  2:11.84                                    
 18 Mancuso, Elizabeth  17 Ana                  2:15.33    2:13.01          7  
       28.47  1:02.41  1:42.91  2:13.01                                    
 19 Hochard, Melinda Z  17 Magnus               2:14.13    2:13.41          6  
       29.45  1:05.53  1:41.67  2:13.41                                    
 20 Colling, Caitlin A  16 SAC                  2:14.86    2:14.40          5  
       29.73  1:04.01  1:44.10  2:14.40                                    
 21 Krems, Kate W       16 Cudas                2:16.49    2:15.28          4  
       27.93  1:02.48  1:44.05  2:15.28                                    
 22 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                 2:15.93    2:15.48          3  
       29.68  1:04.68  1:44.28  2:15.48                                    
 23 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast             2:14.79    2:16.03          2  
       29.38  1:05.38  1:45.77  2:16.03                                    
 24 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus               2:17.57    2:17.60          1  
       29.59  1:04.66  1:46.62  2:17.60                                    
Girls 200 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 2:00.21  1/1/1978  Tracy Caulkins                              
    15-18 NE: # 1:57.11  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 2:04.83  3/1/1991  Amanda Hall, BGSC-NE                        
   15-18 RES: # 2:02.26  3/1/1998  Jenny Thompson, SSA-NE                      
                2:03.69  NAT
                2:06.09  OPEN
                2:12.49  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                          2:08.58 SECT   
       29.28  1:02.89  1:39.92  2:08.58                                    
  2 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        2:08.61 SECT   
       28.57  1:02.48  1:38.02  2:08.61                                    
  3 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                          2:08.65 SECT   
       27.23    58.76  1:38.22  2:08.65                                    
  4 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                        2:10.01 SECT   
       28.86  1:01.78  1:40.84  2:10.01                                    
  5 Hinds, Holly P            18 Cudas                           2:10.53 SECT   
       28.48  1:02.42  1:40.33  2:10.53                                    
  6 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                             2:10.98 SECT   
       29.34  1:02.97  1:40.80  2:10.98                                    
  7 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                            2:11.27 SECT   
       28.17  1:02.50  1:40.98  2:11.27                                    
  8 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          2:11.95 SECT   
       30.24  1:03.32  1:41.65  2:11.95                                    
  9 Farrell, Megan K          14 SAC                             2:12.20 SECT   
       28.43  1:02.61  1:42.74  2:12.20                                    
 10 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids                          2:12.42 SECT   
       29.53  1:04.42  1:41.71  2:12.42                                    
 11 Strickland, Kait Z        15 Cudas                           2:12.55        
       29.25  1:03.83  1:41.89  2:12.55                                    
 12 Curley, Katherine M       17 Squids                          2:12.58        
       28.35  1:01.76  1:41.59  2:12.58                                    
 13 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                          2:12.66        
       29.16  1:03.15  1:43.12  2:12.66                                    
 14 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                             2:13.26        
       28.84  1:03.60  1:43.57  2:13.26                                    
 15 Aiello, Jessica M         17 Bernal's Gators                 2:13.42        
       28.61  1:02.44  1:43.18  2:13.42                                    
 16 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                          2:13.73        
       29.16  1:03.34  1:43.22  2:13.73                                    
 17 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                          2:13.78        
       29.00  1:03.67  1:43.77  2:13.78                                    
 18 Smith, Ali T              18 Seacoast                        2:13.88        
       29.25  1:04.78  1:42.28  2:13.88                                    
 19 Hochard, Melinda Z        17 Magnus                          2:14.13        
       29.74  1:05.72  1:42.10  2:14.13                                    
 20 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                          2:14.40        
       29.99  1:02.88  1:44.64  2:14.40                                    
 20 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Cudas                           2:14.40        
       28.55  1:02.37  1:44.92  2:14.40                                    
 22 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                        2:14.79        
       28.76  1:03.95  1:44.61  2:14.79                                    
 23 Colling, Caitlin A        16 SAC                             2:14.86        
       29.86  1:04.44  1:44.65  2:14.86                                    
 24 Vogel, Jen L              15 Strypers                        2:15.28        
       29.20  1:04.36  1:43.78  2:15.28                                    
 25 Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                             2:15.33        
       28.58  1:03.33  1:44.53  2:15.33                                    
 26 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC                             2:15.42        
       30.07  1:03.73  1:44.89  2:15.42                                    
 27 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                            2:15.93        
       29.93  1:05.00  1:44.55  2:15.93                                    
 28 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                          2:16.04        
       29.10  1:03.41  1:43.50  2:16.04                                    
 29 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                          2:16.08        
       28.88  1:02.51  1:45.76  2:16.08                                    
 30 Krems, Kate W             16 Cudas                           2:16.49        
       28.49  1:03.44  1:45.07  2:16.49                                    
 31 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          2:17.57        
       29.63  1:04.29  1:46.66  2:17.57                                    
 32 Ernst, Kara Q             16 SD                              2:17.78        
       30.23  1:07.96  1:46.25  2:17.78                                    
 33 Burns, Monika A           17 PSC                             2:19.06        
       31.92  1:07.71  1:47.46  2:19.06                                    
 34 Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                        2:19.37        
       30.48  1:04.36  1:46.54  2:19.37                                    
 35 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                          2:19.51        
       30.01  1:04.88  1:47.86  2:19.51                                    
 36 Robinson, Kelly M         17 Cudas                           2:19.84        
       28.78  1:04.95  1:48.05  2:19.84                                    
 -- Chang, Hee-Jin Z          16 Squids                               NS        
 -- Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Bright, Michelle A        18 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                              SCR        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
Girls 400 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 4:16.76  1/1/1978  Tracy Caulkins                              
    15-18 NE: # 4:04.63  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 4:24.96  3/1/1994  Kristin Lozeau, GMSC-NE                     
   15-18 RES: # 4:17.45  12/1/1995 Kristin Lozeau, GMSC-NE                     
                4:22.99  NAT
                4:27.79  OPEN
                4:39.99  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Barbary, Jenna L    17 Seacoast             4:28.87    4:24.72#OPEN    32  
       29.07  1:01.91  1:36.83  2:11.54  2:48.04  3:24.79  3:55.24  4:24.72
  2 Meissner, Erica L   14 Magnus               4:26.45    4:25.70 OPEN    28  
       28.26  1:00.49  1:33.63  2:06.42  2:45.79  3:25.53  3:56.06  4:25.70
  3 Lesneski, Stacie J  17 Magnus               4:34.60    4:29.34 SECT    27  
       28.85  1:00.85  1:35.26  2:09.51  2:48.02  3:27.41  3:58.86  4:29.34
  4 McFarlane, Taylor   16 Seacoast             4:31.80    4:29.92 SECT    26  
       28.98  1:02.15  1:36.66  2:10.81  2:50.96  3:30.57  4:00.79  4:29.92
  5 O'Brien, Kate G     17 Squids               4:29.94    4:29.95 SECT    25  
       29.92  1:04.13  1:39.42  2:14.05  2:51.65  3:30.30  4:00.80  4:29.95
  6 Geary, Caitlin M    18 Magnus               4:34.37    4:32.24 SECT    24  
       29.02  1:02.22  1:37.24  2:10.76  2:50.69  3:31.18  4:02.59  4:32.24
  7 Vogel, Jen L        15 Strypers             4:33.10    4:32.27 SECT    23  
       28.37  1:01.47  1:36.87  2:11.71  2:51.13  3:31.19  4:02.19  4:32.27
  8 Brady, Lauren       14 NWSC                 4:31.82    4:33.89 SECT    22  
       28.76  1:01.84  1:38.50  2:14.18  2:53.12  3:32.41  4:03.95  4:33.89
Consolation Final
  9 Foley, Kathleen E   15 Magnus               4:34.98    4:31.56 SECT    20  
       29.67  1:03.73  1:37.41  2:10.62  2:49.85  3:29.58  4:01.49  4:31.56
 10 Cheffers, Mary L    15 Magnus               4:34.92    4:33.05 SECT    17  
       29.95  1:04.29  1:39.84  2:14.15  2:53.41  3:32.43  4:03.58  4:33.05
 11 Colling, Meaghan E  16 SAC                  4:37.74    4:33.56 SECT    16  
       28.83  1:02.62  1:37.77  2:13.17  2:51.26  3:30.74  4:02.54  4:33.56
 12 Haron, Katie E      14 Squids               4:39.34    4:33.60 SECT    15  
       29.04  1:02.10  1:37.19  2:11.85  2:51.75  3:32.53  4:03.70  4:33.60
 13 Healey, Meghan E    16 Squids               4:38.16    4:35.17 SECT    14  
       29.55  1:02.42  1:39.58  2:14.33  2:53.16  3:32.45  4:04.52  4:35.17
 14 Smith, Ali T        18 Seacoast             4:36.73    4:38.52 SECT    13  
       29.49  1:03.75  1:40.73  2:17.30  2:55.38  3:34.50  4:06.90  4:38.52
 15 Peak, Candice E     14 Magnus               4:41.76    4:43.80         12  
       28.98  1:03.59  1:39.55  2:14.81  2:57.04  3:40.20  4:12.51  4:43.80
 16 Frank, Chelsea M    17 Seacoast             4:41.33    4:44.68         11  
       30.06  1:05.00  1:40.11  2:14.27  2:56.67  3:39.35  4:12.19  4:44.68
Bonus Final
 17 Rigterink, Kristin  14 Seacoast             4:42.79    4:34.95 SECT     9  
       29.75  1:03.68  1:39.07  2:14.74  2:54.00  3:34.32  4:04.96  4:34.95
 18 Ernst, Kara Q       16 SD                   4:42.19    4:38.86 SECT     7  
       30.39  1:04.16  1:42.22  2:18.88  2:57.33  3:35.74  4:07.94  4:38.86
 19 Curley, Katherine   17 Squids               4:43.28    4:40.91          6  
       29.44  1:03.32  1:39.39  2:16.17  2:56.16  3:37.84  4:09.87  4:40.91
 20 Doherty, Caitlin K  14 Magnus               4:42.60    4:41.49          5  
       29.34  1:02.76  1:38.26  2:13.33  2:56.35  3:39.81  4:10.82  4:41.49
 21 Kearns, Jill M      13 SAC                  4:42.46    4:41.57          4  
       30.10  1:04.92  1:41.28  2:17.59  2:58.24  3:39.27  4:10.85  4:41.57
 22 Frizelle, Kashmir   14 Magnus               4:43.70    4:41.62          3  
       29.50  1:03.21  1:38.61  2:14.05  2:56.30  3:39.13  4:11.10  4:41.62
 23 Woodward, Nikki R   17 Pvac                 4:43.96    4:41.63          2  
       29.18  1:02.74  1:40.68  2:17.86  2:57.86  3:38.73  4:10.58  4:41.63
 24 Cook, Jessica S     17 Magnus               4:47.85    4:48.01          1  
       30.87  1:06.82  1:43.01  2:18.19  3:01.28  3:44.25  4:16.78  4:48.01
Girls 400 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 4:16.76  1/1/1978  Tracy Caulkins                              
    15-18 NE: # 4:04.63  4/1/1981  Tracy Caulkins, NASHV                       
   13-14 RES: # 4:24.96  3/1/1994  Kristin Lozeau, GMSC-NE                     
   15-18 RES: # 4:17.45  12/1/1995 Kristin Lozeau, GMSC-NE                     
                4:22.99  NAT
                4:27.79  OPEN
                4:39.99  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Meissner, Erica L         14 Magnus                          4:26.45 OPEN   
       27.87  1:00.30  1:32.87  2:05.32  2:44.38  3:24.25  3:55.64  4:26.45
  2 Evan, Jane V              19 Unattached                      4:27.33 OPEN   
       28.59  1:00.91  1:35.14  2:09.15  2:47.56  3:25.37  3:57.04  4:27.33
  3 Barbary, Jenna L          17 Seacoast                        4:28.87 SECT   
       28.99  1:01.84  1:37.79  2:12.92  2:49.60  3:26.59  3:58.31  4:28.87
  4 O'Brien, Kate G           17 Squids                          4:29.94 SECT   
       29.59  1:03.51  1:38.96  2:13.41  2:50.47  3:28.02  3:59.60  4:29.94
  5 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 Seacoast                        4:31.80 SECT   
       29.02  1:02.01  1:36.39  2:10.33  2:50.85  3:30.92  4:01.81  4:31.80
  6 Brady, Lauren             14 NWSC                            4:31.82 SECT   
       28.43  1:01.24  1:36.99  2:11.70  2:50.29  3:29.96  4:01.59  4:31.82
  7 Vogel, Jen L              15 Strypers                        4:33.10 SECT   
       29.00  1:01.62  1:36.99  2:11.64  2:50.78  3:30.62  4:02.19  4:33.10
  8 Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus                          4:34.37 SECT   
       29.24  1:02.62  1:37.46  2:12.19  2:52.53  3:33.68  4:04.95  4:34.37
  9 Lesneski, Stacie J        17 Magnus                          4:34.60 SECT   
       28.80  1:01.78  1:36.74  2:11.72  2:51.18  3:31.14  4:03.49  4:34.60
 10 Cheffers, Mary L          15 Magnus                          4:34.92 SECT   
       30.34  1:04.49  1:39.26  2:13.60  2:53.14  3:33.58  4:04.93  4:34.92
 11 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus                          4:34.98 SECT   
       30.13  1:05.09  1:39.12  2:12.60  2:52.30  3:32.56  4:04.81  4:34.98
 12 Strickland, Kait Z        15 Cudas                           4:35.39 SECT   
       29.25  1:02.62  1:38.93  2:14.47  2:52.41  3:31.79  4:04.22  4:35.39
 13 Smith, Ali T              18 Seacoast                        4:36.73 SECT   
       29.40  1:02.72  1:40.07  2:15.75  2:54.14  3:32.31  4:04.93  4:36.73
 14 Colling, Meaghan E        16 SAC                             4:37.74 SECT   
       29.75  1:03.80  1:39.29  2:15.27  2:53.82  3:33.87  4:06.02  4:37.74
 15 Kearns, Sarah A           17 SAC                             4:38.08 SECT   
       29.05  1:02.31  1:38.57  2:14.09  2:54.61  3:35.56  4:07.37  4:38.08
 16 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids                          4:38.16 SECT   
       29.45  1:02.22  1:40.23  2:16.19  2:54.92  3:34.13  4:06.68  4:38.16
 17 Haron, Katie E            14 Squids                          4:39.34 SECT   
       29.58  1:04.20  1:39.35  2:14.28  2:55.23  3:36.14  4:07.94  4:39.34
 18 Frank, Chelsea M          17 Seacoast                        4:41.33        
       30.18  1:04.51  1:38.01  2:11.11  2:53.26  3:36.35  4:09.36  4:41.33
 19 Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus                          4:41.76        
       29.26  1:02.94  1:39.31  2:14.49  2:55.69  3:38.28  4:10.51  4:41.76
 20 Goldstein, Annie J        17 Squids                          4:41.81        
       30.13  1:04.90  1:38.63  2:11.21  2:54.89  3:38.16  4:10.57  4:41.81
 21 Ernst, Kara Q             16 SD                              4:42.19        
       30.70  1:04.65  1:43.25  2:20.72  2:59.80  3:39.06  4:12.03  4:42.19
 22 Kearns, Jill M            13 SAC                             4:42.46        
       29.91  1:03.60  1:41.03  2:17.30  2:58.42  3:39.95  4:11.86  4:42.46
 23 Doherty, Caitlin K        14 Magnus                          4:42.60        
       29.40  1:02.57  1:37.65  2:12.06  2:55.82  3:39.78  4:11.35  4:42.60
 24 Rigterink, Kristina M     14 Seacoast                        4:42.79        
       29.29  1:03.35  1:39.84  2:16.66  2:57.96  3:39.33  4:11.37  4:42.79
 25 Curley, Katherine M       17 Squids                          4:43.28        
       29.11  1:02.78  1:39.49  2:16.00  2:57.54  3:39.74  4:11.67  4:43.28
 26 Frizelle, Kashmir E       14 Magnus                          4:43.70        
       29.51  1:03.45  1:39.35  2:14.54  2:56.61  3:39.95  4:12.06  4:43.70
 27 Fisher, Taylor H          17 Sea Devils                      4:43.90        
       31.09  1:05.12  1:40.77  2:16.40  2:57.56  3:40.25  4:12.62  4:43.90
 28 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac                            4:43.96        
       30.01  1:04.04  1:41.58  2:18.05  2:58.48  3:39.37  4:11.88  4:43.96
 29 Cook, Jessica S           17 Magnus                          4:47.85        
       30.83  1:06.23  1:42.58  2:18.27  3:01.31  3:44.13  4:16.10  4:47.85
 30 Ellowitz, Kacy L          15 Magnus                          4:49.37        
       29.97  1:03.91  1:41.54  2:18.64  3:00.44  3:44.44  4:16.70  4:49.37
 31 Frank, Brittany C         16 Seacoast                        4:51.24        
       29.98  1:03.78  1:41.31  2:18.23  3:00.03  3:42.13  4:17.20  4:51.24
 32 Malloy, Rhynn J           15 Magnus                          4:55.30        
       31.54  1:07.82  1:46.03  2:24.21  3:05.16  3:46.78  4:21.76  4:55.30
 33 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac                            4:55.36        
       29.08  1:01.95  1:41.29  2:21.23  3:05.39  3:50.69  4:23.61  4:55.36
 -- Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Kliskey, Samantha Z       17 Magnus                               DQ        
 -- Hochard, Melinda Z        17 Magnus                               DQ        
 -- Bright, Michelle A        18 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Wilbur, Katie L           20 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Mancuso, Elizabeth        17 Ana                                 SCR        
Girls 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
    13-14 NE: # 3:36.79  2/1/1999  Merrimack Valley Pirates                    
                         Hammond, Boucher, Mancuso, Brown                  
    15-18 NE: # 3:19.55  4/1/1981  Mission Viejo                               
                         Linzmier, Williams, Habernigg, Woodhead           
   13-14 RES: # 3:36.79  2/1/1999  Merrimack Valley Pirates                    
                         Hammond, Boucher, Mancuso, Brown                  
   15-18 RES: # 3:27.06  3/1/1996  Bernal's Gator Swim Club                    
                         J. Lapinsky, K. Kalbko, K. Maistrellis, W. Brown  
                3:31.99  NAT
                3:33.49  OPEN
                3:44.99  SECT
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'A'                             3:29.67#NAT     64  
     1) Colling, Meaghan E 16           2) Butts, Eliza L 14              
     3) Farrell, Megan K 14             4) Colling, Caitlin A 16          
       25.51    52.70  1:17.06  1:44.22  2:09.24  2:36.89  3:01.89  3:29.67
  2 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'A'                         3:34.94#SECT    56  
     1) Rigterink, Kristina M 14        2) Flasphaler, Tricia M 17        
     3) LeBarge, Nicole E 18            4) McFarlane, Taylor M 16         
       26.15    53.89  1:19.64  1:48.10  2:13.79  2:42.89  3:07.72  3:34.94
  3 New England Barracudas  'A'                           3:36.07#SECT    54  
     1) Hinds, Holly P 18               2) Colson, Stephanie C 17         
     3) Stutius, Erica A 17             4) Laffel, Nikki L 17             
       26.14    53.84  1:20.15  1:48.90  2:15.12  2:43.49  3:08.68  3:36.07
  4 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'A'                       3:36.09#SECT    52  
     1) O'Brien, Kate G 17              2) Woodward, Lindsay A 17         
     3) Goldstein, Annie J 17           4) Haron, Katie E 14              
       26.54    54.14  1:20.42  1:48.44  2:14.58  2:42.56  3:08.40  3:36.09
  5 Magnus Aquatic Group  'A'                             3:37.14 SECT    50  
     1) Meissner, Erica L 14            2) Peak, Candice E 14             
     3) Green, Carol E 16               4) Cheffers, Mary L 15            
       25.23    53.03  1:19.40  1:48.28  2:14.00  2:43.28  3:09.23  3:37.14
  6 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'B'                       3:39.73 SECT    48  
     1) Hambelton, Melissa A 17         2) Spinazzola, Chiara F 12        
     3) Finn, Courtney E 16             4) Healey, Meghan E 16            
       26.35    55.03  1:20.98  1:49.70  2:16.46  2:45.46  3:11.25  3:39.73
  7 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'B'                         3:43.00 SECT    46  
     1) Coker, Kate K 16                2) Smith, Ali T 18                
     3) Snyder, Lindsey A 17            4) Barbary, Jenna L 17            
       26.72    55.15  1:21.34  1:49.66  2:16.66  2:46.11  3:13.11  3:43.00
  8 Seekonk Dolphins  'A'                                 3:43.14 SECT    44  
     1) Demty, Samantha E 16            2) Farrington, Meggie E 14        
     3) Ernst, Kara Q 16                4) Grant, Caitlin E 17            
       27.45    56.72  1:24.42  1:54.41  2:20.30  2:48.61  3:14.76  3:43.14
  9 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'B'                             3:43.56 SECT    40  
     1) Kearns, Sarah A 17              2) Kearns, Molly L 15             
     3) Kearns, Jill M 13               4) Walterman, Elena V 12          
       26.72    55.22  1:22.26  1:52.18  2:18.83  2:48.04  3:14.48  3:43.56
 10 New England Barracudas  'B'                           3:43.69 SECT    34  
     1) Krems, Kate W 16                2) Strickland, Kait Z 15          
     3) Negrotti, Alicia M 15           4) Robinson, Kelly M 17           
       26.78    55.80  1:22.08  1:51.38  2:18.46  2:49.11  3:14.55  3:43.69
 11 Magnus Aquatic Group  'B'                             3:46.72         32  
     1) Doherty, Caitlin K 14           2) Geary, Caitlin M 18            
     3) Frizelle, Kashmir E 14          4) Lesneski, Stacie J 17          
       27.15    56.15  1:22.69  1:52.75  2:20.13  2:49.67  3:16.92  3:46.72
 12 Magnus Aquatic Group  'C'                            x3:48.11        
     1) Hopkins-Vacca, Corina F 15      2) Foley, Kathleen E 15           
     3) Prautzsch, Kristin A 13         4) Kliskey, Samantha Z 17         
       27.75    56.93  1:23.27  1:52.23  2:20.19  2:50.97  3:18.03  3:48.11
 13 Magnus Aquatic Group  'D'                            x3:58.45        
     1) Gray, Erin E 15                 2) Kennedy, Kerri A 16            
     3) Hochard, Melinda Z 17           4) Malloy, Rhynn J 15             
       29.29  1:00.59  1:29.18  1:59.87  2:28.24  2:59.45  3:27.64  3:58.45
 -- Bay and Ocean State Squids  'D'                            NS        
 -- Bay and Ocean State Squids  'C'                            NS        
 -- Providence Aquatic Club  'A'                              SCR        
