2011 New England LMSC Short Course Yards Championship Hosted by Cambridge Masters Swim Club March 12 and March 18-20, 2011 Blodgett Pool, Harvard University, Boston MA Workout Groups |
Not sure what workout group you are part of? Below is a listing of workout groups in New England Masters Swim Club. This list is maintained by the New England LMSC Registrar, Tracy Grilli. If you wish to register a new NEM Workout Group, please contact Tracy Grilli (neregistrar@usms.org).
NEM | NEM Unattached (No Workout Group) | |
AAC | Adirondack Aquatic Club Masters | |
ABC | ABC Masters - Gray Sharks | |
ABF | Bluefish Swim Club | |
BAM | Bennington Area Masters Swim Club | |
BC | Boston College Masters Swim Club | |
BCM | Babson College Masters | |
BGSC | Bernal's Gators | |
BMS | Brookline Masters Swimming | |
BOSY | Greater Boston YMCA Masters | |
BRAT | Brattleboro Masters | |
BSCF | Boston Sports Clubs - Franklin | |
BSCW | Boston Sports Clubs - Wellesley | |
BSM | Berkshire South Masters | |
BUMS | Boston University Masters | |
BYD | Burlington YMCA Masters | |
CCBA | CCBA Aqua Dynamics | |
CCM | Cape Cod Masters | |
CMSC | Cambridge Masters Swim Club | |
CONC | Concord Masters | |
DUX | Duxbury Masters (Percy Walker Pool) | |
EDGE | The Edge - Williston | |
ELM | East Lyme Masters | |
EPBG | East Providence Boys & Girls Club | |
FAST | Fitchburg Area Swim Team | |
FITC | Fitchburg YMCA Masters | |
FLA | Flaherty Masters | |
GDYM | Greendale YMCA Masters | |
GSP | Granite State Penguins (NH) | |
GWDM | Greenwood Masters | |
HLPT | Healthpoint Masters | |
HOCK | Hockomock Masters | |
IROC | Indoor Rec of Orleans County - VT | |
JCCM | Marblehead JCC Masters | |
JCCN | JCC Newton Masters (MA) | |
JCCS | JCC Springfield | |
JMBO | Jumbo Aquatics - Tufts | |
KEEN | Keene Swim Masters | |
KING | Kingsbury Club Masters | |
LANE | Boston LANES (Liquid Assets New England Swimming) | |
LONG | Longfellow Masters | |
LOWY | Lowell YMCA | |
LRAC | Little Rhody Aquatic Club - PC | |
LYKW | Lynn YMCA Killer Whales | |
MAMA | Minuteman Andover Masters Association | |
MELY | Melrose YMCA | |
MIT | MIT Masters | |
MUFF | Middlebury Muffintops (Middlebury, VT) | |
MVM | Martha's Vineyard Masters | |
MWYT | MetroWest Masters | |
NAC | Newport Athletic Club Masters | |
NBPT | Newburyport YWCA | |
NJFK | Northampton JFK | |
NSSC | North Shore Swim Club Masters | |
NSY | North Suburban Masters | |
OAKY | Oak Square YMCA Masters | |
PITY | Pittsfield YMCA Polar Bear Masters | |
QYM | Quincy Y Masters | |
RAMS | RAMS Swim Team | |
SCA | South Coast Aquatics Masters | |
SCY | South County YMCA | |
SIMM | Simmons Masters | |
SMTH | Smith College | |
SSHY | South Shore YMCA | |
STMM | St Michaels Masters | |
STOW | Stowe Masters | |
SVTS | Southern Vermont Stingrays | |
SVY | Scantic Valley YMCA | |
SWMR | SwimRI | |
TNT | Technique and Training | |
TRIY | Try-YMCA | |
UCLB | University Club of Boston | |
UMAS | UMASS Aquatic Masters | |
UMD | UMASS Dartmouth | |
UVRA | UV Rays (White River Junction, VT) | |
WCPM | Wayland Community Pools Masters | |
WMW | Western Mass Waterhorses | |
WSY | West Suburban YMCA Masters | |
WTS | Westboro Tennis & Swim | |
WYM | Westerly Y Masters | |
WYW | Westfield YMCA Wave | |
YNS | YMCA of the North Shore SwimFit |