Licensed to Harvard University - Site License   Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 3/23/2007
     2007 New England Masters SCY Championships, Sanction #: 038-005-SSCY      
                  March 17, 23-25, 2007 - Harvard University                   
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 19                        
                       Combined Team Scores - USMS Club                        
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Maine Masters Swim Club            MESC           1712.5
                2 NYC Hydras                         NYCH            983.5
                3 Red Tide of NYC                    REDT            899  
                4 Dutchess County Masters            DUTCH           577  
                5 Great Bay Masters                  GBM             360  
                6 Connecticut Masters                CONN            162  
                7 Westchester Masters                WCMNY           143  
                8 Metro Masters Swim Club            METNY            84  
                9 Missouri Valley                    MOVY             54  
               10 Badger Masters                     BADGR            51  
               11 Vermont Masters                    VERM             17  
               12 Pacific Northwest Aquatics         PNA              13  
                       Combined Team Scores - Unattached                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 NE Masters Unattached              NEM             222  
                       Combined Team Scores - Large Team                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Andover YMCA                       ANA            2216.5
                2 Swim Rhode Island                  SWMRI          2042  
                3 Cambridge Masters Swim Club        CMSC           1896.5
                4 Minuteman Masters                  MMAN            724  
                5 ABC Masters - Gray Sharks          ABC             713  
                6 Boston LANES                       LANES           215  
                      Combined Team Scores - Medium Team                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Cape Cod Masters                   CCM             667  
                2 YMCA of the North Shore            YNS             605  
                3 MIT                                MIT             503  
                4 North Suburban/Burbank YMCA        NSBRY           346  
                5 UV Rays                            UVRAY           287  
                6 Granite State Penguins             GSP             260  
                7 Boston University Masters          BUMS             55  
                       Combined Team Scores - Small Team                       
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Adirondack Athletic Club           AAC             257  
                2 Boston College                     BC              193  
                3 JCC Newton Masters                 JCCNM           170  
                4 Ithaca College Swimming            ICS             146  
                5 Middlebury Muffintops              MIDD            124  
                6 Greenwood Masters                  GWDM             67  
                7 Duxbury (Percy Walker)             DUX              56  
                7 Allston-Brighton YMCA              ALBRY            56  
                9 Boston Sports Club Wellesley       BSCW             44  
               10 Western Waterhorses                WWHRS            32  
               11 South Shore YMCA                   SOSHY            22  
               12 Boston YMCA (Central Branch)       BOSY             20  
                         Combined Team Scores - Squad                          
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Keene Swim Masters                 KEENE            86  
                2 Bridgewater State Masters          BSCM             70  
                3 JCC North Shore                    JCCNS            61  
                4 Bluefish Masters                   ABF              59  
                5 Concord YMCA                       CONC             45  
                6 Northampton JFK                    NHJFK            31  
                7 Kingsbury Club                     KINGS            30  
                7 Hockomock YMCA                     HOCK             30  
                9 Bernal's Gators Masters            BGSC             28  
               10 Westfield Boys Club                WEST             15  
               11 FastSplits                         FSPLT            14  
               12 Medford Masters                    MEDF              1