 -- South Shore YMCA Strypers  'A'                            SCR        
Girls 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
    13-14 NE: # 7:44.99  2/1/1999  Merrimack Valley Pirates                    
                         Boucher, Mancuso, Siu, Brown                      
    15-18 NE: # 7:12.62  4/1/1981  Mission Viejo                               
                         Linzmier, Habernigg, Williams, Hanna              
   13-14 RES: # 7:44.99  2/1/1999  Merrimack Valley Pirates                    
                         Boucher, Mancuso, Siu, Brown                      
   15-18 RES: # 7:32.49  3/1/1995  Greenwood Memorial Swim Club                
                         A. Korouac, K. Charpentier, K. Lozeau, E. Howarth 
                7:40.59  NAT
                7:43.39  OPEN
                8:05.19  SECT
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'A'                             7:39.01#NAT     56  
     1) Farrell, Megan K 14             2) Butts, Eliza L 14              
     3) Colling, Meaghan E 16           4) Kearns, Sarah A 17             
  2 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'A'                       7:43.23#OPEN    64  
     1) O'Brien, Kate G 17              2) Woodward, Lindsay A 17         
     3) Haron, Katie E 14               4) Goldstein, Annie J 17          
       27.07    56.13  1:25.16  1:54.27  2:21.44  2:51.61  3:22.29  3:52.86
     4:18.99  4:48.60  5:19.00  5:49.05  6:15.10  6:44.36  7:13.88  7:43.23
  3 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'A'                         7:43.68#SECT    54  
     1) McFarlane, Taylor M 16          2) Barbary, Jenna L 17            
     3) Coker, Kate K 16                4) Rigterink, Kristina M 14       
       27.03    56.07  1:25.37  1:55.04  2:21.88  2:51.72  3:22.09  3:52.21
     4:18.95  4:48.67  5:19.05  5:49.80  6:15.83  6:44.93  7:14.95  7:43.68
  4 Magnus Aquatic Group  'A'                             7:47.06 SECT    52  
     1) Cheffers, Mary L 15             2) Doherty, Caitlin K 14          
     3) Geary, Caitlin M 18             4) Meissner, Erica L 14           
       27.24    56.51  1:26.35  1:55.54  2:22.64  2:52.67  3:23.38  3:53.74
     4:20.37  4:50.35  5:21.35  5:52.31  6:18.31  6:47.15  7:16.94  7:47.06
  5 New England Barracudas  'A'                           7:48.63 SECT    50  
     1) Hinds, Holly P 18               2) Strickland, Kait Z 15          
     3) Colson, Stephanie C 17          4) Laffel, Nikki L 17             
       26.42    55.58  1:25.87  1:55.54  2:22.28  2:51.84  3:22.94  3:53.87
     4:20.32  4:50.42  5:21.44  5:52.55  6:18.64  6:48.16  7:18.59  7:48.63
  6 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'B'                         7:58.60 SECT    48  
     1) Snyder, Lindsey A 17            2) LeBarge, Nicole E 18           
     3) Frank, Chelsea M 17             4) Smith, Ali T 18                
       28.75    58.80  1:29.41  2:00.10  2:27.26  2:57.98  3:29.29  4:00.21
     4:27.35  4:57.14  5:27.97  5:58.98  6:26.31  6:56.79  7:27.84  7:58.60
  7 New England Barracudas  'B'                           7:59.70 SECT    46  
     1) Robinson, Kelly M 17            2) Krems, Kate W 16               
     3) Negrotti, Alicia M 15           4) Stutius, Erica A 17            
       26.93    56.64  1:27.77  1:59.65  2:26.60  2:56.86  3:28.72  4:00.83
     4:27.43  4:58.45  5:31.30  6:03.43  6:29.82  6:59.27  7:29.65  7:59.70
  8 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'B'                             8:00.61 SECT    44  
     1) Colling, Caitlin A 16           2) Kearns, Molly L 15             
     3) Kearns, Jill M 13               4) Hawn, Ashley M 17              
       26.60    55.58  1:25.57  1:55.87  2:23.10  2:53.38  3:25.17  3:56.50
     4:23.55  4:54.62  5:26.44  5:57.58  6:25.72  6:56.54  7:28.24  8:00.61
  9 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'B'                       8:04.29 SECT    40  
     1) Healey, Meghan E 16             2) Spinazzola, Chiara F 12        
     3) Curley, Katherine M 17          4) Finn, Courtney E 16            
       28.14    58.00  1:28.75  1:59.75  2:27.28  2:58.10  3:29.39  4:00.18
     4:28.17  4:59.18  5:31.28  6:03.45  6:31.12  7:01.59  7:32.98  8:04.29
 10 Magnus Aquatic Group  'B'                             8:07.66         34  
     1) Foley, Kathleen E 15            2) Cook, Jessica S 17             
     3) Peak, Candice E 14              4) Lesneski, Stacie J 17          
       27.86    58.32  1:29.32  1:59.99  2:27.64  2:58.39  3:30.30  4:01.94
     4:20.25  4:59.93  5:31.85  6:02.94  6:31.52  7:03.23  7:35.95  8:07.66
 11 Seekonk Dolphins  'A'                                 8:12.87         32  
     1) Grant, Caitlin E 17             2) Farrington, Meggie E 14        
     3) Ernst, Kara Q 16                4) Demty, Samantha E 16           
       27.78    58.42  1:29.45  1:59.98  2:28.36  3:00.37  3:33.86  4:05.94
     4:33.75  5:04.82  5:36.79  6:08.02  6:35.76  7:07.35  7:40.01  8:12.87
 -- Providence Aquatic Club  'A'                              SCR        
Girls 400 Yard Medley Relay
    13-14 NE: # 4:02.89  3/1/1999  Merrimack Valley Pirates                    
                         C. Brown, H. Boucher, K. Palmer, E. Mancuso       
    15-18 NE: # 3:48.13  4/1/1981  West Chester                                
                         Kinkead, Quinn, Gavin, Scott                      
   13-14 RES: # 4:02.89  3/1/1999  Merrimack Valley Pirates                    
                         C. Brown, H. Boucher, K. Palmer, E. Mancuso       
   15-18 RES: # 3:50.32  3/1/1997  Greenwood Memorial Swim Club                
                         K. Lozeau, K. Cline, E. Howarth, K. Charpentier   
                3:56.89  NAT
                3:58.19  OPEN
                4:11.29  SECT
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 Magnus Aquatic Group  'A'                             3:57.30#OPEN    64  
     1) Meissner, Erica L 14            2) Hochard, Melinda Z 17          
     3) Green, Carol E 16               4) Cheffers, Mary L 15            
       28.60    57.90  1:29.07  2:04.55  2:31.46  3:03.18  3:29.28  3:57.30
  2 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'A'                         3:58.13#OPEN    56  
     1) Snyder, Lindsey A 17            2) Barbary, Jenna L 17            
     3) Rigterink, Kristina M 14        4) McFarlane, Taylor M 16         
       29.36    59.67  1:30.12  2:05.03  2:32.85  3:05.77  3:30.82  3:58.13
  3 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'A'                       3:58.43#SECT    54  
     1) Goldstein, Annie J 17           2) O'Brien, Kate G 17             
     3) Curley, Katherine M 17          4) Haron, Katie E 14              
       30.14  1:00.48  1:31.72  2:06.40  2:33.41  3:05.77  3:30.94  3:58.43
  4 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'A'                             3:59.37#SECT    52  
     1) Colling, Caitlin A 16           2) Colling, Meaghan E 16          
     3) Farrell, Megan K 14             4) Butts, Eliza L 14              
       29.73  1:01.56  1:32.11  2:07.53  2:34.62  3:07.28  3:31.87  3:59.37
  5 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'B'                       4:02.66#SECT    50  
     1) Spinazzola, Chiara F 12         2) Maguire, Caitlin A 16          
     3) Hambelton, Melissa A 17         4) Woodward, Lindsay A 17         
       30.99  1:03.74  1:34.23  2:09.01  2:36.97  3:08.60  3:34.29  4:02.66
  6 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'B'                         4:03.54 SECT    48  
     1) Coker, Kate K 16                2) Smith, Ali T 18                
     3) Frank, Brittany C 16            4) Flasphaler, Tricia M 17        
       29.71  1:00.81  1:32.54  2:08.41  2:36.87  3:08.97  3:34.68  4:03.54
  7 Magnus Aquatic Group  'B'                             4:06.61 SECT    46  
     1) Peak, Candice E 14              2) Hopkins-Vacca, Corina F 15     
     3) Frizelle, Kashmir E 14          4) Geary, Caitlin M 18            
       29.93  1:01.33  1:32.16  2:08.08  2:36.52  3:09.63  3:36.26  4:06.61
  8 Seekonk Dolphins  'A'                                 4:07.50 SECT    44  
     1) Farrington, Meggie E 14         2) Ernst, Kara Q 16               
     3) Chase, Katelyn B 16             4) Grant, Caitlin E 17            
       30.32  1:01.70  1:33.61  2:09.61  2:39.05  3:12.76  3:38.64  4:07.50
  9 New England Barracudas  'A'                           4:07.62 SECT    40  
     1) Laffel, Nikki L 17              2) Hinds, Holly P 18              
     3) Robinson, Kelly M 17            4) Colson, Stephanie C 17         
       30.41  1:01.40  1:35.29  2:13.63  2:41.57  3:14.39  3:39.79  4:07.62
 10 New England Barracudas  'B'                           4:09.04 SECT    34  
     1) Strickland, Kait Z 15           2) Negrotti, Alicia M 15          
     3) Krems, Kate W 16                4) Stutius, Erica A 17            
       31.19  1:03.72  1:37.17  2:15.51  2:42.94  3:14.99  3:40.93  4:09.04
 11 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'B'                             4:10.28 SECT    32  
     1) Kearns, Sarah A 17              2) Gram, Hilary F 14              
     3) Walterman, Elena V 12           4) Kearns, Jill M 13              
       31.62  1:04.25  1:37.16  2:14.67  2:42.65  3:14.78  3:40.89  4:10.28
 12 Magnus Aquatic Group  'C'                            x4:12.77        
     1) Foley, Kathleen E 15            2) Prautzsch, Kristin A 13        
     3) Malloy, Rhynn J 15              4) Kliskey, Samantha Z 17         
       30.49  1:01.94  1:34.04  2:11.05  2:40.84  3:15.89  3:42.53  4:12.77
 -- Bay and Ocean State Squids  'C'                           SCR        
 -- Bay and Ocean State Squids  'D'                           SCR        
 -- Magnus Aquatic Group  'D'                                 SCR        
Boys 50 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 21.96  3/1/1993  William Maher, BSC                            
    15-18 NE: # 20.43  4/1/1981  Chris Cavanaugh, DEANZ                        
   13-14 RES: # 21.70  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 20.45  3/1/2000  Nick Brunelli, OSS-NE                         
                20.49  NAT
                20.99  OPEN
                22.49  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Langan, Nick F      20 Unattached             21.25      21.13#SECT    32  
  2 Bailey, James H     17 Squids                 21.29      21.34#SECT    28  
  3 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus                 21.47      21.58#SECT    27  
  4 Viccaro, Adam T     18 Seacoast               22.29      21.87#SECT    26  
  5 Falk, Bjorn E       16 Magnus                 21.89      21.94#SECT    25  
  6 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                    22.31      22.00 SECT    24  
  7 Shearouse, William  18 Magnus                 21.86      22.16 SECT    23  
  8 Rubenstein, Billy   16 Cudas                  22.33      22.27 SECT    22  
Consolation Final
  9 Warner, Christian   18 Squids                 22.39      22.01 SECT    20  
 10 Donohue, Kevin P    17 Squids                 22.66      22.31 SECT    17  
 11 Goodwin, Taylor M   15 Cudas                  22.56      22.33 SECT    16  
 12 Fiske, Brian P      17 Magnus                 22.43      22.34 SECT    15  
 13 Slater, Jamie R     19 GMA                    22.63      22.50         14  
 14 Christian, Marc E   17 Magnus                 22.48      22.65         13  
 15 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids                 22.55      22.73         12  
 16 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus                 22.40      22.74         11  
Bonus Final
 17 Fanning, Justin C   18 North Shore            22.70      22.56          9  
 18 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                   22.68      22.65          7  
 19 Anderson, Peter K   17 Unattached             22.68      22.74          6  
 20 Gollands, Peter G   16 PSC                    22.78      22.77          5  
 21 Miller, Stephen D   15 Cudas                  23.14      22.83          4  
 22 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus                 22.97      22.86          3  
 23 Bicahlo, Victor V   19 Unattached             23.14      22.93          1.5
 23 Condon, Sean C      18 Magnus                 22.76      22.93          1.5
Boys 50 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 21.96  3/1/1993  William Maher, BSC                            
    15-18 NE: # 20.43  4/1/1981  Chris Cavanaugh, DEANZ                        
   13-14 RES: # 21.70  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 20.45  3/1/2000  Nick Brunelli, OSS-NE                         
                20.49  NAT
                20.99  OPEN
                22.49  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Langan, Nick F            20 Unattached                        21.25#SECT   
  2 Bailey, James H           17 Squids                            21.29#SECT   
  3 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                            21.47#SECT   
  4 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                            21.86#SECT   
  5 Falk, Bjorn E             16 Magnus                            21.89#SECT   
  6 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                          22.29 SECT   
  7 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                               22.31 SECT   
  8 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                             22.33 SECT   
  9 Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                            22.39 SECT   
 10 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                            22.40 SECT   
 11 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                            22.43 SECT   
 12 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                            22.48 SECT   
 13 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                            22.55        
 14 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                             22.56        
 15 Slater, Jamie R           19 GMA                               22.63        
 16 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                            22.66        
 17 Anderson, Peter K         17 Unattached                        22.68        
 17 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                              22.68        
 19 Fanning, Justin C         18 North Shore                       22.70        
 20 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                            22.76        
 21 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC                               22.78        
 22 Durnan, Sean C            18 Strypers                          22.95        
 23 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                            22.97        
 24 Miller, Stephen D         15 Cudas                             23.14        
 24 Bicahlo, Victor V         19 Unattached                        23.14        
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 26 Droser, Rich W            17 Strypers                          23.15        
 27 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids                            23.18        
 28 LeCompte, Chris R         18 Rrsc                              23.32        
 29 Leslie, Scott F           18 North Shore                       23.42        
 -- Baracewicz, Chris Z       18 Bernal's Gators                      NS        
 -- Rogers, John J            32 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Cieslikiewicz, Jan M      23 Unattached                           NS        
 -- Chamberlain, Adam J       18 BAT                                 SCR        
 -- Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Cocks, Bill J             19 Unattached                          SCR        
Boys 100 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 47.79  3/1/1993  William Maher, BSC                            
    15-18 NE: # 44.57  4/1/1981  Chris Cavanaugh, DEANZ                        
   13-14 RES: # 47.47  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 44.95  4/1/1987  Lewis Rutherford, BGSC-NE                     
                44.89  NAT
                45.99  OPEN
                48.79  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Bailey, James H     17 Squids                 46.60      46.75#SECT    32  
       22.37    46.75                                                      
  2 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus                 47.30      47.24#SECT    28  
       22.62    47.24                                                      
  3 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                    47.45      47.26#SECT    27  
       22.95    47.26                                                      
  4 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids                 47.56      47.42#SECT    26  
       23.18    47.42                                                      
  5 Falk, Bjorn E       16 Magnus                 48.48      47.86 SECT    25  
       23.02    47.86                                                      
  6 Warner, Christian   18 Squids                 48.14      48.07 SECT    24  
       23.60    48.07                                                      
  7 Viccaro, Adam T     18 Seacoast               48.42      48.54 SECT    23  
       23.46    48.54                                                      
  8 Shearouse, William  18 Magnus                 48.30      48.67 SECT    22  
       23.44    48.67                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids                 48.76      48.79 SECT    20  
       23.92    48.79                                                      
 10 Donohue, Kevin P    17 Squids                 48.95      48.87         17  
       24.20    48.87                                                      
 11 Christian, Marc E   17 Magnus                 48.94      49.11         16  
       23.37    49.11                                                      
 12 Goodwin, Taylor M   15 Cudas                  49.56      49.18         15  
       23.38    49.18                                                      
 13 Langelier, Michael  15 Squids                 49.33      49.28         14  
       24.32    49.28                                                      
 14 Smith, Gordon R     17 Seacoast               49.63      49.39         13  
       23.83    49.39                                                      
 15 Miller, Stephen D   15 Cudas                  49.48      49.47         12  
       23.94    49.47                                                      
 16 Lovett, Matthew T   17 PSC                    49.11      49.60         11  
       24.00    49.60                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 LeCompte, Chris R   18 Rrsc                   50.11      49.14          9  
       24.13    49.14                                                      
 18 Gollands, Peter G   16 PSC                    49.67      49.63          7  
       23.38    49.63                                                      
 19 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus                 49.91      49.83          6  
       23.95    49.83                                                      
 20 Slater, Jamie R     19 GMA                    49.89      49.85          5  
       23.88    49.85                                                      
 21 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids                 49.81      50.12          4  
       24.25    50.12                                                      
 22 Sheridan, Kevin C   17 BAT                    50.17      50.47          3  
       24.18    50.47                                                      
 23 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus                 50.45      51.28          2  
       24.52    51.28                                                      
 24 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus                 49.82      53.12          1  
       24.70    53.12                                                      
Boys 100 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 47.79  3/1/1993  William Maher, BSC                            
    15-18 NE: # 44.57  4/1/1981  Chris Cavanaugh, DEANZ                        
   13-14 RES: # 47.47  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 44.95  4/1/1987  Lewis Rutherford, BGSC-NE                     
                44.89  NAT
                45.99  OPEN
                48.79  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Bailey, James H           17 Squids                            46.60#SECT   
       22.13    46.60                                                      
  2 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                            47.30#SECT   
       22.66    47.30                                                      
  3 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                               47.45#SECT   
       22.97    47.45                                                      
  4 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                            47.56#SECT   
       23.38    47.56                                                      
  5 Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                            48.14 SECT   
       23.60    48.14                                                      
  6 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                            48.30 SECT   
       23.39    48.30                                                      
  7 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                          48.42 SECT   
       23.17    48.42                                                      
  8 Falk, Bjorn E             16 Magnus                            48.48 SECT   
       23.62    48.48                                                      
  9 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                            48.76 SECT   
       23.40    48.76                                                      
 10 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                            48.94        
       23.19    48.94                                                      
 11 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                            48.95        
       24.13    48.95                                                      
 12 Lovett, Matthew T         17 PSC                               49.11        
       23.99    49.11                                                      
 13 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids                            49.33        
       24.05    49.33                                                      
 14 Miller, Stephen D         15 Cudas                             49.48        
       23.78    49.48                                                      
 15 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                             49.56        
       24.19    49.56                                                      
 16 Smith, Gordon R           17 Seacoast                          49.63        
       23.81    49.63                                                      
 17 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC                               49.67        
       23.71    49.67                                                      
 18 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                            49.81        
       24.31    49.81                                                      
 19 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                            49.82        
       24.18    49.82                                                      
 20 Chamberlain, Adam J       18 BAT                               49.83        
       24.05    49.83                                                      
 21 Slater, Jamie R           19 GMA                               49.89        
       23.68    49.89                                                      
 22 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                            49.91        
       24.03    49.91                                                      
 23 LeCompte, Chris R         18 Rrsc                              50.11        
       23.73    50.11                                                      
 24 Sheridan, Kevin C         17 BAT                               50.17        
       24.27    50.17                                                      
 25 Taylor, Ben F             15 Magnus                            50.23        
       23.98    50.23                                                      
 26 Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus                            50.45        
       24.50    50.45                                                      
 27 Harlin, Ky J              16 Strypers                          50.70        
       24.49    50.70                                                      
 28 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                            50.83        
       24.60    50.83                                                      
 29 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                             50.88        
       24.23    50.88                                                      
 30 Lesnick, Thomas J         16 Unattached                        50.89        
       24.79    50.89                                                      
 31 Brown, Ethan T            17 NWSC                              51.06        
       24.67    51.06                                                      
 32 O'Connell, Thomas K       17 North Shore                       51.20        
       24.41    51.20                                                      
 33 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                            51.39        
       24.47    51.39                                                      
 34 Droser, Rich W            17 Strypers                          51.64        
       24.73    51.64                                                      
 35 Durnan, Sean C            18 Strypers                          51.66        
       24.61    51.66                                                      
 36 Leslie, Scott F           18 North Shore                       51.77        
       24.71    51.77                                                      
 37 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                              51.92        
       25.12    51.92                                                      
 38 Palmieri, Drew P          16 Strypers                          52.08        
       24.97    52.08                                                      
 39 Anderson, Peter K         17 Unattached                        52.28        
       24.81    52.28                                                      
 40 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                            52.92        
       24.68    52.92                                                      
 -- Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                               DQ        
 -- Reams, Pat F              16 Strypers                             DQ        
 -- Bicahlo, Victor V         19 Unattached                           NS        
 -- Langan, Nick F            20 Unattached                           NS        
 -- Norberg, Stephen T        19 Unattached                           NS        
 -- Cieslikiewicz, Jan M      23 Unattached                           NS        
 -- Cocks, Bill J             19 Unattached                          SCR        
 -- Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Fanning, Justin C         18 North Shore                         SCR        
Boys 200 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 1:44.18  3/1/1993  William Maher, BSC                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:37.55  4/1/1981  Rick Saeger, MV                             
   13-14 RES: # 1:42.56  3/1/2002  Salvadore Barba, SAC-NE                     
   15-18 RES: # 1:38.79  3/1/2000  Nick Brunelli, OSS-NE                       
                1:38.89  NAT
                1:40.69  OPEN
                1:46.49  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids               1:41.67    1:40.94#SECT    32  
       23.88    49.70  1:15.97  1:40.94                                    
  2 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                  1:41.61    1:41.02#SECT    28  
       24.07    49.68  1:15.78  1:41.02                                    
  3 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                 1:43.43    1:43.17#SECT    27  
       24.13    50.02  1:16.39  1:43.17                                    
  4 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                 1:43.60    1:43.34#SECT    26  
       23.94    49.90  1:16.51  1:43.34                                    
  5 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus               1:44.50    1:44.34 SECT    25  
       24.19    50.52  1:17.46  1:44.34                                    
  6 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids               1:44.91    1:44.74 SECT    24  
       24.60    51.23  1:18.10  1:44.74                                    
  7 Falk, Bjorn E       16 Magnus               1:45.22    1:45.07 SECT    23  
       23.98    50.60  1:17.97  1:45.07                                    
  8 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus               1:45.40    1:47.98         22  
       24.42    51.82  1:19.70  1:47.98                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                  1:45.51    1:45.10 SECT    20  
       24.98    51.70  1:18.68  1:45.10                                    
 10 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus               1:45.72    1:45.38 SECT    17  
       24.68    51.23  1:18.35  1:45.38                                    
 11 Miller, Stephen D   15 Cudas                1:46.06    1:45.51 SECT    16  
       24.03    50.75  1:18.26  1:45.51                                    
 12 Rubenstein, Billy   16 Cudas                1:46.07    1:45.79 SECT    15  
       25.22    51.73  1:18.78  1:45.79                                    
 13 Shearouse, William  18 Magnus               1:46.44    1:45.90 SECT    14  
       24.62    51.66  1:18.83  1:45.90                                    
 14 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               1:46.43    1:46.08 SECT    13  
       24.94    52.31  1:19.54  1:46.08                                    
 15 Lovett, Matthew T   17 PSC                  1:46.52    1:46.61         12  
       25.24    52.10  1:19.45  1:46.61                                    
 16 Christian, Marc E   17 Magnus               1:46.45    1:48.13         11  
       24.76    52.05  1:19.79  1:48.13                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus               1:46.54    1:44.57 SECT     9  
       24.30    50.57  1:17.57  1:44.57                                    
 18 Warner, Christian   18 Squids               1:46.89    1:45.79 SECT     7  
       24.93    51.74  1:18.81  1:45.79                                    
 19 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids               1:46.98    1:46.04 SECT     6  
       25.00    51.97  1:19.25  1:46.04                                    
 20 Langelier, Michael  15 Squids               1:47.25    1:46.85          5  
       24.83    51.91  1:19.64  1:46.85                                    
 21 Norberg, Stephen T  19 Unattached           1:47.82    1:47.10          4  
       24.78    51.81  1:19.12  1:47.10                                    
 22 Shack, Matt D       18 Magnus               1:47.28    1:47.32          3  
       25.53    52.66  1:20.05  1:47.32                                    
 23 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus               1:47.84    1:47.93          2  
       25.10    53.12  1:20.62  1:47.93                                    
 24 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids               1:47.21    1:48.72          1  
       25.25    52.57  1:20.58  1:48.72                                    
Boys 200 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 1:44.18  3/1/1993  William Maher, BSC                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:37.55  4/1/1981  Rick Saeger, MV                             
   13-14 RES: # 1:42.56  3/1/2002  Salvadore Barba, SAC-NE                     
   15-18 RES: # 1:38.79  3/1/2000  Nick Brunelli, OSS-NE                       
                1:38.89  NAT
                1:40.69  OPEN
                1:46.49  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                             1:41.61#SECT   
       23.63    48.95  1:15.05  1:41.61                                    
  2 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                          1:41.67#SECT   
       23.59    49.05  1:15.58  1:41.67                                    
  3 Bailey, James H           17 Squids                          1:42.22#SECT   
       23.88    49.63  1:16.00  1:42.22                                    
  4 Cieslikiewicz, Jan M      23 Unattached                      1:42.57#SECT   
       23.48    49.99  1:16.30  1:42.57                                    
  5 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                            1:43.43#SECT   
       24.14    50.20  1:17.04  1:43.43                                    
  6 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                            1:43.60#SECT   
       24.05    50.02  1:16.88  1:43.60                                    
  7 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                          1:44.50 SECT   
       24.17    50.33  1:17.40  1:44.50                                    
  8 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                          1:44.91 SECT   
       24.99    51.70  1:18.27  1:44.91                                    
  9 Falk, Bjorn E             16 Magnus                          1:45.22 SECT   
       24.38    51.25  1:18.56  1:45.22                                    
 10 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                          1:45.40 SECT   
       23.90    50.57  1:17.62  1:45.40                                    
 11 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                             1:45.51 SECT   
       24.99    51.40  1:18.43  1:45.51                                    
 12 Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                          1:45.72 SECT   
       24.93    51.76  1:18.87  1:45.72                                    
 13 Miller, Stephen D         15 Cudas                           1:46.06 SECT   
       24.07    51.27  1:18.93  1:46.06                                    
 14 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                           1:46.07 SECT   
       24.98    51.14  1:18.17  1:46.07                                    
 15 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          1:46.43 SECT   
       24.84    52.12  1:19.09  1:46.43                                    
 16 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                          1:46.44 SECT   
       24.06    50.29  1:17.47  1:46.44                                    
 17 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                          1:46.45 SECT   
       24.61    51.91  1:19.10  1:46.45                                    
 18 Lovett, Matthew T         17 PSC                             1:46.52        
       25.04    51.57  1:18.98  1:46.52                                    
 19 Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus                          1:46.54        
       24.34    51.31  1:19.15  1:46.54                                    
 20 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                          1:46.80        
       25.09    52.38  1:19.65  1:46.80                                    
 21 Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                          1:46.89        
       24.65    51.12  1:18.65  1:46.89                                    
 22 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                          1:46.98        
       25.47    52.62  1:20.23  1:46.98                                    
 23 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                          1:47.21        
       25.21    51.92  1:19.44  1:47.21                                    
 24 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids                          1:47.25        
       25.04    52.31  1:19.96  1:47.25                                    
 24 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                        1:47.25        
       24.75    51.96  1:19.91  1:47.25                                    
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 26 Eaddy, Jason H            26 CMSC                            1:47.26        
       24.44    51.82  1:19.82  1:47.26                                    
 27 Shack, Matt D             18 Magnus                          1:47.28        
       25.43    52.46  1:19.90  1:47.28                                    
 28 Norberg, Stephen T        19 Unattached                      1:47.82        
       24.26    50.93  1:18.94  1:47.82                                    
 29 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                          1:47.84        
       24.36    51.32  1:19.08  1:47.84                                    
 30 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus                          1:47.87        
       25.32    52.51  1:20.44  1:47.87                                    
 31 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                          1:48.12        
       25.22    52.71  1:20.40  1:48.12                                    
 32 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                           1:48.34        
       24.05    50.98  1:19.87  1:48.34                                    
 33 Thomas, Eric M            17 Squids                          1:48.36        
       25.70    52.91  1:20.72  1:48.36                                    
 34 Reardon, JJ J             17 Squids                          1:48.40        
       25.53    53.08  1:20.66  1:48.40                                    
 35 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                          1:48.58        
       24.59    51.65  1:20.11  1:48.58                                    
 36 LeCompte, Chris R         18 Rrsc                            1:48.68        
       25.83    53.10  1:20.52  1:48.68                                    
 37 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          1:48.86        
       25.49    52.65  1:20.53  1:48.86                                    
 38 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                            1:48.91        
       25.71    53.19  1:21.46  1:48.91                                    
 39 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                          1:48.93        
       24.37    51.65  1:20.47  1:48.93                                    
 40 Smith, Gordon R           17 Seacoast                        1:49.12        
       24.78    52.21  1:21.13  1:49.12                                    
 41 Bicahlo, Victor V         19 Unattached                      1:49.32        
       24.55    51.33  1:19.66  1:49.32                                    
 42 Brown, Ethan T            17 NWSC                            1:49.49        
       25.48    53.18  1:21.68  1:49.49                                    
 43 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                           1:50.08        
       24.33    51.79  1:20.84  1:50.08                                    
 44 Leslie, Scott F           18 North Shore                     1:50.63        
       24.79    52.30  1:21.30  1:50.63                                    
 45 Leclair, Travis D         18 Magnus                          1:50.78        
       25.70    53.65  1:22.13  1:50.78                                    
 46 Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                          1:52.16        
       26.06    54.10  1:23.27  1:52.16                                    
 -- Cocks, Bill J             19 Unattached                          SCR        
Boys 500 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 4:36.80  1/1/1985  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
    15-18 NE: # 4:23.99  4/1/1981  D. Sims, UN                                 
   13-14 RES: # 4:36.80  1/1/1985  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 4:23.31  4/1/1987  Alex Kistich, BGSC-NE                       
                4:27.19  NAT
                4:32.29  OPEN
                4:48.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus               4:37.73    4:35.74#SECT    32  
       25.09    52.11  1:19.41  1:47.30  2:15.36  2:43.49  3:11.69  3:39.88
     4:08.03  4:35.74                                                      
  2 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus               4:37.05    4:39.01 SECT    28  
       25.40    52.58  1:20.11  1:48.17  2:16.27  2:44.70  3:13.22  3:41.87
     4:10.68  4:39.01                                                      
  3 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                 4:40.23    4:39.62 SECT    27  
       25.25    52.46  1:20.19  1:48.39  2:16.88  2:45.57  3:14.32  3:43.27
     4:11.71  4:39.62                                                      
  4 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids               4:41.84    4:42.54 SECT    26  
       25.50    53.26  1:21.39  1:49.70  2:18.36  2:46.93  3:15.88  3:45.12
     4:14.25  4:42.54                                                      
  5 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus               4:43.36    4:43.15 SECT    25  
       25.58    53.84  1:22.21  1:50.87  2:20.04  2:48.84  3:18.12  3:47.42
     4:15.90  4:43.15                                                      
  6 Shack, Matt D       18 Magnus               4:40.06    4:43.72 SECT    24  
       25.85    53.35  1:21.36  1:49.76  2:18.78  2:47.48  3:16.33  3:45.60
     4:15.28  4:43.72                                                      
  7 Kinnett, Charles P  18 Magnus               4:42.81    4:45.42 SECT    23  
       26.11    54.22  1:22.78  1:51.85  2:20.94  2:50.08  3:19.33  3:48.44
     4:17.17  4:45.42                                                      
  8 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                  4:43.82    4:45.82 SECT    22  
       26.46    54.58  1:23.14  1:51.95  2:21.04  2:50.16  3:19.60  3:48.91
     4:18.02  4:45.82                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids               4:44.16    4:42.14 SECT    20  
       25.52    53.81  1:22.54  1:51.35  2:20.20  2:49.16  3:17.67  3:46.05
     4:14.72  4:42.14                                                      
 10 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                 4:49.56    4:46.04 SECT    17  
       26.07    54.28  1:23.03  1:52.05  2:21.27  2:50.60  3:19.83  3:49.05
     4:17.94  4:46.04                                                      
 11 Lovett, Matthew T   17 PSC                  4:52.39    4:48.68         16  
       26.29    54.55  1:23.04  1:52.07  2:21.14  2:50.85  3:20.32  3:49.83
     4:20.10  4:48.68                                                      
 12 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               4:49.49    4:49.31         15  
       26.10    54.65  1:23.90  1:53.80  2:23.49  2:52.37  3:21.85  3:51.63
     4:20.92  4:49.31                                                      
 13 Langelier, Michael  15 Squids               4:48.94    4:50.95         14  
       25.77    54.07  1:22.77  1:52.11  2:21.70  2:51.64  3:21.68  3:51.66
     4:21.66  4:50.95                                                      
 14 Scibelli, Michael   18 Pvac                 4:52.94    4:52.56         13  
       26.18    54.55  1:23.84  1:53.88  2:23.81  2:53.80  3:23.87  3:53.82
     4:23.87  4:52.56                                                      
 15 Bott, Christopher   16 SAC                  4:54.16    4:52.98         12  
       26.91    55.68  1:24.89  1:54.55  2:24.15  2:54.11  3:23.77  3:53.83
     4:23.91  4:52.98                                                      
 16 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids               4:52.02    4:59.94         11  
       27.56    57.16  1:26.98  1:56.22  2:25.92  2:55.92  3:26.41  3:57.53
     4:28.78  4:59.94                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Christian, Marc E   17 Magnus               4:58.09    4:51.35          9  
       25.71    54.40  1:23.59  1:53.15  2:22.01  2:51.78  3:21.33  3:51.13
     4:21.29  4:51.35                                                      
 18 Russell, David P    16 Cudas                4:58.38    4:54.74          7  
       25.94    54.88  1:24.45  1:54.72  2:24.87  2:54.90  3:25.03  3:54.94
     4:25.26  4:54.74                                                      
 19 Thomas, Eric M      17 Squids               4:55.87    4:55.21          6  
       26.18    54.39  1:23.42  1:52.71  2:22.08  2:52.69  3:23.32  3:54.46
     4:25.62  4:55.21                                                      
 20 Brown, Ethan T      17 NWSC                 4:58.64    4:55.59          5  
       26.14    55.12  1:24.99  1:55.33  2:25.69  2:55.95  3:26.68  3:57.35
     4:27.38  4:55.59                                                      
 21 Reardon, JJ J       17 Squids               4:54.63    4:55.86          4  
       26.38    55.73  1:25.27  1:55.44  2:25.48  2:55.55  3:26.05  3:56.49
     4:27.00  4:55.86                                                      
 22 Boudreau, Andrew J  16 Seacoast             4:55.92    4:56.34          3  
       26.48    55.65  1:25.15  1:55.17  2:25.65  2:55.97  3:26.05  3:56.39
     4:26.85  4:56.34                                                      
 23 Leslie, Scott F     18 North Shore          4:59.08    4:58.23          2  
       26.43    55.46  1:25.30  1:55.43  2:25.79  2:56.38  3:27.01  3:57.47
     4:28.26  4:58.23                                                      
 24 Leclair, Travis D   18 Magnus               4:59.03    5:02.13          1  
       26.58    55.45  1:25.61  1:56.16  2:26.83  2:58.04  3:29.23  4:00.43
     4:31.73  5:02.13                                                      
Boys 500 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 4:36.80  1/1/1985  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
    15-18 NE: # 4:23.99  4/1/1981  D. Sims, UN                                 
   13-14 RES: # 4:36.80  1/1/1985  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 4:23.31  4/1/1987  Alex Kistich, BGSC-NE                       
                4:27.19  NAT
                4:32.29  OPEN
                4:48.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                          4:37.05 SECT   
       25.58    52.83  1:20.51  1:48.63  2:16.99  2:45.27  3:13.45  3:41.86
     4:10.05  4:37.05                                                      
  2 Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus                          4:37.73 SECT   
       24.89    51.93  1:19.70  1:47.77  2:15.93  2:44.07  3:12.44  3:40.96
     4:09.65  4:37.73                                                      
  3 Shack, Matt D             18 Magnus                          4:40.06 SECT   
       25.87    53.55  1:21.55  1:49.92  2:18.53  2:46.87  3:15.41  3:43.74
     4:12.12  4:40.06                                                      
  4 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                            4:40.23 SECT   
       25.46    52.90  1:20.94  1:49.30  2:17.88  2:46.77  3:15.77  3:44.40
     4:12.48  4:40.23                                                      
  5 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                          4:41.84 SECT   
       25.56    53.08  1:21.11  1:49.51  2:17.99  2:46.48  3:15.50  3:44.67
     4:13.76  4:41.84                                                      
  6 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus                          4:42.81 SECT   
       25.86    53.51  1:21.60  1:50.11  2:18.93  2:47.89  3:16.51  3:45.32
     4:14.47  4:42.81                                                      
  7 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                          4:43.36 SECT   
       25.38    53.39  1:21.68  1:50.66  2:19.92  2:48.77  3:17.71  3:46.98
     4:16.03  4:43.36                                                      
  8 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                             4:43.82 SECT   
       26.43    54.57  1:23.24  1:52.20  2:20.95  2:49.77  3:18.93  3:48.04
     4:16.42  4:43.82                                                      
  9 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                          4:44.16 SECT   
       25.03    52.16  1:20.17  1:48.81  2:17.78  2:47.12  3:16.53  3:46.08
     4:15.64  4:44.16                                                      
 10 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids                          4:48.94        
       25.71    54.20  1:23.13  1:51.94  2:21.05  2:50.52  3:20.26  3:50.20
     4:19.65  4:48.94                                                      
 11 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          4:49.49        
       25.86    54.36  1:23.43  1:53.19  2:23.14  2:52.21  3:21.56  3:51.33
     4:20.74  4:49.49                                                      
 12 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                            4:49.56        
       26.25    54.57  1:23.96  1:53.83  2:23.13  2:52.44  3:22.00  3:51.78
     4:21.19  4:49.56                                                      
 13 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          4:52.02        
       27.46    56.64  1:25.69  1:54.73  2:23.46  2:52.46  3:22.13  3:52.02
     4:22.07  4:52.02                                                      
 14 Lovett, Matthew T         17 PSC                             4:52.39        
       26.10    54.18  1:23.00  1:52.31  2:21.70  2:51.60  3:22.01  3:52.28
     4:22.59  4:52.39                                                      
 15 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                           4:52.66        
       25.77    53.73  1:22.31  1:51.67  2:21.77  2:51.80  3:22.01  3:52.56
     4:23.15  4:52.66                                                      
 16 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                            4:52.94        
       26.77    55.32  1:24.52  1:54.24  2:24.11  2:53.99  3:24.09  3:54.22
     4:24.12  4:52.94                                                      
 17 Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC                             4:54.16        
       26.52    55.35  1:24.87  1:54.41  2:24.17  2:53.98  3:24.13  3:54.58
     4:24.73  4:54.16                                                      
 18 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                        4:54.32        
       26.25    55.51  1:25.32  1:55.38  2:25.85  2:56.30  3:25.93  3:56.02
     4:26.08  4:54.32                                                      
 19 Reardon, JJ J             17 Squids                          4:54.63        
       26.40    55.46  1:25.03  1:54.92  2:24.42  2:54.08  3:23.93  3:54.23
     4:24.64  4:54.63                                                      
 20 Thomas, Eric M            17 Squids                          4:55.87        
       26.38    54.92  1:24.57  1:54.96  2:25.34  2:55.60  3:26.42  3:56.25
     4:26.43  4:55.87                                                      
 21 Boudreau, Andrew J        16 Seacoast                        4:55.92        
       27.47    57.12  1:26.95  1:57.00  2:26.91  2:56.44  3:26.37  3:56.45
     4:26.85  4:55.92                                                      
 22 Reams, Pat F              16 Strypers                        4:56.10        
       26.01    54.59  1:24.17  1:53.93  2:24.37  2:54.45  3:24.70  3:55.31
     4:25.76  4:56.10                                                      
 23 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                          4:58.09        
       25.51    53.93  1:23.02  1:52.81  2:23.56  2:53.75  3:24.20  3:55.68
     4:26.96  4:58.09                                                      
 24 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                           4:58.38        
       25.78    54.41  1:23.99  1:53.93  2:24.31  2:54.91  3:25.79  3:57.04
     4:28.08  4:58.38                                                      
 25 Brown, Ethan T            17 NWSC                            4:58.64        
       26.69    56.57  1:27.42  1:57.97  2:28.48  2:58.59  3:28.89  3:59.10
     4:29.20  4:58.64                                                      
 26 Leclair, Travis D         18 Magnus                          4:59.03        
       26.32    55.14  1:25.13  1:55.46  2:26.22  2:56.84  3:27.75  3:58.77
     4:29.53  4:59.03                                                      
 27 Leslie, Scott F           18 North Shore                     4:59.08        
       26.37    55.86  1:26.09  1:56.89  2:27.64  2:58.47  3:29.21  3:59.63
     4:30.05  4:59.08                                                      
 28 Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                          5:03.00        
       27.85    58.16  1:28.39  1:59.10  2:30.14  3:01.08  3:31.86  4:02.56
     4:33.39  5:03.00                                                      
 -- Hastrup, John W           19 Unattached                           DQ        
 -- Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                                 SCR        
 -- Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                              SCR        
Boys 1000 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 9:33.32  3/1/1984  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
    15-18 NE: # 9:00.51  4/1/1981  D. Sims, UN                                 
   13-14 RES: # 9:20.93  4/1/1984  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 8:56.18  4/1/1987  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                       
                9:20.99  NAT
                9:27.39  OPEN
               10:09.89  SECT
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus                         9:26.48#OPEN    32  
       25.76    53.27  1:21.29  1:49.62  2:18.21  2:46.97  3:15.82  3:44.74
     4:13.54  4:42.18  5:10.03  5:38.15  6:06.76  6:35.38  7:03.83  7:32.41
     8:01.11  8:29.78  8:58.61  9:26.48                                    
  2 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus                         9:29.61#SECT    28  
       25.39    52.91  1:21.06  1:49.39  2:18.19  2:46.89  3:15.67  3:44.58
     4:13.37  4:42.16  5:10.50  5:39.17  6:07.96  6:36.78  7:05.65  7:34.56
     8:03.58  8:32.45  9:01.30  9:29.61                                    
  3 Shack, Matt D       18 Magnus                         9:32.89#SECT    27  
       26.24    54.10  1:22.12  1:50.71  2:19.44  2:48.11  3:17.00  3:45.78
     4:14.65  4:43.61  5:12.29  5:41.20  6:10.12  6:39.08  7:08.23  7:37.20
     8:06.15  8:35.25  9:04.47  9:32.89                                    
  4 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus                         9:37.34 SECT    26  
       26.25    54.24  1:23.01  1:52.14  2:21.26  2:50.76  3:19.69  3:48.83
     4:18.30  4:47.72  5:16.81  5:46.24  6:15.21  6:44.62  7:13.94  7:43.41
     8:12.77  8:41.82  9:10.47  9:37.34                                    
  5 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                           9:37.57 SECT    25  
       25.98    54.21  1:23.03  1:51.85  2:21.03  2:50.37  3:19.56  3:48.83
     4:18.17  4:47.53  5:17.08  5:46.57  6:15.95  6:45.34  7:14.59  7:43.85
     8:13.20  8:42.27  9:10.69  9:37.57                                    
  6 Kinnett, Charles P  18 Magnus                         9:40.46 SECT    24  
       26.16    54.36  1:22.81  1:51.67  2:20.55  2:49.53  3:18.35  3:47.19
     4:16.14  4:45.23  5:14.58  5:44.07  6:13.58  6:43.31  7:12.92  7:42.63
     8:12.46  8:42.11  9:11.80  9:40.46                                    
  7 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids                         9:41.92 SECT    23  
       26.18    54.31  1:22.97  1:51.97  2:20.95  2:50.04  3:19.27  3:48.55
     4:17.93  4:47.31  5:16.75  5:46.41  6:16.05  6:45.61  7:15.24  7:44.99
     8:14.71  8:44.50  9:13.82  9:41.92                                    
  8 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                           9:44.71 SECT    22  
       26.80    56.11  1:25.94  1:55.94  2:25.50  2:55.23  3:24.94  3:54.50
     4:23.96  4:53.24  5:22.30  5:51.89  6:21.34  6:50.80  7:20.26  7:49.17
     8:17.75  8:47.12  9:16.19  9:44.71                                    
  9 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                            9:48.42 SECT    20  
       27.16    56.30  1:25.42  1:54.68  2:23.90  2:53.08  3:22.48  3:51.78
     4:21.38  4:50.98  5:20.70  5:50.60  6:20.66  6:50.51  7:20.31  7:50.01
     8:19.95  8:49.79  9:19.50  9:48.42                                    
 10 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids                         9:52.99 SECT    17  
       26.50    55.97  1:25.70  1:55.74  2:25.31  2:55.15  3:25.18  3:55.45
     4:26.05  4:56.56  5:27.16  5:57.27  6:27.72  6:58.11  7:28.38  7:58.20
     8:28.16  8:57.41  9:25.84  9:52.99                                    
 11 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                           9:53.34 SECT    16  
       26.63    55.99  1:25.69  1:55.83  2:25.78  2:55.66  3:25.45  3:55.65
     4:25.90  4:56.18  5:26.60  5:56.87  6:27.34  6:57.77  7:27.77  7:57.53
     8:27.47  8:57.23  9:26.30  9:53.34                                    
 12 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids                        10:00.31 SECT    15  
       27.00    56.41  1:26.16  1:56.16  2:26.54  2:56.40  3:26.39  3:56.65
     4:26.91  4:57.13  5:27.52  5:57.96  6:28.55  6:58.79  7:29.42  7:59.77
     8:30.15  9:00.88  9:31.08 10:00.31                                    
 13 Miller, Stephen D   15 Cudas                         10:04.42 SECT    14  
       25.23    54.12  1:24.11  1:53.85  2:24.28  2:55.10  3:26.07  3:56.90
     4:27.99  4:58.84  5:30.21  6:00.93  6:31.71  7:02.91  7:34.01  8:04.87
     8:35.31  9:05.92  9:35.78 10:04.42                                    
 14 Bott, Christopher   16 SAC                           10:07.55 SECT    13  
       26.91    55.88  1:25.58  1:55.66  2:25.59  2:55.98  3:26.28  3:56.82
     4:27.64  4:58.61  5:29.58  6:00.44  6:31.56  7:02.63  7:33.96  8:04.99
     8:36.07  9:07.15  9:38.03 10:07.55                                    
 15 Scibelli, Michael   18 Pvac                          10:12.33         12  
       27.80    57.45  1:27.89  1:58.73  2:29.68  3:00.64  3:31.58  4:02.76
     4:33.99  5:04.81  5:35.42  6:06.40  6:37.52  7:08.26  7:39.25  8:10.30
     8:41.31  9:12.05  9:42.61 10:12.33                                    
 16 Brown, Ethan T      17 NWSC                          10:13.35         11  
       26.57    56.72  1:27.46  1:58.34  2:29.35  3:00.39  3:31.65  4:03.05
     4:34.23  5:05.54  5:36.46  6:07.62  6:38.73  7:09.76  7:40.89  8:12.02
     8:42.87  9:13.93  9:44.61 10:13.35                                    
 17 Kelleher, Thomas J  15 Squids                        10:13.70          9  
       28.19    58.91  1:29.62  2:00.53  2:31.56  3:02.49  3:33.30  4:04.96
     4:36.26  5:07.39  5:38.68  6:09.49  6:40.86  7:11.71  7:42.76  8:14.10
     8:45.05  9:15.40  9:45.35 10:13.70                                    
 18 Langelier, Michael  15 Squids                        10:15.03          7  
       27.06    57.56  1:28.65  1:59.59  2:30.90  3:02.26  3:33.28  4:04.29
     4:35.57  5:06.63  5:37.83  6:08.78  6:39.78  7:10.83  7:41.89  8:12.99
     8:44.02  9:15.14  9:45.67 10:15.03                                    
 19 Leslie, Scott F     18 North Shore                   10:17.77          6  
       27.15    57.13  1:28.28  1:59.12  2:30.34  3:01.50  3:32.84  4:04.32
     4:35.32  5:06.63  5:37.70  6:09.17  6:40.35  7:11.63  7:42.80  8:14.12
     8:45.35  9:16.19  9:47.24 10:17.77                                    
 20 Reardon, JJ J       17 Squids                        10:18.33          5  
       27.58    57.77  1:28.35  1:59.49  2:30.93  3:02.07  3:33.21  4:04.46
     4:35.72  5:07.00  5:38.14  6:09.35  6:40.58  7:11.60  7:42.40  8:13.28
     8:44.62  9:16.46  9:47.52 10:18.33                                    
 21 Bailey, Thomas N    16 Squids                        10:21.17          4  
       27.48    57.55  1:28.28  1:59.27  2:30.32  3:01.33  3:32.59  4:03.80
     4:35.07  5:06.56  5:37.86  6:09.39  6:41.14  7:12.76  7:44.51  8:16.29
     8:48.02  9:19.87  9:51.21 10:21.17                                    
 22 Smith, Jacob T      17 Seacoast                      10:27.25          3  
       27.51    57.80  1:27.92  1:58.17  2:28.74  2:59.83  3:30.95  4:02.43
     4:34.07  5:05.87  5:38.01  6:10.28  6:42.42  7:14.83  7:47.16  8:19.39
     8:51.61  9:23.74  9:55.97 10:27.25                                    
 23 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids                        10:30.63          2  
       28.56    58.78  1:29.69  2:00.84  2:31.41  3:02.48  3:33.62  4:04.65
     4:35.70  5:07.48  5:39.05  6:10.83  6:43.26  7:15.64  7:48.21  8:21.21
     8:53.90  9:26.41  9:58.71 10:30.63                                    
 -- Hastrup, John W     19 Unattached                         SCR        
 -- Viccaro, Adam T     18 Seacoast                           SCR        
 -- Thomas, Eric M      17 Squids                             SCR        
Boys 1650 Yard Freestyle
    13-14 NE: # 15:49.72  1/1/1985  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                      
    15-18 NE: # 15:01.31  4/1/1981  D. Sims, UN                                
   13-14 RES: # 15:56.78  4/1/1984  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                      
   15-18 RES: # 15:02.63  4/1/1987  Alex Kostich, BGSC-NE                      
                15:34.99  NAT
                15:47.79  OPEN
                16:43.99  SECT
    Name               Age Team                             Finals       Points 
  1 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus                        15:49.00#SECT    32  
       25.95    53.62  1:21.89  1:50.47  2:19.32  2:48.05  3:16.91  3:45.65
     4:14.80  4:43.96  5:12.85  5:42.13  6:11.22  6:40.45  7:09.59  7:38.85
     8:08.04  8:37.24  9:06.26  9:35.25 10:04.10 10:33.07 11:02.16 11:31.28
    12:00.49 12:29.70 12:58.42 13:27.72 13:56.89 14:25.11 14:53.71 15:21.95
  2 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus                        15:51.40#SECT    28  
       25.46    53.30  1:21.93  1:50.84  2:19.85  2:48.81  3:17.98  3:47.06
     4:16.28  4:45.22  5:13.68  5:42.35  6:11.24  6:40.19  7:09.21  7:38.42
     8:07.39  8:36.54  9:05.69  9:34.94 10:03.64 10:32.58 11:01.46 11:30.51
    11:59.62 12:28.91 12:57.96 13:27.01 13:56.06 14:25.36 14:54.56 15:23.60
  3 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus                        16:01.51 SECT    27  
       25.43    53.20  1:21.73  1:50.38  2:19.13  2:47.84  3:16.65  3:45.76
     4:15.06  4:44.04  5:12.96  5:41.96  6:11.23  6:40.40  7:09.63  7:38.84
     8:08.11  8:37.44  9:06.79  9:36.26 10:05.60 10:35.17 11:04.98 11:34.82
    12:04.41 12:34.19 13:04.01 13:33.94 14:03.83 14:33.54 15:03.13 15:32.43
  4 Shack, Matt D       18 Magnus                        16:03.67 SECT    26  
       26.08    53.97  1:22.44  1:51.19  2:19.94  2:48.81  3:17.83  3:46.81
     4:15.66  4:44.60  5:13.56  5:42.60  6:11.57  6:40.60  7:09.64  7:38.79
     8:07.87  8:37.11  9:06.24  9:35.43 10:04.56 10:33.77 11:02.92 11:32.38
    12:01.72 12:31.30 13:01.10 13:31.24 14:01.67 14:32.19 15:02.53 15:33.29
  5 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                          16:08.51 SECT    25  
       26.27    54.28  1:22.90  1:52.18  2:21.58  2:50.92  3:20.39  3:49.91
     4:19.13  4:48.86  5:18.50  5:47.92  6:17.25  6:46.63  7:16.02  7:45.35
     8:14.96  8:44.48  9:14.10  9:43.90 10:13.42 10:42.79 11:12.40 11:41.94
    12:11.50 12:41.12 13:10.72 13:40.46 14:10.31 14:40.11 15:09.76 15:39.49
  6 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                           16:08.72 SECT    24  
       26.55    54.57  1:22.97  1:51.61  2:20.47  2:49.49  3:18.56  3:47.83
     4:17.03  4:46.36  5:15.65  5:44.96  6:14.29  6:43.62  7:13.16  7:43.02
     8:12.82  8:42.50  9:12.10  9:42.16 10:12.07 10:41.93 11:11.91 11:41.64
    12:11.63 12:41.46 13:11.39 13:41.23 14:10.98 14:40.95 15:10.52 15:39.80
  7 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                          16:17.87 SECT    23  
       26.15    54.82  1:23.90  1:53.07  2:22.05  2:51.06  3:20.59  3:50.26
     4:19.54  4:48.96  5:18.35  5:47.64  6:17.20  6:46.77  7:16.69  7:46.50
     8:16.04  8:45.83  9:15.48  9:45.50 10:15.27 10:45.52 11:15.61 11:45.88
    12:16.39 12:46.92 13:17.14 13:47.49 14:18.07 14:48.67 15:18.92 15:48.82
  8 Kinnett, Charles P  18 Magnus                        16:22.35 SECT    22  
       25.99    53.79  1:22.35  1:51.14  2:20.01  2:48.99  3:18.06  3:47.41
     4:16.65  4:46.30  5:15.86  5:45.76  6:15.66  6:45.63  7:15.98  7:46.42
     8:16.60  8:46.92  9:16.99  9:47.49 10:17.89 10:48.29 11:18.75 11:48.96
    12:19.70 12:50.36 13:20.62 13:51.26 14:21.85 14:52.25 15:22.39 15:52.45
  9 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids                        16:31.67 SECT    20  
       26.35    54.79  1:23.60  1:52.76  2:22.10  2:51.45  3:20.87  3:50.32
     4:19.89  4:49.31  5:18.95  5:48.63  6:18.36  6:48.05  7:17.74  7:47.78
     8:17.71  8:47.84  9:18.18  9:48.49 10:19.00 10:49.61 11:20.23 11:50.73
    12:21.63 12:52.42 13:23.50 13:54.76 14:26.28 14:58.00 15:29.74 16:01.57
 10 Bott, Christopher   16 SAC                           16:41.26 SECT    17  
       26.66    55.19  1:24.19  1:53.64  2:23.22  2:52.81  3:22.56  3:52.69
     4:22.90  4:52.86  5:23.18  5:53.74  6:24.36  6:55.00  7:25.77  7:56.50
     8:27.22  8:58.20  9:29.24 10:00.19 10:31.08 11:02.02 11:33.11 12:03.90
    12:34.99 13:06.27 13:37.22 14:08.12 14:39.13 15:09.99 15:40.39 16:11.66
 11 Scibelli, Michael   18 Pvac                          16:46.18         16  
       27.23    56.46  1:26.58  1:56.82  2:27.45  2:58.15  3:28.68  3:59.35
     4:30.13  5:00.93  5:31.82  6:02.34  6:33.13  7:03.77  7:34.64  8:05.22
     8:35.89  9:06.87  9:37.52 10:08.23 10:38.98 11:09.83 11:40.39 12:11.34
    12:42.32 13:12.98 13:43.81 14:14.89 14:45.56 15:16.77 15:47.30 16:17.18
 12 Thomas, Eric M      17 Squids                        17:01.96         15  
       26.74    55.73  1:25.13  1:54.44  2:24.13  2:54.41  3:24.48  3:55.05
     4:26.37  4:57.43  5:28.40  5:59.58  6:30.83  7:02.13  7:33.66  8:05.36
     8:37.17  9:08.93  9:40.29 10:11.79 10:42.99 11:14.41 11:45.83 12:17.35
    12:49.48 13:21.67 13:53.14 14:25.38 14:57.39 15:30.02 16:01.47 16:32.41
 13 Langelier, Michael  15 Squids                        17:08.86         14  
       26.39    55.39  1:25.31  1:55.08  2:25.15  2:55.10  3:25.18  3:54.88
     4:25.01  4:55.70  5:26.42  5:57.29  6:28.31  6:59.40  7:30.86  8:02.63
     8:33.93  9:05.62  9:37.51 10:09.54 10:42.00 11:13.80 11:46.00 12:17.89
    12:50.50 13:22.87 13:55.36 14:27.84 15:00.49 15:32.90 16:05.42 16:37.47
 14 Reardon, JJ J       17 Squids                        17:18.38         13  
       27.23    56.79  1:26.60  1:56.88  2:27.48  2:58.20  3:29.04  3:59.79
     4:30.89  5:01.85  5:33.11  6:04.35  6:35.74  7:07.04  7:38.52  8:10.24
     8:42.00  9:14.08  9:46.13 10:18.26 10:50.42 11:22.45 11:54.54 12:27.07
    12:59.62 13:31.82 14:04.21 14:36.59 15:09.18 15:42.07 16:14.73 16:46.69
 15 Bailey, Thomas N    16 Squids                        17:25.02         12  
       27.29    57.66  1:28.45  1:59.30  2:30.45  3:01.82  3:33.24  4:04.67
     4:36.12  5:07.28  5:38.87  6:10.32  6:42.02  7:13.83  7:45.40  8:17.41
     8:49.49  9:21.54  9:53.78 10:25.72 10:57.87 11:29.95 12:02.34 12:34.46
    13:06.93 13:39.26 14:11.99 14:44.30 15:16.69 15:49.14 16:21.33 16:53.62
 16 Sementelli, Joseph  17 SAC                           17:26.29         11  
       28.64    59.58  1:30.44  2:01.75  2:33.14  3:04.71  3:36.63  4:08.20
     4:40.02  5:12.32  5:44.18  6:16.02  6:48.42  7:20.45  7:52.38  8:25.15
     8:57.25  9:29.41 10:01.42 10:33.22 11:05.66 11:37.32 12:09.69 12:41.64
    13:13.39 13:45.63 14:17.50 14:49.48 15:21.46 15:53.10 16:24.73 16:56.33
 17 Smith, Jacob T      17 Seacoast                      17:29.69          9  
       28.50    59.17  1:30.17  2:01.02  2:31.99  3:03.13  3:34.53  4:06.16
     4:37.67  5:09.38  5:41.42  6:13.51  6:45.30  7:17.45  7:49.42  8:21.83
     8:54.13  9:26.40  9:58.61 10:30.98 11:03.46 11:35.80 12:08.16 12:40.87
    13:13.25 13:45.65 14:17.84 14:49.95 15:22.25 15:54.55 16:26.73 16:58.76
 18 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids                        17:29.95          7  
       27.91    57.80  1:27.65  1:58.45  2:29.82  3:00.92  3:32.35  4:03.94
     4:35.09  5:06.75  5:38.07  6:10.07  6:41.78  7:13.65  7:45.42  8:17.62
     8:49.86  9:21.69  9:53.65 10:25.50 10:57.86 11:29.94 12:01.44 12:33.13
    13:05.31 13:37.70 14:10.09 14:42.98 15:16.54 15:50.29 16:23.06 16:56.69
 19 Kelleher, Thomas J  15 Squids                        17:38.12          6  
       28.49    58.92  1:30.31  2:01.57  2:33.02  3:04.48  3:36.15  4:07.69
     4:39.51  5:11.44  5:43.47  6:15.43  6:47.67  7:20.26  7:52.78  8:25.32
     8:58.09  9:30.65 10:03.38 10:36.32 11:09.05 11:41.96 12:14.49 12:46.68
    13:19.88 13:52.29 14:25.01 14:58.04 15:30.50 16:03.06 16:35.25 17:07.51
 20 Chu, Marco S        13 Cudas                         18:03.85          5  
       27.99    58.98  1:30.78  2:02.98  2:35.47  3:08.33  3:41.06  4:14.13
     4:46.95  5:19.94  5:52.73  6:26.22  6:59.39  7:32.21  8:04.94  8:38.28
     9:11.42  9:44.52 10:17.46 10:50.44 11:24.10 11:56.94 12:30.46 13:04.02
    13:37.24 14:11.00 14:44.20 15:17.99 15:51.48 16:24.72 16:58.39 17:31.88
 -- Brown, Ethan T      17 NWSC                               SCR        
 -- Riley, Sean N       18 Squids                             SCR        
Boys 100 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 53.74  2/1/1978  Rick Carey, BADG                              
    15-18 NE: # 49.54  4/1/1981  Rick Carey, BADG                              
   13-14 RES: # 52.78  3/1/2002  Salvadore Barba, SAC-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 49.84  3/1/1990  Sean Gouldson, BGSC-NE                        
                49.99  NAT
                51.29  OPEN
                54.59  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids                 52.00      51.71#SECT    32  
       25.57    51.71                                                      
  2 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                    51.59      51.87#SECT    28  
       25.30    51.87                                                      
  3 Falk, Bjorn E       16 Magnus                 52.95      52.71#SECT    27  
       25.81    52.71                                                      
  4 Bailey, James H     17 Squids                 53.88      52.77#SECT    26  
       25.72    52.77                                                      
  5 Russell, David P    16 Cudas                  54.00      53.30#SECT    25  
       25.92    53.30                                                      
  6 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                   53.45      53.59#SECT    24  
       26.16    53.59                                                      
  7 Warner, Christian   18 Squids                 54.01      54.02 SECT    23  
       26.42    54.02                                                      
  8 Fiske, Brian P      17 Magnus                 53.10      54.22 SECT    22  
       26.09    54.22                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Norberg, Stephen T  19 Unattached             54.05      53.17#SECT    20  
       25.85    53.17                                                      
 10 Shearouse, William  18 Magnus                 54.07      53.82 SECT    17  
       26.27    53.82                                                      
 11 Donohue, Kevin P    17 Squids                 54.80      54.36 SECT    16  
       27.21    54.36                                                      
 12 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids                 54.68      54.57 SECT    15  
       26.78    54.57                                                      
 13 Nilsson, Eric T     15 Cudas                  54.73      54.60         14  
       26.99    54.60                                                      
 14 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                    54.71      54.64         13  
       27.14    54.64                                                      
 15 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus                 54.18      54.66         12  
       26.47    54.66                                                      
 16 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                   54.69      54.91         11  
       27.02    54.91                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Goodwin, Taylor M   15 Cudas                  55.24      54.25 SECT     9  
       26.83    54.25                                                      
 18 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus                 55.29      54.75          7  
       27.06    54.75                                                      
 19 Rubenstein, Billy   16 Cudas                  55.21      54.80          6  
       26.82    54.80                                                      
 20 Monette, Derek L    18 Magnus                 55.53      54.94          5  
       26.83    54.94                                                      
 21 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                   55.45      55.33          4  
       26.92    55.33                                                      
 22 Condon, Sean C      18 Magnus                 54.95      55.53          3  
       27.21    55.53                                                      
 23 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids                 55.47      55.60          2  
       26.90    55.60                                                      
 24 Brown, Ethan T      17 NWSC                   55.71      55.72          1  
       27.33    55.72                                                      
Boys 100 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 53.74  2/1/1978  Rick Carey, BADG                              
    15-18 NE: # 49.54  4/1/1981  Rick Carey, BADG                              
   13-14 RES: # 52.78  3/1/2002  Salvadore Barba, SAC-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 49.84  3/1/1990  Sean Gouldson, BGSC-NE                        
                49.99  NAT
                51.29  OPEN
                54.59  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                               51.59#SECT   
       25.41    51.59                                                      
  2 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                            52.00#SECT   
       25.28    52.00                                                      
  3 Falk, Bjorn E             16 Magnus                            52.95#SECT   
       25.96    52.95                                                      
  4 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                            53.10#SECT   
       25.85    53.10                                                      
  5 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                              53.45#SECT   
       26.36    53.45                                                      
  6 Bailey, James H           17 Squids                            53.88 SECT   
       26.27    53.88                                                      
  7 Eaddy, Jason H            26 CMSC                              53.98 SECT   
       26.49    53.98                                                      
  8 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                             54.00 SECT   
       26.01    54.00                                                      
  9 Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                            54.01 SECT   
       26.50    54.01                                                      
 10 Norberg, Stephen T        19 Unattached                        54.05 SECT   
       26.26    54.05                                                      
 11 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                            54.07 SECT   
       26.39    54.07                                                      
 12 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                            54.18 SECT   
       26.33    54.18                                                      
 13 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                            54.68        
       26.87    54.68                                                      
 14 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                              54.69        
       27.08    54.69                                                      
 15 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                               54.71        
       27.02    54.71                                                      
 16 Nilsson, Eric T           15 Cudas                             54.73        
       26.91    54.73                                                      
 17 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                            54.80        
       27.82    54.80                                                      
 18 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                            54.95        
       26.93    54.95                                                      
 19 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                             55.21        
       27.33    55.21                                                      
 20 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                             55.24        
       26.78    55.24                                                      
 21 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                            55.29        
       27.16    55.29                                                      
 22 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                              55.45        
       27.15    55.45                                                      
 23 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                            55.47        
       26.97    55.47                                                      
 24 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                            55.53        
       27.24    55.53                                                      
 25 Brown, Ethan T            17 NWSC                              55.71        
       27.30    55.71                                                      
 26 Swanson, Chad W           16 Magnus                            56.01        
       27.06    56.01                                                      
 27 Lovett, Matthew T         17 PSC                               56.11        
       27.03    56.11                                                      
 28 Priest, Zack A            16 Squids                            56.23        
       27.09    56.23                                                      
 29 Reams, Pat F              16 Strypers                          56.39        
       27.78    56.39                                                      
 30 Courtney, Ben D           16 GMA                               56.47        
       27.35    56.47                                                      
 31 Boudreau, Andrew J        16 Seacoast                          56.54        
       27.88    56.54                                                      
 32 Anderson, Peter K         17 Unattached                        56.78        
       27.74    56.78                                                      
 33 O'Brien, Matt C           14 North Shore                       56.96        
       27.48    56.96                                                      
 34 Butler, Max H             14 Bernal's Gators                   57.02        
       28.08    57.02                                                      
 35 Fanning, Justin C         18 North Shore                       57.35        
       27.79    57.35                                                      
 36 Kearney, Tim D            18 North Shore                       58.84        
       28.06    58.84                                                      
 -- Palmieri, Drew P          16 Strypers                             NS        
 -- Cocks, Bill J             19 Unattached                          SCR        
Boys 200 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 1:54.02  2/1/1978  Rick Carey, BADG                            
    15-18 NE: # 1:46.00  4/1/1981  Rick Carey, BADG                            
   13-14 RES: # 1:52.46  3/1/2000  Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 1:48.92  3/1/2000  Nick Brunelli, OSS-NE                       
                1:48.79  NAT
                1:50.99  OPEN
                1:57.79  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Fiske, Brian P      17 Magnus               1:52.85    1:51.92#SECT    32  
       26.20    54.49  1:23.12  1:51.92                                    
  2 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                  1:54.41    1:52.44#SECT    28  
       26.26    54.81  1:24.04  1:52.44                                    
  3 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus               1:54.65    1:53.23#SECT    27  
       26.45    54.80  1:23.95  1:53.23                                    
  4 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                  1:56.41    1:56.05 SECT    26  
       27.85    57.12  1:26.69  1:56.05                                    
  5 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                 1:56.78    1:56.42 SECT    25  
       27.13    55.86  1:26.22  1:56.42                                    
  6 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids               1:57.65    1:57.69 SECT    24  
       28.09    57.88  1:28.16  1:57.69                                    
  7 Warner, Christian   18 Squids               1:57.03    1:58.29         23  
       27.71    57.37  1:27.91  1:58.29                                    
  8 Monette, Derek L    18 Magnus               1:56.81    1:58.91         22  
       27.68    57.31  1:27.85  1:58.91                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Russell, David P    16 Cudas                2:00.04    1:58.23         20  
       26.70    56.42  1:27.47  1:58.23                                    
 10 Brown, Ethan T      17 NWSC                 1:59.34    1:58.40         17  
       27.98    58.09  1:29.04  1:58.40                                    
 11 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               1:59.25    1:58.68         16  
       27.99    58.09  1:28.74  1:58.68                                    
 12 Boudreau, Andrew J  16 Seacoast             1:59.37    1:58.92         15  
       28.68    58.49  1:28.79  1:58.92                                    
 13 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                 1:59.16    1:59.23         14  
       28.61    58.71  1:29.49  1:59.23                                    
 14 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids               1:59.13    2:00.35         13  
       28.40    58.94  1:29.65  2:00.35                                    
 15 Lesnick, Thomas J   16 Unattached           1:59.09    2:00.49         12  
       28.27    58.58  1:29.70  2:00.49                                    
 16 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus               2:00.07    2:06.90         11  
       29.75  1:02.00  1:34.22  2:06.90                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Condon, Sean C      18 Magnus               2:06.71    1:59.22          9  
       27.83    57.52  1:28.38  1:59.22                                    
 18 Swanson, Chad W     16 Magnus               2:01.57    2:01.42          7  
       27.94    58.30  1:29.72  2:01.42                                    
 19 Yamada, Kevin A     14 SAC                  2:02.85    2:02.56          6  
       28.99    59.45  1:30.95  2:02.56                                    
 20 Anderson, Peter K   17 Unattached           2:01.87    2:03.41          5  
       28.36    59.20  1:31.14  2:03.41                                    
 21 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus               2:02.36    2:03.75          4  
       29.19  1:00.54  1:32.22  2:03.75                                    
 22 Piquette, Andrew T  16 Magnus               2:07.46    2:05.32          3  
       28.76    59.42  1:32.35  2:05.32                                    
 23 Christian, Marc E   17 Magnus               2:04.68    2:07.22          2  
       28.78  1:00.04  1:33.19  2:07.22                                    
 24 Leclair, Travis D   18 Magnus               2:07.97    2:07.59          1  
       29.89  1:01.38  1:34.66  2:07.59                                    
Boys 200 Yard Backstroke
    13-14 NE: # 1:54.02  2/1/1978  Rick Carey, BADG                            
    15-18 NE: # 1:46.00  4/1/1981  Rick Carey, BADG                            
   13-14 RES: # 1:52.46  3/1/2000  Brian Fiske, MVP-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 1:48.92  3/1/2000  Nick Brunelli, OSS-NE                       
                1:48.79  NAT
                1:50.99  OPEN
                1:57.79  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                          1:52.85#SECT   
       26.12    54.14  1:23.53  1:52.85                                    
  2 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                             1:54.41 SECT   
       26.16    54.94  1:24.76  1:54.41                                    
  3 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                          1:54.65 SECT   
       26.75    55.49  1:24.95  1:54.65                                    
  4 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                           1:55.97 SECT   
       27.46    56.81  1:26.56  1:55.97                                    
  5 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                             1:56.41 SECT   
       28.40    57.59  1:27.28  1:56.41                                    
  6 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                            1:56.78 SECT   
       28.25    57.46  1:27.27  1:56.78                                    
  7 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                          1:56.81 SECT   
       27.81    57.17  1:27.09  1:56.81                                    
  8 Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                          1:57.03 SECT   
       27.77    56.89  1:27.23  1:57.03                                    
  9 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                          1:57.65 SECT   
       28.11    58.24  1:28.18  1:57.65                                    
 10 Treat, Ethan K            18 Squids                          1:57.79 SECT   
       28.02    57.45  1:27.65  1:57.79                                    
 11 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                          1:58.08        
       28.53    58.31  1:28.39  1:58.08                                    
 12 Nilsson, Eric T           15 Cudas                           1:58.26        
       29.19    58.81  1:28.65  1:58.26                                    
 13 Falk, Bjorn E             16 Magnus                          1:58.34        
       27.03    57.62  1:28.23  1:58.34                                    
 14 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                           1:58.84        
       28.51    58.43  1:28.55  1:58.84                                    
 15 Lesnick, Thomas J         16 Unattached                      1:59.09        
       27.89    57.26  1:28.18  1:59.09                                    
 16 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                          1:59.13        
       27.98    57.64  1:28.23  1:59.13                                    
 17 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                            1:59.16        
       28.83    58.77  1:29.45  1:59.16                                    
 18 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          1:59.25        
       28.65    59.18  1:29.77  1:59.25                                    
 19 Brown, Ethan T            17 NWSC                            1:59.34        
       28.79    59.15  1:29.78  1:59.34                                    
 20 Boudreau, Andrew J        16 Seacoast                        1:59.37        
       28.70    58.55  1:29.34  1:59.37                                    
 21 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                           2:00.04        
       27.42    56.76  1:28.02  2:00.04                                    
 22 Reams, Pat F              16 Strypers                        2:00.07        
       29.15  1:00.11  1:30.86  2:00.07                                    
 22 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                          2:00.07        
       29.20    59.42  1:30.34  2:00.07                                    
 24 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                            2:00.50        
       29.13    59.67  1:30.64  2:00.50                                    
 25 Swanson, Chad W           16 Magnus                          2:01.57        
       28.92    59.18  1:30.21  2:01.57                                    
 26 Anderson, Peter K         17 Unattached                      2:01.87        
       29.02    59.55  1:30.50  2:01.87                                    
 27 Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus                          2:02.36        
       28.80    59.60  1:30.94  2:02.36                                    
 28 Palmieri, Drew P          16 Strypers                        2:02.68        
       28.85    59.56  1:31.32  2:02.68                                    
 29 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                             2:02.85        
       29.77  1:00.51  1:31.51  2:02.85                                    
 30 Thomas, Eric M            17 Squids                          2:04.06        
       29.75  1:00.80  1:32.63  2:04.06                                    
 31 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                          2:04.68        
       29.67  1:00.69  1:32.40  2:04.68                                    
 32 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                          2:06.71        
       29.34  1:00.97  1:33.54  2:06.71                                    
 33 Piquette, Andrew T        16 Magnus                          2:07.46        
       29.40  1:01.07  1:34.19  2:07.46                                    
 34 Leclair, Travis D         18 Magnus                          2:07.97        
       30.48  1:02.44  1:35.41  2:07.97                                    
 -- Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                               DQ        
 -- Norberg, Stephen T        19 Unattached                           NS        
 -- Bailey, James H           17 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Kearney, Tim D            18 North Shore                         SCR        
Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 59.96  3/1/1995  Kevin Riley, BGSC-NE                          
    15-18 NE: # 55.04  4/1/1981  John Moffet, UN                               
   13-14 RES: # 59.50  3/1/2000  Kevin Donohue, OSS-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 56.51  3/1/2002  Kevin Donohue, OSS-NE                         
                56.29  NAT
                57.59  OPEN
              1:00.99  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Donohue, Kevin P    17 Squids                 56.79      56.68#OPEN    32  
       26.91    56.68                                                      
  2 Fiske, Brian P      17 Magnus                 59.38      58.37#SECT    28  
       27.21    58.37                                                      
  3 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               1:00.67      59.90#SECT    26.5
       28.34    59.90                                                      
  3 Treat, Ethan K      18 Squids               1:00.35      59.90#SECT    26.5
       28.37    59.90                                                      
  5 Piquette, Andrew T  16 Magnus               1:00.76    1:00.96 SECT    25  
       28.72  1:00.96                                                      
  6 Yamada, Kevin A     14 SAC                  1:02.14    1:01.17         24  
       28.90  1:01.17                                                      
  7 Lenihan, Michael W  18 Magnus               1:02.58    1:02.33         23  
       29.12  1:02.33                                                      
  8 Swanson, Chad W     16 Magnus               1:02.33    1:02.42         22  
       29.11  1:02.42                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Scibelli, Michael   18 Pvac                 1:03.05    1:02.35         20  
       29.42  1:02.35                                                      
 10 Miller, Stephen D   15 Cudas                1:02.98    1:02.89         17  
       29.54  1:02.89                                                      
 11 Terry, Sean M       16 SAC                  1:02.96    1:03.20         16  
       29.50  1:03.20                                                      
 12 Bonte, Benjamin J   15 Squids               1:03.99    1:03.65         15  
       29.97  1:03.65                                                      
 13 Fanning, Justin C   18 North Shore          1:03.63    1:04.07         14  
       30.08  1:04.07                                                      
 14 Christian, Marc E   17 Magnus               1:03.86    1:04.60         13  
       30.26  1:04.60                                                      
 15 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids               1:04.62    1:04.79         12  
       30.71  1:04.79                                                      
 -- Vankuilenburg, Sco  38 CMSC                 1:04.19         DQ        
       29.75       DQ                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Mosca, Travis J     16 North Shore          1:05.28    1:04.84          9  
       30.46  1:04.84                                                      
 18 Maguire, Andrew J   14 Magnus               1:05.89    1:04.85          7  
       30.67  1:04.85                                                      
 19 Hochard, Jacob Z    14 Magnus               1:07.44    1:05.59          6  
       30.73  1:05.59                                                      
Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 59.96  3/1/1995  Kevin Riley, BGSC-NE                          
    15-18 NE: # 55.04  4/1/1981  John Moffet, UN                               
   13-14 RES: # 59.50  3/1/2000  Kevin Donohue, OSS-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 56.51  3/1/2002  Kevin Donohue, OSS-NE                         
                56.29  NAT
                57.59  OPEN
              1:00.99  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                            56.79#OPEN   
       26.92    56.79                                                      
  2 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                            59.38#SECT   
       27.71    59.38                                                      
  3 Treat, Ethan K            18 Squids                          1:00.35 SECT   
       28.42  1:00.35                                                      
  4 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          1:00.67 SECT   
       28.94  1:00.67                                                      
  5 Piquette, Andrew T        16 Magnus                          1:00.76 SECT   
       28.76  1:00.76                                                      
  6 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                             1:02.14        
       29.15  1:02.14                                                      
  7 Swanson, Chad W           16 Magnus                          1:02.33        
       29.17  1:02.33                                                      
  8 Lenihan, Michael W        18 Magnus                          1:02.58        
       29.16  1:02.58                                                      
  9 Terry, Sean M             16 SAC                             1:02.96        
       29.66  1:02.96                                                      
 10 Miller, Stephen D         15 Cudas                           1:02.98        
       29.31  1:02.98                                                      
 11 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                            1:03.05        
       29.87  1:03.05                                                      
 12 Fanning, Justin C         18 North Shore                     1:03.63        
       29.86  1:03.63                                                      
 13 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                          1:03.86        
       29.63  1:03.86                                                      
 14 Bonte, Benjamin J         15 Squids                          1:03.99        
       30.24  1:03.99                                                      
 15 Vankuilenburg, Scott D    38 CMSC                            1:04.19        
       29.65  1:04.19                                                      
 16 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          1:04.62        
       30.85  1:04.62                                                      
 17 Mosca, Travis J           16 North Shore                     1:05.28        
       30.29  1:05.28                                                      
 18 Maguire, Andrew J         14 Magnus                          1:05.89        
       31.27  1:05.89                                                      
 19 Hochard, Jacob Z          14 Magnus                          1:07.44        
       31.73  1:07.44                                                      
 20 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                          1:09.89        
       31.76  1:09.89                                                      
 -- Bailey, James H           17 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                              SCR        
Boys 200 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 2:10.81  2/1/1997  Petar Kravaric, UN                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:59.33  4/1/1981  John Moffet, UN                             
   13-14 RES: # 2:08.44  12/1/2000 PJ Sullivan, ABF-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 2:02.07  3/1/1987  Scott Jaffe, BGSC-NE                        
                2:02.59  NAT
                2:04.99  OPEN
                2:13.99  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Donohue, Kevin P    17 Squids               2:06.91    2:05.07#SECT    32  
       28.77  1:00.68  1:32.80  2:05.07                                    
  2 Treat, Ethan K      18 Squids               2:08.90    2:07.04#SECT    28  
       29.02  1:01.06  1:33.91  2:07.04                                    
  3 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               2:10.51    2:07.31#SECT    27  
       28.92  1:01.21  1:33.71  2:07.31                                    
  4 Piquette, Andrew T  16 Magnus               2:11.79    2:11.83 SECT    26  
       29.35  1:02.44  1:36.81  2:11.83                                    
  5 Scibelli, Michael   18 Pvac                 2:15.23    2:12.50 SECT    25  
       29.42  1:02.53  1:37.35  2:12.50                                    
  6 Yamada, Kevin A     14 SAC                  2:14.77    2:13.52 SECT    24  
       29.89  1:03.71  1:38.14  2:13.52                                    
  7 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus               2:13.08    2:14.75         23  
       30.11  1:04.17  1:39.69  2:14.75                                    
  8 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                 2:16.44    2:14.78         22  
       30.62  1:04.26  1:39.32  2:14.78                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Swanson, Chad W     16 Magnus               2:19.35    2:17.16         20  
       30.24  1:04.71  1:40.67  2:17.16                                    
 10 Lenihan, Michael W  18 Magnus               2:21.47    2:18.33         17  
       29.58  1:03.68  1:40.55  2:18.33                                    
 11 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids               2:18.40    2:18.57         16  
       32.26  1:07.13  1:42.77  2:18.57                                    
 12 Maguire, Andrew J   14 Magnus               2:21.64    2:19.75         15  
       31.37  1:06.90  1:43.13  2:19.75                                    
 13 Miller, Stephen D   15 Cudas                2:19.48    2:20.40         14  
       30.44  1:05.86  1:42.71  2:20.40                                    
 14 Bott, Christopher   16 SAC                  2:20.58    2:20.61         13  
       31.96  1:08.03  1:44.07  2:20.61                                    
 15 Mosca, Travis J     16 North Shore          2:21.39    2:21.30         12  
       30.88  1:06.63  1:43.54  2:21.30                                    
 16 Goodwin, Taylor M   15 Cudas                2:23.59    2:24.96         11  
       32.14  1:08.98  1:46.88  2:24.96                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Lewin, Craig A      17 North Shore          2:26.26    2:24.00          9  
       32.52  1:08.47  1:45.50  2:24.00                                    
 18 Hochard, Jacob Z    14 Magnus               2:28.06    2:26.11          7  
       32.43  1:09.08  1:47.01  2:26.11                                    
Boys 200 Yard Breaststroke
    13-14 NE: # 2:10.81  2/1/1997  Petar Kravaric, UN                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:59.33  4/1/1981  John Moffet, UN                             
   13-14 RES: # 2:08.44  12/1/2000 PJ Sullivan, ABF-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 2:02.07  3/1/1987  Scott Jaffe, BGSC-NE                        
                2:02.59  NAT
                2:04.99  OPEN
                2:13.99  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                          2:06.91#SECT   
       28.85  1:01.29  1:34.06  2:06.91                                    
  2 Treat, Ethan K            18 Squids                          2:08.90#SECT   
       29.54  1:02.56  1:35.20  2:08.90                                    
  3 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                          2:10.31#SECT   
       28.20  1:01.33  1:35.29  2:10.31                                    
  4 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          2:10.51#SECT   
       29.48  1:02.44  1:36.37  2:10.51                                    
  5 Piquette, Andrew T        16 Magnus                          2:11.79 SECT   
       29.80  1:03.09  1:37.35  2:11.79                                    
  6 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                          2:13.08 SECT   
       30.14  1:03.65  1:38.34  2:13.08                                    
  7 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                             2:14.77        
       29.97  1:03.94  1:38.91  2:14.77                                    
  8 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                            2:15.23        
       30.41  1:04.71  1:39.89  2:15.23                                    
  9 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                            2:16.44        
       30.81  1:04.67  1:39.86  2:16.44                                    
 10 Bonte, Benjamin J         15 Squids                          2:16.57        
       30.27  1:04.01  1:39.39  2:16.57                                    
 11 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          2:18.40        
       31.89  1:06.44  1:42.20  2:18.40                                    
 12 Swanson, Chad W           16 Magnus                          2:19.35        
       29.92  1:04.82  1:41.74  2:19.35                                    
 13 Miller, Stephen D         15 Cudas                           2:19.48        
       30.09  1:05.23  1:41.88  2:19.48                                    
 14 Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC                             2:20.58        
       32.21  1:07.87  1:44.07  2:20.58                                    
 15 Mosca, Travis J           16 North Shore                     2:21.39        
       31.97  1:07.38  1:43.99  2:21.39                                    
 16 Lenihan, Michael W        18 Magnus                          2:21.47        
       30.12  1:05.54  1:43.18  2:21.47                                    
 17 Maguire, Andrew J         14 Magnus                          2:21.64        
       32.07  1:07.49  1:44.08  2:21.64                                    
 18 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                           2:23.59        
       31.62  1:07.40  1:44.85  2:23.59                                    
 19 Terry, Sean M             16 SAC                             2:23.96        
       31.38  1:07.69  1:45.39  2:23.96                                    
 20 Lewin, Craig A            17 North Shore                     2:26.26        
       32.89  1:09.52  1:47.34  2:26.26                                    
 21 Hochard, Jacob Z          14 Magnus                          2:28.06        
       32.37  1:08.41  1:47.22  2:28.06                                    
 -- Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                              SCR        
 -- Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                              SCR        
Boys 100 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 51.98  3/1/1983  John Davis, WYW                               
    15-18 NE: # 49.58  3/1/1988  David Johnson, BGSC                           
   13-14 RES: # 52.91  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 48.69  4/1/1985  Keith Hayes, SAC-NE                           
                49.19  NAT
                50.49  OPEN
                53.39  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Eaddy, Jason H      26 CMSC                   50.55      49.97#OPEN    32  
       23.75    49.97                                                      
  2 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids                 50.17      50.43#OPEN    28  
       23.54    50.43                                                      
  3 Bailey, James H     17 Squids                 51.14      50.75#SECT    27  
       23.55    50.75                                                      
  4 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                   51.79      51.00#SECT    26  
       23.73    51.00                                                      
  5 Langan, Nick F      20 Unattached             51.27      51.93#SECT    25  
       23.05    51.93                                                      
  6 Norberg, Stephen T  19 Unattached             52.43      51.94#SECT    24  
       24.01    51.94                                                      
  7 Viccaro, Adam T     18 Seacoast               52.45      52.10#SECT    23  
       24.23    52.10                                                      
  8 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus                 52.65      52.41#SECT    22  
       24.11    52.41                                                      
Consolation Final
  9 Falk, Bjorn E       16 Magnus                 53.38      52.56#SECT    20  
       24.78    52.56                                                      
 10 Condon, Sean C      18 Magnus                 52.97      52.72#SECT    17  
       25.08    52.72                                                      
 11 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                    53.04      52.88#SECT    16  
       24.60    52.88                                                      
 12 Swanson, Chad W     16 Magnus                 52.92      53.20 SECT    15  
       24.46    53.20                                                      
 13 Nilsson, Eric T     15 Cudas                  53.43      53.22 SECT    14  
       25.10    53.22                                                      
 14 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus                 53.35      53.24 SECT    13  
       25.05    53.24                                                      
 15 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                   53.25      53.25 SECT    12  
       24.96    53.25                                                      
 16 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus                 53.70      53.58         11  
       25.30    53.58                                                      
Bonus Final
 17 Gollands, Peter G   16 PSC                    54.45      53.73          9  
       24.70    53.73                                                      
 18 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus                 54.23      53.90          7  
       25.88    53.90                                                      
 19 Monette, Derek L    18 Magnus                 54.32      54.00          6  
       25.19    54.00                                                      
 20 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids                 54.12      54.03          4.5
       25.24    54.03                                                      
 20 Russell, David P    16 Cudas                  54.78      54.03          4.5
       25.27    54.03                                                      
 22 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                   54.74      54.40          3  
       25.73    54.40                                                      
 23 Goodwin, Taylor M   15 Cudas                  55.07      54.76          2  
       24.87    54.76                                                      
 24 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids                 55.34      55.55          1  
       26.35    55.55                                                      
Boys 100 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 51.98  3/1/1983  John Davis, WYW                               
    15-18 NE: # 49.58  3/1/1988  David Johnson, BGSC                           
   13-14 RES: # 52.91  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                         
   15-18 RES: # 48.69  4/1/1985  Keith Hayes, SAC-NE                           
                49.19  NAT
                50.49  OPEN
                53.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                            50.17#OPEN   
       23.53    50.17                                                      
  2 Eaddy, Jason H            26 CMSC                              50.55#SECT   
       24.46    50.55                                                      
  3 Bailey, James H           17 Squids                            51.14#SECT   
       23.78    51.14                                                      
  4 Langan, Nick F            20 Unattached                        51.27#SECT   
       23.29    51.27                                                      
  5 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                              51.79#SECT   
       24.19    51.79                                                      
  6 Norberg, Stephen T        19 Unattached                        52.43#SECT   
       24.32    52.43                                                      
  7 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                          52.45#SECT   
       24.67    52.45                                                      
  8 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                            52.65#SECT   
       24.48    52.65                                                      
  9 Swanson, Chad W           16 Magnus                            52.92 SECT   
       24.58    52.92                                                      
 10 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                            52.97 SECT   
       25.13    52.97                                                      
 11 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                               53.04 SECT   
       24.86    53.04                                                      
 12 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                              53.25 SECT   
       24.84    53.25                                                      
 13 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                            53.35 SECT   
       25.05    53.35                                                      
 14 Falk, Bjorn E             16 Magnus                            53.38 SECT   
       25.53    53.38                                                      
 15 Nilsson, Eric T           15 Cudas                             53.43        
       25.21    53.43                                                      
 16 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                            53.70        
       25.00    53.70                                                      
 17 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                            54.12        
       25.38    54.12                                                      
 18 Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                            54.23        
       25.56    54.23                                                      
 19 Baracewicz, Chris Z       18 Bernal's Gators                   54.26        
       24.75    54.26                                                      
 20 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                            54.32        
       25.51    54.32                                                      
 21 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC                               54.45        
       25.23    54.45                                                      
 22 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                              54.74        
       25.89    54.74                                                      
 23 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                             54.78        
       25.73    54.78                                                      
 24 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                             55.07        
       25.41    55.07                                                      
 25 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                            55.34        
       25.87    55.34                                                      
 26 Smith, Gordon R           17 Seacoast                          55.70        
       26.15    55.70                                                      
 27 LeCompte, Chris R         18 Rrsc                              55.82        
       26.30    55.82                                                      
 28 Maguire, Andrew J         14 Magnus                            55.97        
       25.99    55.97                                                      
 29 Thomas, Eric M            17 Squids                            56.03        
       26.42    56.03                                                      
 30 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                               56.21        
       26.43    56.21                                                      
 31 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                            56.29        
       25.85    56.29                                                      
 32 Reardon, JJ J             17 Squids                            56.33        
       26.57    56.33                                                      
 32 Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                            56.33        
       26.27    56.33                                                      
 34 O'Brien, Matt C           14 North Shore                       56.36        
       26.05    56.36                                                      
 35 Sheridan, Kevin C         17 BAT                               56.76        
       26.15    56.76                                                      
 36 Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                            56.89        
       27.06    56.89                                                      
 37 Lenihan, Michael W        18 Magnus                            57.41        
       26.47    57.41                                                      
 -- Rogers, John J            32 Magnus                               NS        
 -- Priest, Zack A            16 Squids                               NS        
 -- Cocks, Bill J             19 Unattached                          SCR        
Boys 200 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 1:55.24  3/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:47.04  4/1/1981  Bruce Dorman, LSIDE                         
   13-14 RES: # 1:52.15  4/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 1:47.00  3/1/1990  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
                1:49.69  NAT
                1:51.79  OPEN
                1:57.89  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Viccaro, Adam T     18 Seacoast             1:51.17    1:50.36#OPEN    32  
       25.07    53.34  1:21.43  1:50.36                                    
  2 Eaddy, Jason H      26 CMSC                 1:55.29    1:51.72#OPEN    28  
       25.32    54.27  1:23.43  1:51.72                                    
  3 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids               1:54.19    1:52.11#SECT    27  
       24.69    53.28  1:22.42  1:52.11                                    
  4 Nilsson, Eric T     15 Cudas                1:56.49    1:55.33 SECT    26  
       26.01    54.16  1:23.83  1:55.33                                    
  5 Treat, Ethan K      18 Squids               1:55.28    1:56.00 SECT    25  
       25.52    54.79  1:24.95  1:56.00                                    
  6 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus               1:56.90    1:56.07 SECT    24  
       25.98    55.38  1:25.85  1:56.07                                    
  7 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                 1:57.02    1:56.75 SECT    23  
       25.76    55.04  1:25.85  1:56.75                                    
  8 Pudas, Kevin J      18 Squids               1:56.71    1:58.07         22  
       25.89    55.55  1:26.39  1:58.07                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus               1:58.66    1:55.65 SECT    20  
       25.74    54.92  1:24.96  1:55.65                                    
 10 Monette, Derek L    18 Magnus               1:59.51    1:58.56         17  
       26.16    56.10  1:26.79  1:58.56                                    
 11 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus               1:57.30    1:58.84         16  
       26.54    56.79  1:27.47  1:58.84                                    
 12 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                 1:59.07    1:59.26         15  
       27.21    57.27  1:28.26  1:59.26                                    
 13 Reams, Pat F        16 Strypers             1:57.19    1:59.47         14  
       26.49    57.06  1:28.38  1:59.47                                    
 14 Thomas, Eric M      17 Squids               2:00.85    1:59.79         13  
       26.90    56.99  1:28.19  1:59.79                                    
 15 Reardon, JJ J       17 Squids               2:00.61    2:00.79         12  
       26.84    57.23  1:28.12  2:00.79                                    
 16 Condon, Sean C      18 Magnus               2:00.01    2:01.76         11  
       26.87    57.29  1:29.18  2:01.76                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Yamada, Kevin A     14 SAC                  2:01.53    1:59.21          9  
       27.04    56.91  1:27.68  1:59.21                                    
 18 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids               2:01.80    2:00.46          7  
       27.21    58.00  1:28.87  2:00.46                                    
 19 Gollands, Peter G   16 PSC                  2:02.82    2:01.89          6  
       25.62    55.31  1:27.86  2:01.89                                    
 20 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                  2:03.00    2:02.03          5  
       27.33    57.82  1:29.32  2:02.03                                    
 21 Kinnett, Charles P  18 Magnus               2:01.07    2:02.06          4  
       26.94    57.66  1:29.78  2:02.06                                    
 22 Shack, Matt D       18 Magnus               2:03.09    2:04.81          3  
       27.72    58.46  1:31.22  2:04.81                                    
 23 Kelleher, Thomas J  15 Squids               2:04.78    2:06.90          2  
       27.84    59.89  1:33.45  2:06.90                                    
 24 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids               2:05.19    2:06.91          1  
       27.99    59.94  1:32.77  2:06.91                                    
Boys 200 Yard Butterfly
    13-14 NE: # 1:55.24  3/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:47.04  4/1/1981  Bruce Dorman, LSIDE                         
   13-14 RES: # 1:52.15  4/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 1:47.00  3/1/1990  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
                1:49.69  NAT
                1:51.79  OPEN
                1:57.89  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                        1:51.17#OPEN   
       25.47    53.94  1:22.03  1:51.17                                    
  2 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                          1:54.19#SECT   
       24.80    53.99  1:24.14  1:54.19                                    
  3 Treat, Ethan K            18 Squids                          1:55.28 SECT   
       25.81    55.37  1:24.90  1:55.28                                    
  4 Eaddy, Jason H            26 CMSC                            1:55.29 SECT   
       25.59    55.34  1:25.48  1:55.29                                    
  5 Nilsson, Eric T           15 Cudas                           1:56.49 SECT   
       26.76    56.32  1:26.19  1:56.49                                    
  6 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                          1:56.71 SECT   
       26.14    55.50  1:25.64  1:56.71                                    
  7 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                          1:56.90 SECT   
       26.10    56.07  1:26.15  1:56.90                                    
  8 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                            1:57.02 SECT   
       26.25    56.04  1:26.62  1:57.02                                    
  9 Reams, Pat F              16 Strypers                        1:57.19 SECT   
       26.07    55.73  1:26.07  1:57.19                                    
 10 Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                          1:57.30 SECT   
       26.52    56.35  1:26.47  1:57.30                                    
 11 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                          1:58.66        
       26.43    56.91  1:27.70  1:58.66                                    
 12 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                            1:59.07        
       27.16    57.08  1:27.60  1:59.07                                    
 13 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                          1:59.51        
       26.71    57.12  1:27.84  1:59.51                                    
 14 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                             1:59.95        
       26.47    56.89  1:28.32  1:59.95                                    
 15 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                          2:00.01        
       26.08    55.69  1:27.23  2:00.01                                    
 16 Reardon, JJ J             17 Squids                          2:00.61        
       27.08    57.55  1:28.33  2:00.61                                    
 17 Thomas, Eric M            17 Squids                          2:00.85        
       27.14    57.41  1:28.99  2:00.85                                    
 18 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus                          2:01.07        
       27.25    57.63  1:29.27  2:01.07                                    
 19 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                             2:01.53        
       27.66    58.69  1:29.53  2:01.53                                    
 20 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                          2:01.80        
       27.57    58.43  1:30.22  2:01.80                                    
 21 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC                             2:02.82        
       26.73    57.36  1:29.50  2:02.82                                    
 22 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                             2:03.00        
       27.41    57.80  1:29.82  2:03.00                                    
 23 Shack, Matt D             18 Magnus                          2:03.09        
       27.74    58.97  1:30.63  2:03.09                                    
 24 Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                          2:04.78        
       28.40    59.88  1:32.57  2:04.78                                    
 25 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          2:05.19        
       28.40  1:00.10  1:32.36  2:05.19                                    
 26 Smith, Gordon R           17 Seacoast                        2:05.39        
       27.90    59.95  1:32.72  2:05.39                                    
 27 Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC                             2:05.55        
       28.14    59.61  1:32.52  2:05.55                                    
 28 Sementelli, Joseph N      17 SAC                             2:08.58        
       27.74    59.85  1:34.16  2:08.58                                    
 29 Lenihan, Michael W        18 Magnus                          2:11.86        
       27.53    59.06  1:33.71  2:11.86                                    
 30 Hastrup, John W           19 Unattached                      2:12.42        
       27.88  1:00.90  1:35.90  2:12.42                                    
 -- Palmieri, Drew P          16 Strypers                             NS        
 -- Baracewicz, Chris Z       18 Bernal's Gators                      NS        
 -- Slater, Jamie R           19 GMA                                 SCR        
 -- Bailey, James H           17 Squids                              SCR        
Boys 200 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 1:57.65  3/1/1993  William Mahar, BSC                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:49.28  4/1/1981  D. DeGrunchy                                
   13-14 RES: # 1:55.72  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 1:51.29  3/1/2002  Ryan Berg, BGSC-NE                          
                1:50.49  NAT
                1:52.99  OPEN
                1:59.29  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids               1:54.91    1:51.31#OPEN    32  
       24.04    52.38  1:24.65  1:51.31                                    
  2 Donohue, Kevin P    17 Squids               1:56.03    1:54.17#SECT    28  
       26.25    55.43  1:27.47  1:54.17                                    
  3 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus               1:56.05    1:54.86#SECT    27  
       24.33    54.01  1:27.78  1:54.86                                    
  4 Treat, Ethan K      18 Squids               1:55.67    1:54.99#SECT    26  
       24.75    53.82  1:27.25  1:54.99                                    
  5 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                 1:56.89    1:55.84#SECT    25  
       24.43    53.18  1:28.78  1:55.84                                    
  6 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               1:58.65    1:58.49 SECT    24  
       26.27    57.62  1:31.51  1:58.49                                    
  7 Bailey, James H     17 Squids               1:57.63    1:58.60 SECT    23  
       25.13    55.91  1:30.67  1:58.60                                    
  8 Viccaro, Adam T     18 Seacoast             1:59.06    1:59.64         22  
       25.20    56.90  1:32.60  1:59.64                                    
Consolation Final
  9 Fiske, Brian P      17 Magnus               1:59.95    1:56.87#SECT    20  
       25.65    54.82  1:27.74  1:56.87                                    
 10 Yamada, Kevin A     14 SAC                  2:00.53    1:58.33 SECT    17  
       26.23    57.62  1:30.79  1:58.33                                    
 11 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                  2:00.04    1:58.42 SECT    16  
       25.87    55.47  1:32.15  1:58.42                                    
 12 Nilsson, Eric T     15 Cudas                1:59.96    1:58.94 SECT    15  
       25.83    54.47  1:31.84  1:58.94                                    
 13 Rubenstein, Billy   16 Cudas                1:59.73    1:58.95 SECT    14  
       25.95    55.44  1:32.03  1:58.95                                    
 14 Spinelli, Stephen   17 Pvac                 1:59.47    1:59.71         13  
       25.85    55.82  1:32.27  1:59.71                                    
 15 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids               2:00.24    1:59.79         12  
       26.79    57.26  1:32.54  1:59.79                                    
 16 Monette, Derek L    18 Magnus               2:00.95    2:05.51         11  
       26.48    57.79  1:34.91  2:05.51                                    
Bonus Final
 17 Goodwin, Taylor M   15 Cudas                2:01.00    1:59.51          9  
       25.48    55.67  1:32.51  1:59.51                                    
 18 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                 2:01.93    1:59.96          7  
       25.15    55.42  1:32.23  1:59.96                                    
 19 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                  2:02.17    2:00.28          6  
       27.01    57.03  1:33.57  2:00.28                                    
 20 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus               2:05.53    2:00.52          5  
       25.82    55.78  1:32.89  2:00.52                                    
 21 Swanson, Chad W     16 Magnus               2:02.15    2:02.41          4  
       25.13    55.75  1:32.96  2:02.41                                    
 22 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids               2:02.26    2:03.27          3  
       26.42    58.13  1:35.69  2:03.27                                    
 23 Rasin, Arkady       15 Squids               2:04.06    2:04.76          2  
       27.82  1:00.62  1:35.98  2:04.76                                    
 24 Kinnett, Charles P  18 Magnus               2:04.74    2:08.24          1  
       27.00    59.32  1:38.73  2:08.24                                    
Boys 200 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 1:57.65  3/1/1993  William Mahar, BSC                          
    15-18 NE: # 1:49.28  4/1/1981  D. DeGrunchy                                
   13-14 RES: # 1:55.72  12/1/2002 Corey Swanson, MAG-NE                       
   15-18 RES: # 1:51.29  3/1/2002  Ryan Berg, BGSC-NE                          
                1:50.49  NAT
                1:52.99  OPEN
                1:59.29  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                          1:54.91#SECT   
       24.63    54.27  1:27.55  1:54.91                                    
  2 Treat, Ethan K            18 Squids                          1:55.67#SECT   
       25.66    54.78  1:28.04  1:55.67                                    
  3 Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                          1:56.03#SECT   
       26.52    55.72  1:28.44  1:56.03                                    
  4 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                          1:56.05#SECT   
       24.74    54.74  1:28.71  1:56.05                                    
  5 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                            1:56.89#SECT   
       25.58    54.72  1:30.21  1:56.89                                    
  6 Bailey, James H           17 Squids                          1:57.63#SECT   
       24.82    55.21  1:30.30  1:57.63                                    
  7 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          1:58.65 SECT   
       25.73    56.85  1:31.02  1:58.65                                    
  8 Viccaro, Adam T           18 Seacoast                        1:59.06 SECT   
       25.21    56.86  1:32.11  1:59.06                                    
  9 Spinelli, Stephen         17 Pvac                            1:59.47        
       26.17    56.24  1:32.31  1:59.47                                    
 10 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                           1:59.73        
       26.23    55.78  1:32.83  1:59.73                                    
 11 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                          1:59.95        
       25.77    55.14  1:30.65  1:59.95                                    
 12 Nilsson, Eric T           15 Cudas                           1:59.96        
       26.10    54.77  1:32.99  1:59.96                                    
 13 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                             2:00.04        
       25.82    55.21  1:32.57  2:00.04                                    
 14 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                          2:00.24        
       27.33    57.78  1:32.67  2:00.24                                    
 15 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                             2:00.53        
       26.35    58.42  1:31.97  2:00.53                                    
 16 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                          2:00.95        
       25.83    55.87  1:32.88  2:00.95                                    
 17 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                           2:01.00        
       26.29    58.16  1:34.08  2:01.00                                    
 18 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                            2:01.93        
       25.64    55.61  1:32.93  2:01.93                                    
 19 Reams, Pat F              16 Strypers                        2:02.12        
       25.58    55.97  1:34.02  2:02.12                                    
 20 Swanson, Chad W           16 Magnus                          2:02.15        
       25.29    56.45  1:33.12  2:02.15                                    
 21 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                             2:02.17        
       27.04    57.25  1:34.65  2:02.17                                    
 22 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                          2:02.26        
       25.95    56.48  1:33.99  2:02.26                                    
 23 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          2:04.06        
       27.63  1:00.44  1:35.31  2:04.06                                    
 24 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus                          2:04.74        
       27.02    58.76  1:36.74  2:04.74                                    
 25 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                          2:05.53        
       26.31    56.69  1:36.07  2:05.53                                    
 26 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                           2:05.78        
       27.02    57.87  1:38.50  2:05.78                                    
 27 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus                          2:05.95        
       27.20    58.49  1:37.11  2:05.95                                    
 28 Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC                             2:06.43        
       27.75  1:00.12  1:37.31  2:06.43                                    
 29 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                            2:06.46        
       28.20  1:01.29  1:37.11  2:06.46                                    
 30 Piquette, Andrew T        16 Magnus                          2:06.57        
       26.98    59.10  1:34.34  2:06.57                                    
 31 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids                          2:06.59        
       27.46  1:01.09  1:38.54  2:06.59                                    
 32 Shearouse, William C      18 Magnus                          2:07.33        
       25.86    56.17  1:35.87  2:07.33                                    
 33 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                          2:07.99        
       26.07    57.64  1:37.28  2:07.99                                    
 34 Lenihan, Michael W        18 Magnus                          2:09.17        
       26.86  1:00.67  1:37.69  2:09.17                                    
 -- Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                               DQ        
 -- Palmieri, Drew P          16 Strypers                             NS        
 -- Fanning, Justin C         18 North Shore                         SCR        
 -- Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                              SCR        
Boys 400 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 4:10.47  3/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
    15-18 NE: # 3:51.87  4/1/1981  R. Prado, MV                                
   13-14 RES: # 4:07.14  4/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 3:54.29  3/1/1999  Erik Vendt, OSS-NE                          
                3:56.59  NAT
                4:00.99  OPEN
                4:14.09  SECT
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
Championship Final
  1 Treat, Ethan K      18 Squids               4:07.51    4:01.41#SECT    32  
       25.95    55.27  1:25.94  1:56.07  2:30.46  3:04.95  3:33.76  4:01.41
  2 Riley, Sean N       18 Squids               4:07.21    4:03.69#SECT    28  
       24.30    52.73  1:25.04  1:56.45  2:31.23  3:07.06  3:36.10  4:03.69
  3 Chartier, Greg R    17 Pvac                 4:06.80    4:04.73#SECT    27  
       25.34    54.24  1:25.56  1:56.21  2:32.17  3:08.83  3:37.15  4:04.73
  4 Monette, Derek L    18 Magnus               4:11.31    4:09.00#SECT    26  
       26.27    55.98  1:27.54  1:57.88  2:34.13  3:11.56  3:41.06  4:09.00
  5 Nilsson, Eric T     15 Cudas                4:10.62    4:09.19#SECT    25  
       26.42    55.75  1:26.17  1:56.41  2:35.83  3:15.01  3:42.33  4:09.19
  6 Sullivan, Pj J      17 Magnus               4:10.83    4:09.92#SECT    24  
       27.32    58.94  1:33.08  2:04.83  2:39.44  3:14.14  3:42.61  4:09.92
  7 Fiske, Brian P      17 Magnus               4:08.00    4:13.14 SECT    23  
       26.30    57.43  1:29.34  2:00.19  2:36.76  3:12.92  3:43.04  4:13.14
  8 Bartl, Stefan J     15 Magnus               4:11.00    4:17.12         22  
       26.73    57.20  1:29.86  2:02.20  2:39.88  3:19.00  3:48.38  4:17.12
Consolation Final
  9 Parent, Keith C     17 Pvac                 4:11.57    4:08.63#SECT    20  
       25.55    55.86  1:27.42  1:58.02  2:35.67  3:11.96  3:40.81  4:08.63
 10 Swanson, Corey W    14 Magnus               4:11.69    4:09.81#SECT    17  
       25.81    56.41  1:27.90  1:59.05  2:34.52  3:11.09  3:41.26  4:09.81
 11 Lake, Nick R        16 PAC                  4:11.53    4:13.58 SECT    16  
       26.89    57.39  1:29.34  2:00.25  2:38.26  3:16.92  3:45.92  4:13.58
 12 Barba, Salvatore G  15 SAC                  4:13.57    4:13.81 SECT    15  
       26.00    56.43  1:28.00  1:58.72  2:38.14  3:16.54  3:45.73  4:13.81
 13 Fay, Ben R          17 Magnus               4:14.53    4:14.16         14  
       26.38    56.64  1:27.85  1:59.28  2:38.55  3:17.90  3:46.40  4:14.16
 14 Rubenstein, Billy   16 Cudas                4:13.58    4:14.20         13  
       26.99    58.18  1:30.29  2:01.92  2:39.86  3:17.96  3:46.68  4:14.20
 15 Chevalier, Nicolas  18 Magnus               4:13.85    4:14.55         12  
       26.41    57.23  1:30.94  2:03.67  2:40.67  3:17.73  3:47.06  4:14.55
 16 Kinnett, Charles P  18 Magnus               4:15.74    4:18.07         11  
       26.84    57.30  1:30.99  2:03.70  2:42.44  3:20.88  3:49.99  4:18.07
Bonus Final
 17 Yamada, Kevin A     14 SAC                  4:17.47    4:12.30 SECT     9  
       27.18    57.72  1:31.34  2:03.70  2:38.48  3:14.15  3:43.79  4:12.30
 18 Bullitt, Ben H      16 Squids               4:16.14    4:14.21          7  
       27.18    58.20  1:30.55  2:02.53  2:39.11  3:17.25  3:46.26  4:14.21
 19 Bott, Christopher   16 SAC                  4:17.51    4:14.66          6  
       27.29    58.18  1:31.33  2:04.03  2:39.89  3:16.48  3:46.31  4:14.66
 20 Thomas, Eric M      17 Squids               4:16.28    4:14.90          5  
       26.49    56.28  1:28.32  2:00.14  2:38.13  3:17.26  3:46.76  4:14.90
 21 Geary, Sean W       17 Magnus               4:18.14    4:15.10          4  
       28.10  1:00.07  1:31.98  2:03.24  2:40.76  3:18.86  3:47.53  4:15.10
 22 Condon, Sean C      18 Magnus               4:21.42    4:19.73          3  
       26.50    57.15  1:29.43  2:01.63  2:40.56  3:19.51  3:50.03  4:19.73
 23 Taylor, Sam L       16 Squids               4:21.57    4:21.30          2  
       27.38    58.58  1:32.45  2:05.63  2:43.62  3:22.40  3:52.17  4:21.30
 24 Shack, Matt D       18 Magnus               4:20.19    4:26.19          1  
       27.54    58.31  1:34.63  2:09.93  2:47.90  3:26.85  3:57.06  4:26.19
Boys 400 Yard IM
    13-14 NE: # 4:10.47  3/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
    15-18 NE: # 3:51.87  4/1/1981  R. Prado, MV                                
   13-14 RES: # 4:07.14  4/1/1988  Ray Carey, BGSC-NE                          
   15-18 RES: # 3:54.29  3/1/1999  Erik Vendt, OSS-NE                          
                3:56.59  NAT
                4:00.99  OPEN
                4:14.09  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Chartier, Greg R          17 Pvac                            4:06.80#SECT   
       25.72    55.11  1:26.14  1:56.55  2:32.20  3:09.27  3:38.22  4:06.80
  2 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids                          4:07.21#SECT   
       24.29    52.88  1:24.74  1:55.72  2:31.28  3:08.82  3:38.98  4:07.21
  3 Treat, Ethan K            18 Squids                          4:07.51#SECT   
       25.85    55.10  1:26.17  1:56.98  2:32.83  3:08.61  3:38.73  4:07.51
  4 Fiske, Brian P            17 Magnus                          4:08.00#SECT   
       26.04    57.10  1:27.66  1:57.59  2:33.10  3:09.14  3:38.98  4:08.00
  5 Nilsson, Eric T           15 Cudas                           4:10.62 SECT   
       26.37    55.92  1:26.46  1:57.15  2:36.12  3:15.18  3:43.22  4:10.62
  6 Sullivan, Pj J            17 Magnus                          4:10.83 SECT   
       27.21    58.40  1:32.11  2:04.35  2:39.41  3:14.56  3:43.55  4:10.83
  7 Bartl, Stefan J           15 Magnus                          4:11.00 SECT   
       27.13    57.71  1:29.85  2:01.58  2:38.17  3:15.58  3:44.05  4:11.00
  8 Monette, Derek L          18 Magnus                          4:11.31 SECT   
       26.09    55.75  1:27.60  1:58.50  2:35.55  3:12.92  3:42.77  4:11.31
  9 Lake, Nick R              16 PAC                             4:11.53 SECT   
       27.18    57.56  1:29.45  2:00.06  2:37.69  3:15.46  3:44.58  4:11.53
 10 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac                            4:11.57 SECT   
       25.87    56.49  1:28.62  1:59.42  2:37.96  3:14.94  3:44.53  4:11.57
 11 Swanson, Corey W          14 Magnus                          4:11.69 SECT   
       25.37    56.05  1:28.92  2:01.09  2:36.56  3:12.60  3:42.77  4:11.69
 12 Barba, Salvatore G        15 SAC                             4:13.57 SECT   
       25.98    55.96  1:27.44  1:57.93  2:37.26  3:15.83  3:45.45  4:13.57
 13 Rubenstein, Billy J       16 Cudas                           4:13.58 SECT   
       26.73    57.21  1:29.42  2:00.97  2:39.27  3:17.00  3:45.81  4:13.58
 14 Chevalier, Nicolas C      18 Magnus                          4:13.85 SECT   
       25.97    56.50  1:29.13  2:01.31  2:39.52  3:17.26  3:46.21  4:13.85
 15 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus                          4:14.53        
       26.00    56.37  1:28.05  1:59.29  2:37.15  3:15.77  3:44.87  4:14.53
 16 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus                          4:15.74        
       27.23    57.80  1:30.88  2:03.54  2:41.74  3:19.37  3:48.28  4:15.74
 17 Bullitt, Ben H            16 Squids                          4:16.14        
       27.44    58.48  1:30.32  2:01.79  2:38.08  3:16.46  3:46.73  4:16.14
 18 Thomas, Eric M            17 Squids                          4:16.28        
       27.23    57.47  1:29.97  2:01.83  2:40.25  3:18.94  3:48.09  4:16.28
 19 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC                             4:17.47        
       27.52    58.16  1:31.87  2:04.95  2:41.67  3:18.90  3:48.92  4:17.47
 20 Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC                             4:17.51        
       27.71    59.13  1:32.56  2:05.47  2:42.19  3:18.79  3:49.12  4:17.51
 21 Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus                          4:18.14        
       28.30  1:00.58  1:32.60  2:04.00  2:42.50  3:21.72  3:50.14  4:18.14
 22 Shack, Matt D             18 Magnus                          4:20.19        
       27.94    58.74  1:34.41  2:09.15  2:46.69  3:24.78  3:53.01  4:20.19
 23 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus                          4:21.42        
       26.81    58.02  1:32.00  2:06.03  2:44.34  3:22.10  3:52.25  4:21.42
 24 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids                          4:21.57        
       26.91    58.42  1:32.05  2:05.18  2:43.88  3:22.75  3:52.61  4:21.57
 25 Boudreau, Andrew J        16 Seacoast                        4:22.30        
       27.89    59.76  1:32.49  2:04.31  2:43.71  3:22.58  3:53.40  4:22.30
 26 Bailey, Thomas N          16 Squids                          4:22.96        
       27.29    59.00  1:32.81  2:05.74  2:44.84  3:24.00  3:54.03  4:22.96
 27 Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac                            4:23.79        
       28.88  1:01.75  1:36.85  2:10.35  2:47.80  3:25.04  3:55.07  4:23.79
 28 Reardon, JJ J             17 Squids                          4:24.15        
       27.15    57.99  1:32.60  2:06.83  2:47.55  3:27.80  3:56.47  4:24.15
 29 Goodwin, Taylor M         15 Cudas                           4:24.23        
       26.67    58.82  1:33.80  2:06.94  2:45.28  3:24.69  3:54.71  4:24.23
 30 Piquette, Andrew T        16 Magnus                          4:24.37        
       27.92  1:00.52  1:34.09  2:08.03  2:43.29  3:20.50  3:52.22  4:24.37
 31 Rasin, Arkady             15 Squids                          4:24.73        
       27.80    59.77  1:34.87  2:08.82  2:44.85  3:21.58  3:53.87  4:24.73
 32 Brown, Ethan T            17 NWSC                            4:25.29        
       28.40  1:01.97  1:34.91  2:06.66  2:46.20  3:25.77  3:56.26  4:25.29
 33 Russell, David P          16 Cudas                           4:25.53        
       26.73    58.35  1:31.35  2:04.78  2:44.63  3:25.00  3:55.84  4:25.53
 34 Leslie, Scott F           18 North Shore                     4:27.57        
       27.84    59.95  1:34.08  2:08.27  2:47.40  3:27.79  3:57.88  4:27.57
 35 Mosca, Travis J           16 North Shore                     4:28.32        
       27.84    59.55  1:34.24  2:08.52  2:46.80  3:25.36  3:57.57  4:28.32
 36 Lenihan, Michael W        18 Magnus                          4:32.06        
       27.06    58.87  1:33.93  2:08.99  2:47.93  3:27.22  4:00.41  4:32.06
 37 Bonte, Benjamin J         15 Squids                          4:32.62        
       28.29  1:00.17  1:34.86  2:08.29  2:46.65  3:26.11  3:59.41  4:32.62
 -- Warner, Christian M       18 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Kelleher, Thomas J        15 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids                               DQ        
       26.49    55.97  1:30.61  2:04.33  2:42.10  3:19.79  3:48.77       DQ
 -- Bailey, James H           17 Squids                               DQ        
 -- Priest, Zack A            16 Squids                               NS        
Boys 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
    13-14 NE: # 3:22.13  3/1/1990  Bernal's Gator Swim Club                    
                         Wiley, Craven, Quimby, Kline                      
    15-18 NE: # 3:07.29  3/1/1982  Badger Swim Club                            
                         Aceto, Holmes, Hoffman, Boyd                      
   13-14 RES: # 3:22.13  3/1/1990  Bernal's Gator Swim Club                    
                         Wiley, Craven, Quimby, Kline                      
   15-18 RES: # 3:03.40  3/1/1987  Bernal's Gator Swim Club                    
                         Rutherford, Johnson, Han, Sweeney                 
                3:09.39  OPEN
                3:19.69  SECT
                3:33.59  NAT
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'A'                       3:09.55#SECT    64  
     1) Donohue, Kevin P 17             2) Warner, Christian M 18         
     3) Pudas, Kevin J 18               4) Bailey, James H 17             
       23.89    48.94  1:11.55  1:35.97  1:58.87  2:23.99  2:45.45  3:09.55
  2 Magnus Aquatic Group  'A'                             3:11.48#SECT    56  
     1) Falk, Bjorn E 16                2) Shearouse, William C 18        
     3) Chevalier, Nicolas C 18         4) Swanson, Corey W 14            
       23.59    48.04  1:10.86  1:36.54  1:59.68  2:24.94  2:46.76  3:11.48
  3 New England Barracudas  'A'                           3:14.18#SECT    54  
     1) Goodwin, Taylor M 15            2) Miller, Stephen D 15           
     3) Rubenstein, Billy J 16          4) Nilsson, Eric T 15             
       23.52    50.07  1:13.37  1:39.01  2:01.68  2:26.93  2:49.50  3:14.18
  4 Pioneer Valley Aquatic Club  'A'                      3:15.16#SECT    52  
     1) Chartier, Greg R 17             2) Scibelli, Michael J 18         
     3) Parent, Keith C 17              4) Spinelli, Stephen 17           
       23.37    48.49  1:11.68  1:37.54  2:01.49  2:27.33  2:50.31  3:15.16
  5 Magnus Aquatic Group  'B'                             3:17.12#SECT    50  
     1) Christian, Marc E 17            2) Sullivan, Pj J 17              
     3) Condon, Sean C 18               4) Fiske, Brian P 17              
       23.70    49.42  1:12.61  1:38.75  2:01.48  2:28.14  2:50.75  3:17.12
  6 Magnus Aquatic Group  'C'                            x3:19.02#SECT   
     1) Geary, Sean W 17                2) Swanson, Chad W 16             
     3) Taylor, Ben F 15                4) Fay, Ben R 17                  
       23.82    49.35  1:13.08  1:39.41  2:03.04  2:29.64  2:53.09  3:19.02
  7 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'B'                       3:19.99#NAT     48  
     1) Langelier, Michael C 15         2) Rasin, Arkady 15               
     3) Taylor, Sam L 16                4) Bullitt, Ben H 16              
       24.18    49.85  1:14.53  1:41.40  2:04.83  2:30.63  2:54.19  3:19.99
  8 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'A'                             3:20.40#NAT     46  
     1) Barba, Salvatore G 15           2) Bott, Christopher D 16         
     3) Sementelli, Joseph N 17         4) Yamada, Kevin A 14             
       22.94    46.72  1:12.09  1:39.34  2:03.73  2:30.76  2:54.33  3:20.40
  9 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'A'                         3:20.87#NAT     44  
     1) Viccaro, Adam T 18              2) Smith, Gordon R 17             
     3) Smith, Jacob T 17               4) Boudreau, Andrew J 16          
       23.14    47.89  1:11.40  1:36.84  2:01.79  2:28.34  2:53.73  3:20.87
 10 North Shore Swim Club  'A'                            3:23.05 NAT     40  
     1) O'Connell, Thomas K 17          2) Leslie, Scott F 18             
     3) Lewin, Craig A 17               4) Fanning, Justin C 18           
       24.41    51.42  1:15.65  1:43.15  2:07.13  2:34.08  2:57.46  3:23.05
 11 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'C'                      x3:26.06 NAT    
     1) Reardon, JJ J 17                2) Thomas, Eric M 17              
     3) Treat, Ethan K 18               4) Kelleher, Thomas J 15          
       24.33    50.55  1:15.98  1:43.76  2:07.78  2:34.72  2:59.44  3:26.06
 12 Magnus Aquatic Group  'D'                            x3:29.76 NAT    
     1) Bartl, Stefan J 15              2) Leclair, Travis D 18           
     3) Kinnett, Charles P P 18         4) Shack, Matt D 18               
       25.06    51.86  1:09.23  1:45.26  2:09.80  2:36.82  3:02.43  3:29.76
 -- South Shore YMCA Strypers  'A'                            SCR        
Boys 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
    13-14 NE: # 7:20.51  3/1/1994  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Dowling, Bilton, Hagiya, Kissida                  
    15-18 NE: # 6:52.07  3/1/1993  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Kurmakov, Hawkins, Eriksson, Craven               
   13-14 RES: # 7:20.51  3/1/1994  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Dowling, Bilton, Hagiya, Kissida                  
   15-18 RES: # 6:46.03  3/1/1993  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Kurmakov, Hawkins, Eriksson, Craven               
                6:55.79  NAT
                7:00.49  OPEN
                7:22.39  SECT
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'A'                       6:55.97#OPEN    64  
     1) Bailey, James H 17              2) Warner, Christian M 18         
     3) Pudas, Kevin J 18               4) Riley, Sean N 18               
       23.78    49.85  1:16.35  1:42.50  2:06.55  2:33.68  3:01.47  3:28.25
     3:51.78  4:18.17  4:45.69  5:12.88  5:36.39  6:02.66  6:29.89  6:55.97
  2 Pioneer Valley Aquatic Club  'A'                      6:59.64#OPEN    56  
     1) Chartier, Greg R 17             2) Parent, Keith C 17             
     3) Scibelli, Michael J 18          4) Spinelli, Stephen 17           
       23.95    49.93  1:16.72  1:43.64  2:07.07  2:34.00  3:02.18  3:30.31
     3:54.32  4:20.99  4:48.88  5:16.65  5:40.05  6:05.84  6:32.54  6:59.64
  3 New England Barracudas  'A'                           7:06.00#SECT    54  
     1) Russell, David P 16             2) Miller, Stephen D 15           
     3) Rubenstein, Billy J 16          4) Nilsson, Eric T 15             
       24.45    51.88  1:20.62  1:49.66  2:13.26  2:39.91  3:07.69  3:35.90
     4:00.59  4:27.20  4:54.80  5:22.58  5:46.06  6:12.13  6:39.19  7:06.00
  4 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'B'                       7:07.85#SECT    52  
     1) Langelier, Michael C 15         2) Thomas, Eric M 17              
     3) Donohue, Kevin P 17             4) Bullitt, Ben H 16              
       24.96    52.18  1:19.97  1:47.40  2:12.48  2:40.02  3:08.53  3:37.14
     4:01.58  4:28.34  4:55.32  5:22.21  5:46.29  6:13.08  6:40.53  7:07.85
  5 Magnus Aquatic Group  'B'                             7:10.14#SECT    50  
     1) Swanson, Corey W 14             2) Sullivan, Pj J 17              
     3) Shack, Matt D 18                4) Shearouse, William C 18        
       24.62    52.39  1:20.44  1:47.47  2:05.13  2:38.77  3:06.79  3:34.65
     3:59.74  4:27.08  4:55.35  5:23.71  5:47.60  6:14.30  6:42.19  7:10.14
  6 Magnus Aquatic Group  'A'                             7:11.34#SECT    48  
     1) Chevalier, Nicolas C 18         2) Falk, Bjorn E 16               
     3) Bartl, Stefan J 15              4) Geary, Sean W 17               
     2:22.82  3:09.51  4:15.38  4:41.76  5:48.80  6:15.27  7:11.34         
  7 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'A'                             7:20.11#SECT    46  
     1) Barba, Salvatore G 15           2) Yamada, Kevin A 14             
     3) Sementelli, Joseph N 17         4) Bott, Christopher D 16         
       24.28    50.71  1:18.35  1:45.62  2:10.94  2:38.78  3:07.46  3:35.89
     4:01.03  4:29.39  4:58.95  5:28.16  5:53.63  6:21.98  6:51.38  7:20.11
  8 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'A'                         7:20.80 SECT    44  
     1) Smith, Gordon R 17              2) Viccaro, Adam T 18             
     3) Boudreau, Andrew J 16           4) Smith, Jacob T 17              
       24.71    52.24  1:21.11  1:50.37  2:14.83  2:41.46  3:08.64  3:35.42
     4:01.07  4:29.20  4:58.09  5:27.10  5:53.22  6:22.05  6:51.60  7:20.80
 -- Providence Aquatic Club  'A'                              SCR        
Boys 400 Yard Medley Relay
    13-14 NE: # 3:48.74  3/1/1994  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Dowling, Bilton, Hagiya, Kissida                  
    15-18 NE: # 3:29.04  3/1/1993  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Kremen, Eriksson, Hawkins, Craven                 
   13-14 RES: # 3:48.74  3/1/1994  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Dowling, Bilton, Hagiya, Kissida                  
   15-18 RES: # 3:26.15  3/1/1994  Mass Bay Marlins                            
                         Kremen, Eriksson, Hawkins, Kurmakov               
                3:27.29  NAT
                3:31.09  OPEN
                3:43.19  SECT
    Team                                                    Finals       Points 
  1 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'A'                       3:28.27#OPEN    64  
     1) Warner, Christian M 18          2) Donohue, Kevin P 17            
     3) Riley, Sean N 18                4) Bailey, James H 17             
       26.79    55.31  1:22.33  1:52.26  2:15.19  2:41.96  3:04.12  3:28.27
  2 Magnus Aquatic Group  'A'                             3:30.43#OPEN    56  
     1) Falk, Bjorn E 16                2) Fiske, Brian P 17              
     3) Condon, Sean C 18               4) Swanson, Corey W 14            
       26.10    53.31  1:19.55  1:50.75  2:14.89  2:43.35  3:05.69  3:30.43
  3 Pioneer Valley Aquatic Club  'A'                      3:36.12#SECT    54  
     1) Parent, Keith C 17              2) Scibelli, Michael J 18         
     3) Chartier, Greg R 17             4) Spinelli, Stephen 17           
       26.59    54.13  1:22.86  1:55.75  2:19.78  2:48.37  3:11.27  3:36.12
  4 Magnus Aquatic Group  'B'                             3:37.83#SECT    52  
     1) Shearouse, William C 18         2) Sullivan, Pj J 17              
     3) Chevalier, Nicolas C 18         4) Christian, Marc E 17           
       26.23    54.25  1:22.26  1:54.72  2:19.59  2:48.61  3:11.75  3:37.83
  5 New England Barracudas  'A'                           3:39.23#SECT    50  
     1) Russell, David P 16             2) Miller, Stephen D 15           
     3) Nilsson, Eric T 15              4) Rubenstein, Billy J 16         
       26.21    53.79  1:23.19  1:57.13  2:21.98  2:50.45  3:13.46  3:39.23
  6 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'B'                       3:40.66#SECT    48  
     1) Bullitt, Ben H 16               2) Rasin, Arkady 15               
     3) Taylor, Sam L 16                4) Pudas, Kevin J 18              
       26.87    54.76  1:23.66  1:57.20  2:22.34  2:52.23  3:15.32  3:40.66
  7 Magnus Aquatic Group  'C'                            x3:41.89#SECT   
     1) Fay, Ben R 17                   2) Piquette, Andrew T 16          
     3) Swanson, Chad W 16              4) Geary, Sean W 17               
       26.50    54.35  1:23.15  1:56.90  2:21.36  2:50.75  3:15.47  3:41.89
  8 Shawmut Aquatic Club  'A'                             3:43.85#        46  
     1) Barba, Salvatore G 15           2) Yamada, Kevin A 14             
     3) Sementelli, Joseph N 17         4) Bott, Christopher D 16         
       25.65    52.37  1:21.14  1:54.10  2:20.34  2:51.36  3:16.55  3:43.85
  9 Seacoast Swimming Assoc.  'A'                         3:46.52#        44  
     1) Boudreau, Andrew J 16           2) Viccaro, Adam T 18             
     3) Smith, Gordon R 17              4) Smith, Jacob T 17              
       27.73    56.11  1:25.57  1:58.75  2:24.14  2:53.81  3:19.25  3:46.52
 10 Bay and Ocean State Squids  'C'                      x3:51.08        
     1) Thomas, Eric M 17               2) Langelier, Michael C 15        
     3) Kelleher, Thomas J 15           4) Reardon, JJ J 17               
       29.02    59.69  1:30.61  2:05.90  2:31.52  3:01.45  3:25.13  3:51.08
 11 Magnus Aquatic Group  'D'                            x4:00.78        
     1) Leclair, Travis D 18            2) Hochard, Jacob Z 14            
     3) Monette, Derek L 18             4) Shack, Matt D 18               
       29.78  1:00.70  1:32.40  2:08.41  2:34.55  3:05.42  3:32.26  4:00.78
 -- North Shore Swim Club  'A'                                SCR        
 -- South Shore YMCA Strypers  'A'                            SCR